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Leen started her day by waking up in the morning and washing her face. The day begins.

“Come here, Leen,” said the mother.

“Coming Mom” said Leen excitedly began her day.

Leen Running down the stairs to help her Mother.

“ We have moved you to another school and you will start after tomorrow” the mother

said sadly.

Leen was shocked to hear this, she was very sad leaving her school where she grew up in ,

and her friends and teachers who she grew up with, hearing that tears came down from

her eyes.

“ But I am fine with my school,” said Leen, crying really hard.

“ I know, it was a hard decision to make,” said the mother thinking about how Leen's

future would be.

“My friends and teacher I have grown up with, all these years and now you are moving

me!” said Leen, angry with that decision.

Leen went to school since it was her last day there. Leen told everyone that she is moving

to another school, her friends, teachers , everyone was shocked, sad and confused at the

same time, their BEST FRIEND moving to a new school! That day was turned upside

down.So many unanswered questions in everyone's mind.After school Leen sat alone in

her room thinking thoughtfully about that decision. She was sad, devastated, excited to see

new people and all of her emotions were mixed up. That day Leen didn’t eat nor drank

anything. Night came and she slept.

After 2 days she went to her new school. When she arrived there she saw that it was the

same school she was in but on another campus she didn’t have time to ask her mother

what school they had moved her to. She was so happy she got to be in the same school

but different campus.

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