Auro 1-B Quiz 1 March 5

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Quiz No.


1. Write down your answers in a notebook which will shall serve as your answer booklet for all of our
quizzes for this subject. (Make sure to put label at the start e.g. Answers for Quiz 1). This notebook
shall be submitted at the end of the semester.

2. Answers should be in your OWN HANDWRITING;

3. Write legibly.

4. After answering, take a photo of your answers and send the same to your class beadle who shall
compile and save in a zip file which shall be sent to me via email (;

5. The zip file must be emailed to me on due date. For Quiz 1, the beadle shall submit this not later than
March 5, 2021 (Friday). Those who are not able to submit on time shall consider this as a missed quiz
and missed attendance. Late submission shall not be entertained.


1. What is Logic?

2. What is Legal Reasoning?

3. What are the methods of legal reasoning? (Explain each)

4. What is an Argument?

5. What are the elements of an argument and explain each.

6. Distinguish an Explanation from an Argument.

7. What is an unsupported opinion and give an example.

8. What are conditional statements and give an example.

9. What are the process of legal reasoning and explain.

10. How is logic and legal reasoning relevant to the study of law?

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