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ART GG Government of India Get Wee Hae Ministry of Water Resources wa Central Water Commission fis ation (Rafter ua aiPie) a ates Prenat agate Rate Annual Performance Appraisal Report of Junior Engineer (Civil & Mechanical) Report of the year/period from am A ara sad A Rate amit dafare etht PART~I PERSONAL DATA (dearer / Rear /wratera @ ware weefie arpArT aTeT AY TB fg) (To be filled by the Administrative Section concerned of the Ministry/DeptartmentOffice) 1. afer or ar Name of Officer 2. WH FOR (Pa / ATE /a) (erat 4) Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYY) (In Words)...ceessss0e 3. afar 3h 4 errr Prefer ot are feaie. te, Date of continuous appointment to the present grade Date a afar ag mer oa Pagina... Pe... Present post and date of appointment thereto ‘Post. 5. waar at 3 dhe arate /aiisa/ wrote /aftisa/ Asa = sratty isa Porat rf fear ate gaet sah Office/Circle/Division in which served during OfficelCireleIDivision Period the year under report and period 6. wh a ord & arquftat A arate (qRe1/sRteror snfe oe) fe weer safrere after ferar &, at seve Pawo e Period of absence from duty (on training/leave etc.) During the year. If he has undergone training specify 6 a) Emplryr Gr (8 cgis)» AR tid / TA aoe a a ae aes Prone agar fed APAR of Shri Smt. Kn eo Designation omic teed amt PARTI fore arene ar after ferar rer 8, sad ere ae ort & fey (qua sfaftedt at at 8 ved aytet a aa a ue a) To’be filled in by the officer reported upon (Please read carefully the instructions before filing the entries) 1. fey 7g arat or eifirer faery Brie description of duties. 2 ard Bh wea /atea eta rat wae aah rg Prats fg ah, ares fry Prather Pog Te 1 (GRRE / Arar at ara we A) rel A Tea AE TPO S sree we AT ok tT TET B oerh wreRera ware (Saree S fry aA aT S fey aaffes ard ator) Please specify targets/objectives/goals (in quantitative or other terms) of work that were set for ‘you, eight to ten items of work in the order of priority and your achievement against each target (Example Annual Action Plan for your Division) [BR / Seas 7 ea ‘Targets/Objectives’Goals 9h / se / aah nga a a ve a clas Prorat asa he APAR of Shri/Smt/Km,, Designation... set 3a) a we 2 4 aay ay ae / ate fetal a nfs a et ee wfhed ar vide A water we ae cee BH nr A hE aay et wt at a way (A) Please state briefly, the shortfalls with reference to the targets/objectives’yoals referred to in item 2, Please specify constraints, if any, in achieving the targets, @ Auer Sa Fel or sect wR ford amt ate oraferat we & ote waa ot arent wh seca wt) (B) Please also indicate items in which there have been significantly higher achievements and ‘your Contribution thereto. 4. sme areas abe 8? ar ater wt cher gad ah fe B81 What are your Professional Qualifications? Has there been any additions during the Year under report.. 5. eT setet ot AS war yah Steer af A saa waht ale Rawh Pulte ater sry Selewy oY SeeRth af BT 91 Tera mw col wer et ae eh aE al at Fear gah BE aT ate & ony Please state whether the annual return on immovable property for the preceding calendar year was filed within the prescribed date ie. 31" January of the year following the calendar year. IF not, the date of filling the return should be given. en ad aftert 3 seme Date: Signature of officer reported upon Oe APAR of Shi from... ieamers afore wr Pek eftaer cer Gahan mftare gre Peat aT ait 110 SB tera we ert mney, wet 1 Baa wa Ah ar ce 10 Terry Ah aT Tecra BM zB ‘Numerical grading is to be awarded by Reporting and Reviewing officers which should be on scale of I-10, where | refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest art — ft PART- Ill (qae wfteat at met 8 ved femPset a ert a ve a) (Please read carefully the guidelines before filling the entries) (eo) ret rere ar aparians (ge HI aT AI 40% BIT) (A) Assessment of work output (weightage to this Section would be 40°) Le | . Reporting | safer (weet | miRrerét Authority | I-51 fet ‘STEER 2) | Reviewing Reviewing Authority (Refer | Authority para 2 of Part 5) 1) Pras orl /aratea fea & agar | frat ord ah gt wet i ‘Accomplishment of planned world work | allotted as per subject alloted ii) ord wrewert Gan wet & Prerea ay Ability execute works speedily, economically and effeciently iv) Sontag, wearer ya weer, FRfer, Proficiency in engineering, surveying and levelling, drilling, drawing specifications, appraising of Rules etc. vy) 5, Teen, SARA ae SIT set 2 Sem Collection of Topographical, Hydrological, Engineering and other data viata ate arafera ord Fart aa reat $ fede wet a Reeelew ata Analytical ability to analyze problems in the Feld and in office work | ay Ah / Bare. sc MEAT a a tm a anfites Pramas yeaa Reid APAR of Shri/Smt/Km.. veueDesignation.. from. 10 [Vii remeron are apr area) simcenttrer wrt “geen | Accomplishment of exceptional, | work/unforeseen tasks performed | viii) ord aforen, eles uforer, ara, afore | ait Des daa gaan, wera cer, a | qos fh tem, mex te Aen, oer sift | ea orrera, arctan afte softs eforeee ont or eR Maintenance of Work Register. Stock Register. Register of Measurement and Field Level | Books. MAS Account. T&P Account, Muster | Roll Account. temporary advance and imprest, Programme and Progress Register ete. | ard Frere wr ts [ | Overall Grading on ‘Work Output’ (eaters ei ar ears (GR TT TAT 30% eh) (B) Assessment of personal attributes (weightage to this Section would be 30%) snftroret vafereoret (sien | aera | Reporting | art—-8 a er STE Authority 2) Initial of Reviewing Reviewing | ‘Authority (Refer | Authority pena para 2 of Part 5) i) ord Hi aah Altitude to work cea ee ii) Prana ae Sense of responsibility iii) SRT BY oeqUTETAT/ er Bae Maintenance of Discipline ivy aber ere ___Communication skills = v) ward webderor wafer tea Ages S TT Leadership qualities including movement of effective supervision Vi eet we A ord wel By ere Capacity to work in team spirit Vii) BA STROH or aT Dey BY THT Capacity to adhere to time-schedule Vil) ER aa Inter-personal relations | ix) Wm Bie VE Overall bearing and personal : = ct [arn Pea we at Pree AT 1 Overall Grading on ‘Personal Attributes’ AN Semch/agTa, a a a ofan Searre wares ford APAR of Shri/Smt./Km, Designation... HOT Sree ra WL (2) raters aren er ear (ge HT aT ATR 0% (©) Assessment of Functional Competency (weightage to this Section ss." be 30%) ater yates gattatnt wafteoret waferertt (Hed urfRraeret Reporting. AT=5 wr fet ae Authority | 2) In Reviewing Reviewing | Authority (Refer Authority { para 2 of Part 5) i) ord aa a Past feast / aera ar an ed Greta eSB aM] wet FT Knowledge of Rules/Regulations/Procedures in the area of function and ability to apply them correctly ii) @rFhfe orton aaa / ae Rare Bern Fe wT werert ye aren, Teel, mee, agent ante or SPre Tavera Strategic planning ability/operation and maintenance of Hydrological Observation Station, RM of vehicles, machinery, equipments etc. iii) Prof a A ahaa Decision making ability v) sreereer arfenftal a carrat errr faesftrer wet ote ord enter oferta & weer wt ater Ability to motivate and develop subordinates and management of Work-Charged Staff vi) Tee Se a afresh Initiative attitude wraleie aerar & waa 8 wen Te Overall Grading on ‘Functional competency’ Arh / pA. . soe, MET a a a an Pre para Rare APAR of Shri/Smt/Km. Designation... from. to 4 ara PART-4 GENERAL. 4. aren sree archer (re A iva) Relations with the public (wherever applicable) (armen treet er Sea Ca aT a RETA we BTN Fox Z) {Please comment on the O'ficer’s accessibility tothe public and responsiveness to their needs.) ‘Training (agra sinh Ah softer et al arent oy aes ure ate gar we AA gfe a sar arr & Fg Ref) (Please give recommendations for training with a view to further improving the effectiveness and capabilities of the officer) 3 wea a Ret State of health ane pape sear z a ae atlas Prone qputars Rid APAR of Shri Smt.’Km.., < é Designation... ai from si 4 aeafcar teary fre SA a eae we Rem 2) (Please comment onthe integrity of the officer) 8. after ora are are A eer Retail aA ewe (MT 100 eel A), Rt aimed da gd or aimed da, orem cua, meant steer (ask PT 2 oT 3(8) Ge 36@) Ga gat aah & wR thre era eh Pen Picture by Reporting Officer (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including area of strengths and lesser strength, extraordinary achievements. significant failures (ref: 3(A) & 3(B) of Part-2) and attitude towards weaker sections 6 after bas & ae atk eke w A Ry my oie & ome ow ER Pramee wears atta | Overall numerical grading on the basis of weightage given in Section A and Section B in Part ofthe Report. wieder afters 3 Exner Signature of the Reporting OMficer APT aT sent A Name in Block Letters: Tea: ee Designation: wftides a raft During the period of Report. 9) RB TR APAR of Shri/Smt/Kim. from Pet aris wAftetes aftant A afrafeer Part.V REMARKS BY REVIEWING OFFICER 1. bates after & sierte: Ber ret Length of service under the Reviewing Officer 2 aa ame rag a ara & Brie worl cer AAR et aH wide A after cafe ERT Pre ay earn A wena U2 aT amt aoe a orem Teer / seca areal & eda 4 fing me yeas O aera 2? vel (aMT—3(@)) (iv) ae ant 4(5) (ae ara we sore ae fe Te HT a Poe ee TOT W Ter AES Sh ape a HTT Hat HSB AE eH Ag ae FANT a ae | Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work ‘output and the various attributes in Part-3 & Part-4? Do your agree with the assessment of reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements/significant failures of the officer reported upon? (Ref: Par-3(A) (iv) and Part-4(5) (In case you do not agree with any of the rhumerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment on the column provided for you in that section and initial you entries) fpaaiicns | aloes] Yes No ere aT Rea A ue ge EET eT, aT aE A aT 2 RT Ts Qe meat a1 aitgen rec &? Incase of disagreement, please specify the reasons. Is there anything you wish to modify or add? r | 4 atch ond ger es ete) en Terabe wt (ae 100 ead A) ART TR ah ren PART a aimed Sa oe am aT a Ge Sea Gil aT Sw Pen picture by Reviewing Officer, Please comment (in about 100 words) on the over uals of the officer including area of strengths and lesser strength and his attitude towards weaker sections. 2A eh /aTA. eam a : a ao oA afta; Praret yeina Feud APAR of Shri/Smt/Km.... - ..Designation.. AON ee eanibees (Os 8 sitter ws Bas, oe ws aa Ry my aM Ss one we QA Mama eae: afi | Overall numerical grading on the basis of weightage given in Section A and Section B in Part-3 of the Report Cy Ce pafchart sirort & eee Signature of the Reviewing Officer TH BM SET A Name in Block Letters: Designation:

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