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Medical Technology Program MBIO 101 LABORATORY ACTIVITY SHEET


I. Desired learning outcomes

The nervous system is made up of two divisions: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral
nervous system (PNS). The CNS includes the brain and the spinal cord. The PNS on the other hand is consists
of the nerves.

After performing this activity, students should be able to:

1. demonstrate nerve reflexes in a human subject;
2. describe the structural components of a typical neuron;
3. identify the structures of the human brain in a chart/model;
4. locate the different cranial nerves in a model or diagram;
5. describe the components of the spinal cord; and
6. locate region of the vertebral column where the spinal nerves emerge.

II. Material
1. Reflex mallet
2. Small piece of cotton
3. Flashlight

III. Procedures: Reflex Demonstration

A. Patellar Reflex (Knee-jerk reflex)

1. Have the subject sit on a table with the legs dangling above the floor.
2. Sharply tap the knee with the reflex mallet at the ligament just inferior to the patella.
3. Test both knees and record your observations.
4. Have the subject jog in position until his/her limbs are fatigued.
5. Test the patellar reflex again and record your results. Compare the results obtained from the first and
second tests.

B. Triceps Reflex
1. Have the subject lie on the table, with an arm across the abdomen.
2. Support the subject’s arm with the elbow flexed at a 90°angle.
3. Sharply tap the posterior surface of the upper arm just proximal to the olecranon.
4. Record your observations.

C. Plantar Reflex
1. Position the subject’s bare foot with the lateral surface resting on a table or chair.
2. Firmly sweep the handle of the mallet along the lateral region of the sole.
3. Record your observations.

Medical Technology Program MBIO 101 LABORATORY ACTIVITY SHEET

D. Corneal Reflex
1. Stand to one side of the subject. The subject should not look away from you toward the opposite wall.
2. Wait a few seconds and then quickly, but gently, touch the subject’s cornea (on the side toward you)
with a wisp of absorbent cotton.
3. Record your observations.

E. Pupillary Reflex
1. Obtain flashlight and metric ruler.
2. Measure and record the size of the subject’s pupils.
3. Stand to the left of the subject.
4. The subject should shield his or her right eye by holding a hand vertically between the eye and the right
side of the nose.
5. Using a quick right to left motion, shine a flashlight into the subject’s left eye.
6. Observe also the reaction of the right pupil during the test conducted on the left eye.
7. Record your observations.

Medical Technology Program MBIO 101 LABORATORY ACTIVITY SHEET

NAME OF STUDENT: ________________________________________ DATE PERFORMED: ___________________

TITLE OF LABORATORY ACTIVITY: ______________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: ____________________

IV. Observation/Results
(Paste pictures of your results here.)

V. Discussion
(Discuss your results here.)

Medical Technology Program MBIO 101 LABORATORY ACTIVITY SHEET

VI. Guide Questions

1. In general, what is the importance of reflex testing in a routine physical examination?
2. What was the effect of muscle fatigue on your ability to produce the patellar reflex?
3. What is Babinski’s sign? Describe the normal plantar reflex.

VII. Conclusion
VIII. References


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