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1119728, 353 Pa ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review Home J My courses 5212222125 / 2nd Quarterly Examination / Second Quarter Exam Started on Thursday, 19 January 2023, 3:21 PM State Finishea Completed on Thursday, 19 January 2023, 353 PM Time taken 32 mins 1 sec Marks 31.00/50.00 Grade 62.00 cut of 100.00 Hardware maintenance is the testing and cleaning of equipment. Select one Tue Fae connon2 compte Your new account will have been created and you wil see it listed inthe Manage Accounts screen. Select one Twe False coeron 3 Ikalso includes fixing bugs and adapting the software to new hardware devices. Select one 2. hardware maintenance b. software or program maintenance 6 information system maintenance Your answer's correct, 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 4 1119723, 353 Pa ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review coeron Complete Marc 100 oof 100 ‘The smallest ofthe three network types consist of PCs connected tagether within a limited area Select one 2. wide area network local area network & metropolitan network Your answer's correct cussion \Why do change the WIFI name and Password? Answer.| to protects the wirelis network cuien 6 complete {A program used for software development or system maintenance. Virwally any programar utility that helps programmers or users develop applications or maintain their computers can be called Select one 2. Tool periodic maintenance electo static Your answer's correct 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 1119723, 353 Pa ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review cuton 7 Complete Marc 100 oto 109 Iris the routine updating of master fies, such as adding and deleting emplayees andl customers and changing credit limits and product prices. ‘Answer:| information system maintenance cueion B complete ‘When you have finshed selecting a name and the type af account you wish to set up, you should dick on the __ button, Select one administrator account none of these dd. create account Your answer's incorrect. cuesion Complete uarc000 ot of 100 Itis the routine updating of master files, such as adding and deleting employees and customers and changing credit limits and product, prices. Select one hardware maintenance information software maintenance software or program maintencance Your answers incorrect 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy ana 1119723, 353 Pa ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review ceton 10 Complete Marc000 ost of 100 Iris a network device that forwards data packets between computer networks Answer:| router cussion 11 complete Regular schedule upkeep of your computer will keep you and your computer working properly Answer:| antvius software ceueron 12 complete Users can then select their login name and login to the profile so they can access their private data Select one True Fale cuion 1B complete Iris mostly used by web, emall and gaming servers who don't care much about hiding ther locations. Select ane 1 Static IP Address Dynamic P Address Your answer's correct, 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy ana s1i9723, 353 PM ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review eran 14 Complete Marc 100 oof 100 Sometimes, people wil call any sofware a tool. For example, the phrase, “there aren’ any tools to do that job” Means that no applications ‘are availabe to perform the required processing Select ane 3 False bo Tue None of These Your answer's correct cursor 15 Marc000 out of 100 Ie isthe periodic reorganizing of disk fles that have become fragmented due to continuous updating ‘Answer| Disk and fle maintenance cuetion 16 Mare 10 out of 500 Ieisa dynamic IP Address changes each time the device logs into a network Select one 2. none of these 1b. Dynamic P Address Static IP Address Your answer's correct, 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 1119723, 353 Pa coeton 17 Complete Marc 100 oto 109 Large networks with many devices Select one ® 2240000 239255255255 b. 1.90.1 to 6 128.1041 to 191.255255254 1920.1 t0 Your answer's correct custon 18 complete ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review ‘Such program is designed to damage the vietim’s| Malware cueton 19 Planning and preparing systematic maintenance procedure will save time, money and frustration. Select one: Twe Fale cueon 20 ‘Where can we locate the system update? ‘Answer| Contra Panel ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 854468cmid=S008showall ana 1119723, 953 PM ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review cuezon21 Complete Marc000 ost of 100 You may want todo this when you're experiencing network issues. Answer:| Restart coon 22 complete ‘When the control panel opens Click on the Add er remove user accounts contol panel option. Answer, UAC settings cueton 23 complete In testing, if your folder redirection abject has been applied, what isthe frst step? Answer Folder Redirection conson 24 Marc000 ot of 100 {An important topic for anyone wa owns a PC. 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy ma s1i9723, 353 PM coeron 25 Complete Marc 100 oof 100 itis program and data that a computer uses Select one |. network © none of these © software Your answer's correct cueron 26 complete Ieis the testing and cleaning of equipment Select one a. software or program maintenance hardware maintenance information system maintenance Your answer's correct cussion 27 Mare ou of00 ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review This kind of IP Address is very tough to trace and are thus used by companies and business firms. Select one Dynamic P Address None of these. Static IP Address Your answer's correct, ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 854468cmid=S008showall ana 1119723, 353 Pa ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review coeron 28 Complete Marc 100 oof 100 [An on screen function in graphics program: for example, a line draw, circle draw or brush tool Select one Tue Fae coon 29 complete Marc 100 oof 108 Software system maintenance isthe routine updating of master files, such as adding and deleting employees and customers and changing ‘rei limits and product prices Select one Tue Fale cuesion 30 complete Ie searches for the new uninfected files, Answer:| File nfector viruses cussion 31 complete A software control panel for setting user preferences, Select ane Tue Fale 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 1119723, 953 PM ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review cueron B2 Complete Marc 100 oof 100 Iris a destructive executable program that infects the other programs in the system and spreads by replicating itself Answer Virus cueion BB complete Used to distribute information thousands of miles amang thousands of users Select one 2. local areanetwork bb. metropolitan network wide area network Your answer's correct cueion 84 complete Your new account will have bet created and you wll se it sted in the Manage Accounts screen, Anower| True cueten BS Identify hazards an assess risk Select one Tue Falke 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 1014 1719723, 353 PM coeron 36 Complete Marc000 ost of 100 Iris designed to cure virus infected machines. Its a program that searches for, identifies and removes potential viruses existing inthe computer system, ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review Answer: Antivirus cussion 37 complete Users can then select their login name and login into the profile so they can access ther private data Select one Tue Fale cussion 38 ‘The types of P address that never changes once they are assigned to a device on a network Select ane 3. Dynamic P Address Static IP Address none ofthese Your answer's correct vesron 39 Complete Marc000 oof 100 Devices designed to protect the computer from sudden power surges from intermittent power sources. Answer: Uninterruptible power supply ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 854468cmid=S008showall nna 1119723, 953 PM ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review cveron 4 Complete Marc 100 oof 100 [A network that has been attached to both ends. Select one 1. bus network bring network star network Your answer's correct, cusson 1 Ie actually targets these files and infects it by multiplying ise. Answer!| Macro viruses cueon 42 complete [A mall amount static electricity that can destroy smal parts of your computer. Answer| § to 10 volts cueten 4B Execution of OHS policies are carried out along with the task. Select one Tue Falke 854468cmid=S008showall ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy yon 1119723, 353 Pa ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review coron Complete Marc 100 oof 100 Iris a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Select one a. Wi b. modem _allofthe above router Your answer's correct, coumion 5 complete Perform security check-in accordance with established network access policies/end-user requirements Select one: Tue Fale cunon 6 ‘Why do change the WIFI name and Password? Answer| to protect the wireless network coion 7 complete Regular PC maintenance also keeps the machine's performance optimal Select one Te Fale ‘shsexam amaes.com/2212imodiquizreview php ?altempi=1854468emid=5008showal va 1119723, 953 PM ‘Second Quarter Exam: Attempt review coeron 48 Complete Marc000 ost of 100 leis typically forwarded from one router to another through the networks that constitute the internetwork unt it reaches is destinations ‘Answer | pocket coion 9 complete ‘These are the examples of programming tools are compilers, interpreters, assemblers, 4G, editors, debuggers and application generators, Select one True Fake coeron 50 complete the ultimate in patch panel rack management system. Select one neat panel patch panel Your answer isincorrect = First Quarter Bam Jump to, 854468cmid=S008showall _shsexam_amaes.com/2212imodiquizleviow.php?atiomy sana

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