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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Caraga Administrative Region

Bayugan City Division


Age and Gender as Predictors of Well Being of Science, Technology, and

Engineering (STE) Students

In Partial Fulfilment Of The Requirements In Research Subject




Research Adviser


1.1 Introduction

Youthful adulthood is a critical formative arrange of a human being (McManus,

2014). World Health Organization defines “adolescents” as individuals aging 10-19

years old. Numerous variables that influences their well-being receives the interest of

those who are concern of their well-being and welfare. It can be influenced by the

individual’s possess identity, and those around them like family, companions and

community. Subjective well-being is one of the foremost critical results related with self-

esteem (Zimmerman, 1999).

Self-evaluation is pivotal to mental and social well-being.

It impacts desires, individual objectives and interaction with others. Having high self-

esteem is key to positive mental wellbeing and well-being in general. High self-

esteem matters since it makes a difference you create adapting aptitudes,

handle difficulty, and put the negative into point of view (Neff, 2011).

This paper stresses the significance of well-being of the young junior high

schools. Analysts have found that self-esteem—defined as a person's sense of self-

worth—is closely related with well-being and a number of other versatile results (Du, et

al. 2017). In addition, well-being pertains to people’s perceptions of their quality which

can involve cognitive evaluations, and emotional reactions (Vanbuskirk, 2021).

Happiness is a mental or emotional state. Although nobody is always

happy, pre-teens and teenagers tend to be happier when they are content with

their lives and relationships claims. Although nobody is

always happy, pre-teens and teenagers tend to be happier when they are

content with their lives and relationships. Physical, mental, and emotional

health all contribute to wellbeing. Understanding your emotions, engaging in

various activities, maintaining positive interpersonal and social bonds,

discovering a sense of purpose in life, and feeling successful are also

important. Although they are related, happiness and wellness are not the

same. Some of the factors that contribute to wellness can make preteens and

teenagers happy, but they are not all necessary for happiness.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The main goal of this study is to determine the level of the

individual well-being of the junior high school students of Bayugan National

Comprehensive High School.

1. What is the average level of flourishing individual in terms of

Happiness and Life Satisfaction in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

2. What is the average level of flourishing individual in terms

of Mental and Physical Health in terms of:

a. Age
b. Gender

3. What is the average level of flourishing individual in terms of

Meaning and Purpose in terms:

a. Age

b. Gender

4. What is the average level of flourishing individual Character

and Virtue in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

5. What is the average level of flourishing individual in terms of

Close Social Relationships in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

6. What is the average level of flourishing individual in terms of

Financial and Material Stability in terms of

a. Age

b. Gender

7. What is the level of well being of Junior High School

Learners according to age group?

8. What is the level of well being of Junior High School

Learners according to gender group?

9. What is the level of well-being of junior High School

10. Is age a predictor of subjective well-being of Junior

High School students in BNCHS?

11. Is gender a predictor of subjective well-being of Junior

High School students in BNCHS?

1.3 Statement of the Hypothesis

1.4 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework


State of Well Being

Of Flourishing individual
STE STUDENTS >Happiness and Life Satisfaction

> Mental and Physical Health i


> Meaning and Purpose
> Character and Virtue
> Close Social Relationships
> Financial and Material Stability

Science, Technology and Engineering students are one of the

special programs of Bayugan National Comprehensive High School.
Before students can enter the

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research undertaking entitled Level of individual well-being of STE

Students of Bayugan National Comprehensive High School will be useful to the

following persons or agencies.

Teachers. The result of this study will provide substantial information to

teachers as to the current status of individual perceptions of Junior High

School learners to their flourishing well-being.

Guidance Counselor/Advocates. The result of this study will provide

substantial information to the schools guidance counselor or advocates to

come up with school programs that will take action and will answer to the

needs of students.

Parents and Stakeholders. The result of this study will create

awareness to parents and other stakeholders about the current status of our

students with respect to their individual and self-evaluation of their well-being.

School Administration. The result of this study will provide data to the

school administration regarding the individual subjective well-being of the

junior high school students.

Future Researchers. This will serve as baseline for future research

studies related to this research.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study will focus on evaluating the individual subjective

well-being of junior high school utilizing the standardize measure of well-being

by VanderWeele, 2019.

This study will be conducted at Bayugan National Comprehensive High

School with Junior High School students as participants.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

The following terms are defined operationally to ensure a comprehensive

understanding of the study.



STE Students. This key stage is composed of Grades 7,8,9, and 10.

Subjective Well-Being. It is a self-evaluated or the individual’s perception of

sense of experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. Includes having good

mental health, high life satisfaction and a sense of meaning or purpose, and

ability to manage stress.

Level of Flourishing. Level or state in which the aspects of life such as

happiness and satisfaction, mental and physical health. Meaning and purpose

are good such as happiness and life satisfaction, close social relationships,

financial and material stability.



2.1 Related Literature

Academic success is strongly correlated with school climate, student

safety, and wellbeing. Individual outcomes and behaviors are influenced by

individual qualities and subjective views of the environment, not by how

everyone in the school feels about it. As a result, it is necessary to take a closer

look at how student learning and school climate are related.

SWB and academic success have historically been examined in many

literature strands. Adolescents' SWB is a variable that has just recently

received more attention when studying academic achievement (e.g., Adelman

and Taylor, 2006, OECD, 2017, Steinmayr et al., 2015).

Huang (2015) conducted a new meta-analysis that showed a marginally

negative connection between academic success and eventual depression.

Huang (2015), in contrast to SWB, concentrated on research into depression as

a clinically meaningful outcome measure. Furthermore, as the majority of the

research Huang (2015) included employed clinical samples, they cannot be

broadly extended to the non-clinical population. These meta-analyses did not

include academic success metrics since they were adults-only and did not

normally include children, adolescents, or young adults.

2.2 Related Studies

According to World Health Organization (2021), adolescence is a critical

time for forming social and emotional habits that are necessary for mental

health. Develop coping, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills as well as

healthy sleep and exercise routines. Learn to control your emotions. It is

crucial to create safe and encouraging environments in the home, at school,

and in the larger community.

Mental health is impacted by numerous factors. The potential impact on

adolescents' mental health increases with the number of risk factors they are

exposed to. Adolescence is a stressful time for many reasons, including

adversity exposure, peer pressure, and identity exploration. The gap between

an adolescent's lived reality and their perceptions or aspirations for the future

can be made worse by gender norms and media influence. The standard of

their home life and their relationships with peers are additional significant

determinants. There are known dangers to mental health, including violence

(especially sexual violence and bullying), strict parenting, and serious

socioeconomic issues. (WHO, 2021)

Some teenagers are more vulnerable to mental health issues because of

their living circumstances, stigma, exclusion or discrimination, or a lack of

access to high-quality services and support. Adolescents who reside in

humanitarian and precarious environments, those with chronic illnesses,

autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, or other neurological

conditions, orphans, adolescents with young children, adolescents who are

parents themselves, or those in early or forced marriages, are just a few of

these groups. (WHO, 2021)

Self-reports are by far the most popular method used by researchers to

measure happiness. We simply ask people about how happy they are using

multiple-item scales or a single question. It makes sense to ask people about

their happiness since it is a subjective state that they consider (Holder, 2017).


This chapter presents the research methodology and procedure to use in

the study. It includes the research design, research locale and data gathering

procedure and statistical treatment of data.

3.1 Research Design

This research was anchored as a descriptive quantitative study because

the data collected will be numbers. Numerical data were treated to describe

and determine the average level of individual well-being of the Junior High

School Learners of Bayugan National Comprehensive High School.

This study will be conducted at Bayugan National Comprehensive High

School, Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur.

3.2 Determination of Sample Size

3.3 Sampling Design and Technique

3.4 The Subject

3.5 The Research Instrument

Please respond to the following questions on a scale from 0 to 10

1. Overall, how satisfied are you with life as a whole these days?

0 = Not Satisfied at All, 10 = Completely Satisfied

2. In general, how happy or unhappy do you usually feel?

0 = Extremely Unhappy, 10 = Extremely Happy

3. In general, how would you rate your physical health?

0 = Poor, 10 = Excellent

4. How would you rate your overall mental health?

0 = Poor, 10 = Excellent

5. Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are


0 = Not at All Worthwhile, 10 = Completely worthwhile

6. I understand my purpose in life.

0 = Strongly Disagree, 10 = Strongly Agree

7. I always act to promote good in all circumstances, even difficult and

challenging situations.

0 = Not True of Me, 10 = Completely True of Me

8. I am always able to give up some happiness now for greater happiness


0 = Not True of Me, 10 = Completely True of Me

9. I am content with my friendships and relationships.

0 = Strongly Disagree, 10 = Strongly Agree

10. My relationships are satisfying as I would want them to be.

0 = Strongly Disagree, 10 = Strongly Agree

11. How often do you worry about being able to meet normal monthly

living expenses?
0 = Worry All of the Time, 10 = Do Not Ever Worry

12. How often do you worry about safety, food, or housing?

0 = Worry All of the Time, 10 = Do Not Ever Worry

3.6 Validation of the Research Instrument

3.7 Data Gathering Procedure

The study will make use of measures of community well-Being template

by Tyler J. VanderWeele focusing on the level of individual flourishing.

Planning Stage, involves designing the tool to be used as questionnaire,

including the preparation of the materials to be used by the Researchers.

Development Stage, involves the preparation to where the study will be

conducted, including all the documents preparation as to the actual conduct of


Finalization Stage, involves the determination of the questionnaire and

approving documents to set the final preparation to conduct the collection of


Implementation Stage, it involves the actual survey. The researcher will

use online method of collection of data, questionnaire will be uploaded via

google sheets for easy access to identified respondents.

3.8 Data Processing Method

3.9 Statistical Treatment

The following is the statistical tool to be utilized in processing the gathered


Mean. This will be used to determine the average wellbeing and the degree of

flourishing or individual well-being.

Percentage- This will be used to determine the number of learners belonging

to each level of flourishing or individual well-being.

Regression analysis is a statistical technique for determining the relationship

between a single dependent (criterion) variable and one or more independent
(predictor) variables. The analysis yields a predicted value for the criterion
resulting from a linear combination of the predictors.
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