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Abortion and Miscarriage

Q: I have a question. You just said before that all murder, suicide, is all
killing ourselves. Is this true also of abortion, our concept of abortion?

B: Now in this sense, recognize that even while we are defining that all killing
is suicide, we are not judging the idea, for all is learned from everything that is
done. Now, we are not saying that you need abortion; but it is not intrinsically
negative in and of itself. For you are understanding that, since your society has
created the idea that such a thing can occur within its needs and its wants, you
are only attracting individuals that only need to experience that much of physical
reality to fulfill their needs. So you are not depriving anyone of anything in that
ultimate sense.

You will simply find, however, that when you allow yourself to be in communication
with all consciousness, you will not necessarily then find yourself being pregnant
when you do not need to be. And that is how that symbol will transform. You are not
intrinsically doing anything wrong, but you may understand that there is another
way that may be, in your terms, more efficient. And in this sense again: in terms
of what you recognize to actually be the personality consciousness, that
personality consciousness does not actually, so to speak, enter the body until just
prior to physical birth. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: What energy essence is experienced in the time that was experienced in the
womb, to the time of the abortion, was all that that entity needed to extend, of
one of its tiny fragments into physical reality, let us say. To test the waters of
physicality for itself, to experience just that much of physicality and the purpose
has been served. To some degree, it is not exactly the same as the idea of the
killing of a fully formed consciousness that is fixed into physical reality. Though
again, it is a symbol you do not necessarily need. For it does bring up within you
the concerns of the negative idea.

You can simply understand that if you are in touch with the idea of all
consciousness, then you will know -- as we have chosen to create in our
civilization the interaction with the consciousness to be born -- you will then
simply recognize that when the purpose is served to be born, it will be born. When
the purpose is not served, there will never be even the beginning of the creation
of a birth. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: All right.

Q2: So does the idea of suicide enter into abortion at all? You said that murder
was a form of suicide. Does that apply to abortion at all?

B: Now, that is what this being has just asked.

Q: Yes, but I didn’t understand where suicide fitted into that, or if it did?

B: Simply what was being said is that all killing is suicide, since in killing,
you are killing a portion of yourself. You follow me?

Q: Mhmm.

B: Now, the idea is not exactly the same idea because what you call the
physiological consciousness personality is not actually instilled within the fetus
until just prior to birth. But it is not necessarily saying that this is a symbol
that you must continue -- for what it is a reflection of is the fact that you are
not in touch with all levels of your consciousness. And that if you know that the
idea of having a birth serves that being to be born, then it will simply be born,
or it will not even be created as a fetus to begin with.

There will not be the question of abortion in the sense that when you are in
communication with other aspects of yourself, and are fully cognizant of the
purposes for which you create and co-create other beings to be physically in your
life, then you will be in touch with the being wishing to be born, and you will
simply consciously, clearly co-create either a birth or not a birth. There will be
no in between.

Q: Thank you. With miscarriage then, is miscarriage a choice to not continue with
that process?

B: Yes. And understand it is not even so much the choice to not continue; it is
the result of the choice that has already been determined, to experience just that
timeframe and no longer. Do you follow me?

Q: Yes. I do.

B: That is the reflection of the agreement that was made. “You may come into my
physical body, and partake of physicalness exactly as you need to, up to a certain
point. Then, not needing to experience that any longer, my physiological reaction
will be to miscarry to allow you the opportunity to pull back the idea of your
energy that you have instilled in the physical form that you are experiencing
yourself to be for that short period of time.” All right?

Q: All right.

B: For understand this: there are many, many, many souls being born on your planet
at this time that are the reflection of the idea of the transformation, and they
are carrying within them the opportunity to -- when they are physically born -- to
remember who they are. And many of these souls have chosen, as we have said, as a
symbol, to stick perhaps one of their little fingers in the water to get used to
the idea so that they can choose individuals to make the agreements with that will
allow them to create the remembrance -- so that that will serve the fourth-density

Understand that many of the children being born now -- they will remind you what
the agreement was all about. You follow me?

Q: Mhmm.

B: For they are now fourth-density individuals.

Q: I’d like to know if my brother reincarnated in December into the body of a

female child named S ----?

B: Why? And why do you have that understanding?

Q: It’s an idea I have.

B: All right. What does it do for you? And how did you brother die?

Q: Cancer.

B: All right. Why December? What does that represent for you -- rebirth?
Q: Well no, it’s just that I know someone who had a child in December, and that
person (- -?) very connected to in this lifetime.

B: All right. And you saw the opportunity for that consciousness to express itself
in that way?

Q: Yes.

B: Do you find that you feel the identity to be a connection for yourself? Are you
attracted to that child in that way?

Q: I haven’t seen her yet. But I…

B: Then at this time allow yourself the opportunity to view the child. And when
you view the child, understand that there is a connection, literal or not, as you
are choosing to understand it. For now we will not say, for there are many
understandings that you have yet to create for yourself within this idea of why you
are forming a connection; it is more than just the idea of exploring the
literalness of whether or not it is a direct reincarnation.

When you have gotten a little further in understanding why the connection is being
formed, there may be more opportunity on your behalf to understand whether it is
literal or not. But for now it is our perception that, one way or another, to say
yes or no would not serve you.

There is a process going on, and it is a process of forming a relationship. And it

is the essence of that relationship that is the important thing in this
interaction, not the specifics at this time -- the feelings, the connections. You
follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Then extend your love to the child, and listen. Listen with your imagination to
the energy this child may send. All right?

Q: Yes. Thank you.

B: Thank you! Now, we will extend to each and every one of you at this time the
recognition that your beliefs, as you choose to believe them, are the methodologies
that serve you. And as you allow them to serve you, you give yourselves the
opportunity to try, so to speak, other beliefs, to live other ideas, to expand the
idea that you are, and to experience directly the new understanding of yourselves.

It is the willingness to recognize yourselves as the experience of your lives, as

the event of your lives, rather than experience yourselves apart from it, outside
from it. It is the willingness to know that you are the experience of your lives
that will allow you to see yourselves as the fourth density transformation itself.

You are the experience of the fourth-density transformation, and together we are
the co-creation of that idea, both in your terms and in our own. We thank you for
the gift of allowing us to experience each and every one of you individually, and
as the collectivity of the consciousness that you are. To us this is unconditional
love in our sharing.

We are the sharing that continues forever. Enjoy your dream lives and we bid you,
good night.

AUD: Good night. Good night.

Abortion and Miscarriage

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