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A Transformational Experience

(A lady who is very hard to hear. Distant, and she seems to be crying.)

Q: I’m very glad to meet you... I’m very proud of myself, and I’ve just
accomplished a very intense soul growth that I know that you know about.

B: And you are releasing right now, so that you are centered.

Q: Yes.

B: Do share of your love and your light.

Q: Well, I know that everyone here knows that I’ve been trying to find out what
this block in my ear is for many years…

B: You have been finding out, not trying.

Q: I have now found out, and now the source is gone and I’m totally relieved of
the situation.

B: Thank you!

Q: And I’m very happy that you didn’t tell me ahead of time and ruin everything
for me, because I know that I needed to discover it on my own, and I’m proud that I
was able to do so.

B: Thank you for recognizing that we can only serve you when we do not live your
lives for you.

Q: I do, yes. Thank you. So last night I knew that I would be coming here and I
knew that it was very important to connect with you, and I then went to sleep --
I’ve been having difficulty sleeping ever since the operation, and… I’d get so much
information when I’d lie down again, just all these things keep coming through to

B: Yes. You are going to be reorganizing the idea of how much sleep you need and

Q: Yes.

B: You a going into a different pattern now that you are open.

Q: Good. Thank you, that helps a lot. Then finally about 2 o’clock in the morning
I was able to lie down and go into a deep sleep again. And then this morning before
I woke up -- it must have been hours that I was lying there, and I was feeling such
an anxiety in myself…

B: Yes, yes. The energy is only the small remnant of a judgment, for recognize
anxiety and excitement are the same thing. Excitement judged is anxiety -- it is
excitement. You are feeling the vibration of your higher self. The small remnant of
judgment that exists within you, the small degree of separation you are making, the
small remnant of fear, is what is allowing you to recognize the vibration in the
form you would call anxiety. But that will pass. You have just done much to allow
it to do so.

Q: And somehow I was getting the numbers 1, 2, and 3, that kept coming to me.

B: Yes. You are going to be recognizing your own triads. For the triad is the
fundamental building block of creation, and many things are going to be able to
come to you along those paths now. Trust that you may sleep when you are tired.
When you are not, don’t.

Q: That’s very good. And as far as my eye is concerned, I must go back and have
the second operation, because the nerve has been severed now. And they tell me that
it’s a simple operation and that everything will be fine. But before I have the
operation, I know that it’s very important to… I want my eye to be perfect, and…

B: It will be as perfect as it needs to be. You are also forming now the idea with
this separation of beginning to look in two dimensions at once, and then you will
form a reintegration as the connection is re-established and you will be fully
focused in the direction you need to be.

Q: Okay. So now that I’m walking around and my eyes are visibly out of focus,

B: You are simply doing it in a very literal physiological manner, symbolically.

You are simply in the same limbo state that everyone else is in, where things are
becoming fuzzy, blending into one another. You are simply acting out this entire
idea very literally, having been focused in one direction, disconnecting your focus
literally, and then reconnecting it while you are looking in the other direction.

Q: It’s been really interesting, because I’m feeling very not here and very here
at the same time.

B: That is completely the idea and the correct feeling. This is the idea of
transformation. When you unlock from one reality, you are dis-orienting to re-
orient to another idea of yourself.

Q: And so my little patterns that I was seeing before -- will I still see them

B: You can; although you may find they will now manifest, perhaps, in different
ways that will bring with them a different kind of clarity. They may be more
transparent. Look within; go within them, and you can experience those ideas fully
-- not only within the idea you call your imagination, but many of them within your
physical reality as well.

Q: May I be allowed to take this opportunity to extend to you my love?

B: Thank you very much for your strength in exhibiting your willingness to
symbolize your transformation in the way that you have, for it accelerates you
mightily. Thank you very much.

Q: Thank you.

B: Sharing!
A Transformational Experience

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