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In the onset of our journey/1/ here at Opol National Secondary Technical

School,/2/ the joy we felt/3/ is immeasurable /4/because we are /5/finally

here./6/ The start where/7/ we can actually experience /8/the teaching
profession/9/ together with/10/ the genuine people/11/ with an expert power.
/12/Today, /13/our heartfelt /14/gratitude /15/and appreciation /16/to the
people /17/who believes/18/ in our capacities./19/ To the teachers,/20/ non-
teaching personnel /21/and staffs /22/who embraced us./23/ We believe that
/24/teaching is not only learning /25/the pedagogy/26/ but also having/27/
a unique strategy./28/ We the BSED students /29/of Opol Community College
/30/give our warmest thank you,/31/ first of all /32/to the almighty
Father /33/who makes things possible in every way./34/To Mr. Anthony Y.
Pacamalan/35/ the School Principal II /36/of Opol National Secondary
Technical School /37/for accepting us whole heartedly, /38/to Mrs. Marites
Estrera, /39/head Teacher I of English Department /40/for welcoming us in
the beginning /41/of our pre-service teaching. /42/Our big thanks to all head
teachers in every Department./43/ To all our cooperating teachers who
immensely extend their help, /44/principles and learning’s in the teaching
field. /45/who show their love, /46/kindness and patience, /47/thank you for
the free snacks/48/ and sometimes for the free rides./10/ To all the
advices, /4/encouragement and words of wisdom./26/ We will never
forget/18/ that you all have been once part of our lives./21/ This is not yet a
goodbye./10/ Thank you and/13/ Mabuhay Opol National Secondary
Technical School!/all/

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