Noun Clauses, Reported Speech, Quoted Speech

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where did Tom go?

No one knows

No one knows where tom went

Where tom went is a secret

What does Anna want? We need to know

We need to know what Anna wants.

Do you know what Alex needs?

What Alex needs is a new job.

We talked about what alex needs.

What do you need? Did you talk to your parents about what you need?
Where you lived

What she said

when they coming

how much does it cost

which one does he wants

who is coming to the party

Who are those people

Whose pen is this
Why did you leave country

What are we doing in class

Where she goes

how many letters are there in the english alphabet

Who is the mayor of new york

what happened
who opened the door
she your
you you

you he
you he

why is he coming?
why he is coming

which flight will he be on?

which flight he will be on.
is my eraser

it was
did not Fred locked

He did not lock

has he been

he lives


did you take

we are supposed

we are supposed

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