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BSIT 2.1 – B
3. Answers:

 Know the user because the developer of the site, they do know who the centered
target of the specific webpage is. The STI have a company that possible to
determine the basis of interaction of the students who works on the sites. They
were able intertwined with STI's color theme to create a concrete website
attractive to the eye. And it is serving a concept that the user knows as educational
 They also set a Understand the task because it accomplished the abstract theme
that we ingeniously matched with STI's color theme and It's aesthetically
pleasing. To add more it easy to analyze and navigate a website. So, the designers
and the developers of the websites achieving high usability the criteria of itself.
 The developers also achieve the Reduce Memory loads because not only the
students can access the STI websites but also a parent. The simplicity of website
is simple to use, especially for the parents seeking an institution for higher
learning for their kids so they can easily to maintain and navigate the task.
4. As I observed STI website need to improve the principle of Prevent Errors, because
sometimes the interaction and interfaces isn't on a right path of navigation, so possibly
the user of it has a confusion on the website but not all. This will serve prevention of
errors so they must improve it and to take immediately a reversal action. Some of button
and selections of the websites are not properly arrange and the user not comfortable to
use. But in other way this was minor area that HCI principles that need to improve.

5. Overall, these principles have basis of the information that need to apply of the
developers so that's why I apply those principle to because they have capabilities to
execute the website properly. So, the classification of a website should speak for itself
since it is the face of the company, which is the STI College, it should strike the message
at first sight. Having a website that considers these principles makes it important for
marketing, accessibility, and portability when the website is loaded on devices like
mobile and tablets and other HCI. 

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