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Mission 1

Subject & Verb (S + V)

Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Jenis/Kelas Kata dl Bahasa Inggris

• Noun (kata benda): teacher, dog, book, information, study, love, etc.
• Verb (kata kerja): study, inform, love, book (e.g., eat, ate, eaten, eating), etc.
• Adjective (kata sifat): beautiful, sick, educated, interesting, historic(al), etc.
• Adverb (kata keterangan/informasi tambahan): at 7 o`clock, in school,
quickly, never, often, frequently, usually, quickly etc.

• Preposition (kata depan): in, from, at, to, with, by, etc
• Subject Pronoun (kata ganti org/benda): I, you, we, they, he, she, & it.
• Conjunction (kata penghubung): and, but, yet, nor, who, that, which, what,
although, when, if, after, before, etc.
Mission 1: Subject & Verb
So what kinds of words can become a subject & a verb?
• Subjects: Noun (animals, things, persons, etc.) & subject pronoun (he, she,
they, it, I, you, we, they.)
• Verb: Main verb: V1 & V2 e.g., stand, stood, run, ran, study, studied, etc.
Kata kerja bantu: to be (am, is, are, was, were), to do (do, does, did), to have
(have, has, had), modal (can, could, will, would, etc.)

All sentences in English HAVE TO have at least one subject and one verb.
1. E.g., He is beautiful. (He beautiful.)
2. He is studying English. (He studying English.)
3. The fish was eaten by the cat. (The fish eaten by the cat.)
4. The birds flew far away.
5. They can speak English.
Be sure the sentence has a subject & a verb

Problems in TOEFL: either the subject or the verb is missing; either there is an extra
subject & an extra verb.
1. ___________ was backed up for miles on the freeway.
(A) Yesterday; (B) In the morning; (C) Traffic; (D) Cars
2. Engineers ___________ for work on the new space program.
(A) necessary; (B) are needed; (C) hopefully; (D) next month
3. The boy ______ going to the movies with a friend.
(A) he is; (B) he always was; (C) is relaxing; (D) will be
4. Beluga whale mothers, for example, they nurse their calves for some twenty months.
5. The art of storytelling almost as old as humanity
6. An insect, after hatching, it feeds its young.
7. Last week built a new house together near the river.

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