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Running head: A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 1

A3: History of Leadership Studies

Anntashamonique L. Fejeran

University of Guam

NOTE: I, the original author of this BA347-01 Research Report, hereby give Dr. A. Valentine,
SBPA, and UOG permission to make use of this report (without any evaluative notations or
marks) as appropriate for educational purposes, including (but not limited to):
 As an Assessment Example
 As a student writing/research example, and
 As a Research Report Example or “classroom resource” available to other SBPA
and UOG Students.

Date: September 14, 2022

Signed: _________________________
Anntashamonique L. Fejeran

Author Note: This paper was created for Leadership and Collaboration in Organizations and
Societies, BA347-01, for Dr. A. Valentine in the School of Business and Public Administration
on September 14, 2022.
A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 2


This paper presents the generalized amount of gathered data from leadership studies throughout

history. Leadership is seen as a complex topic similar to the generalized topics of love and life.

Due to its generalization, researchers began to look within and discover when the topic of study

began to know the deeper meaning of leadership. This study will show the various theories

created throughout time and discover the supporting details to back up leadership theories. Based

on scholarly articles, the gathered information is shared to comprehend and support leadership as

a study. With the gathered data, the analysis of this generalized subject will identify the current

and future leadership topics that will aid future research in digital transformation. The results

indicate more depth, such as the given foundation and basis, in leadership studies from the past,

present, and future research. On this basis, leadership studies need to keep up with the never-

ending rapid pace from the 21st century to the future.

Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Theories, Leadership Era, Great Man Theory, Trait

Theory, Behavior Theory, Situational Theory, Contingency Theory, Transactional Leadership,

Transformational Leadership
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Table of Contents


Introduction: What is Leadership and Why is It Being Studied?........................................4

Evolution of Leadership Eras..............................................................................................4

Personality Era.................................................................................................................4

Behavioral Era.................................................................................................................5

Situational Era: Contingent and Situational Theories.....................................................6

New Leadership Era: Transactional and Transformational Leadership Theories...........7


A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 4

Introduction: What is Leadership and Why is It Being Studied?

In the early 1300s, the term leader was noted, and leadership existed in the late 1700s

(Bass & Stogdill, 1981). The subject of leadership is a never-ending scholarly development

through definition, theories, and extensive research (Vroom & Jago, 2007). The term leadership

is defined as the act of leading a group or organization or an influential relationship between

leaders and followers who focus on changes and outcomes that reflect their shared interests

and/or goals (Daft, 2022). Throughout the various definitions of leadership, all share the same

process and vision. Leadership involves influencing one or more followers to achieve a goal

(Vroom & Jago, 2007). If a leader does not have a following, he/she cannot lead (Vroom &

Jago,2007). The topic of leadership is an important study due to its non-stop development and

outcome (Zaar, Bossche, & Gijselaers, 2020). When studying leadership, we learn to recognize

various personalities, observe, and analyze situations and relationships, strategically plan goals,

and enhance personal growth (Teague & Rispoli, 2021).

Evolution of Leadership Eras

Personality Era

The leadership era involves the evolution of leadership theories (King, 1990). Each

thought on leadership has risen and subsided in a relatively short period (King, 1990). Each era

precedes a higher leadership development through a thought process (King, 1990). The first

formal leadership theories began in the late 1800s to the 1940s which are the “Great Man” theory

and trait theories (Klingborg, Moore, Varea-Hammond,). The “Great Man” theory refers to that

leaders are born, not made, or trained (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). In other words, an individual

possesses the characteristics and traits to be an effective leader (Benmira & Agboola, 2021).

Julius Ceaser, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander the Great, and Adolf Hitler are some examples who
A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 5

resonate with the “Great Man” theory (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Therefore, these well-known

individuals are credited to have divine inspirations and natural-born leadership qualities that

assisted them to achieve greatness (Benmira & Agboola, 2021).

Trait theories look at the traits and qualities of an effective leader through development,

training, and/or practice (King, 1990 & Fairholm, 2002). In other words, this theory argues with

the “Great Man” theory by responding that leaders can be born or made (Benmira & Agboola,

2021). Steve Jobs, Thomas Carlyle, and Francis Galton are some leaders who fall under the trait

theory. Through this theory, effective leaders aim to identify and inherit traits through training

and practices (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). For example, an individual can attend conferences

and workshops to absorb the foundation of leadership studies. Therefore, the goal is to research

and analyze what makes an effective leader through physical, social, and mental traits (Benmira

& Agboola, 2021). Although this theory was abandoned in the 1950s due to its little advantage, a

tool called psychometric action is used as an example of trait theory principles in most staff

recruitment (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Therefore, the “Great Man” and trait theory was

discovered and utilized between the 1840s to 1940s and is still considered to be a constant

subject in leadership studies (Fairholm, 2002).

Behavioral Era

Behavior theory describes leaders on how to get tasks done and how to work with a team

(Fairholm, 2002). This theory differs from trait theory by not describing leadership as what

leaders should be but as how a leader is through behavior and how he or she functions (Fairholm,

2002). Through behavioral theory’s description, a new view of leadership was shared by its

opposition to a leader’s traits and/or power source (King, 1990). From the 1940s to the 1950s,

the behavioral era was a branch of trait theory that studied the initial structure and a leader’s
A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 6

consideration towards his/her followers (King, 1990). However, the behavioral theory provided a

complex comprehension between leadership and management.

Amidst the confusion among leadership and management, the behavioral theory’s

research focused on the comprehension of management and executive authority in the later

behavioral period (King, 1990). This theory provided various patterns of behavior that resulted in

grouping and labeling leaders’ styles (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). The behavioral theory became

an approach to management training (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Through this, leadership

theories blossomed to become management theories due to a leader being equal with the

organization’s team and what goal they complete (Fairholm, 2002). Therefore, the complex

study of leadership is ongoing and will continue to branch out. Currently, the behavioral theory

has been in numerous leadership-training programs which support the enlightened studies of

leadership (Benmira & Agboola, 2021).

Situational Era: Contingent and Situational Theories

In the 1960s, environmental, social status, and sociotechnical factors came into play in

this situational era (King, 1990). The environment was recognized as a significant role for the

leader and his/her followers which dominated this era (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). In the

environmental period, researchers would gather and analyze the economic factors in the

leadership concept if a leader decides to depart from a team (King, 1990). In the social status

period, the concept was based on how team members take on tasks by either their previous

behavior or reinstating the expectation to complete the task at hand (King, 1990). Finally, the

sociotechnical period combines the environmental and social status eras which would advance

group influence in an organization (King, 1990). Therefore, the situational era focuses on leaders
A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 7

adapting their style by considering the environment (Benmia &Agboola, 2021) which would

bring us to Situational and Contingency theory.

Situational theory expresses that leaders should be able to assess the issue and plan how

to resolve the issue (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). In other words, a leader must solve a situational

issue and figure out how to execute it strategically. This theory does its best to define leadership

by how a leader handles a specific situation (Fairholm, 2002). Contingency theory is best

described as how a leader will operate and decide on a certain style that would benefit in a

situation (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Contingency theory is a combination of trait and behavior

theory that offers analyzed data on how leaders should be effective (Fairholm, 2002). However,

leaders should still consider the situation at hand and strategically apply a specific style to

resolve the issue. Therefore, situational, and contingency theories work hand in hand as a step-

by-step process for a leader to be effective.

New Leadership Era: Transactional and Transformational Leadership Theories

From the 1990s to the 2000s, the study of leadership has become a complex subject that

now focuses on more than one factor (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). As the world becomes more

complex at a rapid pace through technology and globalization, the need for new leadership

theories has emerged (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). This era focuses on transactional and

transformational leadership theories. Transactional leadership theory involves various elements

such as contingent rewards and management-by-exception (Lai, 2011). Contingent rewards are

described as the extent that effective transactions and exchanges are given between a leader and

his/her followers (Lai, 2011). Management-by-exception involves whether leaders are active or

passive toward problems (Lai, 2011). In other words, this is where a leader would either prevent

or resolve issues when they arise.

A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 8

Transformational leadership theory is described as a style of leadership that embodies

charisma and a shared vision between a leader and followers (Lai, 2011). This theory advises to

look-beyond an organization’s mission and vision (Hay, 2006). Through this theory, leaders can

develop and bring a high level of personal commitment to their followers. As a transformational

leader, you must elevate and motivate your followers to achieve their goals within a company.

Therefore, transformational leadership requires a leader to engage with their followers by raising

their morality through motivation to achieve their goals (Hay, 2006).

The Future of Leadership Studies

As we continue to move forward at a rapid pace in the 21st century, we know that

leadership, as a topic, is complex (Fairholm, 2002). Researchers have focused on how a leader is

either born/made to now having leaders understand their surroundings (Benmira &Agboola,

2021). With the theories provided, we have a foundation to follow which will provide us a

background for future studies. Researchers can begin classifying leaders within organizations

(Gordon & Yukl, 2004). In the past year, organizational leaders had to transition from leading at

the workplace, physically, to a digital screen due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Hai, 2021). With

this applied situational issue, researchers can begin looking into technological leadership

development. The advantages and challenges with the topic of digital transformation can be seen

as tests on leaders (Hai, 2021). Therefore, the future of leadership studies will be tested through

the classifications in the work environment and the rapid pace of digital transformation in the 21st



Throughout history, the term leadership has various definitions and studies that became

complex to research. In that time frame, researchers have mainly focused on what a leader
A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 9

should be and how a leader should lead. Leadership has transitioned from a hierarchal title to

now a team player in an organization. Throughout the leadership era, we see that leaders were

either natural-born leaders or had the traits to be one. Then we see how a leader applies his/her

behaviors through their leadership style and the subject of leadership is mixed with management.

Moving forward, we see that leaders are applying various factors in situations where they need to

apply a strategic style to fulfill a task. Finally, we reach a point where a leader can either be

transactional or transformational in the workforce. Overall, leadership studies came a long way

throughout history and will continue to do so in the future through a digital transformation.
A3: Leadership Studies Evolution 10


Benmira, S., & Agboola, M. (2021). Evolution of leadership theory. BMJ Leader, leader-2020.

DAFT, R. L., (2022). Chapter 1: What Does It Mean to Be a Leader? In The Leadership

Experience (7th ed., pp. 4–4). essay, CENGAGE LEARNING.

FAIRHOLM, M. R. (2002). Defining leadership.

Gordon, A., & Yukl, G. (2004). The future of leadership research: Challenges and opportunities.

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(3), 359-365.

Gregoire, M. B., & Arendt, S. W. (2004). Leadership: Reflections over the past 100 years.

Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 104(3), 395-403.

Hai, T. N., Van, Q. N., & Thi Tuyet, M. N. (2021). Digital transformation: Opportunities and

challenges for leaders in the emerging countries in response to COVID-19 pandemic.

Emerging Science Journal, 5, 21-36.

Hay, I. (2006). Transformational leadership: Characteristics and criticisms. E-journal of

Organizational Learning and Leadership, 5(2).

King, A. S. (1990). Evolution of leadership theory. Vikalpa, 15(2), 43-56.

Lai, A. (2011). Transformational-transactional leadership theory. AHS Capstone Projects Paper,

17, 1-33.

Teague, L. W., & Rispoli, S. L. (2021). The study of leadership theories: Great leaders are

made, not born. American Bar Association. Retrieved September 12, 2022, from



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Vroom, V. H., & Jago, A. G. (2007). The role of the situation in leadership. American

Psychologist, 62(1), 17.

Zaar, S., Van den Bossche, P., & Gijselaers, W. (2020). How business students think about

leadership: a qualitative study on leader identity and meaning-making. Academy of

management learning & Education, 19(2), 168-191.

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