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‘Trigonometry RIGONOMETR _ QUESTIONS M 2010 TO 2020 i SSC CGL MAINS 2011 = pee 12257" 200187" oe or {04 Sept. 2011} 6. Hsin 17° ="), then the value of EF an 3aey cotsae Ne TRE 1, Ifsin’a + sin’B = 2, then the value edd - ani (a) tan 83°.cot 53° (ox a +8) (b) tan 53*.cot 37° er aie vit sin 17° = 4, ww (sec 17° - (6) tam33°.cot 57° af sin’a + sin’p = 2 a ae {djtan 57*.cot 37° a sin 73°) (ons) ata . SSC CGL MAINS 2013 a oy joe {29 Sept. 2013} (co (@) 0.5 Pc eae 11. Ifsin® + cos0 = ¥2cos0, then the 2, The value of #1 #m ¢- y 2 value of (cos0 - siné) is: Opere © ye : ot 3 cot 58 cop 78 cop xy —¥ afk sind + cos = /3cos0 ti, at cot J cot 5 cot 5 cot 7 cot J oyy) {cos sing) 1 5 Pan tn? 20-7. If 0° < @< 90%, then the value of Ket (by 4/2 sing + cos@is- (a) 3cos@ — (b) V3sino 4 ate ear is ee fe 0° < 0 < 90%, 7a sina + (©) V2cos8 (4) \2sino enteigcaabecass| oot : ici ETAL Siiae ces (less tyme Mies 12, If-esin45*=yeosee 30%, then jx 90° a sind — cos wm & (D)equal to 2/2 % oR is equal to- ee wees Gin Mae eon AR x sinds® = yeosee 90° B, A (6) 7/10 (a) 7/13 (@) greater than 1/18 == 7 peme aon am? 4. Iftan0.tan20= 1, then the value. Theiminimum value of sinto+ of sin?20 + tan?20 is equal to cos7@ +sec70 tcosec”® + tan70+ (ae (b) 6* ‘ae tand.tan20 = 1 a sin?20 + 3 “coat tne _ (2 ae iar baeiel ares sin% + cos% +sec*® +cosecto+ (3/4) 10/3 tanr0 corm TT MEW? 18. TS + Tag BO av 2 2 @-2 @t a bt tan?45°.sec60? 80. Iftan(Sx-10")= cot (5y+20"), then 28. xcos!30" singor= 2 45-2008" Sie ‘af x= a(sin0 + cos) and y=b(sin ‘ensec60? value of (e+ ute a af then the value of x is- -afe tan(Sx—10%= cot (Sy +20") o-cose), at 42 a ara een si? tan’ 45°, s0c60° (e+ yo at? a SK xc ain ee (a) 24° (0) 20° ero ee Raa (1s ay16 (2 @)-2 ‘ i 31. If sind + sin’9=1, then the value of 20. If sin 50° = cos20* (0° 0 <90%), ed ws 0s!0+3c05"°0 +3c0s'8 +0081 s+ then the value of 8 is - i ‘afe sind+sin*@ =1 at cos!*0r 2 sin 50" = 008 20" (00:90) (a) Je (22 eos!*6+3costBcos8-1. INH # aa Ce es mei 26. If tana = 2, then the value of am aa" (b) 22° ee eas 3 (0 {c) 10° (ay 14" cosectatsectat * 1 (a2 Gagan Pratap Sir (ep) CHAGPION rusticarion ‘Trigonometry g2. Ifa (tand*cot0)=1, sind+cos9= b 98, Ifx=a sind beos0, y= acos+ 48. Find the value of the following ‘vith 0°2¢90", then the relation —_sin®, then which of the follwoing between 'a! and 'bis- is true? ee ns citi anG+cot8}=1, sind+cosé= aK x= asind-beosd, y= acosdrb «COTE 1 -CO8E" cOLAS coda” ada #2 # at (0) 2-1 (6) 2a=b*1 (eee peat (va a (©) b%=2(a+1) (a) b?=2(a-1) (bate yn at +b (0 (a) v3 /2 38. The value of tan}1* tan17° tan ay F WHRES tists 28 en the 79° tan73" is- @atee value of tandis (0is acute angle) tan11° tan17° tan 79° tan73° #1 a fy 7sin’0+ 2cos"9 = 4, @ tand = wae wer Ser aa aa & (= im $07 ft 1/2 39. tan A ntanBend sink=m = (W142 OT (©) 1/2 (ao sinB, then the value of cos*A is (8 (ass 34. If for any acute angle A, sinA + aft tanA = ntanB sit sinA~ 48. The value of ( cosec a~ sina)(sec sin’A=1, then the value of ncinp, at cos?A 1 ot a cose)(tana + cota) - costAtcostA is : x (coseca- sina)(sec a~ coso)(tana afe feat awit aA, = faw e-em + cota) 1 at @? sinAtsin’A~1 3 cos*Atcos"A #1 ak we fa) (6 a a a? ost @o8 (92 a4 | fa) 2 (b) 0. tt oat ; a - SSC CGL MAINS 2016 40. Iftand— cot = 0 and Dis positive ec Lean acute angle, then the value of {30 Nov. 2016} . The value of (1+sec20"+cot70°)(1— 2) 46. If xtan 60° + cos45" = sec45° then [8 esec20"tan70" is equal to- tan (015°) thevalue ot lie | [1+sec20"+cot70")(1-cosec20"+ tan(@-15°) ‘af xtan 60° + cos45° = sec45° 2, | tan707) 1m feo #7 aR tend cots Oskommms =p | Wet ae (a) 2 (b)-1 we) (2) 6/7 &)7/6 | (0 (aa aren ae mari 9 VS/e (a) 6/5 96. If 0°1), then the value of sind is (0° < 0'< 90°) ‘fe sec + tand = m (>1) 1, @ sind =a wa aig (0° <6 < 90%) 1-m? m?-1 Om Ona m+1 14m? on or 55. If (a — b’) sind + 2ab cos = a + b, then tané = ‘AK (a? - b°) sind + 2ab cos 0= a? +b? ah, at tan a am aU? 2ab a?-b? @y ‘bP 2ab ab a?—b? Oo le Gagan Pratap xsin® and 2xsecd — 3, then the value of Be apis AK 2ycos = 2sin0 and 2xsecd ~ yooseed = 3.2, tha? + 4° wa a an? fa} (b)2 3 (a4 cotBtcosec 0 -1 57. cota + cosec +17? Tecos@ 1-cos@ sno) Sino cotO=1 cot = ©) cosecé (4) cosecd SSC CGL MAINS 2016 {12 Jan. 2017} 88. IfsecA + tanA =, then the value of cosa is- "afk sec + tanA = ati, cos I am er tn? we 2a (8 0) aed al 2a 7% Nae 59. If sinP + cosecP ~ 2, then the value of sin'P + cosec’P is ‘ae sinP + cosecP = 2%, at sin’P + cosec’P 1 Fmt em ebm? fa) (b) 2 (3 (yo Mfeosxcosy + sin xsiny=-1 then 08x + cosy is- Af coszcosy + sinxsiny=-1 #, al cosx + cosy #1 AM ¥n tm? fa)-2 (b) 1 fo (a2 The value ofthe expression 2{sin‘® +cos‘0}-3(sin’9 +cos‘@) +1 is- ‘Bis 2(sin"6 +c08°8)-3(sin*e+ cos‘#) +1 31 HF war een? fa)-1 (b) 0 (1 (a2 61. : tena Een te vate of cod sea 00904 ee C080 fe BA colo a ‘feat were FT? (af O< 8 <90°) 2 Ogos Og Trigonometry way wie os 0 a If x= cosec 8-sin@ and y = sec. cos@, then the relation between x and yis - “AK x= cosecd -sind ait y = seco 090, at x alte yw ata a tim fajt+ y+ 3e1 (b) 28 + ye +3) = 1 (eyle + #5) =1 (AG + Fa5)=1 SSC\CGL MAINS 2017 {17 Feb. 2018} 64, What is the value of [(sin x + sin w(sinx — siny)]/[(cosx + cosy)(cosy — cosx)]? [(sinx+ siny)(sinx sing}/[(cosx + cosy)(cosy- cosxj] #1 Hr en #7 (a)0 (b)1 (e)-1 (a2 What is the value of ((tanso + tan30)/4cos40(tan50 — tan36)]? {(tan50 + tan30)/4cos4e(tanso ~ tan36)) #1 art er 2? (a)sin20 (bj cos20 (0) tan40 (4) cot20 What is the value of (4/3)cot"(r/ 6) * 3cos*(150") - 4cosec45" + Bsin(x/2) ? (4/3)cot"{x/6) + 3cos*(150°) - 4 cosec'45° + Bsin(x/2) =H A 3H #7 {a) 25/4 (by (7/2 (a) 13/2 What is the value of sin(B - C) cos(A ~ D) + sin (A-B)cos(C - D) +sin(C ~ Ajcos(B ~ D)? sin(B - C) cos(A ~ D)+sin(A - B) ‘c0s(C- D) + sin(C - A)cos(B - D) 6s. 67. a ae (a) 3/2 (b)-3 (1 (ao 68. Whatis the value of = 9m a #? ference A)]- [+sin(90+ A)eos*(90~a)] J, coo( ae #4) (b)-1 (a2 (a1 (go CHAGPION vo.icarion 0)/2}.cos|{180-96)/2] + sin[180— ~30)/2]-sin[180 ~ 130)/2)2 cos{(180 ~ 0}/2}.cos{{180-90)/2] + sin|180 ~ 38)/2}.sin[180— 139)/ aan ant? —{a)sin20.sin40 {b) c0820.cos60 {c) sin20.sin69 {€)c0820.cos40 70. What is the value of [tan? (90 ~9) = sin® (90 8)] cosec* (90 ~ 8) cot” (90-6)? [tan? (90-0) ~ sin? (90 -6)] cosect (90 ~ 6) cot? (90-8) 9H =H #7 (a0 (oy o-1 (a2 SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {18 Feb, 2018} 71, What is the value of [(cos*20 +3. cos26)+(cos°0- sin®0)]? I(c0s°20 + 3c0820)+ (cos®@— sin‘) mam am 2? (ao (1 (4 (a2 72. What is the value of #1 ari e187 to(a)stn( Esa) fa) (b) 0 (c)eot A/2 (d= 73. What is the value of /1 3M #7 ¢? [[sccao+1)V6sc70-1}4(oot0- tan) 2 ayo (byt (c) cosecO (d) secd 74. What is the value of sin (630° + A) + cosA? sin (630° + A) + cos AWA #1 #7 fa) J3/2—(&) 1/2 (0 (a) 2/V3 What is the value of 1 8 1 8? [(sin59°.cos31° + cos59° in31°) + (cos20° cos25° — sin20” sin25") (ay1/v2—(b) av (V3 (v2 (Gagan Pratap Sir 77. 73. 80. 81. B).sin(C ~ A) + sin(90 + A).cos(B + C) ~sin(90 - C).cos(A + B)? c0s{90 ~ B).sin(C~ A) + sin(90 + Ajcos(B + C) ~ sin(90 ~ C).cos(A +B) ana ant? (a) (o}sin(A + B- ©) (6) cos(B + C- A) (ao SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {19 Feb. 2018} What is the value of [(cos7A + cosSA)#(sin7A - sinSA)]? [(cos7A + cos5A}+(sin7A~sin5A)] Ha eH? (ajtanA (tanga (c)cot4a (a) cota What is the value of {1 - sin(90= 2A)]/[1 + sin(90 + 2A)]? [1 = sin(90 - 24)]/[1 +)sin(90+ 2A)] a Ht? (a)sinA.cosA. (b) cotA (c)tantA——_(d) sin*A.cosA what is the value of sin75° + sin 15°? sin75° + sin 15° #1 rt #1 87 @ V3 (b) 23 () (B72) (a 3/va What is the value of [(cos30 + 2c0850+ cos 70}+(cosd + 2c0s30 + cos50)] + sin20.tan30 ? I(c0s30 +2cos50 + cos70)*(cos0+ 2cos36 + cosS8)| + sin20.tan30™= art a 8? (@}c0s20—_{b) sin20 (c)tan20_— (a) cot8.sin20 What is the value of [2sin(45 + 6).sin(45 ~ 6]]/cos20? [2sin(45 + 6).sin(45 — 0)]/cos20 an Fart? (a0 (0) tan20 ()cot29 (a) 1 What is the value of sin(90° + 2A)|4 — cos*(90° - 2A)]? sin(90° + 2A)[4 ~ cos? (90° - 2A)] Ha a 87 (2) 2(cos?A - sin*A} (b)2(cos*A + sin’A) (c)4(costa + sin‘) (€) 4{cos°A — sin°a) @D ‘Trigonometry What is the value of cos[(180- 76. What is the value of cos(90 - 83. What is the value of [cos(90 + A) + secl270 ~ A)]+{sin(270 + A) cosec(630 - A)]? [cos(90 + A) + sec(270 ~ A)]4{sin (270 + Aj-cosec(630 - Aj] #1 5A ame? (a)3secA _(b) tanA.secA 10 (at SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {20 Feb. 2018} 84, What is the value of [sin(y- 2) + sinly + 2+ 2siny]/[sin(x — 2) + sin(e 2) #2sine]? {sinty=2) + sinty + 2 + 2sin ul/ [sin(x—2) + sin(x + 2) + 2sing) ar at? (a)cosxsiny (b) (siny)/(sinx) fe}sinz , (d) sinx.tany 5. What is the value of ffsin(x + y) - 2sinx + sin(x- yll/[oos(« — y) + cos(x + y) ~ 2cosx} * [(sin10x — sin8x)/(c0810x + cos8%]? {Isin(x + y) - 2sinx + sin(x y]/ [cos(x- y) + cos(x+ y) - 2cosx}} x [[sin1ox ~ sin8x/(cos10x + cos ‘8x)] 1H wa 87 fa)o (b) tan?x (o)1 (4) 2tanx 86. What is the value of [sin(90° ~ 100) ~ eos(x~ 68)]/cos(x/2-~ 100) — sin(s- 60)]? [sin(90* ~ 100) ~ cos(x ~ 66)]/ [cos(e/2 ~ 106) ~ sin(x ~ 68)] #1 rH ar 2? (a)tan20_—_(b) cot20 (e)coto (a) cot30 87. If secd (cosd + siné) = /3, then what is the value of (2sin9) /(cos0 = sind)? ARK secd.(cos6 + sind) = /2 @, H (2 sin0)/(cos0~ sin) #4 = #7 (a) 32 (b) 3/ /2, (e} 1/ v2 (a) v2 Whatis the value of #1 a 2 87 1 1 sin*(90-@) *[eos*(90-@)]-1? {a} tan%0.sec76 (b) seco (c) tan‘ (4) tan?.sin’0 CHAGPION ru s.icarion ‘What is the value of [tan(90 - A) + cot(90 — Aj}?/[2sec*(90 ~ 2A)|? [tan(90-A) + cat(90 ~ A)]?/[2 sec” (90 -2a)) a3 aH #7 (ao (1 (2 (d-1 What is the value of (sin (Q0—x.cosix— (e- uj) + fe0s(90 = x).8in| n- (yx)? {sin(90 ~ 2.cos{x ~ (x - yl} + feos (00-29 sin| x— (y-ag)} ar 82? [aj-cosy (bj ~ siny (cost (a) tany SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {21 Feb. 2018} 91. What is the value of (sin4x + sin 4y_ ((tan2x— 2y)}/(sin4dx ~ sindy)? {(sindx + sin4y).|(tan2x - 2y)}/ (sindx ~ sindy) 1a a #2 {a) tan2(2x +2y) (b) tan? (€) cot*(x— y) (@)tangax + 2y) What is the value of (32cos'x — 48cos‘x+ 18cos*x- 1)//4sin x.cos -xsin(60 ~ 2).cos(60 — #.sin(60 + 2.c08(60 + 3]? (82c08"x- 48co08"x + 18c0s%x— 1)/ [dsinx.cos..sin(60 - 1.c0s(60 - 2) sin(60 + 3).cos{60 + xj) war em #? (a)4tan6x —_(b) 4cot6x (c) 8cot6x —(d) Stan6x 93. Whatis the value of [2cot™(n.~ A)/ 21/[1 + tan®(2n ~ a)/2]? [2 cot * (x A)/2]/[1 + tan? = (Qe —A)/2| #1 a a 8? (a)2sin’a/2_(b) cosA (c) sina (4) 2cos#A/2 + If tan® + secd = (x ~ 2)/(x + 2), then what is the value of cos0 ? AE tand + sec = (x- 2)/(x+ 2) ¢, Tt cose wr am 8? (a) (2 — 1)/G2 + 1) (b) (2x2 - 4)/28 + 4) (6) (4 4)/( + 4) (2) @# — 2)/(22 + 2) Gagan Pratap Sir 95. What is the value of (cos40"— cos 140°) /(sin80° + sin209)> (cos 40* ~ cos140°)/(sin80° + sin 20°) #1 a wa 8? (a) 23 ()2/ 3 () 1/3 (@) V3 What is the value of (1 - tan(90- 6) + sec(90 —)]/{tan(90 - 8) + sec (90-8) + 1)? A[1 ~ tan(90 ~ 6) + see(90 - 0)]/ {tan(90 ~ 6) + sec(90 - 6) + 1) #1 at ean 87 (a) cos(0/2) _(b) tan(0/2) (c) sind (@) cose 97. What is the value of [sin(90 ~ A) + cos(180 ~ 2A)]/{cos{90 — 2A) + sin(180- 4)/? [sin(90 ~ A) + cos(180 ~ 2A)}/feos (80-24) + sin(180—A)] #1 art wen #? (a) sin(A/2).cosa ()cou(a/2) (6) tanja/2) (@) sinA.cos(a/2) SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {09 Mar. 2018} Paper - I 98. What is the value of 2(1-sin*@)cosec*® en? cot" (1+ tan”) 21 sin*9)eosec%e coPO(i+tanza) TH (a)sin20(b)sin*0 (@)cos'” _(d)cos20 99, What is the value of €082A+2c0s*A-2cos2AcosA sinA-2sin’Asin2A {cOS2A+2cos"A-2cos2AcosA sin2A-2sin*Asin2Aa HW a 8? (a) 2cotA (b) 2tana, (c) cota (@) tana 100.What is the value of cos 15*-cos 165°? cos15"-cos165" #1 4m en #7 (a) V3 /V2 (bv) 2/( 3-1) (6) (V3 + V2 (a)( JB +1)/2 101.If P+Q+R=60", then what is the value of cosQ.cosR(cosP-sinP) + sinQ.sink.(sinP-cosP)? ‘Trigonometry AA PHQHR=60° &, Zi cosQ.cosR. (cos.P-sinP) + sinQ.sinR (sinP_ cosP) #1 5 aa #7 (a) 1/2 (b) V3 / V2 (o) 1/2 (a) /2 102. What is the value of 1-tan(90- ®)P /[eos*(90- 9 )]-1? [1-tan(90-0)}*/[cos*(90-9))-1 vat a 82 (a)-sin20_(b)-cos20 (©) cos28 (a) sin2e 103.What is the value of 1+2 cot*(90- x}-2c0sec(90-x).cot(90-x))/ [cosec(90-x)-cot(90-29]? 1+2 e0t'(90-x}-2cosec(90-x).cot (00-23]/{eosec(90-39-cot(90-29] = art a #7 (2) cosx+ sinx(b) sinx- cosx {c} secx + tanx(d) secx— tanx 104.What is the value of sin (180-6) sin(90- 0 }+{cot{90-0}/1+tan? 8? sin (180-8) sin(90- 0 )+[cot(90- 0)/1+tan? 0] #1 am en 8? (a) cos*6.sind (0) cot0/(1+e0t29)2 (c) tano/(1+tan70 (a) 2cos0.sind SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {09 Mar. 2018} Paper - II 108.cos15* + cos 105° = ? 1 @) V3 Oe a a oF wy 106.If (A + B + C) =90°, then what is f eee A oy/2i+ cos(4) siniarcy/22 aft (A +B +20) =90° @, at a ata-s ah cos().sintB+cy/2 mr ea #7 2 1 is 1 1 Og (a “> CHAGPION rusiicarion mhat is the value of cot(90-x) (90-2 +cot{180- 2) sin (180-9? {90- xjsin*(90-x}+cot(180-x) ‘sin'(180-2 1 at aa? ae & (eae cos? 2: (sin4x) wo! 7 fate) Afsinx = 1/2 and siny=2/3, then ‘what is the value of [(6cos’x — xj (18c08"y -27c08'y))? afk sinx = 1/2. siny-2/3 ¢, at "(6cos"x ~d4cos*x)/(18cos?y ~ Q7cos*y)] HA FA Be (a)27/20 (by 15/14 (25/21 (a 17/14 IF sin(A-B) =1/2 and cos(A+B} =1/2, then what is the value of sinA.cosA + sin’A.sinB.cosB + cos'A.cosB.tanA ‘afk sin(A-B) ~1/2 741 cos(A+B) =1/ 2311 FA sinA.cosA + sin?A.sinB cosB + cos?A.cosB.tanA #1 #7 6+ V3 (a) 1 5 ) 8 1 3 y (5 {0.What is the value of cot{90"+75)"? cot{90°+75%) ar ar a #7 (a) 2+ 3 (b) -(2+v3) vB @ WB A.What is the value of 2sin1 "cos 15*-4sin°15"cos 15°? 2sin15°cos15°-4sin*15°cos15* man ant? 3 oF oF o8 wh SSC CGL MAINS 2018 {11 Sept. 2019} 13.Cosec(65° + 0) sec(25°-0)+ tan® 20° -cosec*70° =? (a) 2 (b)-1 (1 (ao Gagan Pratap Sir 114, |b 2228 is equal to feotO e050 ot0 = cos (0) 14+ secotand (©) seco tand (0) sec0s tan’ (@) 1-sec0-tano 115.10 lies in the first quadrant and Far 8 free aoe t7 then the value of tan? 20+ sin®30 is afe 9 gem aqafn a ¢ ae ert iat tan220+sin°39 WH (a4 (14/3 cos*9—sin% z a 5 (3 116.1f Ssind-4cos0 = 0, 0°<0<90% then the value of Ssin@—2cos0 Ssind+3cos0 (a) 2/7 (bh) 5/8 arr (a) 3/8 (1+c080)*+sin?o 47 (cosec—1)sin@ {a} cos0it + sind) {b) 2secO(1 + sec0) {c) sec0f1 +sin6) [d) 2cos@(1 + sec) 118.1f sind = J cos0,0°< 0-<90%, then the value of 2sin?0 + sec*0 + sind + cosect is ‘afe sind = /3 cosd, O°< 6 < 90° @, ai 2sin29 + sec%0 + sind + cosecd wane? 33103. 191103 fa) a vru (b) ea 19410v3 331108 oes aes 1-tanoy | _ nse] iors (2) sec?@ (b) cos? (c) sin?@ (4) cosec*® G&D Trigonometry (2sinaj(l+sina) ¥ sind +61 Q2sinA\(i+ sind) T+sinA + cosa Fad won #7 {a) l+sinAcosA (b) 1-sinAcosA 120. is equal to- man fey (c) 1+cosA-sinA (d) 1+sinA-cosA 121.The value of the expression (cos%@ +8in“ ~ 1)(tan20 +cot"0 +2) is - Ae (cose +sin%@ - 1)(tan2e +0020 +2) Fret Ha fru ae #2 (a)-3 (b)0 [e) 1 (aj-1 SSC CGL MAINS 2018 {12 Sept. 2019} 122.The value of Lass) (oa “\ LreosecA is: / WAM @: (a)3/2 (eo) 1 Iésine_p’ T-sind q?’ then sec0 is equal to: = Pai %, ai seco (b) 1/2 (a2 123.1f afe 1tSine 1-sind frofean 4a frat ar a: 2p’? @ eg 1(a,P oy (5 3 p’q? pag 3} 7 (a) Pog 124.The value of secHi(1~sine)(sine + coss)(seed + tané) ‘sin (1+ tan8) + cosO(L +cat) is equal to: / #1 4H #: (2) 2cos@_(b) cosectsecd (©) 2sine (d) sindcos0 125.The value of tan*6 + cot?@ — sec’0.cosec’® is equal to: tan + cot?0 ~ sec%¥.cosec’) #1 wart freefian a Peet are vim? (a)-2 (b)1 (oo @-1 CHAGPION pvsticarion 126.(secd— tan0}*(1 + sind)? + sin*0 = ? (a) cosé (b) cot?0 (c} seco (a) coso 127.3{cot?0 ~cos*®) = cos’8, O"< 0 < ‘90°, then the value of (tan*® + cosect® + sin*®) is- “af 3{cot"0 -cos’0) = cos"8, 0°< 8 < 90°, ai (tan*9 + cosec% + sin’6) amt 13 61 @z OD 25 15, Oi ay sin?0-3sino + rag. a 3sne +2 | where cos?@ 0°<0<90°, then what is the value of (cos20 + sin30 + cosec20)? sin” “Sgn 2 1 ta feet 0%< 0 <90° 8, tt (cos20 + sin30 + cosec20) = AF at #? 2eV3 344V3 6 342V3 Ei (a) S (b) 944s os 129.The value of sin( 78° +0) conf}2°~ 0 tax’ 70° coved? 203 SnS con cos2S" nes is:/ waa ts [a)2 (c)-2 130.The value of fconecd cot Yeosec0- cote equal to: fcosecd=cotd , _ sind jcosecd + cot ~ 1+c080 frafetan % & fra war 27 (a) (b)-1 (ao sind i+cos8 =F fa) cosecd — (b) E (0) seco (at 131.The value of (tan29*cot61° — cosec’61°) + cot?54° — sec!36" + (sin'1° + sin’3* + sin’s? +... + sin®89°) is /a1 5 8: foal an © aa (@) 22 HERA Gagan Pratap Sir SSC CGL MAINS 2018 {13 Sept. 2019} 132.If secd + tan6 = p,(p > 1) then cosec +1 > cosecd-1 pel @) p= (ep p-l © pa (@) 2p 133. (67° +0) ~sec{23°-0) + 00815" cos35* cosecS5*.cos60".cosec75* @)2 (eo fe) 1 (a0. 184.1f 2cos*9 + 3sin® = 3, where 0° < 0< 90°, then what is the value of sin?20 + cos’6 + tan?20 + cosec?20? ‘af 2cos%® + 3sind = 3, HHO" <0< 90°, al sin?20 + cos" + tan%20 + cosec?20 #1 AH aM Fil 38 29 @ > OF 35 29 og ae 135.(1 + cot® = cosec#)(1 + cos) + sin0).sec0= (a2 (2 (c) sec8.coseed (4) sin0.cos0 sec*O | cosec’ : 186 cosec8' sectg ((0ee"® + ‘cosec*#) = ? fa)o (b)- 2 (2 2 2 bie cos‘ @-sin*@—2cos*O al aia (b)-2 (2 @. 138. sin? 64° + cos64°sin 26° 2cos43°cosec47° =? (a4 1 (2 as igo, (Sin#—coséi(l+ tand + cot) 1+sin0cos0 {a) sec — cosecd (b) cosecd ~ seo8 (c) sind + cos (4) tand - cote Trigonometry 140, sind cost, tan? Ocosec"0— 1) sec tand (b)-1 (12 sind_,Lrc0s0_ 4 1411 Ty cos sind V3" 0°<0<90",then the value of (tang + secO}! is: (a) 2-3 (b) 3-2 (©) 243 (a) 34/2 ‘SSC CGL MAINS 2019 {15 Nov. 2020} ‘cos c230sin*45° 4 s0c*60° 142. (srcDrconcc45"—sco°60" tana? (a) 312+ 31. (B11 3-2) (9243-2 (a)-B12+ V3) sinf{(1—tand)tan+ seo" [sin djtand + tand(sec0 tad) ~ ? (at (0) cosect.seco (¢) sind.cos® (4)-1 144.cosA(sec A-cos A),(cot A + tan A) =? {a) sec (b) cota (c) sina (@)tana 145.If sin3A = cos(A+10"), where 3A is an acute angle, then what is 148. 3A the value of 2cosec “> +6sin*3A- 3 Stans? “af sin3A = cos(A+ 10") #, sei 3A =ar ti, th 2cose0 +6 9in*3A —Ztanesa am ar wi z @% wa 7 ay @s 146,( aie | ciate 080 sind)” cosecd— cot 1 secd tan (0) sec8.cosecd (0) sin0.tano (6) cosecd.coto (a) sin0.cos0 ? CHAGPION rvs carto 147.In APQR, 20-90". If cot R=3, then what is the value of secP(cosRsinP) cosecR(sinR ~ cos ech) ? APOR #, 2Q = 90° #1 aff cot = Fg secP(cosR + sinP) 3 & WosecR(sinR-cosech) 7 an aa ie 2 2 @s o)-F 2 2 oF (@-5 bz0, then a2(2b* +a) i) a2(2bi+a*) (a) barb} bears by) a2(2b?—a%)_b(2b?— a} (©) Bejaerb4) (4) “aajazs ba 0702+ tan*8 + cot“) + (sin*®— tan?) (cos ec% + sec6)i1+ cot*0)7 f@)-1 (byt ()-2 (ay2 150.The value of 2sin®38°s00752°. 149. tan?23"+eot°23 3 (@)-2 o> 3 2 az 151.The value of 3 (aya 5 @) Gagan Pratap Sir 155.1 186.1f SSC CGL MAINS 2019 {16 Nov. 2020} 152.1f x= sec 57°, then cot?33° + sin?57° + sin’33° + cosec*S7* cos°33° + sec?33° sin*S7" is equal to AR x= sec 57°F, tcot?33* + sin?57° + sin*33” + cosec?57° cos?33° + sec?33* sin?57, # aR #1 (a2+2 (bp 2x41 i etl dag 183.The value of ( tan*A + cot?A - 2) ~ ‘sec?A cosecZA is: [tan®A + cot’A~2)—sec*A cosectA AF ae Fifa (a)-4 (b)-1 fey (aa 5cos? 60°+ 4sec?30°- tan’ 45° "tan? 60° —sin®30°—cos*45° 19 67 > 0) 22 67 6S Olena cos (20454) = sing, 0%<(28 + 54°) < 90°, then what is 1 the yalue of ——————5, > tan50+ cose ® 2 afz cos(26+54") = sind, or<(20+547)<90°¢, at 1 —— a9 8 a ry tansorcosecS2 1 (a)2+ V3) 32 (23 2-8 coseco= b/a, then vB cote+1 Janda ya 8 equal fo: Beot AR coseco=b/at, a sens ATT EL 2 He gy Heat ‘Trigonometry sin'®___ 140080 487. cosa(l reo86) * cos? (a) 2coso—_{b)secé (c}2secd (4) cosecd 158.In ABC, right angled at B, iftan A= 1/2, then the value of sinA(cosC +cosA) cos C{sinC- sind) SABC, vt Bx waa #, a tana Jn A (cos C+cos A) 21/2 Qg feet ees oos A) ‘cosC(sinC-sinA) 7" is: ar ad zifrel fa 2v5 (b) 3 (2 (at 159, 2180+ c080-1 firvsind ‘sin0—cos011 in fay. (b)-1 (2 (a2 (1+ tan0+ secd)(1+ cotd 6 160,028" yc ‘cosec#) (scc0+tand)(l-sind) (a)2secd ——_(b) 2secé (6) 2cosecd (a) cosecé secA(secA + tanAj(l- sin) 161." (cosec*A = Ijsin®A (a)secA —_(b) cos’ (6) cota (@) cosa SSC CGL MAINS 2019 {18 Nov. 2020} 162.If sec0 + tan0 ~ 3, then the value of sec8 AAR secd + tand = 3 ¢, at secd #1 rt aa sia (0) 4/3 (3/4 (5/3 (3/5 reat S20+2RO 5! then the secO-tand 79 value of sin® is equal to: secO+tané 51 a 235 tat sino 1 39 aq 6) 55 65 35 (A aq eles CHAGPION rvsticarion 164.1f 3 sin x +4 cos x= 2, then the value of 3 cos x~4 sin xis equal to: ‘fe sine + 4cosx = 2 #, a 3cosx = 4sinx #1 WA aa *E (a) v23 (b) 29 (21 (@) aT 168.If sind + sin*0 = 1, then the value of cos*0 + cos"® is equal to: a sind + sin’ = 12, Ht cos’) + cose a am ait Fifth fs 2 ot faa 166.1f oe = 3, where 0° < cot” 0-cosO 0 < 90° then the value of 0 is: cos? s aR ap gig WTO" <0<90° 3, do a an a Fifa (a) 60° (oy 45° () 50° (a) 30° 167.1f cos@=—, then the value of 3S. 13" tan’ + sec*8 is equal to: Sei ae cosO= = @, ai tan’ + sec*® aan ata ifm 238 303, (195 195 313 323 Og os 168.If «+ = 90° and a= 28, then the value of Scos*a ~ 2sin*f is equal to: aft a+ p= 90° att a= 28 8, at 3cos*a - 2sin®p aI wr ae ifoTE 4 3 fs oF 3 1 Cs Os 169. If sin(x + y) = cos(x~ y), then the value of cos*x is: ‘af sin{x + y) = cos(x - y) @, at cost #1 aM amt Fifa fa) (b)3 fe) @s Ble Sle Gagan Pratap Sir 170.1f cosec39° = x, then the value of, cosec™Sy + sin’39° + tant51°— 1 sin’ SI°sec™a9° aR cosecd9° = xt, at res + sin739° + tan?51° - 1 ain SPseckaar TT : fai- — (b) et {J e-1 (@) Ji? 171.1f (sin@ + cosech}! + (cosé + sec0)? = c+ tan’ + cot®, then the value of k is equal to: ‘af (sin0 + cosect)? + (cos0 + sec8)? kk + tan*9 + cot?e@, at ke #1 AT aa ifs) fa)7 (b)5 fe) 9 (ay2 ‘SSC CGL MAINS 2020 {29 Jan. 2022} 172.1f Stand = 2/3 sind. 0°< @ <90" then the value of cosec?20+cot* 20 5. ssin*@¥ tan? 20 ‘af Stand = 2 J3 sind. 0°< 0.< 90° cosec26+ cot” 28 aa ‘sin*@+tan*® 28 et a? 4 20 lag 0) 35 4 a 2 3 OF 173.The value of 3 (cot? 47°- sec? 43°)-2 (tan’23°~cosec*67°) ‘cosec® (68° 10)-tan(@61") tan? (22°-0)+ eot(29°-0) f@i (b) 0 (os (at Trigonometry 7a te atawezing so29 = 80% 5 ath wy <0< 90", then 2 af 1+ QtarB+2sind seco = , arb or <0< 90" at OE (0) coso (co) cosecd (a) sec (tan’e cot°6 175. | sec%0 * cosec*O (14cosect@+tan’e), 0° < 6 < 90° (1a. ote ele (a) sine 2sindcos®) ) an 0, | S678" cosec79 MOE) + (icosec!6an"0), 0° <0.<90" a are ea feu eee eh? (a) sin0.coso (b) coseco {c) sec {d) cosecd.secd If 7sin%9 + 4 cos" = 5 and 0 lies in the first quadrant, then what YB sec0t tand is the value of Foes pay? ARE 7sin?0+ 4 costO = 5 aft 0 Wa : Aisec0s tan eis fn bt 10-3080 oR emt? (a) 2 (1+V2) (by ay () 2(v2-1) (@) 42 ATT.Let, 0° < 0 < 90°, (1+cot"0) (1#tan*) * {sind-cosecd}(cos- ecb) is equal to- Arai fir 0" <0 < 907, Bat (L+cot-9) (1#tan%9) * (sind-cosec0)(cosd- seod) BR er 8 Feud ae en? (a) secOcosecd (b) secdscosecd (c) sindscos0 (a) sindcos9 178.1 0°<0< 90° then find the value of {14 secOcosec8)) (sec - tan)” (1+sin8) (sin€+secé)’ +(cos8+cosecd) a7 (a) 1-cos# —_(b) 1-sind (¢} cos (a) sine 179.1 0"<8< 90° then find the value of Lecosd-sin’o foecToreaser™ sin0(1+cos6) “~ tand+cotd (0) seca (a) cota (a) tano (} cosecd CHAGPION pues scati0 : 5 ,ifsin A= 73 and 7 cot B= 24, then the value of (secA cosB)(cosecBtan A) is: 5 _afe sin A= 73 oi 7 cot B= 24 &, ai (secA cosBj(cosecBtan Aj #1 srg en sim? 13 65 wz 3 ok ot 4tan? 30°+sin® 30°cos*45° +sec?48°-cot? 42° 1. cos 37°sin 53° +sin37°cos' “tan}8"tan72° 35 59 (38 ©) 38 49 35 Bc) og (35 SSC CGL MAINS 2020 {03 Feb. 2022} |The value of /=1 Ht #: afcosec'26"- tana) ou 6 o0e? 48) 3 sin 0(1-tan@) tan 0(1+cosec®) is 42, ._sin0(1-tan6) afk 008073 #4 jan o(1+reosecd) ao at? 25 35 © ©) 334 35 25 9 jos (8) 156 aga. 1p SCONE A 9 tig in first secO-tand 7” quadrant, then the value of cosecA+cot?® cosecd- cot" secO+tan _1 7 ece-tand 7” 6 vem agate cosec + cot?@ cosect cote A fea, 8,3 19 22 as o> ‘Gagan Pratap Sir 37 37 © to (@) 9 185.The expression (tang + cota) (secg +tang)(1~sing),0° tan11° tan 17° cot 11° cot 17° sie tani? tani? = tanl° tanl7°x. =a (@)sinA + sin’A = 1 ‘sinA= 1 - sin’A SA = cosa costA + costA = sinA + sintA 1 {a} (1+ see20" + cot 7 (1 ~ cosee20* + tan70") = [1 + sec(90" - 70°) + cot 70°I[t + cosec(90"-70") + tan70 = [1 + cosec70" + cot70*) (1 ~ se070° + tan70"] -(u 1 cutee) 70° * sin70° 34, Let, cos0 = x 2x8 + 3x-2=0 2x + 4x-x-2-0 Qxfx + 2) — 11+ 2)= 0 1 1 =cosb= 4 = pa sec=2 2 {d)tanA = cotB (If A+B = 90°) 5x-10+5y+20" = 90° ( 1, sin70° ©0870" * cos sin 70° +1+c0870" tan(Sx- 10°) = cot(Sy + 20°) - sin707 tan(Sx~ 10°) = tan(90-(5y + 20°) cos 70° 1+ sin 70° Sx+ Sy= 80° xt y= 16° {b) sind + sin’0 = 1 sind = 1~sin’o sind = cos’0 cos!#8 + 3c0s'“0 + 3cos* + cos‘ — 1 (cos*6 + cos"@)>—1=1-1=0 (a) a(tand + coto) = 1 (cos70° + sin 70°)! (“Soca -6") £08°70°+ sin? 70" +200870°.sin70°—1 608 70° sin 70° 2c08 70°.sin70° ‘208 70*.sin70° 36. (e)Put, A= 45° tanA-secA-1 tanA+secA+1 sai “aya W202 41) a1 e(Vaea) “Gay option (c} will give (1- /3) b= sind + cos Solving from option Qaebio1 2sind cos8 2sind cost 1= 1-3 So, 2a= v2 (sin® + coso)? — 1 +2 sind cos ~ bea CHAGPION rusiication +1 cosA SecA _StfA+ +008’ A~2sinA+2onsA~2sinAcas A ® ina (scy 2sinA+ 2c08A -2sinAcosA ‘sin’ A-1-cos*A-2cosA 2{1-sinA)+2co8 (I —sinA) 1-cos’-1-cos*A=2cosA (1 + cos jf sin A) “eos A(L+ 008A) _sinA-1 " eosA. SSC CGL MAINS 2015 {25 Aug. 2015} 37. (a) sec - tand “5 @ sec% tan’ = 1 {sec0 ~ tanoj(secd + tan) = 1 sec + tand = /3 ti) From eq. (i) & (i) ae ey 5000 = Fe, tand = J roar Ws *3"3 38, (b) x= a sind cos0 “ y=acosd +b sind i) Eq. (i)? + (i? 22 + = (asind - bcos6)+ (a cose + deos0}* 22+ yf = stein’ + b?cos"? —2ab Ssin0.cos0 + a'cos"0 + b’sin*® + 2ab sin0.cos 0 22 + oP = a? sin’ + atc0s%0 +b? sin? 0+ bicos’® Zot pete bt sec0.tan\ 39, (d)tanA = ntanB sind _ | sinB cosA cosB sinA.cosB = n sinB.cosA, sin°A.cos"B = n* sin®B cos?A, cos? A sin? agin?) =e SA, (284 se] Gagan Pratap Sir ‘Trigonometry {b) cot41*.cot42°.cot43*.cot44", cotd5".cot46*.cot47°.cot48".cot4ge cotA.cotB = 1 (If A*B=90") cot 1" cot49*,cot42".cot48",cota3", ‘cot47*.cot44°.cot46°.cot45* elxbedd = 1 {€)7 sin’ +3 cos"0= 4 7 sin’ + 3 (1 - sin°0) = 4 (eee (Ese) mi m?-1+c0s"A _n’cos?A a 4 sin’ +34 mm PAs n-1 sinto=4 Alternatively: Put, A= 30", B= 60° tanB (a) (coseca ~ sina)(seca = cosa}(tana + cota) BY (psn Put, the value in option (d) sina cosa = less) (a) - i wf ( sin’ as 2) (3)- sina jl cosa 40. (b) tand ~ cote = 0 : +159 oa ee SSC CGL MAINS 2016 Put,@=45° — [-- tan@ = cot 8) {30 Nov. 2016} i) 46. (b) xtan60° + cos45* = sec45* ‘tan(a5°-15") tan60? v3 tango" 17% 8 41, (B)sinA + sinta sinA = 1-sin’A sinA = costA +: €0S%A + costA sinAtsin?A = 1 42. (a) 5 cos® + 12 sind = 13 Divide eq. by 13 . ia AT. (e} sin(2x~ 20%) = cos(2y + 20°) 730080 + 75 sine =1 sin(2x- 20°) = sin(90* - 2y-209 2x 20° = 90° - 2y~ 20° 2x + 2y= 90° L ‘ 2 xt ys 45° sind = 75 tan(x +y) = tan4s? CHAGPION rusticarion a? sec?x— b? tan?x = c? bisin’. sin? sin? @ +00s"6) _, cos'® sin’9 = cos‘® tan*9 = costa tan‘0 + tan’®= 1 (cos0)? + cos? = cos'0 + cos’= 1 51. (c) 8(sin°6 + cos*®) - 12(sin‘@ + cos'6) = (1 ~ 3sin*9.cos%9) - 12(1 - 2sin*6.cos*6) = 8-24 sin’®cos*0- 12 + 24 sin?0.cos*8 aia SSC CGL MAINS 2016 55. {01 Dec. 2016} pee 52. (€) (1 +sec22" + cot68*) (1-cosee e. secx+ tan’ ean es") nb ctna? = [1 + sec22° + cot(90° - 22%) a?—b? a?-b? [1 - cosec22° + tan(90° = 22°)], =[1 + sec22° + tan22"| [1 ~cosec 22° + cot 22} (enm ue Poa 008 22" . (e) (1 + Sec 20° + cot 70") sin22°4.c0822° (1 - cosec 20° + tan 70°) ( sina” | 56. = (14sec 20° + tan 20")(1-cosec Now take common- a: cok 20) _ (sin22°+00822°)" [sertesnaos 7 sin22°cos 22" . cos 20° a 1" 22°+cos* 22°+2sin22°cos22°-1 08 20° + sin20°-1) ena ae Precooe _ 2sin22°cos22” sin22°cos 22° __ (c0820°+sin20°)?-1 53. (a) xsin0 ~ ycosé = 0 e ‘sin20°cos 20” xsin® = ycos@ => tan® = y/x 08°20 sin? 20° 2sin20?.cos20°—1 peerage need eT ee xsin0.sin*9 + ycos0,cos" 7 = sin6cos0 ‘S87. _ 1+2sin20°.cos20°=1 Put, ycos# in place of x sin@ ~~ sin20°.c08 20° ‘ycos0sin’® + cos*®) = sindeos® __ 28in20",cos20° y= sind = “Sin 20°.cos20° ~ Similarly, a cos) : . {e) tan‘0 + tan’® = 1 aE oee i oece : i" 54, (b) sec - tand =m ... (i) sin*@ | sin’@ ‘sec’9 — tan?@ = 1 cos*8” cos sin‘ 8+sin?@cos’@ cos*@ Gagan Pratap Sir (sec + tand)(secd ~ tand} = 1 1 sec8+tand Cl) From eqation (i) and (i) sing m+ Ram Q or, sind = Vizcos"® sind= h-( Be J m1 (om? 1" (mi? +1)? m?-1 mil anol b) {a? — b%}sin0 + 2abcos0 = a? + b? (@-»') 2ab_ c080 = a prsin ind cos. e+e) at-b? ate al NG ! ‘So “al tanoe =" Zab (4) 2ycos8 = xsind [if @ = 45°] x= 2y 2x s¢c8 - yoosecd = 3 2(2y)sec 45° ~ y cosec 45° = 3 4y/2-w2-3 1 aire Put, the value ofy in equation (i) (i) ede 2 2 tay? = 244% (b) cotd+cosec 1 crfeectsl 1-1 1+V2+1) 2+ 2 een f es 1-cos® eee v2 satisfied CHAGPION rvatication 58. SSC CGL MAINS 2016 {12 Jan. 2017} {b)secA + tan =a i) [sec’A - tan?A = 1] secA-tana =2 oi) Adding ca. () and (i), 2secA=a+> a a’+l secA, 2a 2a cosA =< att (b)sinp + cosecp = 2 sinp+ sinp sin’p +1 = 2sinp sin'p + 1 ~ 2sinp = 0 (sin? p- 1)? = 0 = sinp=1 sin’p + cosec’p = 17+ 17=2 Alternatively:- 61. 62. 63. sinp + cosecp = 2 Put, p= 90° sin’90° + cosec’ 90° = 17+ 17= {e)cosx.cosy + sinz.siny = -1 cos(x~ y) = -1 cos(x ~ y) ~ cos180° x= y= 180° S x= 180" ty osx + cosy = cos(180" + y) + cosy = -cos y + cos y= 0 (b) 2{sin*+c0s°)-3{sin*0+-cos")+1 [sin*e+cos®9 = 1-3sin*Gcos*9] [sin*@+cos*9 = 1-2sin*Gcos*0} 2{1-Bsin#8.cos*9}-3(1-2sin"8.cos"6)+1 2-6sin*0.cos*€-3+6sin°8.cos’O+1 =o say CO” QeyR 2xy, 1", 8 +47 are triplets. x-¥ Dy {(b) x = cosece - sind _ Lésin’@ _cos?@ (4) cos= cot = 21 *° N28 nat 9 BB By option (b) Bele +P +9)> 14h ytea}er Paaa ! 1 ar anl 2 Bye + F +321 SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {17 Feb. 2018} [(sinx + sin y)(sinx 64. BYi(cos.x + cos y)(c0s y — co: Put, x= 90", y= 0 [(sin90"+ sinO*\(sin90°-sin 0" {(e0s90°+e080"}(c0s 0°08 90") son “[ro+na-9) _[__tanSo + tan3e) - (P) =| 4 cos 40°%tan50— tan 30) Put, 0 60° (tan58 + tan 180° eos 240°(tan58— tan 180°) | tanse 4008 240? xtanS Leap: patna ace aeats *4c08240° 4c08(180° + 60°) From option (b) 60820 = cos120" 0s (90 + 30°) = sing] [:.cos(90 + 8) = ~sin30° 2 Sone 2)+s008'4509 66. (a) 3° |F = dcosce"45" + Bsin( 2) 2 i Soot (30°) + 3c0s"(00 + 60°) ‘Trigonometry sensu sa) aetle 3 ses 4 28 8+8- 67. (4) sin(B-C).cos(A-D)+sin(A-B) *c0s (C+D).sin{C-A).cos(B-D) put, A =D=0 sin0*cos0°+sin0".cos0"*sin O*e0s0" 0+0+0=0 68. (b) [Hoal90 Ain '90- A) -AsinBD + ome 4sin A.cos" A-4cosA.sin® A cos(90+ 4A) 4sinA.cos*A~4cos Asin’ A —sindA __4sin A.cos Alcos” A-sin’ Al =singA, 4sinA.cos x05 2A ~~ 2sin2A.cos2A 4sinA.cosA _ 2x 2sinA.cosA 69. (b) ove 120-27 og 80-90 so 22= 28] [80510 © in ® cos? cog t® =sin$. sin + cos 2. cos Multiply and divide by 2 =Nosin® sin® +2008 12 28 2 ae [2sinAsinB = cos (A-B)-cos(A+B)] [2cosAcosB = cos (A-B)+cos(A*B}) i [cos 49 ~ cos 58+ cos56 + cos 86) [2008 60.cos20] = ¢0#20,c0s68 1 a CHAGPION pusticariow [itan‘(90 -0)-sin*(0-0)] .ec{90- 0)cot?(90- 6} {cot%@ ~ cos°0)sec*0.tan"0. 3 ape é.tan?@ fan’) sec0 [eo {2th2 sco otanto tan’ 0 .sec’® 4g tively: [ivan’(90-9)-sin?(90-0)] ‘cosec*{90 ~ 0}cot*(90 6) Put, 6 = 45° 1 a fi-g] x21 1 ‘SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {18 Feb. 2018} 508920 + 300829 1°) cos O-sin®® Put, 0= 30° 1208260" + 30860" ‘cos 30°-sin®30" £08220 + 3c0829 cos’ @-sin’8 Put, 0=0° 1430) 1-0" a ® 3x 2 (aytan (F 6a) stan (SE aje9 Istana i-tanA stant +4) = ‘Trigonometry TA. (¢)sin(630°+A) + cosA = ? = sin[720 - (90 ~ Al] + cos -sin(90 - A) + cosA = -cosA + cos tan( 2 +4) = tan[90+(45+A)] sangre 6) =-cot & (tan(90°+(45"+A)]=cot (45°+A), cotA-1 =o 78. (d)(sin59°cos31"+cos59"sin31") +[cos20°cos25"-sin20°sin25°] ‘sin59° = sin(90°-31") = cos31" (: [sin(C*D}FsinC.cosD+cosCsinD} {c0s(C+D)=cosC.cosD-sinC.sinD} cot (45°48) = L+cotA eum Euaaih ssin(59°431"}+cos(20"+25") (tana) * (Istana) ~~? ou aa Alternatively:- oa a options are numerical 76. (d)cos(90°-B)sin(C-A)+sin (90°+A) cos(B+C)-sin(90*-C) x 3n tan (+A) xtan (+A) coslA+B) put A=0* =sinB(sinC cosA-cosC sinA)+ tan45° « tan135° cosA(cosB cosC-sinB sinC)-cosC faised (cosA cosB-sinA sinB) ~sinB.sinC.cosA-sinB.cosC.sinA cae! (b) [(sec20 +1)| Vsec*8-1} x = +cosA.cosB.cosC-cosA.sinB.sinC I 2 -cosC.cosA.cosB+cos C.sinA.sinB [cot -tand] = > Bp [taper]. Mtoe 20820 2 PutA=B=C = 45" cos@ sin@ cos(90-B) sin(C-A)+ sin (90+A) ‘sind cos cos(B+C) ~ sin(90-C) cos(A+B) ant} [sozsw] ee cd 203 | Sind. sin(C-A)= {60570 -sin?0= cos20) teeteto 1.000 eu ec Le Joos (A+) = [ese 003 [saaoss] os(Ae8) sind 1 f__1 SSC CGL MAINS 2017 [ite0s 20) 030 “2 [anata] {19 Feb. 2018} {e082 2cos*8-1} 1 77. (€)(Cos7A+Cos5A)+(Sin7A-Sin 5A) 1+ 2c08*0-1 pte n : I 3c0s%8 cosatcosB = 20085 cos “>= 1 = 2c08°0 1 we 20878 AVB A-B Alternatively:- sinA-sinB = 20s “£P gin AB Put, 0=30° (7As5A) 1 2c08 Jeos (sec60°+1) [Vsec*30-1] x 3 loot = 5A), 30-tan 30°] 2cos| _€086A cos cos6A sinA = cota, CHAGPION rusiicarion 1 sin(90-2A)] 78. (e) [iy sin(90+2A)) 1-cos2A_ 1-14 28in"A ‘Teeos2A 1+2cos*A-1 280A tanta 2cos?A [ Cos?A = 1-28in?A~2Cos?A-1] 79. (c) sin 75° + sin 15° sinC+sinD -2sin’ = 2c0845°,cos30" gg oka, LS a2 a Alternatively:- sin7S* + sin15* = sin(45°+30") + sin(45*-30") = sin45*.cos 30° + sin30*.cos45* + sin45*.cos30° ~ sin30".cos45 sin75° + sin15° v8+1 V3-1 V3 we oe “Ya 08 30 + 2085840578 | cos 0+ 2cos 384+.60s 50 sin26. tan30 80. (a) execread = 20 en oP _, 260850 e082 + 2cos56 , 2c0536 x cos20 + 2c0s30 sin26 « tan30 200850 (c0s20+ 1) > 2c0s36(cos20 +1) * sin20 x tan30 MEA Gagan Pratap Sir coss8 sin2@sin36 = cos30 cos30 (see sin20. sin3@) x2, = cos38 2 200850 + 2sin38 x sin20 a 2cos36 2sinA.sinB ~ cos(A-B)-cos(A+B) 2cos50 + cos® - cos58 2c0836 60850 + cos8 ‘260838 2c0s36.cos28 2cosae > C820 2sin (45 +0)sin(45—sind) a 2sinA.sinB = cos(A-B)-cos(A+B) c0s(20)—c0s90° _cos(20)-0 (00820 08 28 81. (a) £0820 ~c0828 Alternatively: 2sin(45°+ 0)sin( 45° — sind) 20828 pat 0= 15° 2sin60 x sin30° cosa0° 281 Ba “2 ¥ 2 only (d) option is Satisfied with these condition Alternatively:~ 2sin (45+ 0)sin (45-8) He cos20 sin(A+B) = sinAcosB + cosAsinB __ 2[sin45cos0 + cos45sin@. a 60s20 [sin4Scos6 - cos45sin8] 0828 A let s0) [o-s0]] cos'0-sin'® it = 2x3. 37h ‘Trigonometry 82. (A) sin(90+2A}.{4-cos?(90-2a] = cos2A.(4-sin*2A} Put, Value of A= 90° 108180°,(4 ~ sin? 180°) = 4-0) 4 using option, only (@) option is Satisfied with these condition 4 (cos® A- sin® A) = 4(cos® 90%sin* 90") =40---4 Alternatively:- sin(90+2A).[4-cos*(90-24] cos2A,(4-sin®2 A) 08°A-sin?A)[4-(2 sinA cosAy}] = (cos? A-sin’A) 4(1-sin*Acos*A) = 4{cos*A - sin‘A) [-(a®b9) = (a-b)(a2+b?+ab)} 83. (4) cos(90+A) | (sin270+A) 'ec(270— A) ‘ cosec(630-A) -sinA_, -cosA TcosecA * -secA = sin’A + cos’A = 1 SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {20 Feb. 2018} sin(y 2) +in(y +2)+2sin 88 On eae [sin(a+B)in(A-B)-2einAcosB aia ena 2 2etny Beinxxcos2¥ Zin sing 2siny(cosz +1) 2sin eos 2 +1) 88. (b) (eerpedrnn! dale cos(x y)-+e0s(x+y) 2008 [intoszsint] ‘cos10x+ cos 8x [cos(A+B}+cos(A-B)=2cosAcosB] _{ 2sinxcosy~2sin x “| 2cosxcosy—2cosx [ 2sindxsinx *| 2e0s9xcos x [Feeasecsu= tana 2eos x(cosy— 1) => tanxtanx= tantx CHAGPION pusiicarion [sin(90-108)- cos(x—6)] 60) [oos( 100) ‘sin(90 - 108) ~cos(180-68) 1s(90 ~ 108) - sin(180— 60) (2) __ £08100 + 60560 sin100-sin60 20s 800s 20 2cos 80sin 28 87. (A) sec8(cos0sind) = VE 8e00,c080 + sec8.sind = JB = cot28 1+ tand = 5 tan = 3-1 cot = YB+1 (2sine)____2sino os8—siné ~ sin6(coté—1) Hare “coto-1- V2+1-1 2sine cos9—sind V2 Alternatively:- sec0{cos0 + sind) = /3 secteostsecdsin® = 2 => 1+ tand =v2 i) secd(cos0 + sind) = e0s0+sind = 2 sec squaring both sides, 2 0879 + sin’9 +2cos0sin0 = — 5 sec6 = 1+2cos Osin6 = 2cos*0 = 2sinOcos0 = 2cos?9-1 2cos?O=1 2sin = cos By putting this value in question 2sind cos8— sind 2cos?@~1 cosd cos0-sind 2cos*@-1 cos (cos = sind) ‘Gagan Pratap Sir Trigonometry 1 cos?@~-sin?@ - 2sin® AcosA. cos6(cos0— sind) paetnentt ae _ Asin? A.cos?A in6)(cos8 + sin) Sara ‘c08 6(c080 — sind) c qt 90. (a) {sin(90" -x).cos[x -(x -y)]}+ cos@ , sine {c0s(90"2) .sin(x {y+ 24)) cos6 * cosd = ~cosxcos(x~ y) + sinxsin(y ~ 2) ey = ° = sine 4 tation(i) value of = -[cossnos( zy ftsinsin(x—y ee {cos(A-B) = cosAcosB + sinAsinB} = 1+tano= 2 = fool, 3%) 1 1 = oo 88. (2) Sin"(90-0) [cos(90-o)]-1 Alternatively:~ sin(90*- xjeos(x-(1-y)+cos(90"-a) eel sinfr=ty- 9] cos"@ putting x= y= 0° i sin90°cos180°+c0s90°sin180° sche 1x€1)*0 = -1 eee By options ; -cosy = ~1 nisin Alternatively: cos*6 cos*6 ‘sin(90° = x).cos(x- (x- y)) isha + c0s(90° ~ x).sin(— (yx) are > cosxt-cos(x~y) + sinxsinly~2) => -cosx.cos(x~ y) + sinx.sin(y~ x) sin*@ = ~cosufcosxcosy + sinx siny) cos" 6 + sinx{siny.cosx ~ cosy.sinx) : = -cos'x.cosy ~ cosx.sinx.siny sin ecto TGhesingcoan sony aint rt => ~ cosy(cos'x + sin?x) cosy = tan*osec%9 SSC CGL MAINS 2017 89, (<) #42(00-A)+c0t{90— a) {21 Feb. 2018} 2eec"90— 2A) 91. (4) (sindx +sinay)[tan(2x-2u)] By putting A= 45" sindx —sindy [tan 45° + cot 45°7° A+B A-B Tae OO O07 sinA+sinB = 2sin“* cos “= asin 225 og 8 nae 29 ] sin(2x+2y)sin(2x~2y) > cos (2x + 2y)sin (2x-2y) * sin(2x~2y) [aes = 20) tan (2x + 2y) 92. (c) 32c0s"x - 48cos"x+ 18cos*x~1 ‘4sinxcosxxsin(60—x)x {c08(60°-x)*sin{60"+xJcos(60°+x) adding (+ 4 and -4), CHAGPION pustication > 32cos%x - 4 - 48 cos'x + 18 costx-3 — S2cos%x - 4 — 48 cos‘x + 24 cosx~ 6 cos*x- 3 > 32cos*x ~ 4 ~ 48 costx + 24 cos'x - 3 cos?x 4 (2cos*x~ 1}° ~ 3cos*x. > cos 6x osx + 4cos'x- 3cosx +: €086x-> 4cos!2x- 3cos*x Now, :.4sinx,cosx.sin(60-x). c0s(60-x).sin(60+x).cos(60+x) [censor ain ore wna [-.c08x:c08(60"=x).cos(60"+x) = cos32] cos6x. i sin3xcos3x 4 _ 2, 4cos6x ~ 2” sin3xcos3x _ Bcos6x ~ dsin3xcosdx (sec +tan®) (secd - tan) 1 * (sec — tand) Gagan Pratap Sir ‘Trigonometry 2 seed tano = 2*4 (ii) “h "6 add eq. (i) + () “ide % Ls im & N3+1 "ane is ast V3 py ale N3+1) 1 Ee tando° = tan Alternatively:- [1=tan(90°-0)+ see(90°-0) ‘tan(90°-6)+sec(90' =a rit 1 cot® + cosecd) > [cot6 reosecd +1] 95. (b)(cos 40° ~ cos 140°)/(sin 80° isola ‘sin 20°) ps Ave os8, sinAtsinB = =r jas ie matey 2 [= sin@ | cosA-cosB = ~2sin**Bsin = [sind -c0s0+1] 2 > [sin +cos0+1] ea o( 2°34 "Jan( 25 140°) sa (2 “e 2 (Eo OIE] - wn -20") (ml) 2sin90°xsir(-50°) 2sin50° x cos3t 2sin50° x cos30° __ 2sin90°xsin50° © 2sin50*xcos30* sin90° * cos30° Tita 97. (e)Put, A= 60° “B8 sin30° + cos 60° 2 ‘cos(-305}+ sini 20° 96. (b)Put, @ = 60° 1-tan(90°-8) + sec(90: aes ) +86 (90° [1-tan30°+ sees0°] * [fan30°+s0c30°+ i] CHAGPION pustication atively:- sin(90~ A) +cos(180~24)] [po- 2A)+sin(180—A)] > sin2A+ sinA = £08A = C082 sin2A sina AVB OA 7 os ANB sinAtsinB = 2sin AB cosA-cosB = -2sin> sin“ 5 (9a aol 28) coe soft) wee( BA)” ca] sin(A/2) 608(A/2) = tan (A/2) SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {09 Mar. 2018} PAPER - I 2(1- sin*8)cos ec0 8. (A) cot70I1 + tan’6) (seco =14tan*9) _ 2e08*0cosec?® ‘cot8 sec*® 2cos%9 sin’ ~ Sin?0 cos"Osec%9 + = 2008-0 -1 = 0828 99. (*) Wrong question 100.c} cos 15° ~ cos 165° 08 15° — c98 (180°-15*) cos 15° + cos 15* = 2c0818* ctl a ¥3+1 2 ssc0s 15° = sin 75° Gagan Pratap Sir Alternatively:- cos 15° ~ cos 165° Use formula cosC ~ cosD = (a2 2 sin(“ = asio( Jae) al) = 2 sin (90°) sin(75") B41 22 M841 Va 101.(a) - P+Qe = 2x By putting P=“ + Q-0° and R=60° =>cosQ.cosR.(cosP-sinP}+sinQ sinR.(sinP - cosP) =51*c0860 0° sin60°.(sin Sa-o+o- 2 35-0) 40> (cos0*-sin0*}+sin = 6080") 2 102.(*) Wrong question, 103.(a) 14: 2cot"(90—x) ~2enser{90- x}oot{90-x) ‘cosec(90- x) -cxx{90- 2) 1+2tantx ~2sec xtanx secx~tanx (ytantx=1+sec%x-1] 142(sec? x-1)-2secxtanx Secx-tanx 2sectx-1-2secxtanx pe gbeo tx “12sec xia secx-tanx 2seexx(seex~ tanx) (sec.x-tanx) 1 (seex- tan: = sec x- = 2sec x- x) 1 secx-tanx 1 secx-tanx © secx+tanx Secx+ tanx (secx+ tanx) = 2secx— tan?x => 2secx~ secx= tanx (sect 1+tan? = sec x-tan x ‘Trigonometry Alternatively:- By putting 0 = 45° in equation 332-2/9-1 32-1 By options (option d satisfied) = seex-tanx 3-1 104,(d)sin (180-8).sin(90-6) 4 208 (80-8) 14tan79 tan sec76 = sin0.coso+ sine cos = sind.coso+ =~ xcos*0 = sin0.cos® + sin8.cos0 2cos0.sind SSC CGL MAINS 2017 {09 Mar. 2018} PAPER - II 105.(b) cos15*+cos105° exc sn- 2S) 2) ts OD a monde Let, B= C = A=90° wl!) “(es = sin45*.sin 90° + cos45*.sin0* 1 = sinas =e Alternatively: A+B+C=90" wf) athe Pe CHAS PION eusiication mone mee o=(t) ao(*22) [sin(a+b) =sina.cosb+cosa.sinb] nn ($+ 222) -o) 107,(4) cot(90—x).sin"(90-x}+cot(180- x)xsin‘(180-x) = tanx.cos*x ~cotx.sin*x SIX oot 008% coax sinx sinx.cos*x ~ cosx.sin*x inx.cosx{cos’x - sin’x} (2sin xcos x)(cos 2x) a __2sin2x.cos 2x me _singx a sin'x 108.(a) sinx => we ie 2 ar Ow MA Gagan Pratap Sir Trigonometry SSC CGL MAINS 2018 {11 Sept. 2019} (cosdssin8" (see scones P) 1 109.(b) _cos(A+B}=75 ~c0s60" sin(A-B) = 5 a sins" 2ensecB 1" ‘ae ans seon25 B= 15" of-2 sinA.cosA + sin*A.sinB.cosB + 415 ay cogec (65°40) — sec(25°- 0) + cos*A.cosB.tanA, eae Aero" a Hid ( y (2sinBoosB) = cosec[90° ~ (25° 0)] ~ sec(25°~ “SAE 2 6) + tan-20° — cot?70" - 1 = sco(25° - 8) ~ sec(25" - 6) + tan220° ~ tan?20°- 1 ‘+c08°A.cosBx cosa = B coe Ac08B8inA s44,4q) TDTERD = Yeoto~eas0 Jedene paton 45" Matt [rs eos15° = sin75°= "2" 1 Ba 2°38 “sala we Atte at) ; — . =\W2n) =a only option (c) gives at ( /2 +1) at on 45° 75°) Alternatively:- tan(45°+30") & + tan45° 1 tan30° 1 tan45"tan30° we B|_ 541 VB-1 4+2V3 = a+y3) 111.(¢) 2sin15°cos15°-4sin*15*cos 15° [-: 2sinA.cosA = sin2A] =sin2x(15*}-2.sin15*.cos15° 2sin'15* n30"(1 ~ 2sin?15°) ‘Multiply and divide by (1 + sing) i¥sind (+sind) 1-2sin’A = cos2A] in30"xcos30° 1=sind” (1+sind) a _ Lesine - ~ “cos0 = secd + tand CHAGPION po siicarion 115.(a) @ is in first quadrant ro+1195 cos?@-sin?9 =} 23 2 ivide and mutiph ~sc0s7@ =1~sin?@ ee 2 2g-1 33+10V3 1-sin?@-sin?@= > $ Stieald 119.(a) (ES) + sind = 30° 1=coto 2. 2 tan? 26+ sin? 36 sind}? cos =| 2080 | +1 sin@ = tan’60°+sin?90° + (GPa ae 116.(a) Ssind - 4cos0 = 0,0 <0< 90 Ssin0 = 4cos0 cos @-sind |? —_cos0___ =| Sin0-cos0 | +1 sind sind)’, ‘eal =tan?@+1=sec’@ vag Senne (1+cos0)? +sin?0 V(cosec#0=T)sin?0 _ 1.0080 200804 sin6? ia 1 vO 2+2c0s0 117. "2sec?8+2sec0 = 2sec8(1+ sec®) 5 risa) 28-8 tan60°= 3, @=60 2sin? 0+-sec? 6+sinAsecB+ cosec® Bo, 2. OR ate so (1+sinA-cosA) is ans. 121.(a) (cos*0+sin® 0-1) « (tan?0+ cot?6+2) put, @= 45° [aay G4) ‘Trigonometry SSC CGL MAINS 2018 {12 Sept. 2019} 3BB(AY/ sind cosh) (cova (Fesa Satan") “(isSceca 2) pal Hes CHAGPIONevstication ‘Then, siné.cosé 125.(a) tan?9+cot8- sec@cosec’9 16°9 16° 9 81+256-25%25 16x9 144 Alternatively, 0-45" tan? sco? 9-200 cosec® 1s1-(v2)'. (V3) Set an 126.(b) (sec tan 6)" (1+ sine)” sin? Put, 0= 45° (@-y (0 (a) ab? = (a+b) (a-b) (3-22) (+22) = 9-8 by option = eot?0 = =1>c0t0 Gagan Pratap Sir 127.{b) 3 (cot*6- cos*8) = cos*0 3 cot?0- 3cos*0 = cos"0 Scot =4cos9 cos 78 axe =4xc08*9 coat sae sini? sino 0-60" Then, tan*decosec*0rsin’® tan’60"cosec*60"+sin*60* sin?8-3sind+2 = cos’@ sin®@-Ssin+2 = 1-sin%® 2sin*9-3sind+1 = 0 2sin*-2sind-sin6+L (2sin6-1) (sind-1) = 0 2sind-1 = 0 10 x 6= 30° sind =3,, sinf-1=0, sind =1 6 = 90", 0°< 0< 90" Then, £0820 + sint30 + eosec2e 0860" + sin90° + cosec6o" oe hE Rete NERe! As (4:13)<5 ova Qa)” 6 sin(78.+0)-cos2-0) $an270*-conect20" BBS" cos 657s cos 25°sinS Put, the value of 8 0" sin78°cos90°-78")+ _tan270°- cosec*(90°-70°)) WT Gnd coe 90"-25%) +460825°.sin(90°~25°) _sin78*- sin78*(tan*70°~ sec70*) in" sind5°+ coo25" c00 25° 129.(b) }+tan?70°~sec270° 7 sin25*+cos25° [:-sec*0-tan#9=1] al Alternatively:- Put, 0 = 12° satgcl 131.(a) (tan29".cot61*-cosec*61*) + cot?S4°-sec*36"+ [sin*1*+ sin?3°....+sin?89") =(tan (90°-61"}cot61°-cosec? 61°) +cot*S4"-sec* (90°-54") +sin'1” 4sin?3° +....t8in’89" =(cot?61*-cosec?61°+(cot? 54° cosec?54")+sin?1°+sin® 3+. ...8IN45"*...,.+C08°3"+008"1* [--cosec*® -cot% =-1-1+sin?1*+sin?3* sin’44°+sin’45° = -1-1+22+sin45° ed. =205 SSC CGL MAINS 2018 {13 Sept. 2019} 132.(b) Put, P= 3 sec +tand = 3 He 4 5 seco SP =4 3Ne Sar cosecost 4 coseco=1~ © 4 By option P* = 3* = © ainiaio CHAGPION rvsticarion ; : Trigonometry 483.(d) cosec (67°+0)-sec(23°-0}+ 187-(d) sind_,1+cose 4 0815" cos35* cosecSS” cos60" Tae | cosec75" 2(sin®0+ cos) 3(sin* 0 +cos* 6) ()iscos0 sind YS | puto=o° cos" 0 sin* 8 260870 sint9+(1+c086)?_ 4 (i+cos0)(sino) V3 =cosec 67*-sec (90°-67"}+c08 15" Put a= 90° + 1 x00860" sin20+00s?0+1+2cos8__ 4 ©0835" 55° “0800 Sin 7S 2(1+0)-3(1+0) SE Uvcosd\aind) “WS =cosec67°-cosec67*+cos15° 0 See 1 -_ 1 188,(d) sin?64°+c0s64° (sin(90°— 2(1+cos0) _ 4 0835" o5535°"2“cosls* 2 64*)+2 cos43" cosec (90°-43") Cr eos0)sind V3 194.(e} 20080 +3sin8 = 3 sin’64°+c0s*64"+2c0s43°sec43" B Put, 0 = 30" 142-3 sino) 50-60" (WB x 139.(a) (sin9-cos9)(1+tan6+cot®) Then, oo Sf ot (ead-conbfotandsect®) TE ans a0 then, 0= 30" = (v3+2) sin?26+cos*0+tan226+cosec% F sf0-8) =(sin60"}*+(c0s30"}*+(tan60")*+ a 2-5 (cosec60"}* Ge) a “2S 3,3,3,4 SSC CGL MAINS 2019 pares {15 Nov. 2020} _9+9+36+16 _70_ 35 30°sin?45" +500" 60" 142.(4) [560% o8 045" coc" 60"tan aS" ey(f) er 2° 6 2 (1-sin*9)+3sin0 = 3 2-2sin’0+3sin0 = 3 “(ay\a) Or rooaee releh Jieaiat (aay BO 2sin0(sin0-1)-1(sind}-1= 0 s* ae "125 irae ranroees Bessy ey i wg "37 ade ea sind =1,sin0=5 25 25 sind{(1-tan6)tan0oee?6] 135. (b) (1+cot#-cosec®) (1+cos+ sin8) seeB- cosecd zm } Cp secd 5 “155 [a-e(y" 34° 2 2 = J B65. then option (a) (-$ joy(a+1)(v2+2) (sec0 ~ cosect) is ans. ! p-3 140.(c) Oo ON sind +cos0-1, tan29(cosec*0-1) a4 sin@-cos6+1 ‘secO-tan@ 1 > eae 144 (a) CosA(Secd-cosA)(CotAttana) When we pat A= 45° then two bption gives equal value Now put A= 60" Ja) In option (d) tanA = tan60* = J CHAGPION rusticarion 145.(b)Sin3A = Cos(A+10) if'SinA = CosB then, A+B = 90° 3A +A +10" = 90" A= 20° Now come to the question 148.(e)sec0= 5, 2cosee ** sesin'3a~2 tant sec +6Sin'SA-S tan’SA 3 = 2Cosec30"+6Sin"60"-5 tan*60* 149.(a) sec?0(2-+ tan®¢ + cot®6) = (sin®# - tan’) (cosec%# + sec*8)(1+cot? 0)” i put, 0= 45° (2) rie) + [02) +02)" Shae woes 8% C2) ga 4| Ra Ba 16 ae 150,(d)If + B= 90° then, sinA.secB = 1 & sinA = cosB 2a? 36 2s con sn si 68° oe Bttawat | =O -aar) In option(a) sec8.cosecd a 2 oP 202 GP =m POP = sect5*.cosecd5° im = (v2) (2)=2 statisfed), ty 2+1__3 147.) B 3} cosec8.sec8(sin8 +cos—1)(sin6+ cos 1) T Put, 6 = 45° _,, eP(cos Resin) ' (% (g) 3 Ay ay Wee) cos ecR(sinR-cosecP) (Phlaerste) 2 “Fla*) S10” 6) "3 oy 2 7 HEA Gagan Pratap Sir ‘Trigonometry Alternatively:- cos*0+sin*s 3sin"@.cos"® coset. secO(sind + cos-i)(einb + cos6rH) " (cost@+sin’)’ sind.cosa (80+ 080)" ~()"] 1 1 [sr 0--c0s"0+2sindeo98-1] 1 =(gh 3-2 2 4 HERA Gagan Pratap Sir Ai) 169.(a) sin(x+ y) = cos (x- y) (e+ w+ x= = 90" 2x= 90" x 45° moo 4 170. ag- 2-H .(€) cosec itp ~ Soueqigis *8iN739"rtan?S1*— 1 ‘Sin?51°. sec" 39° = sin?51°+sin239° + tan®§1°- 1 ‘sin? A+ sin? A+B =90° secA.secB=1 | when,A+B=90° | = 1+ tan’51°=1 = tan’S1* > (sind+cosec Of’ +(cos0+ sec’ = k+tan?@+cot?é = (sin45°+cosec45° + (cos 45°+ sec 45°F =k+ tan? 45°+ cot” 45° = Ges Gea) > (3l-(a)-* De Poke ‘Trigonometry SSC CGL MAINS 2020 {29 Jan. 2022} 172.{b) 3tan0 = 25 sind 3eind seg = a3 sino 8 coso = 3 080 = cos30" 0=30 cosec*23 + cot* 28 > “sin 0+ tan? 20 Put, = 30 cosec’60" +00? 60° sin’ 30°+ tan’ 60' 173.(4) fo 47°43") a(n? 28°- con 6" ee San) ta (= B) vk OH} = cot47* = cot{90" - 47°] = tana: 0) = tan23° = tan(90" - 23") = cot67* (a => tan{22*— 0) = tan (90"-22" + 0) = cot(68* + 8) (ii) = tan{61° + 6) = tan (90-61"- 9) cot(29° — 0) iv) Putting value of equ(i), eq(ii) and equ(ii) and equiiv) afta’ 49°20 43")-2(ca°67*-co80267") ‘Sc (GE) ot (68° 1) = ec oD W342 at ea 174.{c) 1 + 2tan’0 + 2sinosec’® = | sint@ , 280 | a 1+ 20080 * cos” D cos 0 2sin?0+2sind _ a 0080 > L-sin®0+2sin'0+2sin0 _ a 1-sin’@| b CHASPION pvsticatio# Lysin’0+2sin0 a 1 " 1=sin’@ b Bh Va - : G+sino? a BnBG.88 afl tan’@ | cot® +08 25nd. (St cosects *sin@.c08 8 + (1 + cosect9 + tan*6) Also put 6 = 45° in all options In optin (c) = sec0.cosecd = /2% 3 = 2 So, option (¢) is correct. Alternatively: sin’@ cos*@ 0818, sin*O + 2sin0.cose cos*@ sin?@ + (1 + cosect® + sect 1) = (2b EB asina.coso) « cos@ sin (cosd-secd) ‘Sin%@-1 (ssa) = Cosec*Oxsectox( SE sin’@ cos?6. _[oststou‘eszontocas), (=! F sin0.c0s0 Cost in +.c0s70 « (Greswe) coseorsecn 2,880 a (actarcosielt © 4 = Sec0.cosecd - Gnbcosd “sm ocos7 | 178-0) ag (1+sec@cosect)’(secé- tané)(I+sin@) ~ nbicosd ~ 2in0.co8d (sind +sec8)" +(cos6+cosec8)” 76.(a) 7sin*0 + 4 cos" = 5 Tsin?9 + 4 (1-sin’®) = 5 ( 3sin*@ = 1 )'/1-sino) sindcos6} |" cos0 = ‘ ae 1y ft (soeaeal eae) (sindcos6 +1)°(1~sin6)(14-sind)(1-sind) ae wait cont 008" = (einteo80 +1) a = (1-sin9) After putting value in question Gagan Pratap Sir +sint 2N2 2 ino" = pea 209) Apply componend> and Y77sel(L > cov (8100 (snd dividendo:- cosect) (cost-secd) at nave ao" aes ide ta) Tete a All B (1+cot%e)(1+tan?0)(sind=cosecd) sna) 181.(b) ‘Trigonometry “alle Alternaively:- 1 Only option (b) gives 5 at @ = 30° 179.(4) (Lcos0-sis6) | (eoctconec% sin6(L+00s6) *~ tandecotd {sin’*9+cos’® (Hest) sin? e.cos7e sne{i+s8) “sine + 00876 sind.cos® 030(1+ cos) 180,(0)sina = © a) sind = 5 12 cos a= 2 24 1 ‘cotB = ] > tanB= 24 = [secA.cosB) (cosec.B tan) cot42* ~ cot (90°-42") 0537? = cos(90"-37" sin37* = cos(90" apeiget CHAGPION rvoiicarion ‘Trigonometry SSC CGL MAINS 2020 _—_185.(0)0 = 30°, 45", 60" = o1 x Sin? 00878 @ = 45° not suitable because two sie ta 1 {03 Feb. 2022} option will be same =~ sin’? cos*6 pee Pe so we can put = 30° or 60" ag7.4p) Scone tn (042-4 fae aaa AERATED), tang + cot) (6000 +tang}{1 Ss Ssh Oe2aes__ cosec? 26" i a ba O FtanOl(l (sec cotOr)(oosecO-ak6+1) 2 242" = tan? 48° cot(22"-0) = tan (680) (4o8)(3+ 2 (1-3) (cos*0)'-(sin*0)' «asin? 3 cosec? (62°+0) = sec? (28°-0) WE 43 V5, “(eosec8+1+ cot6)(cosecd+1-cot6)—2 | aes (cos*0-sin®9)(1)+2sin’013 pee Sesivatue 3 abler = (cosecél)’ -(coto) -2 tan(68°+6) —tan(68*+8)-sec* options (0) 6 ne _ (28°-0) +tan¥(28°-6) cosecd 5 covers +3 30a) Alternatively:- ‘Cos e¢76+1+ 2cos ecb-cot* 8-2 an = (tao + cot) (seco + tang)(1 143 128 eee ” Tas 2c0secd=2 Meee tal” A (sag coma) (4 ss a 4 2030 * ino ) (Zos8 coed » aacigg ~ 2 aino ‘sin*@+cos*6 188.(d) (1-sino) a (1-sin@ +cos6)'(1-cos0)sec* 8cosec’s, 2, (sec 6 = tan@)(tan6+ cot use triplets + 5, 12, 13 : Gecd=tano}(tand+cot9) Put, @= 45° sin 0(1-tan0) > tan 0(1+cosecd) Ee (be Ale Bere (V2-1)0+) “Basil a -sr- & (:an%o)'-(sec’e)' + 3sec"otane Only 2 tan® gives 2 after puting 1840) ceco-tan6 "7 2 0-45" Apply componendo and __(tarf0-sx6 [tants ses tan Goe’6] Hence, 2 tand aiicenaoy Seed tants Alternatively:- = anf vene os asrrbeae 4 cos 0 (1-sin0 + cos 0} cos)sec"@.cos ec’ sir? @cns'6 (sec - tan0)(tan8 + cot®) (a) (tan‘o+ sec" 0+ tan? 6sec?8) (1-sind+cos0)? = 2(1+c080)(1- e +Ssec*Otan’e sin0) (sin?@+ cose)" (Result) (a+b+e}? sin®6cos"6 2A +cos inf) (1 -cos0)sec* .cosec’e sec'O=tan' Osec*O'+ 3eec? Otan?@ sing, — 1 cos0“cosbsind incase sec 0+ tan‘ ~2eec*tan’6] _ 2(1~cos?0)xsec* ecosec’® cosec0—cot™@ eles scesSiconecd sin*Bcos*@ = 2 sin*0.sec"0.cosecd 19 *-tan’) 5 Creer sincos"8 CHAGPION at scasio 81°)(sec9° + cosec81°) e+ tan"(90°-719}+1 cos9° = sin81* sec9* = cosec 81° /4sin81°)(cosec81°+ cocc81°) sec?71°—tan*(90-71)+1 ysin81°x2cosec81° osec*71*-cot*71+1 sin’0 G0s76- 3c086+2 , 8 = 60° Gagan Pratap Sir 18 “Be 7B ee 191.(b) (1-2sin? 6cos”6)(cot8 + 1}cos@ (sin' 0+ cos" O)(1+ tand)eos ecb ‘Trigonometry 3 1 =Fs-3 Go through option:-(b) 1 = ~sin0 gives - at 0 = 30° 2 -in7e Alternatively:- cos sind = OS* xsin@cosé—-1 = cos’@-1 = -sin9 CHAGPION rustication

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