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Percentage of Grade 12 Students with

Knowledge about the Importance of

Electrical Hazards


This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the background of the
study, the statement of the problem, significance of the problem, and the scope and delimitation of the

Background of the Study

The Electrical Installation and Maintenance Technology is designed toprepare student with entry
level knowledge and manipulative skill foremployment in the Electrical Industry. The student begins with the
fundamentalof electrical and wiring of simple circuit and equipment . Emphasis placed onwiring of more
Complex circuit and Equipment. Safety is stressed as an integralpart of each task ( Honolulu

Electrical Safety Awareness for the Electrical becomes necessary thatpeople start learning to use
Electrical Safety. Most of the accident that occurs aredue either to carelessness or lack of awareness of
some basic rules that should beobserved when using electricity (network n.d). The use of electricity
(works andwhere it is) is something taken for granted, but using it safely is very important.By
understanding how electricity work and where it is found we can preventElectrical Danger no matter
where we are ( Macknnon , 2010).

Hazard can be defined as any potential on actual threat to the wellbeing of people equipment ,
machinery or environment . Hazard can also be seensomething that can be identify as measure of
potential source of danger such asnaked electric wires, electricity gadget which are not switch of unsafe
acts,Unprotected Installation , overload socket outlet and many other ( Caclick,2006)

This study is about how many students know about Electrical Hazards and know the importance
of knowing these electrical hazards.
Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Strand

2. What is the personal knowledge of the student to:

2.1 Electrical Hazards
2.2 Safety
2.3 Knowing the importance of knowing Electrical Hazards

3. Is there a difference in the profile and personal knowledge of the student?

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Profile of the respondents according a) Administering of survey
to: questions
a.) Their age b) Tabulation of responses
b.) Gender c) Assessment and estimation Percentage of Grade 12
c.) Strand of their knowledge about Students with Knowledge
To ensure the manageability of the electrical hazards about the Importance of
collected. The survey is conducted d) Statistical analysis of data Electrical Hazards
using and interpretation
a) Checklist
b) Rating
Scope and Delimitation

This research study is limited and conducted by only 5 students at Castillejos National High
School- EIM Senior High School in the 1st semester of school year 2022-2023. The respondents of the
study are from the Castillejos National High School since we are looking for Grade 12 students. Each of
the respondents will be given a questionnaire to answer. In order to assure the manageability of the
collected data, the proponents will only provide multiple questions like, checklist, ranking and rating
question. This is use to assess the knowledge they have about electrical hazards.

Significance of the Study

For the students, this study will help them know the importance of knowing electrical hazards

For the teachers, this study will help them identify the degree of knowledge and number of student that
has knowledge on electrical hazard

For other researcher, this study will help them have head start if they ever want to study this
problem further.
Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes the review of related literature and studies which the researchers
have perused to shed light on the topic under study.

Foreign Literature

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