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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

Final Demonstration A
Detailed Lesson Plan In
Grade 7 Mathematics
November 10,2020

I. Objectives
At the end of a 60-minute discussion, 85 % of the students should be able to
a. Add monomial
b. State and demonstrate the process in adding monomials and
c. Show teamwork in doing group activities and participate in the class discussion

II. Subject Matter

A. Chapter Algebraic Expressions
B. Topic Addition of Monomials
C. References
Bernabe, Julieta G. Elementary Algebra Textbook for First Year Revised
Edition SD Publications, Inc, 2002
Oronce,Orlando A , and Marilyn O Mendoza E-Math Worktext in Mathematics
for First Year High School REX Bookstore, Inc , 2007
Miss Estrellita L. and Bernardino Q Li. Moving Ahead with Mathematics 1. 1st
ed. FNB Educational, Inc , 1997
D. Materials Powerpoint presentation on Addition of Monomials, quiz board, marker,
E. Skills Performing addition on monomials
F. Prerequisite Skills Carrying-out addition on real numbers
G. Values Integration Develop teamwork among the students
H. Strategies Deductive method, Drill and Practice, Think- Aloud Strategy, Group Work,
and Game Practice

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response

A. Daily Routine
Kindly lead the prayer Jesusa
In the name of the…
Good morning class!
Good morning Miss Valdez
Is there any absent Row 1? Row 2? Row 3?
None Ma’am,
Glad to hear that.

B. Checking for Assignment

Bring out your notebook and let us check
your assignment.Exchange your notebook
With your seatmate. (the students exchange their notebooks)
Who got 10? 9? (the students raise their hands)
Very good

C. Motivation
It seems that you have understood our
lesson last meeting
Now, we will be having a new lesson but
before that, let’s have an activity first, titled
“Help! Help me with my problem”
The question is, are you ready to help?

Let’s see. I have a story of a certain boy who

needs help,will you read the story? Rei?

There was a certain prince named Prince
Mario. He was searching for an answer to fix
his problem in math which is to find the magic
word by performing an operation . The magic
word is the only way to save the princess
from the hands of an evil witch. He has 3
minutes to answer the problem before
everything gets worst.

5+8= M 13
8+7= O 15
18 - 4 = N 14
26 - 9 = O 15
6+7= M 13
10 - 1= I9
-2 + 3 = A1
-2 + 14 = L 12
14 + 5 = S 19

Very good class. You’ve helped a lot to find

the magic word! Mario can now save the
princess from the hands of the evil witch

D. Lesson Proper
a. Teacher’s discussion
What operation did you use to get the
end result? Yes Rhine? Ma'am I used addition to find the results in each
Yes you have just performed problem
addition on signed numbers. Can
you give me the rules in adding
signed numbers of integers? Yes
Jeffrey? Ma’am if a positive number is added to a positive
number, the sum is positive number. On the other
hand, a negative number results in negative
Thank you Jeffrey. How about if
we have different signs? Jeah?
Ma’am the sum is obtained by subtracting their
absolute values and follow the sign of the larger
absolute value.
Very good. You still recall the
rules in adding integers. Now we
are going to apply those with our
lesson for today which is Addition
of Monomials.

Here are some words that we may

encounter in discussing lesson
MONOMIAL - an algebraic expression
having only one term
SIMILAR TERMS - terms with the
literal coefficients of the same degree
with/without the same literal
coefficients of different degree.

b. How to Find the Sum

On the first circle, we got 15a as an

answer. How did we get 15 as a
Numerical coefficient of a? Any idea?
Yes Leo? Ma’am, we get the sum of 5 and 10
How about a? Ma’am, we copy the literal coefficient of the two

Exactly! How about on the second

circle? What do you think is the reason
why we did not combined 7 and 8?
Ronald? Any idea? Ma’am maybe because they do not have the
same linear coefficient

And if they do not have the same literal

Coefficient? They are called? Dissimilar terms
In adding monomials, only similar
terms can be combined. On the other
hand, we cannot combine dissimilar

a. Show Me!
Let us combine the similar terms.
1. 4x2 + 3x2
2. 15xy + (− 10xy)
3. 4x3 + 2x 2 + 3x + (− x 3) + 5x 2 + x
4. (− 5x) + 12 + 6x + (− 9)
5. 3x + 5y + (− x) + 3y + 8x

b. Tic-Tac-Toe. Now let’s have a game.

The class will be divided into two
groups. The two groups will play the
game alternately. Failure to answer
the problem correctly will result to
losing the turn. The goal of the game
is to have three connecting dots of the
Are you ready?
Let’s start the game Yes ma’am!
(Game proper)

Congratulations to group 2
Did you enjoy the game class?
Yes ma’am!
E. Application
Now let us solve these real life problems
1. Find the perimeter of a triangular
frame sides having the following
measurements: 5x inches, 9x inches
and 10x inches.
2. What would be the total height of the
two ladders if a ladder with a measure
of 120ab is combined with another
ladder with a measure of 20 ac?

F. Generalization:
What are the rules in adding monomials
with similar terms? Allen?
First, add the numerical coefficients and bring
down the similar literal coefficient.
How about the rule in adding monomials
with dissimilar terms?
We will not combine the monomials

G. Evaluation:
It seems that you have mastered our
lesson and to test your mastery, you
answer this worksheet.

A. On your notebook, answer Test Yourself on page 92 of your textbook.

B. Read about Subtraction of Monomials and answer the following questions:


What I’ve noticed is that she uses an

appropriate size in her materials because
the text are can still be seen at the back.

2. These tools or games are can be

used to teach mathematics more

3. I discover that there are varied tools that can be used in teaching. The edudemic helps to connect classroom
and technology thus there are also available best web classroom tools. It gives help and tools that a teacher
needs to grow online.

4. Edtechteacher offers services in developing a teacher. It offers professional development through In-Person
Workshops, Virtual Training, Webinars, and Self-Paced Online Courses. They also offer to consult where a
school can consult models to schools that support the integration of technology by involving the teachers in
every step of the process. They also offer Tech Needs Analysis wherein they would teach you how to navigate
emerging technologies.


I want to know how to manipulate these tools because it would greatly help me in teaching. The projector will
help me to see my presentation even at the back while Geogebra is an app that can use in mathematics like
graphing etc.

Creativity/ originality 20%

Theme/content 20%

Material used 10%

Total 50%


Creativity/ originality 20%

Theme/content 20%

Material used 10%

Total 50%


Creativity/ originality 30%

Cmmmontent 30%

Relevance 20%

Group Presentation 20%

Total 100%


Creativity/ originality 30%

Content 30%

Relevance 20%

Group Presentation 20%

Total 100%

Creativity/ originality 20%

Theme/content 20%

Material used 10%

Total 50%
Math 7 Mathematics 7
First Quarter, School Year 2022 – 2023

No. of Cognitive Domain Points

% of No. of
Learning Outcome Contact
Items Items
Hours Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

define sets 3 6.89 4 I. 2, 4, 5

I. 1, 3 7
II. A. 1, 2

describe well-defined sets, 5 13.16 9 I. 10 I. 6, 8, 9 I. 7 9

subsets, universal sets,
and the null set and II. A. 3,4,5,6
cardiality of sets
solves problems involving 5 13.16 9 III. 1, 2, 3, III. 9
Sets 4 5,6,7,8,

represents the absolute 5 13.16 9 I. 16 I. 18, 20 I. 19 I. 17 9

value of a number on a
number line as the II.B. 1,2,3,4
distance of a number from

performs fundamental 5 13.16 9 II.B. 5,6,7,8 I. 11,12,13 I. 21,25 9

operations on integers
differentiate rational 5 13.16 9 I. 26,27,29 I. 28 I. 30 9
numbers, irrational
numbers and principal root II.B.

write numbers in scientific 5 13.16 9 I. 24 I. 14 ,15 I.22,23 9

notation and vice versa
II. 13, 14,

solves problems involving 5 13.16 9 II. B. I. 31,32 I. 9

real numbers 17,18,19,20 33,34,35

TOTAL 38 100 70 27 17 11 3 7 5 70
My Philosophy of Teaching

As a student who aspires to become a future teacher, I believe that every student is a unique
individual who has capability and potential within them and teachers must assist them to bring it out.
A student is shaped by their environment and has their own experiences that they can share to let
others learn from it. I believe that a student needs wisdom and not only knowledge.

I believe that I should teach the learners to fully develop their skills and how to survive. Teaching
them that grade doesn’t define who you are but grades serve for you to strive hard. I also believe that
teaching isn't about just facilitating but also shaping them as an individual. To mold them to become
aware of their actions, to become empowered leaders in the future, and to become successful in life.

I believe that accomplishing all of that is hard but it is one of the duties of a teacher, a person who
doesn't only impart knowledge and nurtures them but a teacher serves as an inspiration and a role
model that promotes positivity in life. A teacher creates a positive, safe and comfortable environment
that should make learning fun and interesting to let students love learning. Therefore, I strongly
believe that an effective teacher instills positivity, produces responsible citizens, and is a person who
knows the word respect.

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