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Weak by destructed Destructed Supporting Generating

element element element element

V. Meaning of Bazi:
Dominant Energy over the Bazi Chart Meaning
Many controlling elements (kill daily Depressing or suppressing person, aggressive, easy to get nervous
Many generating elements (not the Too much care or love from mother. Lack of his/her self-
same to the element of daily master) esteem/initiative
Many supporting element (the same
to the element of daily master)
Many releasing element
Many destructing element Weaken daily master, facing health issues
General Bazi Meaning
Strong chart Strong person, full of energy, self-esteem, self-center minded, own
idea, leader, initiative, charisma (having influence on other people,
having own wisdom, pushing for new thinking and planning that make
things happen, no matter something is right or wrong)
Weak chart Tend to develop their knowledge and skills to full fill their strengths.
They are more oriented and littler careful in putting something in
action. They are close to their mom and teachers because they like to
be supported and learn.
Daily Master ft Its Controlling If Daily Master meets element in Da Yun that Daily Master controls
Element and is Yong Shim element, it means “Money”. Please refer to example
in Section XIII. Da Yun (Donal Trump Chart)

VI. Season and Triple Combination (small and big cycles)

- Everything in the earth, including human are related to seasons.
- In Bazi chart: each seasonal energy represents by stem and branch. Human is influenced by stems and
branches and should prepare different life plan and decision.
- Purpose of learning Bazi: is to analysis these kinds of things. Everyone wants to know what happens in
the future. Yet, it is more than important to know the future, but to plan and make decision for your life.
6.1 Cycle of the season:

Season Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Months E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E1 E2
Direction East South West North
Element Wood Fire Mental Water
Color Green Red White, Gold Blue

6.2 Development of the season:

Season Strong (រឹ ងម ាំ) Generating Destructing Controlled by Released Power

(កកកើត) (ពិឃាត) (គ្រប់គ្រមកោយ) by (កេឹកេញ)
Order of Strength 5 4 1 2 3
Spring Wood Fire Earth Mental Water

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