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Service Failure and Recovery: The Impact of Relationship

Factors on Customer Satisfaction

Thls reseurch lnvestlguted how customers relutlonshlps wlth u servlce
orgunlzutlon uffect thelr reuctlons to servlce fullure und recovery. Our
conceptuul model proposed thut customer-orgunlzutlonul relutlonshlps help to
shupe customers uttrlbutlons und expectutlons when servlce fullures occur.
The emplrlcul results showed thut customers wlth hlgher expectutlons of
relutlonshlp contlnulty hud lower servlce recovery expectutlons ufter u servlce
fullure und ulso uttrlbuted thut fullure to u less stuble cuuse. Both the lower
recovery expectutlons und the lower stublllty uttrlbutlons were ussocluted wlth
greuter sutlsfuctlon wlth the servlce performunce ufter the recovery. These
effects uppeured to be key processes by whlch relutlonshlps buffer servlce
orgunlzutlons when servlce fullures occur.

Review of Airtel Broadband
i am using Airtel Broadband for more then a Year now and have
used all of their plans, 256 kbps, 512 kbps as well as 1 Mbps in
the last 1 year (all unlimited). Right now I am using 1 Mbps plan
of Airtel (unlimited) and BSNL 256 kbps Unlimited.
Here is my Review of Airtel Broadband
Good Things about Airtel Broadband
1. Airtel has the Best support I have seen among all the
broadband service providers in India. I have used Airtel, BSNL
,Tata Indicom and Sify so far in 2 different cities. You can make a
call to their support at 2 in the night (I have done this twice!) and
I have got reply from them. They have send their employee to
fixed the problem in 24 hours where as with BSNL and tata
indicom, I have never got such prompt support. In short, Airtel
has the best "last mile" support.
2. Minimum Downtime of Service - In comparison to Tata
Indocom, I will say I have seen very little downtime with airtel.
Infact in 12 months, the broadband had barely stopped working 6
times (for 3 to 6 hours due to server problem). My BSNL
broadband has got more down times then Airtel one and Tata
indicom was the worst. I will not even talk about sify etc.
3. No Router Problem - I have seen all the second tier broadband
service providers as well as Tata Indicom's Routers to stop
responding after some time. For example, Many broadband
providers routers suddenly stops responding after continuously
being used for 8 to 12 hours, I have seen this specially with Tata
indicom's routers but with Airtel, I have never seen such problem.
I have continuously used the Airtel Broadband for 3 days and it
never stopped working.
4. In terms of speed, it was always according to the plan though
to be fair to others, I can say the same about others too. Many
local broadband providers and those who provide broadband by
cable often gives speed well below what promised but we can
safely say its not true about Airtel.
Now these were the good things,
Bad Things about Airtel Broadband
1. DNS issues - I have seen people reporting about Airtel DNS
issue that it fails to resove i.e. Many sites don't open in Airtel. I
have never seen such problem with it but I know it exists. This
DNS issue is a problem with BSNL too as it fails to open many
sites. Though this problem can easily be solved by using Open
2. Upload speed being higher then download speed - I have seen
many times Airtel Upload speed being way higher then download
speed. So on my 512 kbps plan I was getting 200 kbps download
and 300 kbps upload speed which was unacceptable by every
means as I wanted the best possible download speed (why will I
want a higher upload speed?). Anyway such problems can be
resolved by rebooting the system.
3. Need to reboot Router after power failure - Another minor
problem with airtel was I had to reboot the router after every
power failure as it stops working. Though its not a big thing and I
know this is a hardware problem, not something which you can
associate with airtel broadband.
4. No night plans - I am just wondering why don't Airtel has any
night plan like BSNL where you can download unlimited files at 2
mbps speed ? or may be because I am already on unlimited plan
hence I won't get that 2 mbps speed in the night ? anyway it will
be nice if Airtel can also offer BSNL like plans in the night.
Overall Rating of Airtel Broadband
1. Speed - 8/10
2. Support - 9.5/10
3. Reliability - 9/10
4. Quality of Service - 9/10
In comparison to BSNL and Tata Indicom, I will say, go with Airtel
which overall has to be the best Broadband Service provider in

3G Services in India- A dream come true !
Who else can get a chance to launch it first, ofcourse BSNL ! simgle 3G operator
with great opportunity to capture the billion dollar 3 G market but as usual
Sarkari(govt) Agnecy failed again miserably to grasp this opportunity.
Let me explain how with my own experience?
I bought a 3 G connection from BSNL and it got activated on same day ! Kudos to
BSNL but where is the customer care ? does it exists ? yes it does but you can find
GOD but cant get hold of them BSNl customer care. I got hold of them after trying
for two days but they have list of limited list of 3G phones so they cannot help me
to configure the HTC phone which I got it from US. Atlast I somehow figured
out(thanks to bloggers). It has poor connectivity in Panchkula, amritsar infact in
Amritsar signal is not available in whole amritsar so you must be aware of the fact
that in soe areas of amritsar it works and here I am talking about only main cities.
Nevermind, it was launched and it takes time to perform better you know it is
BSNL so you cannot help it !
The biggest pain for me is recharge as I moved back to my home from amritsar to
Panchkula and I found that I have to recharge to get validity time so I went to
market and asked for 3G validity and non of the local vendors got that ! This is
FRUSTRATION as I tried to find out in most of the main markets and it was really a
painful experience to find a recharge voucher. I never worked so hard as I used to
my all airtel connection online and never bothered to visit any local vendor for
recharge. This is SHAME for BSNL after having largest customer base and first 3G
operator in india and they do not have online recharge option for 3G customers
for punjab circle.
I am a business men and I dont have time to visit govt offices as we all know what
kind of treatment you get from them but I had no other option so I went there
and I met two women employees and I asked them about recharge for validity
time so she told me the amount but I was bit careful due to my past experience so
I repeated agin mam I need recharge voucher for 3G connection then other
women said in low voice check files but other women somehow felt insulted and
she said in really bad tome file dekhne ki kya zaroort hai, bola na itne ka hoga
but I insisted madam plz check files as I need to get top up also for 3G data so she
some how agreed to look at it but you know what ? I was correct 3G recharge
prices were different then she said she has no knowledge about it !
BingoEmploye of BSNL sitting there for recharge and do not know about 3G
recharge vouchers it is a FAILURE !
They said they do not have it..wowNow I understand why vendors are not
having this BSNL 3G recharge vouchers and I am telling you that you can see the
FRUSTRATION on my face as I was literally getting mad on myself as why did I
bought it from BSNL at first place. I was looking at my watch as I had some tele
confrence with some US clients and I wanted to end this misery soon..
So I asked politely mam what are my options? I have already spent many days
to find out the voucher at local vendors and my valididty is already expired due to
this issue so please help me then they realised like whats happening so she made
couple of calls to soe JTO(Junior telecom officer) and she said sir aap ka kaam ho
jayega and I was damn happy at that time as i was about to get vouchers but
here is the climaxshe said sir you have to visit sector 4 BSNL office and you have
to meet JTO and he will re-charge using his phone but you have to go tomorrow
morning as he is busy right now !
This was the final nail in the coffin and I said thanks mam and I walked out, pulled
out the BSNL 3G sim, twisted and broke it down to pieces and get rid of all the
misery caused by BSNL 3G and I was feeling more relaxed and tension free with
no BSNL strings attached !
This is a DISASTER for BSNL in terms of service, capability, customer service,
commitment and results !
BSNL is a BIG ELEPHANT in the house who eats alot but move real slow !
waiting eagerly for airtel , vodfone or other private telecom players to launch 3G
and I swear to GOD that I will never ever go for BSNL(BIZZARE SERVICE NO

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