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Agriculture I Importance Feet epee corn pars popalation & ied a provides pesivrateria): te Agr bad indices tlie greens a evide market to industrial guodr such aa fertilizers, pes r ® ome ge lage amount g ‘Dndias export It prowdes employment te mi llvons people DAN AGRICULTURE Proacems or gebu Enwivonment factor! jive stock por (iveste came te igek wate & eet factor | Economic factors Technolegienl Factore 1} Subsistene Ok © Swadgceran Agvieuitare Soe fpeiamt < > Human Elemente 6 Unrelrabte Sua yagi ew te Unreliable Reinga) } Sea eon lack a ivwigation Garina) end boldinge Soil Evesien 2 Exploitation @ | Traditions] method de fermen - Challenger ee 2 Globaisetion | Techny que Cultivation y 4 a. AGRIC AGRICULTURE Re fems Gout 4 h NS eee “ at det up Indien Council a Agricartere Reserve (CAR) A gricuttare Universi bie, Veterinary Marvices Gnd Qnima | epeceiizis Centres, Kisan Gil Contre ete The Green Kevolmtion - Tt refer to drastic increase in the pre duction a ae ‘ 0-7 of food grains Cobeat) duving He “* 4 p 4 ano) Aljaien tate vategy. Elemenis inty Use Ge Large Capital and technolo sitat inpatr in } Mo ders SCM tg. elas is f Ue Be Yeilting Varietie uw IB Use 4 j i. facihtia thet tonigation Fe Tg pati y Us 4 ar Li ib ul Chemie UY t Atlped 10 chanye aavicultere om cub mi tis. «bom Sabsistence ty commeresa) S Tt crested more employment (oalel Tt gave Aigher pregits to favonere 40 villagy alto prospered. Adverse Tmpa f pact~- Causes land Ae gradation Ane overuse che micag fertile zen, petrerde. loss q bie diary NATIONAL AGRICULTURE Policy a It aims omy 4epa. gre ath rate w 2 Private Sector to promote contract farming be nd learn 3+ High priomty t Anima! Husbendry , Peulhy, daivy & Aansculture 5 Reitwebow an movement fh aay commediby be removed 5 Ravel clectriprenbon te be inteniped be promete €r0p incnrence pe facming in Saal Subsistence Earning ~ Ky gy Landoldins ave sual and den by Farmers tte traditiona) mi the ©) Output 1s low and it is 4 Mostly farmers grow food erey z= Commercia) Farming — Rie : 9) Land holding os 4 Pavmes “nse ) Ontpar 6 ~Fevaiees OD

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