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Research 8

Do these things have anything at all in common?


Invention and Innovation
You are expected to:

1. discuss what is invention and give examples;

2. discuss what is innovation and give examples; and
3. differentiate between invention and innovation.
Do these things have anything at all in common?


Eugene Polley
Do these things have anything at all in common?


Camera obscura, meaning “darkroom” or “dark chamber” in Latin, was the first camera
ever created. It wasn’t a camera as we know it now, but relatively little gloomy rooms with
light entering only through a small hole. As a result, the adjacent wall was cast with an
inverted picture of the outside scene.
Zahn envisioned a simple structure using a reflective mirror positioned at a 45-degree
angle to cast the image. He also added a flap on each side to block unwanted light.
What is an Invention?
• Invention stands on creating something which is new
and is said to satisfy the needs of the people or
• Inventors were inspired by their experiences and their
observations and came up with certain products.
Definitely, inventions are believed to:
•Addresses issues on food supply and other
basic needs.
•Solve problems.
•Keep us from being harmed
Example of Inventions are:

Steam Engine Car

Example of Inventions are:

Telephone Computer
Example of Inventions are:

Braille System Electric Fan

Example of Inventions are:

As soon as it is approved, the invention should be patented so
that it will not be copied by others.
Once patented, it can be sold in the market. The following, however,
should pose as reminder before doing so, such as:
1. Novel, which means that the “creation” or “discovery” has never
been exposed or presented to the public.
2. Inventive step, which refers to something which is new.
3. Industrial applicability, can be repeatedly reproduced
What need existed for that product to be invented?
Inventors in recent years have tried
to improve on this invention, and
have come up with different
What do you think the word innovation might mean?
What is an innovation?
• Innovation is introducing something new and generate value.
Something is already existing but changes has been to it to
make it more productive.
• Creativity is embedded with innovation, making it more useful and
applicable. It is done as the trends or demands of society escalates
and technologies should cope with it.
How does
Examples are….
Differences between Invention and
Invention Innovation
• New creation • Modifications of the existing
• Pioneer to the world creation to be more productive
• Money for the creation • A change is done to the pioneer
• Anchored on scientific • Creation for sale
knowledge and skills • Based on the technical skills and
marketing strategies
Tell whether the following is an invention or an innovation.

Tell whether the following is an invention or an innovation.

Tell whether the following is an invention or an innovation.

Tell whether the following is an invention or an innovation.

Tell whether the following is an invention or an innovation.

Tell whether the following is an invention or an innovation.

Tell whether the following is an invention or an innovation.


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