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2 Relationship of Elements in Bazi Chart

Supported by Generated by Controlled by ង្រប់ង្ររ Released Power Destructing

Daily Master ពង្រឹរ កកកើត កោយ byបន្ថយថាមពល ពិឃាត

Wood Wood Water Metal Fire Earth

Fire Fire Wood Water Earth Metal
Earth Earth Fire Wood Metal Water
Metal Metal Earth Fire Water Wood
Water Water Metal Earth Wood Fire

III. Bazi Elements:

Heavenly Stems Earthly Branches Year of Months Year of Hours Last Number of Yr Elements
H1 Wood + E1 Rat Water + (-) E1: 8 Dec-5 Jan 23:00-24:59 0 and 1: Metal
H2 Wood - E2 Ox Earth - E2: 6 Jan- 3 Feb 1:00-2-59 2 or 3: Water
H3 Fire + E3 Tiger Wood + E3: 4 Feb- 4 Mar 3:00-4:59 4 or 5: Wood
H4 Fire - E4 Rabbit Wood - E4: 5 Mar- 4 Apr 5:00-6:59 6 or 7: Fire
H5 Earth + E5 Dragon Earth + E5: 5 Apr-5 May 7:00-8:59 8 or 9: Earth
H6 Earth - E6 Snake Fire - E6: 6 May – 6 Jun 9:00-10:59
H7 Metal + E7 Horse Fire + E7: 7 Jun – 6 Jul 11:00-12:59
H8 Metal - E8 Goat Earth - E8: 7 Jul – 6 Aug 13:00-14:50
H9 Water + E9 Monkey Metal + E9: 7 Aug- 6 Sep 15:00-16:59
H10 Water + E10 Rooster Metal - E10: 7 Sep – 7 Oct 17:00-18:59
E11 Dog Earth + E11: 8 Oct – 6 Nov 19:00-20:59
E12 Pig Water – (+) E12: 7 Nov – 7 Dec 21:00-22:59

IV. Type of Bazi Chart:

Daily Primary Secondary Third
Dominant Power of Daily
Master Young Young Young Remark
Energy Master
Element Shin Shin Shin
Metal Earth Fire Strong by supporting - Metal controls wood
Wood power - Earth generates metal
- Fire releases power of wood
Earth Fire *Metal Strong by generating - Earth controls water
(50%) power - Fire generates earth
- *Metal controls of wood. Metal can
H1/H2 or cannot be young shin depending
Wood on its position in the bazi chart
+/- whether it stays close to water or
wood. Metal can control wood, but
also supporting/generating water.
Wood Water N/A Weak by destructed - Wood controls earth and supports
power wood itself
Earth Heath issue: high - Water generate wood
cholesterol, ល្រោះ នុង្រម៉ា ត់

*If earth is too strong, then water
and wood will be damaged.
Water Wood *Fire Weak controlling - Water releases power of metal, and
(50%) power water generate wood.
(+/-) - Wood supports wood itself.
- *Fire controls metal, but also
releasing power of wood. (50% no
need and 50% need)
Water *Wood *Metal Weak by releasing - Water controls fire and generate
50% power wood
(+/-) - *Wood supports wood. But it can
also generate fire. Then it can be
good and bad. However, it may be
temporarily more supportive to deal
with huge fire with other wood, not
by itself.
- Metal generate water, but control
Metal Earth *Water Strong chart by - Metal controls wood
50% generating power - Earth generates metal
- *Water controls fire. Water can or
cannot be young shin depending on
its position in the bazi chart whether
it stays close to Fire or wood. Water
can control fire, but also
supporting/generating wood.
Wood Fire Earth Weak chart by - Wood releases power of water, and
50% controlling power generates fire.
(+/-) - Fire supports fire itself.
- *Earth controls water, but also
releasing power of fire. (50% no need
and 50% need)
Wood *Fire *Water Week chart by - Wood controls earth and generate
50% releasing power fire
(+/-) - *Fire supports fire. But it can also
generate earth. Then it can be good
and bad. However, it may be
temporarily more supportive to deal
with huge earth with other fire, not
by itself.
- Water generates wood, but also
control fire.
Fire Wood N/A Weak chart by - Fire controls metal, and support fire
destructed power itself
Metal - Wood generate fire
*If metal is too strong, then fire and
wood will be damaged.
Water Metal Earth Strong chart by - Water controls fire
Fire supporting power of - Metal generates water
the element itself - Earth releases power of fire
H5/H6 Fire Earth Metal Weak chart by - Fire releases power of wood, and
Earth Wood 50% controlling power generates earth.
+/- (+/-) - Earth supports earth itself.

- *Metal controls wood, but also
releasing power of earth. (50% no
need and 50% need)
Earth Fire N/A Weak chart by - Earth controls water, and support
destructed power earth itself
Water - Fire generate earth
*If water is too strong, then earth and
fire will be damaged.
Wood Water Metal Strong chart by - Wood controls earth
Earth supporting power - Water generates wood
- Metal releases power of earth
Fire *Earth *Wood Weak chart by - Fire controls metal and generate
50% releasing power earth
(+/-) - *Earth supports earth. But it can also
generate metal. Then it can be good
and bad. However, it may be
temporarily more supportive to deal
with huge metal with other earth, not
by itself.
- *Wood generates fire, but also
control earth.
Water Metal *Wood Strong chart by - Water controls fire
generating power - Metal generates water
- *Wood controls earth. Wood can or
cannot be young shin depending on
its position in the bazi chart whether
it stays close to earth or fire. Wood
can control earth, but also
supporting/generating fire.
Metal Earth N/A Weak chart by - Metal controls wood, and support
destructed power metal itself
Wood - Earth generate metal
*If wood is too strong, then metal and
earth will be damaged.
Earth *Metal *Fire Weak chart by - Earth controls water and generate
50% releasing power metal
(+/-) - *Metal supports metal. But it can also
generate water. Then it can be good
and bad. However, it may be
temporarily more supportive to deal
H7/H8 with huge water with other metal,
Metal not by itself.
+/- - *Fire generates earth, but also
control metal.
Wood Water *Fire Strong chart by - Wood controls earth
generating power - Water generates wood
- *Fire controls metal. Fire can or
cannot be young shin depending on
its position in the bazi chart whether
it stays close to metal or earth. Fire
can control metal, but also
supporting/generating earth.
Fire Wood Water Strong chart by - Fire controls metal
supporting power - Wood generates fire

- Water releases power of metal
Earth Metal *Water Weak chart by - Earth releases power of fire, and
controlling power generates metal.
- Metal supports metal itself.
- *Water controls fire, but also
releasing power of metal. (50% no
need and 50% need)
Metal *Water *Earth Weak chart by - Metal controls wood and generate
50% releasing power water
(+/-) - *Water supports water. But it can
also generate wood. Then it can be
good and bad. However, it may be
temporarily more supportive to deal
with huge wood with other water,
not by itself.
- *Earth generates metal, but also
control water.
Earth Fire Wood Strong chart by - Earth controls water
Water supporting power - Fire generates Earth
- Wood releases power of water
Metal Water Wood Weak chart by - Metal releases power of earth, and
50% controlling power generates water.
(+/-) - Water supports water itself.
Water Earth
- *Wood controls earth, but also
releasing power of water. (50% no
need and 50% need)
Fire Wood *Earth Strong chart by - Fire controls metal
generating power - Wood generates fire
- *Earth controls water. Earth can or
cannot be young shin depending on
its position in the bazi chart whether
it stays close to water or metal. Earth
can control water, but also
supporting/generating metal.
Water Metal N/A Weak chart by - Water controls fire, and support
destructed power water itself
Fire - Metal generate water
*If fire is too strong, then metal and
water will be damaged.


Type of Bazi Chart Dominant 1st Young Shin 2nd Young Shin 3rd Young Shin Remark
Strong by Own element Controlling Destructed Releasing element
Supporting element element element
Strong by Generating Destructed Releasing Controlling
generating element element element element element 50%
Weak by controlling Controlling Generating Supporting *Releasing Recommend
element element element element element (50%) only 1 & 2
Weak by releasing Releasing Generating Supporting Controlling Recommend
element element element element element (50%) only 1 & 2

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