EuCAP2014 Fabry-Perot

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Fabry-Perot Antenna with Improved Bandwidth

Conference Paper · April 2014

DOI: 10.1109/EuCAP.2014.6902332


0 241

3 authors:

Giuseppe Di Massa Hugo Oswaldo Moreno Aviles

Università della Calabria Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo


Sandra Costanzo
Università della Calabria


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Fabry-Perot Antenna with Improved Bandwidth
G. Di Massa1 , H. O. Moreno 2 , S. Costanzo1
1 DIMES, Università della Calabria, 87036 Rende (Cs) Italy
2 Facultad de Informática y Electrónica, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador

Abstract—A Fabry Perot antenna with improved bandwidth

features is proposed in this work. The antenna is fed by a
standard waveguide and includes a metallic planar grid of slots
as radiating surface. The cavity field is used to compute the
equivalent currents on the radiating apertures, obtaining from
them the radiated far field. The approach considers an open
cavity partially filled with a dielectric substrate, which improves
more than 40% the bandwidth when compared to an empty
Index Terms—Antenna, Fabry-Perot, cavity

Sensors, radar, focused power and personal communications Fig. 1. Partially filled open resonator
highlight growing applications at millimeter wave frequencies,
that implies a large amount of transmitting data. However,
the adoption of millimeter waves gives some drawback in
the antenna design, which cannot be afforded by conventional h √ 2
procedures. Many original solutions, such as printed antennas E2x = Bǫ εk 2 − 2lεk (M π+γ)2 2e−jπp
  a  (2)
on membrane structures [1], reflectarrays [2]-[4] and different cos Mπξ πη πz
a +γ
cos Mb +γ cos( 2l2 )
kinds of lens antennas, have been proposed in literature. The
Fabry-Perot antenna gives a very interesting solution [5]-[6], being valid the relation:
as providing a high agility in the design-synthesis process.
In this work, a Fabry-Perot antenna consisting of an open E2x = Zs2 H2y (3)
resonator with plane mirrors is presented. A simple circuit
model based on the modal analysis of the open resonator In the above expression, l2 = h1 + h2 − l. For z = h1 − l,
is described to provide a useful analysis method for the the field into the empty part and the field into the dielectric
proposed structure, able to optimize the coupling with the filled part must be equal, so it is straightforward to derive the
exciting waveguide. As preliminary test, the design with and terms Aǫ and Bǫ from the tangential fields continuity on the
without the dielectric substrate is considered, and the relative air-dielectric interface :
measurement results on the gain and the radiation patterns are
1 sin[ 2l (h1−l)]
discussed. Zs2
Aǫ = ε sin π (h1−l) Bǫ = Zs Aǫ (4)


In a previous work [7], the complete analysis for an open III. C AVITY COUPLING TO FREE SPACE
resonator composed by rectangular mirrors in air was done. In the Bethe’s original theory [8], the incident field is con-
In this contribution, the results reported [7] are extended by sidered in the absence of the aperture. The magnetic dipole
considering an open cavity partially filled with a dielectric moment is related to incident field as follows:
substrate, as shown in Fig.1.
In particular, under the assumption of neglecting losses, M = −αm Ht (5)
and considering the (111) mode, the solution for the quasi
transverse electromagnetic field in the dielectric, for h1 − l ≤ where Ht is the tangential magnetic field at the center of the
z ≤ h1 + h2 − l, is given as: aperture and the magnetic polarizability, for small rectangular
aperture, is given by ([9]):
H2y = −jAǫ Zkw πl e−jπp   0.132
(1) αm = W3 (6)
cos Mπξ a +γ
cos Mπη
b +γ
sin( 2l 2
) lg 1 + 0.66W

W and L being the aperture dimensions, with L ≪ W . V. M ODELING AND R ESULTS

In the presence of a slot grid, the array factor can be expressed Following the procedure outlined in the previous paragraphs,
as: two types of antennas are considered. The first one assumes an
empty cavity with a plane distance equal to l = 9.9mm. The
X N second one consists of a cavity partially filled with a dielectric
r ·−
F (θ, φ) = Ig,h ejkb gh (7) substrate. In this case, a plane distance equal to l = 9.662mm,
g=1 h=1 composed by an empty space h1 = 8.9mm and a dielectric
thickness of h2 = 0.762mm ( Fig. 3).
where Ig,h is the amplitude for each point-source (g, h), which
is equal to the magnetic dipole moment M evaluated at the
M +1 N +1
(x, y) = g− dx, h − dy (8)
2 2


rb = x
b sin θ cos φ + yb sin θ sin φ + zb cos θ (9)
M + 1 N + 1
gh = g − dxbx+ h− dyb
2 2

M and N being the number of elements along x and y

Fig. 3. Partially-filled Fabry-Perot antenna


Both antennas are composed by an array of 8x8 elements, with
Following what developed in [7], [10] and [11], the coupling element spacings dx = dy = 12.5mm and slot dimensions
between the field inside the cavity and the field into a rectangu- W = 6.35mm, L = 2mm. The optimal coupling is obtained
lar metallic waveguide, assumed to feed the cavity, is matched for a feeding waveguide with dimensions a = 18.8mm, b =
on the coupling aperture, thus allowing the representation by 2mm at a frequency of 14.85 GHz.The partially-filled antenna
an equivalent circuit where only the resonant mode of the is realized and tested into the Microwave Laboratory at Uni-
cavity is taken into account and all the T En0 modes of the versity of Calabria (Fig. 4).
exciting waveguide are considered. Under these hypothesis,
the equivalent circuit describing both the cavity behavior and
the the cavity-waveguide coupling is derived. The partially
reflecting surface ([12]) implies an equivalent impedance Za
which is inserted into the model. The final equivalent circuit
is shown in Fig. 2.

Le R’
1: β01

(a) Front view (b) Back view
Fig. 4. Measurement setup for the partially-filled Fabry-Perot antenna
The boresight gain versus frequency, illustrated in Fig. 5,
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit for the radiating cavity shows a bandwidth improvement of about 48% when the
dielectric substrate is inserted into the cavity.
The reported circuit allows to optimize the waveguide-to- A satisfactory agreement between the simulated and the
cavity transition, leading also to compute the field inside the measured radiation patterns at two different frequencies can be
cavity, which is incident on the radiating sheet. Finally, the further appreciated from the comparisons reported in Fig. 6,
computation of the radiated field can be performed from the where the simulation results are obtained from the application
knowledge of the equivalent currents on the radiating apertures of an own code implementing the procedure outlined the
([11]). previous sections.

[8] H.A Bethe, Theory of Difraction from Small Holes The Phisical Re-
view,66, pp 163-182, 1944.
[9] N.A. McDonald, Simple Approximations for the Longitudinal Magnetic
Polarizabilities of Some Small Apertures, IEEE Trans. on Microwave and
Normalized Gain (dB)

Technique, MTT36, pp 1141-1144, 1988.
[10] O. Bucci, G. Di Massa, Open resonator powered by rectangular waveg-
−6 uide, IEE Proceedings-H, 139, 1992, pp. 323-329.
[11] G. Di Massa, S. Costanzo and O.H. Moreno, Open Resonator System for
−8 Empty Cavity (Simulation) Reflectarray Elements Characterization, International Journal of Antennas
Partially filled Cavity (Simulation) and Propagation, 2012.
−10 Partially filled Cavity (Measurement) [12] G. Von Trentini, Partially Reflecting Sheet Arrays, IRE Trans. on Ant.
Propag.,4, pp 666-671, 1956.
14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15 15.1 15.2
Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 5. Gain diagram vs. Frequency







−70 Simulation
−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100

(a) 14.6 GHz







−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100

(b) 14.85 GHz

Fig. 6. Comparison between simulated and measured patterns (Eφ at φ =

90o )


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