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‘119728, 307 Pat ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review Home J My courses 25 / SECOND QUARTER EXAM / SECOND QUARTER EXAM Started on Thursday, 19 January 2023, 2.27 PM State Finishea Completed on Thursday, 19 January 2023, 2.52 PM Time taken 25 mins 2 secs Marks 34,00/50.00 Grade 68.00 cut of 100.00 ‘Studying religion a twas in fist-century Rome is important because it isa clear example of how religion has been about power and meaning in relation to Their gods and goddesses b. The natural world Modern Western tligions ® Human destiny Your answers incorrect. on Formal leadership exists and authority rests solely on the members of a select family, 2 nation b. state © tive 4. chietdomy Your answer's correct, 53388cmid=2468showal ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy ne 1119723, 307 PM cussion ‘A group usualy headed by a village headman. a. nation-state b. chiefdom tbe state Your answer's incorrect. cutond ‘These agencies are present in developing countries challenged by securty conflict, food shortage, climate change, financial instability and others | financial market economic organizations ® financial institution d._ development agencies Your answer isincovrect. on Which ofthe following isa primary function of education? 3 sodalzation b. to workin group courtship finding a business partner Your answer's correct ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy 53388cmid=2468showal ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review ane 1119723, 307 PM Msic000 oto 109 Ie usually takes placed in a classroom setting and provided by trained teaching and nonteaching stat formal education b. nonformal education education ® «informal education Your answers incorrect. cuezon7 ‘A cooperative that performs a braader range of functions, 2. housing cooperative ® b. elect cooperative farmer's cooperative 4d. general cooperative Your answers incorrect Marc000 oof 109 Ie does not possess political sovereignty. a nation™ b. nation-state state d_state-nation Your answers incorrect ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review 53388cmid=2468showal ane 1119723, 307 PM ‘When Boaz spreads his cloak over Ruth, itis. a sign of a marriageY b. forgiveness friendship 4d. concern Your answer's correct, coeton 10 ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review Formal leadership exists and authority rets solely on the members ofa select family. a. nation b. state ibe . chiefdomy Your answer's correct ueon 11 Mare 100 oto 109 Learning that goes on in dally life and can be received through dally experiences such as from family, peer group, the media and other Influences ina person's environment education b. nonformal education formal education 4. informal education Your answer's correct ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow php ?atiemy 53388cmid=2468showal ane 1119728, 307 Pat ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review custon 12 Ie isa financial institution that lends money both to public a5 well as private organizations. a. trade unions b._abor union comporations d. banksY Your answer's correct, cueston 13 Which ofthe following is an example of nonformal education? 2. primary schooling . senior high school ® adult night lasses 4d. doctorate program Your answers incorrect oueon 4 Mare 100 oto 109 ‘A cooperative that provides credit fact to each member. a. credit cooperativeY” ‘housing cooperative farmer's cooperative d. consumer's cooperative Your answer's correct 53388cmid=2468showal ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy ene 1119728, 307 Pat ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review custon 15 Msic000 ovo 109 According to this textbook, why should we lear about religion inthe past? To understand the rle of religion in our world today 'b. Sowe can become superior to primal society {owe do not make the same mistakes that previous religious leaders made% To pass the test Your answers incorrect. custon 16 ‘A continuing basic education from the elementary level and expanding it to include the learing of employable, gainful sil. 3. informal education ». secondary education <_primary edueation d.nonformal education Your answer's correct oueson 17 cone Mare 100 ot of 100 This i defined asa political unit consisting of a government that has sovereignty presiding over a group of people and well-defined territory and has the highest form of politcal organization, 2 state b. nation-state nation 4. state-nation Your answer's correct 53388cmid=2468showal ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy ene 1119728, 307 Pat ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review ‘The word's oldest religious specialist Is found only in tribal reigion® Dates to 75,000 years ago & Ieextinet 4. Iscalled the shaman Your answers incorrect. ceton 19 ‘The agricultural sil shat brought about urban life started to develop around 2 1000 ac b, 2500 8CE 6000 8cEx 4, 8000 BCE Your answers incorrect cove on 20 Mare 100 ota 100 ‘World Bank, Intemational Monetary Bank and Asian Development Bank are examples of Civ Society Organizations b. Global Organizations¥™ Economic Organizations d.Pottical Insitutions Your answer's correct 53388cmid=2468showal ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy me 1119728, 307 Pat ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review cueron21 Ierefers to a broad category of nonstate organizations representing a company or group of people that engages in lawful activity in relation to_a public function, such asthe provision of a good or service tothe larger society. corporation ¥ b. bank © cooperative financial organization Your answer's correct cuesion 22 Which ofthe following is included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights |. Everyone has the right to education, Education has to be fee Education is compulsory at last inthe primary evel d. ALLOF THEABOVEY Your answer's correct on BB, How many plagues did Naomi have inher Ife? bo six ten Your answer is incorrect. 53388cmid=2468showal ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow php ?atiemy ane 1119723, 307 PM custon 26 Which educational institution one will enrol it he/she is interested to lean in a short period of time about shielded metal arc and welding, baking, food processing etc. 2. primary schoo! b. tertiary school & vocational school¥ pre-school Your answer's correct cuesion 25 Conforming toa traition’s doctrines is called 2 OrthedonyY b. Obedience Orthoprany 4. Moraliy Your answer's correct on 26 leis formed by several families living together based on mariage ties, common descendants, friendship afliations and members usually have ‘common interest, or enemy. 3 chiefdom b. bane tebe nation Your answer's correct ‘shsexam_amaes.com/222imodiquizieviow.php?atiemy ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review 53388cmid=2468showal one 1119728, 307 Pat ‘SECOND QUARTER EXAM: Attempt review custon 27 comet Marc 10 oto 100 Primary and secondary education is regulated by a. CHED b. TESDA, © Depts

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