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Wrap up and Examples

Is Othello a Tragic Hero?
• Othello is not born as a man of great stature but earns his place
in Venetian society through his great qualities

• Othello falls from grace because he cannot live with

Desdemona’s infidelity (even if it is imagined)

• Othello experiences a moment of self realization and ends his

own life

• Catharsis= pity and fear

• This is a play that has EVERYTHING to do with Othello’s race.

• Othello experiences judgement, bias and insults because of his


• The play would not exist if Othello were Venetian- what is the
overall message? Racism leads to terrible outcomes; people
should be judged on action- not race. The most racist
characters in the play (Brabantio/Iago) suffer at the end.
• If we let jealousy take over our minds, negative consequences

• Iago’s life is ruined by jealousy, so he ruins other lives.

• Othello lets the ‘green-eyed’ monster destroy him,

• Jealousy is closely related to pride- people are not possessions.

• Reputation is important but can be recovered. Do not let your
reputation (or lack thereof) destroy you. Iago preaches the
importance of reputation but remember HE IS THE VILLAIN!

• Again- to think too much of oneself is prideful, never think we

are above God or others.

• Reputation is not bad but should not control our lives (look how
twisted Othello became)
Public vs. Private
• A person should be themselves at all times- whether in public or
at home.

• Look how the change of scenery changed the characters’


• Notice how Iago constantly points out that women are different
behind closed doors, again, he is the villain, do not take things
he says at face value---- he is not who he seems.
Relationships vs. Isolation
• This play demonstrates the importance of relationships in our
lives. That honestly and communication are so important. If
Othello had spoken with Desdemona or Cassio, much of the
tragic action could have been avoided.

• Iago ISOLATES both his wife and General and is able to use this
isolation to complete his evil plan.

• Healthy relationships are not isolated but exist in community

with others
Appearance vs. Reality

• What message is Shakespeare conveying through this theme?

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