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Assessment Section 1

1. Why did Americans move West in the years following the Civil War?
What effect did the discovery of the Comstock Lode have on the West? Do
you think women were important to the success of mining towns? Why or
why not?
To settle land, get rich from gold or silver and the east was becoming
The cattle Boom of the 1870s was caused by the spread of ranching
from Texas and across the grassy plains. omen did the washing,
cooking, raised families and more

2. What led to the cattle boom in the West? Why was there
competition between ranchers and farmers to settle in the Great
Plains? What played the biggest role in ending the Cattle
Ranchers and Farmers were both desperate to gain more Farmers had
to grow their food and Ranchers needed wide open spaces to have their
animals graze.

3. When and where did the Union Pacifc and Central Pacific lines
meet? How do you think the transcontinental railroad improved
people’s lives?
The severe winters, the overgrazing of the animals which limited the
food resources for the animals and the deaths due to the severe
Cowboys lost all of their resources.
Section 2 Assessment
1.What animals did Plains Indians depend on, and how did they use those
Buffalo and Horses. Horses were used to hunt and herd Buffalo and Buffalo were
used for food, to build shelter with tepees, for clothing, utensils, etc. How did U.S.
Policy toward the Plain's Indians change in the 1850's?

2.How did U.S. policy toward the Plains Indians change in the late 1850s?
They went from compromising to forcing them off the land. What events led to the
Battle of the Little Big Horn? Custer's soldiers discovered gold in the Black Hills of
the Dakotas.
3.Would you have agreed to move to a reservation? Why or why not?
would not have settled on the frontier because even though there were
opportunities, the weather was complicated, living conditions were not sophisticated,
the loss of the Indian's land was sad. What was the goal of the National Grange?

Section 3 Assessment
1.What groups settled in the great plains?
farming families, single women, exodusters, and immigrants. did the US government make land available to western

settlers? Through the Homestead act and Morrill act.

4.Would you have chosen to settle on the frontier? why or why not?
yes because the homestead act was granting single women free land and that was a
once in a lifetime opportunity.
5.What was the goal of the national grange?
the goal of the national grange was economic, social, and educational improvements
for farmers.
6.Why did the populist party want the government to own railroads and telephone
they wanted to control the prices
7.Do you think farmers were successful in bringing about economical and political
change? Explain.
no because they created the populist party and that failed quickly.

Members: Hector Escobar, Victor Lara, Keilyn Lopez, Lindsay Reyes

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