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Bashar: Channeled by Darryl Anka

From "Tipping the Scales"



Q: When you tell us to "wait a moment," and you seem to tap into an information

B: Yes.

Q: ...can you tell me what that information source is?

B: It will be different things at different times. Sometimes it will be other

members of the Association of Worlds, sometimes it will be a direct tie-in to the
World Spirit that is your collective consciousness on Earth. Sometimes it will be
a direct conversation with your Oversoul, sometimes it will be a conversation with
your guides, sometimes it will be a conversation with beings from other dimensions
for various reasons, because, perhaps, I have business elsewhere at the same time;
it will be many different things.

Q: And how do you determine what it will be, is it just...

B: Because it happens.

Q: It just instantly comes forth?

B: Yes, it's an automatic spontaneous thing.

Q: Do you tap into the Akashic Records?

B: Sometimes.

Q: And how are we able to tap into the Akashic Records?

B: How?

Q: Are we able to?

B: Well, of course, and you very often do.

Q: Is there some way to accelerate that for myself?

B: There are many ways. Your imagination is a direct key to tapping into what you
call the Akashic Records, since it is only the collective understanding that you
have created in your reality dimension universe. Use your imagination to stretch
your understanding of what information is, for it isn't really anywhere else but
within you. The Akashic Records are not outside of you; there is nothing outside
of you. That's the first key to tapping into the Akashic Records -- is recognizing
that the records aren't outside of you, that you are the records. So that, if you
become the records, you will know what they say. Can your imagination provide you
with some sort of a visual meditation to allow you to become the Akashic Records?

Q: I can visualize a computer.

B: All right, that will be a good analogy. What happens on the computer? Does
information appear on the screen?
Q: Yes.

B: Then that will be one way to tap into the knowledge of the Akashic Records.
There are many ways -- some individuals will see it written down in stone, on
paper, glowing letters in the sky; some people will simply know what they need to
know, when they need to know it. Some people will hear voices in their ears or in
the middle of their head; some people will get it through dream contact. Some
people will see information spontaneously or synchronistically in their physical
reality, in the form of books or papers or signs. Information stored in the
Akashic Record collective consciousness of your fabric of existence can come to
you, can be unlocked in many ways. Each and every one of you will have an
individual way to tap into this idea, even though there may be ways that are
generally workable for many of you. But use the way that seems to work best for
you by creating the symbols out of your imagination; it is not a difficult thing to
do. All it takes is being quiet and listening, once you ask a question. All

Q: Thank you very much, Bashar.

B: Maybe sometimes taking a warm shower will help you listen. Your baths and
showers are very good meditation booths. Thank you very much. Next sharing.

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