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Nicola Aika Macasiray

“The tale of six different coloured girls from the thousand

and one night”

All women have distinctions whether from their physique,

skintone People compete for their ability, height, Similar

preferences. although all varieties Individuals should be

treated similarly to Al-Yaman Ali Like a child in a candy

store, he has many possibilities. They can express themselves

in ways that would not be feasible if they just concentrate on

one person at a time, just like the slaves, since they are

exposed to several personalities. Every guy also has the

freedom to perceive himself as in charge of their life's

decisions. What you can give up for your love and what you can

do to appease everyone equally are the themes of the


1. Did you enjoy creating your character sketch? Why?

Yes, I totally enjoyed creating character especially when I

am in a mood and my creativity as well as my imagination is

working on the visualize, I want to create. I may not be

good at drawing but I’m working on it especially when we are

motivated to do it like when I watch nor reading a very

interesting book, we have that idea and imagination where we

can draw without literally looking at the image in the


The moments when we simply want to let everything happen as

it does and sketch whatever occurs to you at the time.

Attempting to draw your character out initially might

produce gratifying results when you have a more focused

character design concept. Based on what we have sketch I can

say that I am in love with the result the way we think about

the concept different skin tone, body shape and beautiful

outfit I can relate on what we have create in this era, body

shaming and racist are everywhere that’s why we show how we

feel and how it is related today.

We may more deliberately plan out your character designs by

using character sketches. A character's written description

can serve as a good starting point. You can organize and

then brainstorm a physical description of one’s character,

such as their height, hairstyle, and eyes, using a written

outline. In the outline, we may also establish the

character's non-physical traits, such as personality, likes

and dislikes, and background or history.

When you visually sketch or draw your character to embody

the physical and non-physical features in your outline,

these non-physical traits, together with the physical traits

from the outline, can serve as the inspiration.

2. If you were to do the work in a group or individually, which

of the characters will you create

If I were given a chance to create from the characters

either group or individually, I would choose Scheherazade

besides that I am a woman, reading the story of 1001 nights

she showed how smart and captivating she is the way she

looks and the way she thinks it really show her character

being a queen.

She is the type of woman who I idolize as well as the women

that man would chase an extremely intelligent who has read

books, history, folklore, and tales about former kings and

humanity in general. She was well-versed in all aspects of

poetry, philosophy, the arts, and science. She was not only

well-read, but also well-bred, kind, and friendly to

everyone she interacted with.

In this modern world youth would like to be her, the ideal

that everyone would look up to. In the tale of one thousand-

and one-night Feminist scholars, many of whom consider the

Persian storyteller to be the greatest female strategist of

all time, praise Scheherazade's persona. King Shahryar is

initially portrayed as the supreme ruler who has the power

to decide between life and death, he is easily duped by a

straightforward but bold feminine ruse. The "powerless

female" is able to teach the man by showing his interest,

and his redeeming characteristics eventually show

themselves. Scheherazade's persona continues to serve as an

inspiration for new stories, ballets, symphonies, song

names, and characters in well-known video games, proving

that it is much more than just a morality story.


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