Bashar - A New Phase of Life

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A New Phase of Life

Q: This Friday is a very significant day for me. It’s the end of a fifteen-year
career in a particular profession.

B: All right! Congratulations!

Q: Thank you. And it’s bringing up a lot of emotionality, which…

B: Congratulations again!

Q: … I didn’t expect.

B: Oh, more surprise; congratulations again.

Q: Yes, a lot of surprise. And I want to solicit maybe some of your help, and

B: What are you going to do now?

Q: That’s the interesting part. I don’t know.

B: Yes, you do. What excites you?

Q: Well, I have a lot of things -- what I call projects…

B: Yeees. Do any of them excite you?

Q: Yes, they do, and many of them are taking the form of businesses, which… well,
one particular business that can happen. And what’s happening is that I realize the
last fifteen years were a struggle for me.

B: All right.

Q: And it was a profession that I did out of necessity to raise my family, and I’m
at a point now where I don’t have to…

B: Out of choice.

Q: Out of choice, but not… but I didn’t understand the metaphysical practices that
I’m doing now…

B: All right.

Q: And didn’t even realize how much of a struggle it was. So by choice I’m
chasing… the point is I’m choosing to not struggle in this new phase of my life.

B: Congratulations!

Q: And I’ve… I’m going through almost like a sadness, because I’m starting…

B: Remnants of your judgment, that is all.

Q: Yes. But I’m starting to remember with fondness some of the actual struggle.

B: All right.

Q: What I used to think was a negative thing… I don’t know why this is happening,
but I…
B: Yes, you do, you are integrating. You are allowing everything in your life to
be equal to everything else, and to let it serve you. So the memories you are
creating from the present -- of the past -- are now found.

Q: It doesn’t feel painful; it feels almost melancholy.

B: Yes.

Q: And something happened, which brought this to my consciousness, which is why --

because I’m sweating in telling you this -- I’m experiencing, not a fear, but
there’s a lot of emotion around it.

B: Yes. You are vibrating, accelerating, combining, and amalgamating.

Q: Yes. Yesterday was my daughter’s sixth-grade graduation, and it represented the

culmination of the years of childbearing that I feel I don’t have to be so involved
in. And so it was another example of this transition, where I’ve accomplished
something. And they have a symbol, where you go through a graduation ceremony…

B: Yes.

Q: … and it was very beautiful. And my whole family was there, and the whole
experience was another form of integration, a very pleasant experience.

B: Yes.

Q: That night, which was last night, I lit a candle behind a crystal that I often
use for meditation. And I can see through the crystal -- if I want to open my eyes
-- at the flame flickering. And I left it on all night, which I do many times.

Just when I was waking up this morning, in those early hours that we speak about, I
had an experience, which felt like I was actually experiencing this; and I was
judging it, thinking about it in my mind. The experience was: I saw the flame
through the candle go out, and I said to myself in my dream, “That’s an amazing
thing, I tuned into the crystal just as the flame was going out…”

B: Synchronicity.

Q: Okay. In my dream state.

B: Yes.

Q: Okay. I don’t know how much time elapsed, but all of a sudden I smelled this
awful smell in real life. And the whole part of the candle had cracked the glass,
and the wax was all over. And huge flames leapt up maybe two feet high, and the
thing was on fire.

B: Yes!

Q: And I smelled it, which brought me awake. I jumped out of bed and I blew it
out, and I put the thing outside because it was a lot of smoke. And all day long
today I’ve been affected by this, thinking about how we bring things to us that we
have to learn from. What did I bring this to myself for? What do I need to learn
from this? And I had an insight into that, and I want to share that with you.

B: Do share!

Q: Well, I feel that in my bringing my consciousness to the dream state of the

candle and the crystal, I extinguished my old life, okay?

B: Yes.

Q: The certain part -- the past is literally going out.

B: Yes.

Q: But a new flame is emerging.

B: Ohhh!

Q: And it really happened. In real life the fire ignited.

B: Yes.

Q: And it’s literally knocking me out… I’m very tired; I’m exhausted from…

B: You will get used to it. As you blend your dream reality and your physical
reality into one reality, it will ease up. You are removing the separation between
the two levels, because both are real. You have blended them in that incident, and
begun to accelerate. Anything that tires you out is only remnant judgment; you will
acclimate. You are beginning to live your dreams -- literally. It is a fourth
density symptom. Congratulations!

Q: So the fatigue is just part of the process, so to speak.

B: For now.

Q: And I feel like I’ve lost that spark of enthusiasm, and the spark of motivation
to life my life. And this is tiring me out to the point where I just want to sleep,
you know?

B: Then sleep. Form the connection that will allow you to know that when you wake
up, you will still be dreaming, and always awake when you are asleep. You will
blend. As you say, since you are creating it to take time, give it some time. Go
easy on yourself. You have just graduated! Take a vacation.

Q: Thank you.

B: Thank you. Sharing!

Q2: I wanted to share something. Last week I was channeling my friend. And when it
was all over, I was getting up and I realized that I didn’t need to channel them
any more. That I just knew. And I’ve realized since then that I have actually
integrated with them.

B: Oh, thank you.

Q: Thank you. And it is very nice. I’ve also noticed some other things happening…

B: Do share.

Q: Okay. I’ve noticed that my business has gotten very, very busy. At the same
time I have a lot less time.

B: Yes. When you integrate, you create less time. So simply recognize that the
time you have is all the time you need.
Q: Okay. And then one other thing I noticed is that my husband… it’s like he’s
grasping for me, like he feels like I’m disappearing.

B: Show him you are not disappearing. Simply allow the individual to see in you a
reflection of the potential within himself, to know that nothing is ever lost. That
any relationship continues forever, no matter what the definition.

Q: All right. And there was something else… I can’t think of it now, so that’s
fine. Thank you.

B: Thank you. Sharing!

Q3: I’m so intrigued by your definitions of emotions; I just have one more.

B: All right!

Q: What is worry?

B: Worth?

B: Worry. Excuse my accent. Worry. W-o-r-r-y.

B: Lack of trust.

Q: (Pause) It seems such a chronic state for me.

B: Chronic, chronic, chronic.

Q: I know.

B: Are you worried about it? Understand that it is when you allow yourself to
trust that you can live in the moment, now. Then nothing will be chronic any more.
There won’t be the sensation of the idea of the creation of enough time for there
to be anything chronic within. You follow me?

Q: Mhmm.

B: Only separation and judgment create time -- more time -- and allow time for
things to happen chronologically, like reincarnation. Thank you.

Q: Thank you.
A New Phase of Life

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