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Tittle: Effectiveness of personal Interaction in a learner-centered paradigm Distance Education Class

based on Student Satisfaction



This study determined The methodology To Examine the As distance education
whether there was a developed for this relationship between has become a more
relationship between study included the course satisfaction and and popular
student’s perception research design, the other independent educational practice, it
of how effective development of the variables, a multiple is crucial to examine
course-related instrument and the linear regression online course quality.
Interaction was and pilot test, the model was developed For students to
their level of course participants by the researcher. The successfully learn,
satisfaction characteristics, the most appropriate teachers must present
sampling procedure, statistical method to clear goals and
and the data collection analyze the data was objectives so students
and techniques. regression analysis. do not get frustrated.
The model used a set
of continuous and
categorical variables to
predict course
satisfaction for the
categorical variables to
predict course
satisfaction. For the
Independent variables,
dummy variables were
created. The model
developed was as

Where Y=course
X= WebCT
X1= Prior particular
online experience
X2=Prior entirely
online experience
X3=Student - TA
X4=Student -
instructor Interaction
X5=Student - student

II. REFLECTION: will you apply these principles when you became a teacher?

Ans: If I became a teacher I will apply this to focus on learner needs a plan and execute their lessons
clearly and effectively to help Student learn the maximum amount of information .

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