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Standard : 10th Total Mark : 80

Subject : SOCIAL SCIENCE(10) Date : 17/01/2023
Chapter : Time :

Section : A
✦ Match The Following.[3 Marks Each] [3]
1. ‘A’ ‘B’
(1) Paddy, maize, jowar, co on, mung math, ground (a) March to June
nut, l
(2) Wheat, gram, barley mustard, linseed water- (b) June, July to October, November
melon, cucumber, musk melon, etc.
(3) Paddy, maize, groundnut, l, millet and fruits (c) October-November to March-April
✦ State Whether The Sentences Are True Or False.[1 Marks Each] [3]
1. Cocoa is prepared out of the milk oozing out of the latex trees.
2. Hot water springs are located at Unai in Gujarat.
3. The maximum use of ground water is done for irriga on.
✦ Answer The Following Questions In One Sentence.[1 Marks Each] [3]
1. Name four major exporters of tobacco in the world.
2. At what rank India is in the world to produce energy through wind energy?
3. Which river of Southern India have created delta regions?
✦ Fill In The Blanks With Correct Alternative.[1 Marks Each] [3]
1. …………..(country) ranks first across the world in rubber produc on.( Malaysia, Mizoram, Aasam)
2. In 1966, the world implemented a plan to get electricity with the help of ...................... Tides. (france, germany,
3. Krishnaraj sagar yojana is located on the river.............. (kaveri, krishna, godavari)
✦ Choose The Right Answer From The Given Options.[1 Marks Each] [4]
1. In which region is rice grown in india.
A. Torrid B. Temerate C. Equatorial only D. None of these
2. Coal is obtained from which type of rock?
A. Igneous rock B. Sedimentary rock
C. Metamorphic D. None of these
3. Nagarjunsagar project is constructed on river………………
A. Krishna B. Kaveri C. Mahi D. Narmada
4. The one horned Indian rhino are seen in the marshy regions of ……....….. and ……..……..
A. Brahmaputra, sundarban B. Ganga, sundarban
C. Brahmaputra, ganga D. Sundarban, ganga
Section : B
✦ Answer The Following Questions In Short.[2 Marks Each] ( ANY 10 ) [ 20 ]
1. What is the difference between Kharif and Rabi Crops?
2. What is a Mineral? Give examples.
3. State the importance of mul purpose projects.
4. What is deforesta on? How does it take place?
5. state the favouraeble condi ons for the growth of coffee.
6. What is made out of sugarcane juice?
7. From which sources are energy resources found?
8. What is a Na onal Park?
9. Modern age is called ‘Mineral Age'.
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10. Which type of farming is carried out in Bhal region and which crop is cul vated?
11. Give examples of Conven onal and Non-Conven onal sources of energy.
12. Men on the types of forests on the basis of administra on.
13. Give details regarding Copper.
14. Why is tea grown on hill slopes?
Section : C
✦ Answer The Following Questions In Brief.[3 Marks Each] ( ANY 8 ) [ 24 ]
1. Why there is an increase in the usage of non-conven onal energy today?
2. Describe the wheat crop if India.
3. Give details regarding use of Bio Gas in India.
4. Elaborate on the distribu on of area under irriga on.
5. Difference between Natural Gas and Gobar Gas.
6. Which wildlife is on the verge of destruc on in India?
7. State the measures of conserva on of minerals.
8. Explain the classifica on of Minerals.
9. Write a detailed note on Natural Gas.
10. There will be an emergence of solar energy in the future.-Explain.
11. Give details regarding Mica.
12. What are the measures of preserva on of wild life?
Section : D
✦ Answer The Following Questions To The Point. [4 Marks Each] ( ANY 5 ) [ 20 ]
1. Write a short note on the diverse wildlife found in India.
2. State the remedies for forest conserva on.
3. Write notes about the wild life on the verge of ex nc on.
4. Discuss the problem of water crisis in India.
5. Describe various projects for wild life protec on.
6. What are mul -purpose projects? Enlist the various mul purpose projects of India, the rivers on which they are
built and the beneficiary states.
7. Discuss the need for planning and conservation of resources.
8. Write in detail about the types of Electricity.

"All The Best"

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