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S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce

RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Candidate Assessment Tool



SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

This assessment booklet and tool has been designed for students undertaking face to face mode of study to provide
information before students take assessments and contains assessment tools to assess the skills and knowledge
required from students to be deemed competent in this unit.

Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment booklet. If you do not understand any
part of this booklet, please inform your assessor/trainer.

The assessment booklet contains two (2) parts:

PART 1: Assessments information: This part contains information on assessments for this unit of competency and
how assessment will be conducted throughout unit to achieve the competency. It includes:

 Application of the unit of competency

 Purpose of assessment
 Elements, performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements of the unit
 Conditions, context, required resources and location of the assessment.
 Assessment tasks.
 Outline of evidence to be collected.
 Administration, recording and reporting the requirements including special adjustments, appeals, reasonable
adjustments and assessors’ intervention.

PART 2: Assessment tasks: This part contains the information to successfully undertake the assessment task. In each
assessment task, students will find the following information:
 Task instructions.
 Role play / Practical Demonstration information.
 Information on resources required, where applicable.
 Appendix1- Assessment resource in ASOC’S Commercial Kitchen

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Assessment Information

Application of the unit of competency:

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide on-the-job coaching to
colleagues. It requires the ability to explain and demonstrate specific skills, knowledge and procedures and monitor
the progress of colleagues until they are able to operate independently of the coach.

The unit applies to experienced operational personnel and to supervisors and managers who informally train other
people in new workplace skills and procedures.

It applies to all tourism, hospitality and event sectors.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
Purpose of assessment:
The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills
Elements Elements Title
1 Prepare for on-the-job coaching.
2 Coach colleagues on-the-job.
3 Follow-up coaching.
Performance evidence:

Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of
the job role, and:

 provide effective on-the job coaching to four different colleagues

 address identified performance problems or difficulties experienced by colleagues in each of the above
coaching sessions and rectify or refer as appropriate
 evaluate colleagues’ performance and provide constructive feedback as part of above coaching sessions
 demonstrate the following during each of the above coaching activities:
 clear communication and demonstration of the organisational tasks required of the colleague
 completion of training within commercial time constraints
 application of the key principles of training.

Knowledge Evidence

Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

 communication techniques suitable to a workplace training context

 objectives and scope of the coaching
 factors which impact need for coaching:
 direction from colleagues
 own observation and workplace experience
 request for coaching from colleagues to be coached
 key principles of training:
 explanation
 demonstration
 review
 listening to trainee explanation
 observing and evaluating trainee demonstration
 providing feedback
 legislative work health and safety and hygiene requirements
 possible causes of performance problems or difficulties:
 breakdown in communication
 inappropriate circumstances for coaching
 insufficient opportunity to practice
 language or cultural barriers
 shyness or lack of confidence.

Context and conditions for assessment:

To comply with the assessment conditions of this unit:

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
 Australian School of Commerce (Also referred as “ASOC” in this document) will conduct practical
assessment for this unit in its Commercial Kitchen.
 You will have access to suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including template documentations or
portfolio templates to undertake the assessment tasks for this unit of competency.
 ASOC will conduct practical assessment and role play for this unit in its kitchen (practical demonstration)
located at 4-6 Baxter street Coburg VIC 3058 and role play (feedback and evaluation) in ASOC simulated
environment with seating arrangement Located at Level 4, 123 Lonsdale St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000,
where student will coach others in job skills.
 Please refer Appendix1 at the end of this assessment tool for detailed list of assessment resources.
 Knowledge assessment for this unit will be conducted at ASOC’S Classrooms for the theory component
of the course are delivered at Level 4, 123 Lonsdale St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.

Resources Required:
The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment and you have access to the following
resources for the unit.

- Computers with access to internet and printers

- DIDASKO learner guide for unit SITXHRM001
- Access to ASOC Commercial Kitchen

Clustering/holistic assessment:
There is no provision for clustering of assessments in this unit.

Competency Requirements:
To be judged competent in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be Competent (C) in the
unit. Students with unsatisfactory completion of any of the assignment tasks will be deemed Not Yet Competent

Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of Evidence (authentic, current,
sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency record sheet.
Students unsuccessful at achieving “Satisfactory” for any assessment at the first attempt will be given two
opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC) after two reassessments in a
unit of competency, student will be required to repeat the unit as per the scheduled delivery of the course. For further
details, refer to Australian School of Commerce Re-Assessment Policy and Australian School of Commerce Course
Progress Policy.

Assessment tasks Assessment description Location of

Assessment Task 1 Needs to be
Students are required to complete the knowledge test to be
(AT1) – Knowledge completed in the
deemed competent. The learners are required to answer in brief.
Test ASOC’s classroom
They must answer all the questions correctly to be marked

Assessment Task 2 This assessment task is short question answer which Needs to be
demonstrates that you have required knowledge to coordinate completed in the
(AT2) –
cooking operations. ASOC’s classroom

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
Assessment Task 3 This is Practical Demonstration in ASOC’s commercial Kitchen Needs to be
(AT3) – Practical simulated environment demonstrating coaching others in job completed in
Demonstration and skills. ASOC’s commercial
Role Play You are required to provide effective on-the job coaching to four
Kitchen (practical
different colleagues during 4 sessions.
You are also required to address identified performance demonstration) and
problems or difficulties experienced by colleagues in each of the ASOC’s simulated
above coaching sessions and rectify or refer as appropriate. You environment
must evaluate colleagues’ performance and provide constructive (feedback and
feedback as part of above coaching sessions. evaluation)
Student must demonstrate the following during each of the
above coaching activities:
 clear communication and demonstration of the
organisational tasks required of the colleague
 completion of training within commercial time
 application of the key principles of training.

Assessment Task 4 This assessment is a case study task which is conducted in Needs to be
(AT4) – Case study ASOC’s classroom where you will read the case study and completed in the
answer all questions satisfactorily. ASOC’s classroom

Assessment Task:
To achieve competency in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the following assessment tasks within the
date and time specified in the session plan. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills and knowledge
for this unit.

Outline of evidence to be collected:

You must submit the following evidence to be marked competent for this unit. Your assessor will ensure that the
evidence submitted meets the Rules of Evidence which are valid, sufficient, current and authentic.

Assessment Task 1 (AT1)  Completed knowledge test with questions answered and submit to your
assessor electronically.
– Knowledge Test
 Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task.

 Answer all the questions correctly in the Written Knowledge Questions and
Assessment Task 2 (AT2) submit to your assessor electronically.
 Completed and signed the cover sheet for assessment task.
– Worksheets

 Demonstration of coaching others in job skills for all four (4)sessions and
Assessment Task 3 (AT3) provide effective on-the job coaching to four different colleagues (grouped by
the Assessor)
– Practical
 Complete a power point presentation to coach colleagues in time constraint.
Demonstration and Role
 Coaching plan template (Appendix 3)
play  Evaluation checklist (Appendix 4)
 Written feedback to the colleagues (print out to be provided)
 Completed and sign the cover sheet for assessment task
Assessment Task 4 (AT4)  All answers completed satisfactorily at the end of the task.
– Case Study  Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment task.

You must read and follow this information carefully while completing assessments for this unit of competency and if
you are unsure of any instruction, please contact your assessor to clarify.

The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible.

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
Submission of assessment:

You must ensure that the completed assessment tasks are submitted along with the assessment cover sheet:

 Your assessor will mark the submitted assessment, provide feedback to you and complete the comments
section against each task, where applicable.
 ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferred that the tasks submitted for assessments are
 You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the assessor as per the training plan.
 Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances with your
assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine evidence documents when seeking an extension to
due date (e.g. extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate). To arrange an extension, you must
speak to your assessor prior to the due date. Extensions must be confirmed by the trainer in writing.
 You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support (as required) unless it puts in jeopardy the integrity
of the assessment, your assessor will let you know if this is the case.
 Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as brainstorming, you must
submit your own original work and must not copy the work of other students. Plagiarism is unacceptable.

Recording an assessment result:

Once the assessments have been completed, the assessor will record the assessment results on the student assessment
record sheets and all results will be approved by the Training Manager.

Assessors will check that you have completed the signed student declaration prior to filling out the assessment sheet.

Retaining assessment records:

Australian School of Commerce will securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for a
period of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was made. Australian
School of Commerce will also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue AQF certification documentation for a period
of 30 years.

The assessor will ensure that the student records are securely retained and stored in accordance with the Australian
School of Commerce record control policy accessible by the Student Administration Officer.

Assessment outcomes:

For unit of competency:

There are two outcomes for assessments: C = Competent and NYC = Not Yet Competent (requires more training and

You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the assessor is satisfied that you have completed
all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria in line with the Rules of
Evidence. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be
eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the Australian School of Commerce Re-Assessment Policy and
Australian School of Commerce Course Progress Policy.

For assessment task:

There are two assessment outcomes for tasks. S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory.
On the individual assessment cover sheet for assessment tasks you will be marked Satisfactory, if you have completed

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
the task successfully, submitted all evidence and satisfied the assessment criteria and Not Satisfactory, if you have not
completed the task, the evidence is not sufficient or does not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria.

If you are unsuccessful at achieving competency at the first attempt, you will be given two further opportunities for
re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and date. For further details, refer to the Australian School of Commerce Re-
Assessment Policy and Australian School of Commerce Course Progress Policy. As this is a competency-based
program, the assessment continues throughout the program until you either achieve Competency in the assessment
tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.

Student access to records:

You have the right to access current and accurate records of your participation and results at any time. You can
request a copy of your records (results or attendance progress) by contacting the student administration or assessor.

You may seek clarification about the assessment information and the instructions and tasks at any time from the

Reasonable adjustments and special learning needs:

Australian School of Commerce works to ensure that students with recognized disadvantages can access and
participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. Disadvantages may be based, for example,
upon age, cultural background, physical disability, limited or non-current industry experience, language, numeracy or
digital literacy issues.

Where pre-training interviews and LLN assessments reveal that a student may require special support or where, after
enrolment, it is made apparent that the student requires special support, reasonable adjustments will be made to the
learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the particular
needs of the student. An adjustment is reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs, while also
taking into account factors such as the student’s views, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others
and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.

Any adjustments made must:

 be discussed, agreed and documented in the assessment record

 benefit the student
 maintain the integrity of the competency standards and course requirements as stipulated in the training
 be reasonable to expect in a workplace.

Reasonable adjustment may consist of:

 providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment

 presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues
 asking questions in a relevant practical context
 using large print material
 extending the course duration
 Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and sentences.

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
Complaints and appeals:
If you are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, you may appeal the assessment decision. In the first instance, you
are encouraged to appeal informally by contacting the assessor and discussing the matter with them. If you are
dissatisfied with the outcome of such discussion, you may appeal further to training manager. If you are still
dissatisfied, you may appeal formally and in writing to have the result reviewed. For more information, refer to the
Assessment Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures available in Australian School of
Commerce Website.

Assessor intervention:

Assessors will check if you are ready for the assessment, and defer the assessment if you are not. Feedback will be
given to you at the completion of the assessment.During role play, the assessor may act as a client or employer, where
required, but the assessor will not interfere with the assessment. If the assessment activities might impact on your
safety or that of others, the assessor will stop the assessment immediately.

Plagiarism, cheating and assessment dishonesty:

Australian School of Commerce considers plagiarism and cheating as a serious misdemeanour. Evidence of
plagiarism and cheating is treated on a case by case basis and the consequences for students engaging in such
practices may include failure of the assessment or unit or exclusion from the course. For more information, refer to
Australian School of Commerce’s Assessment Policy.

Note: Referencing is a way of acknowledging the source of information that a person uses to research your
assignment. References should be provided whenever someone else’s words. Ideas or research is used. One should
also provide references for any information used. Website, journals, Research paper, Blogs, article and any other
online sources needs to be referenced.

Assessor feedback:

Assessors will provide feedback on the assessment that you have submitted. This can identify your strengths and
weaknesses or be an overall comment on your submission. A copy of the feedback along with your submission will
be given to you and you must keep a copy of it throughout the completion of the course.

Student Declaration:

I.............................................................................. (Student Name) have read and understand the information

provided above and also understand and accept that any act of plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have
penalties including cancellation or suspension of my enrolment with Australian School of Commerce. I further
declare that:

 All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism and
collusion has not occurred.
 Assessment work has not been copied or submitted for any other unit/course.
 I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.
 I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I have to reproduce my work.
 I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment which may
be different to the one originally submitted.

Student signature: ............................................................... Date: ....../....../.......

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Assessment tasks

Assessment Task Cover Sheet Task 1 (AT1)

Student details
Student Name: Student ID:

Assessment details

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills
Unit of Competency:

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Date of Submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the school, I declare that this assessment task is original
and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a
photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also
declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks Student: I have received, discussed
Check for plagiarism Software Yes No and accepted my result as above for
Check for copying/collusion Yes No this assessment and I am aware of my
appeal rights.
Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature: ......................................................... Signature: ................................

Date: ................................................................. Date: .........................................

Assessment task 1: Knowledge Test

Required documents and equipment:

 Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources such as MS word, MS excel, MS PowerPoint or
any other recognised software program.
 Australian School of Commerce Learners’ resources for the unit SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills
(organised by the trainer).
 DIDASKO Learner’s notes

Instructions for students:

This assessment will be conducted in the ASOC classroom with access to the resources listed above.

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
 You must answer all knowledge questions as part of this assessment and submit answers in electronic copy. The
assessor will verify the authenticity of the work by asking questions regarding the answers provided. You must
satisfactorily answer all questions to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment.
 Be concise provide explanation according to the given word-limit and do not provide irrelevant information. Be
careful, quantity is not quality.
 Students are not allowed to interact with other students during this assessment task.
 Be careful to use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or exclude
individuals or groups on the basis of attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual
preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used.
 When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from the sources you are using to write your
answers/research your work, you must always acknowledge the source.
 You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the assessment document to
be submitted.

Planning the assessment

- Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet
- Time required for assessment: 60 mins
- You must:
o Answer all the questions in this knowledge test assessment satisfactorily to be deemed competent.
o Complete and submit the assessment on the same day of the assessment.
o Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback

Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence same day of the assessment
specified by the assessor:
 You are required to submit a completed (ticked) multiple choice question listed in Knowledge test.

 Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment

Evidence submission:
- Documentation must be submitted electronically.
- Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Knowledge Test
NUMBER response (to
by the

What three factors help you identify the need for coaching?

Question 1: (a) Supplier suggestion, customer complaint, colleague direction.

(b) Trainee’s résumé, manager’s needs analysis, organisation’s standards.
(c) Trainee request, your observation, another colleague’s direction. NS
(d) It’s not your responsibility to identify coaching needs.

How should you identify specific coaching needs and organise coaching sessions?

Question 2: (a) Through observation, evaluation and assessment of the colleague you’re
(b) Through discussion and agreement with the colleague you’re coaching. NS
(c) By asking open questions and actively listening to your colleague’s answers.
(d) By planning and prioritising your tasks so you can get everything done.
What are two things you should explain to the trainee at the very beginning of your first
coaching session?
Question 3:
(a) How to do the task step-by-step and how to check they’ve done it correctly.
(b) The skills and knowledge they need to meet organisational standards. S
(c) The time and location of the next coaching session. NS
(d) The purpose and objectives of the coaching.

When should you demonstrate and explain skills at the same time? S

Question 4: (a) When coaching a detailed task with a lot of steps. NS

(b) When coaching simple tasks with a couple of steps.
(c) You should never demonstrate and explain skills at the same time.
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RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
(d) When the trainee asks you a question.

What important knowledge should you communicate to your trainee before or during a
coaching session?
Question 5:
(a) An understanding of the consequences to the trainee if they are unable to
perform the task correctly after coaching.
(b) What types of assessment processes will be used to determine competence
and when they will be conducted. NS
(c) Legislative and hygiene requirements relevant to the coaching task.
(d) Policies and procedures that are relevant to the trainee’s job role and

How do organisational procedures support coaching?

Question 6: (a) They set goals and standards for the trainee to aim for. S
(b) They give step-by-step instructions on how to complete tasks.
(c) They detail the tasks the trainee will be coached on during the session.
(d) They provide guidelines for any legislative or organisational standards.

In your coaching session, what should you do after you’ve explained, demonstrated and
reviewed the skill?
(a) Provide your colleague the opportunity to practise the skill and ask questions.
(b) Congratulate your colleague and give them feedback.
(c) Remind your colleague of the purpose and objectives of the coaching session. NS

(d) Confirm the time and location of the next coaching session.

Which of the following best describes how you should give feedback?

Question 8: (a) In a detailed, critical way, making sure you give suggestions for
improvement. S
(b) In a constructive, supportive way, making sure you encourage your
colleague. NS

(c) In a firm tone of voice, making sure you keep eye contact.
(d) In a congratulatory manner, making sure you provide meaningful recognition.

How do you follow up the outcomes of the coaching session afterwards?

Question 9: (a) If you coached the trainee properly, you shouldn’t need to follow up on them.
(b) Let colleagues know you’ve finished the coaching session. Ask them to S
monitor the trainee’s progress.
(c) Let the trainee know that you’re available to answer any questions regarding NS
the training.
(d) Monitor progress of new workplace skills and provide supportive assistance.

Question 10: Who should you inform about the coaching session and report the trainee’s progress to? S

(a) The appropriate person (usually the manager, supervisor or owner). NS

(b) The trainee (so they can adapt their techniques).
(c) Other colleagues (usually people who work most closely with the trainee).
(d) You don’t need to report the trainee’s progress to anyone.

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M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Question 11: What should you do if you identify performance problems or have difficulties with the
(a) Inform your manager that you would prefer not to have coaching
responsibilities. S
(b) Recommend that the trainee be ‘let go’ due to inability to perform. NS
(c) Rectify the problems or refer them to the appropriate person.
(d) Instruct the trainee to ask another colleague for coaching.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet Task 2 (AT2)

Student details
Student Name: Student ID:

Assessment details

Unit of Competency: SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills

Assessment Task 2: Worksheets

Date of Submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the school, I declare that this assessment task is
original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I
have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also
declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks Student: I have received, discussed
Check for plagiarism Software Yes No and accepted my result as above for
Check for copying/collusion Yes No this assessment and I am aware of my
appeal rights.
Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

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RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Signature: ......................................................... Signature: ...................................

Date: ................................................................. Date: ……...................................

Assessment task 2: Worksheets

Required documents and equipment:

 Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources such as MS word, MS excel, MS PowerPoint or
any other recognised software program.
 Australian School of Commerce Learners’ resources for the unit SITXCOM005- Manage conflict (organised by
the trainer).
 DIDASKO Learner’s notes

Instructions for trainer

This assessment will be conducted in the ASOC classroom with access to the resources listed above.

 You must answer all knowledge questions as part of this assessment and submit answers in electronic copy. The
assessor will verify the authenticity of the work by asking questions regarding the answers provided. You must
satisfactorily answer all questions to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment.
 Be concise provide explanation according to the given word-limit and do not provide irrelevant information. Be
careful, quantity is not quality.
 Students are not allowed to interact with other students during this assessment task.
 Be careful to use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or exclude
individuals or groups on the basis of attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual
preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used.
 When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from the sources you are using to write your
answers/research your work, you must always acknowledge the source.
 You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the assessment document to
be submitted.

Planning the assessment:

- Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet
- Time required for assessment: 3 hours

- You must:
o Answer all the questions satisfactorily to be deemed competent.
o Complete the assessment and submit this assessment before the due date of the assessment.
o Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.
- Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback

Evidence specifications:
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Ph: 1300 781 194
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by
the assessor:
- You are required to submit short answers to all the questions asked in the worksheet.
- Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment.

Evidence submission:
- Documentation must be submitted electronically.
- Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet .


NUMBER response
(to be
ed by


Question 1: You are the supervisor of a team. How could you identify the coaching needs
of your team members?

Question 2: Other than your direct observation, how else can the need for coaching be identified? S


Question 3: Jen works at the front desk in a large resort. Read her discussion with her new colleague, Mary.
Identify Mary’s specific coaching needs.
Jen: ‘Morning, Mary. How you going? You finding everything OK?’ S
Mary: ‘Mostly. I’ve got the registration system down and know how to process NS
payments, but a guest just told me that one of the ladies’ toilets is blocked. Who
am I supposed to tell about that? Is there a form I need to fill out or something?’

Question 4: Read Jen and Mary’s discussion again. What questioning technique did Jen
use to confirm Mary’s understanding of job tasks?

Identify four actions to take when using active listening techniques to build

Question 5: rapport, show sensitivity, confirm understanding of job tasks, identify S

deficiencies and resolve them. NS

What are three things you should communicate about and confirm with your S

Question 6: colleague when organising their coaching session. NS

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Ph: 1300 781 194

Max is training a new worker on the telephone system in their office.

Question 7:
He needs ten minutes to coach on their answering procedures, 15 minutes for message taking
and distribution, 20 minutes for transferring calls and putting people on hold and 30 minutes to S
practise. He’d also like to allow 15 minutes to give feedback and answer questions. NS
How much time should he allow for the coaching to make sure his colleague can complete the
required tasks?

Question 8: List the five steps followed when planning a coaching session. S


SECTION 2: Coach Colleagues on the job

Question 9: You can break your coaching session down into six simple steps which
incorporate the key principles of training. List these steps in order.

Question10: Prior to commencing a coaching session, you need to explain the overall purpose and objectives S
of the coaching to your colleague. What are two things you have to explain to them? NS

Question11: You need to communicate required knowledge to your colleague during the
coaching session. State five items of information your colleague will need to S

know prior to doing tasks. NS

Question12: What are three types of required knowledge you might need to communicate
to a trainee prior to, or during, a coaching session?

Question13: How can organisational procedures help a trainee understand the tasks they S
are being coached on? NS

Question14: List four kinds of skills you might explain and demonstrate when working in the
tourism, hospitality and events industry.

Question15: What are five techniques you should use while demonstrating and explaining
skills to your colleague during the coaching session.

Question16: Describe four methods you can use to review what the trainee has learned and S
check their understanding of knowledge and skills. NS

Question17: List three things you should do while your colleague is demonstrating and S

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Ph: 1300 781 194
practising the skill.

Question18: It’s important to give colleagues feedback in a constructive and supportive

manner. Describe a ‘feedback sandwich’.

Question19: Identify six ways you can evaluate and assess a trainee’s demonstration or


Question 20: What is the purpose of monitoring a trainee’s progress after a coaching session? S


Question 21: How can you evaluate a trainee’s level of progress towards successful application of new S
workplace skills?

Question 22: Describe three ways you can provide your colleagues with supportive S
assistance at the follow-up stage of coaching. NS

Question 23: List four ways you can provide meaningful recognition when a trainee performs S
particularly well NS

Question 24: Who do you report coaching session progress to? S


Question 25: List three reasons you report coaching progress. S


Question 26: What are six potential causes of performance problems or difficulties you or
your trainee may experience?

Question 27: What are five techniques you can use to rectify a breakdown of S
communication with a trainee. NS

Question 28: List six things you can do to help overcome a trainee’s shyness or lack of

Student details

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Ph: 1300 781 194
Student Name: Student ID:

Assessment details

Unit of Competency: SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills

Assessment Task 3: Practical Demonstration and Role play

Date of Submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the school, I declare that this assessment task is
original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I
have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also
declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks Student: I have received, discussed
Check for plagiarism Software Yes No and accepted my result as above for
Check for copying/collusion Yes No this assessment and I am aware of my
appeal rights.
Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature: ......................................................... Signature: ...................................

Date: ................................................................. Date: ……...................................

Assessment Task Cover Sheet Task 3 (AT3)

Assessment Task 3: Practical Demonstration & Role Play

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Ph: 1300 781 194
Required documents and equipment required for this assessment:
 ASOC’s commercial Kitchen with access to all the equipment and variety of ingredients defined in
Appendix at the back of this tool.
 Projector and Computer for coaching
 Power point presentation aides or notes for training.
 Role play Script (Appendix 2)
 Coaching plan template (Appendix 3)
 Evaluation Checklist (Appendix 4)
 ASOC’s Learners’ resources for the unit SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills (organised by the

Planning the assessment

- Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet.
- Time required for assessment: 8 hours for 2 sessions of 4 hours each.
- You must:
o Produce all evidence as required in this assessment.
o Complete the assessment and submit in due timeline.
o Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.
- Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence specifications:

At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by
the assessor:
 Demonstration of coaching others in job skills for all three (3)sessions and provide effective on-the job
coaching to four different colleagues (grouped by the Assessor)
 Coaching plan template (Appendix 3)
 Evaluation checklist (Appendix 4)
 Written feedback to the colleagues (print out to be provided)
 Completed and sign the cover sheet for assessment task

Evidence submission:
- Documentation must be submitted electronically.
- Assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

Practical Demonstration and Role play

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Ph: 1300 781 194
This practical demonstration requires you to speak to four (4) different colleagues (trainer will allocate from the class)
and identify the coaching needs of the colleagues allocated e.g area where they need improvement. You must also
provide coaching to all 4 colleagues and follow up after coaching. You will do this by conducting four (4) coaching
session, one for each colleague.

You will be divided into groups of 5 by the assessor where each one will train the other 4 colleagues. Assessor will
allocate each group with on-the-job coaching topics from below:

- Holding a full tray correctly while serving.

- Chopping vegetable skills.

- Preparing a cappuccino.

For each coaching session, you are required to complete following tasks:
Task 1: Prepare for on-the-job training:

 You are required to identify the need for coaching based on a range of factors.
e.g. Trainee request, Your observation, Colleague direction.
 You must identify specific coaching needs through discussion with colleagues and organise coaching
 Once coaching needs are identified you must set time with your trainer and students for the coaching session.
 You must brief trainee (groups) about their role as trainer by using role play information provided in
Appendix 2
 You must consult with the trainer for any resources required for the coaching session e.g. seating
arrangement, equipment or presentation aids.
 It always is better for you to plan the flow of the session in advance so that you are well prepared.
 You will use the Coaching Plan template provided (Appendix 3) to include all relevant details mentioned

Task 2: Coach Colleagues on-the-job:

At the start of session the assessor will check if you are prepared for coaching session and have arranged the class
room seating as per coaching requirement. Assessors will be checking you have all necessary handouts on prior to
allowing you to begin the session.

You will have 15 minutes to finish the coaching session (for each trainee) and provide feedback coach others in job
skills for each skills demonstration session and Assessor will set commercial time constraints.

Provide effective on-the job coaching to four different colleagues

 You are required to explain overall purpose of coaching to colleague by emphasizing on the positive
consequences of the training.
 You must explain and demonstrate specific skills.
 You must communicate required knowledge and check if the colleagues have understood. E.g. Students
may ask questions to their colleagues to check their understanding
 You must advise the trainee to follow procedures to complete tasks.
 You are required to provide opportunity to colleague to practice skills and ask questions.
e.g. Trainee must be given a chance to explain in their own words and question in case of doubt.
 You must provide constructive feedback to colleague in a supportive manner to encourage the trainee and
build their confidence. The feedback to the trainee will be provided in person and a written feedback must be
attached by using the Coaching Plan template (Appendix 3)
Demonstrate the following during each of the above coaching activities:

 clear communication and demonstration of the organisational tasks required of the colleague
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Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
 completion of training within commercial time constraints
 application of the key principles of training.

 You must maintain clear communication with colleagues and ensure they have understood the tasks. As a
coach, they must demonstrate organisational tasks.
 You should ensure that the training is completed within the time constraint provided by the assessor.
 You must follow the key principles of training:
 Explanation- Explain the purpose and objective of training.
 Demonstration- Explain and demonstrate skills.
 Review- Listen to trainee explanation and review understanding.
 Listening to trainee explanation- Observe trainee demonstration.
 Observing and evaluating trainee demonstration- Evaluate trainee performance by using the
Evaluation checklist (Appendix 3)
 Providing feedback- Provide constructive feedback.

Evaluate colleagues’ performance and provide constructive feedback as part of above coaching sessions

Task 3: Follow-up coaching.

 You must monitor progress of workplace skills and provide assistance by checking on colleagues to make
sure they grow and improve.
 You must report progress to document training and coaching, to show that team members are continuously
improving, to meet training requirements (at ASOC’s kitchen), to help managers make staffing decisions and
to motivate workers. This must be documented in the Coaching plan template (Appendix 3)
 You must report the coaching sessions outcomes to the appropriate person.
 You are required to identify performance problems or difficulties with coaching and rectify or refer to
appropriate person to follow-up.
Address identified performance problems or difficulties experienced by colleagues in each of the above
coaching sessions and rectify or refer as appropriate.

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Ph: 1300 781 194

Session 1:
Learner name: Date:
Coaching session Performance problems or Performance evaluated Constructive feedback given Demonstrated skills Satisfactory Signature
no. difficulties addressed
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Clear communication  Yes
 No  No  No and demonstration of the  No
 Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable organisational tasks
required of the colleague.
 Completion of training
within commercial time
 Application of the key
principles of training.
Assessor feedback

Learner feedback

Session 2:
Learner name: Date:
Coaching session Performance problems or Performance evaluated Constructive feedback given Demonstrated skills Satisfactory Signature
no. difficulties addressed

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Ph: 1300 781 194
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Clear communication  Yes
 No  No  No and demonstration of the  No
 Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable organisational tasks
required of the colleague.
 Completion of training
within commercial time
 Application of the key
principles of training.
Assessor feedback

Learner feedback

Session 3:
Learner name: Date:
Coaching session Performance problems or Performance evaluated Constructive feedback given Demonstrated skills Satisfactory Signature
no. difficulties addressed

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Ph: 1300 781 194
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Clear communication  Yes
 No  No  No and demonstration of the  No
 Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable organisational tasks
required of the colleague.
 Completion of training
within commercial time
 Application of the key
principles of training.
Assessor feedback

Learner feedback

Session 4:
Learner name: Date:
Coaching session Performance problems or Performance evaluated Constructive feedback given Demonstrated skills Satisfactory Signature
no. difficulties addressed

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Ph: 1300 781 194
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Clear communication and  Yes
 No  No  No demonstration of the  No
 Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable organisational tasks
required of the colleague.
 Completion of training
within commercial time
 Application of the key
principles of training.
Assessor feedback

Learner feedback


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Ph: 1300 781 194

To c To complete this assessment, you are required to do the following.
 Observe the learner while they provide effective on-the job coaching to four (4) different colleagues during 4 sessions.
 Observe student while they addresses identified performance problems or difficulties experienced by colleagues.
 Observe student while they evaluates colleagues’ performance and provides constructive feedback as a part of the coaching session.
 Observe learner while they demonstrate clear communication, complete organisational tasks, and completion of training within time constraints and application of the key
principles of training.
 Observe the learner over a period while they learn and use various skills/tasks.
 Ensure that the learner can consistently perform all tasks multiple times satisfactorily.
 Decide when the learner is competent at all tasks.
 Ask the learner questions relating to the tasks they are undertaking.
 On completion, submit the assessment via the hard copy.
To complete this assessment, students are required to do the following:
 Provide effective on-the job training to four (4) different colleagues during 4 sessions.
 Address the identified problems or difficulties experienced by colleagues.
 Evaluate colleague’s performance and provide constructive feedback.
 Communicate clearly, complete organisational tasks and complete the training within time constraints.
 Consistently perform all tasks multiple time satisfactorily.
 Answer any questions asked by the assessor.
 On completion, submit the assessment via hard copy.

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Ph: 1300 781 194

Observation list Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Observable skills/tasks the learner is required Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

to demonstrate Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
The Assessor observes the learner while they perform the following tasks:
Stage 1- Prepare for on-the-job coaching

Student identifies need for coaching based on

a range on factors.

The learner identifies specific coaching needs

through discussion with colleague and
organises sessions.
Stage 2- Coach colleagues on-the-job

Student provides effective on-the-job

coaching to four (4) different colleagues.
Student explains overall purpose of coaching
to colleague.
Student explains and demonstrates specific

The learner communicates required

knowledge and checks the colleague
Student advises organisational procedures for
completing workplace tasks.
Student provides colleague with opportunity
to practise skill and ask questions.

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Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Observation list Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Observable skills/tasks the learner is required Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

to demonstrate Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
The learner provides feedback in constructive
and supportive manner.

Stage 3- Follow-up coaching

The learner demonstrates the following during

each of the coaching activities:
 clear communication and
demonstration of the organisational
tasks required of the colleague
 completion of training within
commercial time constraints
 application of the key principles of
Student monitors progress of the new
workplace skills and provides supportive
Student reports progress to the appropriate
The learner identifies performance problems
or difficulties with coaching and rectifies or
refers to the appropriate person to follow up.

Final Outcome Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

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Ph: 1300 781 194

Observation list Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Observable skills/tasks the learner is required Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

to demonstrate Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Yes No
Yes No Yes No Yes No

Date of Demonstration _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _
__ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __

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Ph: 1300 781 194
Assessment Task Cover Sheet Task 4 (AT4)

Student details
Student Name: Student ID:

Assessment details

Unit of Competency: SITXHRM001 – Coach others in job skills

Case Study
Assessment Task 4:
Date of Submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the school, I declare that this assessment task is
original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I
have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also
declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks Student: I have received, discussed
Check for plagiarism Software Yes No and accepted my result as above for
Check for copying/collusion Yes No this assessment and I am aware of my
appeal rights.
Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature: ......................................................... Signature: ...................................

Date: ................................................................. Date: ……...................................

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Ph: 1300 781 194
Assessment Task 4: Case Study

Required documents and equipment required for this assessment:

 Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources such as MS word, MS excel, MS PowerPoint
or any other recognised software program.
 ASOC’s Learners’ resources for the unit SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills (organised by the

Instructions for the student:

This is a Case Study-based assessment where students are required to research information on the hospitality industry
and share the information obtained with the team.
 This assessment will be conducted in ASOC’S Campus and in ASOC’s commercial kitchen with access to the
resources listed above.
 You must answer all questions as part of this assessment and submit answers in electronic copy.The assessor
will verify the authenticity of the work by asking questions regarding the answers provided. You must
satisfactorily answer all questions to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment.
 Be concise provide explanation according to the given word-limit and do not provide irrelevant information. Be
careful, quantity is not quality.
 Be careful to use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or exclude
individuals or groups on the basis of attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual
preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used.
 When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from the sources you are using to write your
answers/research your work, you must always acknowledge the source.
 You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the assessment document to
be submitted.

Planning the assessment

- Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet.
- Time required for assessment: 3 hours
- You must:
o Produce all evidence as required in this assessment.
o Complete the assessment and submit in due timeline.
o Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.
- Assessor must set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence specifications:

At the end of the assessment, student will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified
by the assessor:
- All questions answered satisfactorily at the end of the task.
- Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment
Evidence submission:
- Documentation must be submitted electronically.
- Assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

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Ph: 1300 781 194

This assessment requires you to prepare a case study for on-the job coaching, coach a colleague and follow up with
the trainee after coaching.

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Ph: 1300 781 194
You are required to do the following:

 Complete Task 1 in Assessment Task 4.

 Read the case study thoroughly and answer the questions.

Case study
Your stock requisition has been delivered to your work area from stores. Xian is responsible for transferring the stock
into the storage area. You notice he is not using correct manual handling techniques to move cartons or bulky items.
He is not following organisational procedures for handling stock. You know this is a work health and safety issue and
must be addressed quickly before he injures himself.

Task 1: Prepare for on-the-job coaching

Read the case study and answer the questions.

Q1: How was the need for coaching identified?


Q2: What techniques can you use to identify Xian’s specific coaching needs?


Q3: What communication techniques can you use when discussing Xian’s needs with him?

Q4: Your discussions have identified that Xian needs coaching on how to correctly lift and carry boxes. He
understands how to use a truck trolley and where the stock is to be stored in the storeroom. The correct
procedure was explained to him some time ago but he has forgotten it. Explain the overall purpose of the
coaching session to Xian.

Q5: Where can you find information to support your coaching session?

Q6: What steps will you follow when delivering coaching to Xian or any of your other colleagues? Briefly explain
what occurs at each step in these key principles of training.


Q7: You decide to develop a simple coaching plan to make sure you cover all necessary information and skills.
Complete the table to describe how you will deliver your coaching session. Use your workplace or training
environment’s organisational procedures when completing the plan or research correct lifting and carrying
Seq = The sequence in which the coaching topics will be delivered.
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Ph: 1300 781 194
Topic / steps = The topic to be discussed and/or demonstrated or steps to complete a task as per relevant
organisational procedures or standard work practices.
Key knowledge = Required knowledge that supports the successful application of the task(s), such as WHS or
hygiene requirements.
Resources required = Resources required to deliver the coaching, including large and small equipment, stock,
ingredients, documentation, machinery.

Coaching plan

Coaching topic:

Seq Topic / steps Key knowledge

Resources required:

Q8: What other details do you need to discuss and confirm with Xian if the coaching is not going to be delivered

Q9: Choose one topic or step from your coaching plan and write how you will explain that topic/step to Xian.

Q10: What are two questions you can ask after explaining and demonstrating the correct procedure to check
Xian’s understanding?

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Ph: 1300 781 194


Q11: How much time should you allocate to this training session? Give a breakdown of the time required for each
stage of the coaching process and total time to be allocated.

Coaching stage Time allocation

Delivery of coaching session

Trainee to practise application of skills

Evaluation and feedback

Total time required for coaching

Q12: How can you allocate time to deliver coaching to Xian while still completing your duties?

Q13: Xian has received coaching and has practised the skill several times. You observe that he initially completed
the procedure correctly, but is now tending to bend his back more each time he lifts or lowers the boxes. He is
completing all other steps as per the organisational procedure correctly, especially when carrying the load from
the delivery point to the storeroom.
You are about to give him feedback on his performance. Write what you will say to Xian when giving him


Q14: It’s two weeks later and you have been observing Xian move boxes of stock into the storeroom. You are very
pleased to see that he is using correct lifting and carrying techniques. However, this is a larger than normal
delivery with many boxes to be transferred to the storage area. It will take him over an hour to transfer them all
if he carries them individually. It will also be a physically strenuous task. What supportive assistance or advice
can you give him in this situation? Write what you would say to Xian.

Q15: As the coaching is related to workplace health and safety procedures, a formal record of the training must be
kept. Complete the training evaluation and progress report with details about Xian’s coaching.

Training evaluation and progress report 4 – Above standard

Trainee: 3 – Meets standard
Trainer: 2 – Improvement needed
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Ph: 1300 781 194

1 – Unacceptable, more training

Objective of training/coaching:
0 – Not responding to training

Procedure/tasks Expected performance 0 1 2 3 4

Trainer/coach comments:

Trainer coach signature: Date:

Trainee signature: Date:

Q16: You conduct exactly the same coaching session with another relatively new employee, Renee, the next time
stock is delivered. This session doesn’t go as smoothly as Xian’s. Renee watches your demonstration but has
difficulty describing the steps and associated knowledge immediately afterwards. You demonstrate and explain
the procedure again and ask her to complete the task. She performs the task but not to the required standard.
She misses a number of details, such as positioning her feet correctly, holding the box in the correct position
against her body and using her feet to change direction. You demonstrate and explain the process again and
ask her to go through the steps verbally. Again, she has difficulty describing the task. She performs the task to
a higher standard in the next demonstration but it is still not at the required standard.
What could be causing Renee to have difficulty verbally explaining and performing the task?

Q17: After discussing your concerns with a supervisor, you find out that Renee is shy and doesn’t like to be put
under pressure to learn or demonstrate new skills in front of her colleagues. What can you do to help Renee
successfully learn this important skill?

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Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Case Study checklist - Assessor to complete:

Student Assessment Criteria Assessor to tick the appropriate box Assessor to tick
the appropriate

Section 1 Section 2

Communication | Is the learner able  Yes Safety | Is the  Yes

to:  No learner able to:  No

 Communicate clearly with others  Work safely at all

 Ask for help when needed times
 Follow instructions  Ensure your
 Identify the task requirements actions do not put
including document purpose and the safety of
proposed audience yourself or others
 Consult with others to determine at risk
meeting concepts and

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Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
 Clarify task requirements with
supervisor (assessor) as required

Section 3 Assessor to tick the appropriate

document completed by the student.

Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their ability to do the following?

 Identifies the need for coaching based on requests, observation or feedback.  Yes
 No

 Discusses coaching needs with colleague and takes responsibility for  Yes
organising the coaching session.  No

 Clearly communicates the overall purpose and scope of the coaching.  Yes
 No

 Explains the specific skill to team members using key principles of training.  Yes
 No

 Communicates knowledge required to complete task, including any  Yes

legislative work health and safety and hygiene requirements.  No

 Uses questioning techniques to check colleague’s understanding.  Yes

 No

 Can advise colleagues about organisational procedures.  Yes

 No

 Is able to read and interpret workplace documentation correctly.  Yes

 No

 Allows colleagues and team members time to practise the task and ask  Yes
questions.  No

 Provides feedback to team members in a constructive and supportive  Yes

manner.  No

 Monitors progress of new workplace skills and provides supportive  Yes

assistance.  No

 Reports progress to the appropriate person.  Yes

 No

 Can identify performance problems or difficulties with the coaching, and  Yes
take responsibility for rectifying them.  No

 Yes
 Uses suitable communication techniques for workplace training.
 No

 Can plan how to complete own work tasks within designated timeframes and  Yes
simultaneously coach others in job skills.  No

 Can calculate adequate time required for coaching and for colleagues to  Yes

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Ph: 1300 781 194
complete required tasks.  No

Required Evidence attached:  Yes

 No

Assessor’s feedback:

Student outcome:  S
 NS

Assessor Name and Signature:


Final Assessment Record

Student name: Student ID:

Assessor name:
Date of

Unit of competency: SITXHRM001- Coach others in job skills

Student results
Not Yet
Assessments Satisfactory Not Submitted

Assessment task 1: Knowledge Test

Assessment task 2: Worksheets

Assessment task 3: Practical Demonstration and Role Play

Assessment task 4: Case Study

Comments/ Feedback:

Unit outcome: Competent Not Yet Competent

Is re-assessment required? Yes No

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Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194
Assessor Signoff

By signing this final assessment record:

 I confirm that the student has attempted all requirements of this unit of competency

 I am satisfied the work submitted is their own work. 

 I have informed the participant of the assessment decision.  

Assessor signature: Date:

Student Signoff

By signing this final assessment record:

 I have received, discussed and accept the outcome from my assessment as above for this unit of competency and I am aware of
my right to appeal.
Student signature: Date:

Appendix1- Assessment resource in ASOC’s simulated

ASOC will conduct practical assessment for this unit in its kitchen (practical demonstration) located at Kitchen
Address and simulated environment (role play) Located at 4-6 Baxter street Coburg VIC 3058, with access to
following resources:

Assessment must ensure access to:

 Work tasks in which to coach others e.g. - Holding a full tray correctly while serving, Chopping vegetable
skills, Preparing a cappuccino.

 colleagues in need of training; these can be:

- colleagues in an industry workplace (other students chosen by assessor) who are assisted by the
individual during the assessment process; or
- individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of assessment, in
a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation.

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Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Appendix 2- Role play Script

Role Play Information- Trainer
Role title Trainer
Organization ASOC’s Kitchen
Role played by Student
Is party playing the Yes
role is being assessed?

Other parties involved 1 student playing the role of trainee

in role play and their

Are other parties No

involved are being
assessed during role?
Time allocated Approximately 15 mins

Purpose of role The learner is required to play the role of a trainer who will be training by another
student (playing the role of a trainee) Students role playing as trainee will be
demonstrating the skills as shown by the trainer (another student)
Role play script
 Trainer is required to identify the need for coaching the trainee by having a
 Trainer will communicate clearly with the trainee on what is expected at the
end of the coaching.
 Trainer will follow the key principles of training by doing the following:
- Explanation- Explain the purpose and objective of training.
- Demonstration- Explain and demonstrate skills.
- Review- Listen to trainee explanation and review understanding.
- Listening to trainee explanation- Observe trainee demonstration.
 Trainer will demonstrate the skills practically and ensure the trainee has
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Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

 Trainer will complete the training within commercial time constraints.

 Trainer will then ask the trainee to demonstrate the skills.
 Trainer will check understanding of the trainee by asking questions during the
 Trainer is required to conduct a one-on-one session with the trainee and give a
 Trainer is required to evaluate the student’s performance by using the
Evaluation checklist.
- Observing and evaluating trainee demonstration- Evaluate trainee performance by
using the Evaluation checklist (Appendix 4)
- Providing feedback- Provide constructive feedback.
 Trainer will communicate clearly and report progress of the trainee by using
the Coaching Plan template (Appendix 3)
Role play information It is important that you are prepared for this session, ensuring you:
 Ask relevant questions to the Trainee
 Each session will consist of Trainer (yourself) and Trainee (another student)
Things to consider whilst performing this task:
 Be organized - prepare and plan for the session thoroughly.
 Know your position as Trainer as you are dealing with a trainee who needs
 Be prepared to ask questions
Things to consider whilst role-playing a client:
 Be prepared
 Act professionally throughout the process
 Be prepared to ask questions when you require more information
 Answer all questions.
 Make sure that by the end of the session, trainee understands the coaching
session and is able to demonstrate the skills.
 Remember, you will be required to play the part of trainer and trainee so be
sure to perform at your best at all times. This means you must participate in
the session, and ask questions if you feel they are required (for clarification as
Key outcome expected
from role-play - Student provides effective on-the job coaching to four different colleagues
- Student addresses identified performance problems or difficulties
experienced by colleagues in each of the above coaching sessions and
rectify or refer as appropriate
- Student evaluates colleagues performance and provide constructive
feedback as part of above coaching sessions
- Student demonstrates the following during each of the above coaching
 clear communication and demonstration of the organisational tasks
required of the colleague
 completion of training within commercial time constraints
 application of the key principles of training.

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RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Appendix 3- Coaching Plan template

Name of the Trainee: Date of the Coaching:
Department: Need for coaching:
Coaching to be conducted ASOC’s kitchen Coaching provided for:
at: (mention task)
Trainee is briefed regarding the purpose of training

Trainee understands the demonstration of the skill

Trainee answers questions asked by the student

Trainee practices the skill demonstration that has

been demonstrated by the student

Trainee asks relevant questions, If any

Trainee seeks feedback from the student and takes it


Trainee ensures that continuous improvements are

made after the feedback is received.

Feedback for the Trainee:

Training conducted by:

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RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194

Appendix 4- Evaluation Checklist

Trainee Name: Department:

Position held: Reviewer name:

Date Reviewed:

Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Comments

- Works in full potential

- Understands the purpose of the

coaching that is taking place

- Demonstrates a specific skill as

per guidelines

- Adheres to organisational

- Satisfactorily answers all

questions asked and practices

- Takes feedback constructively

and works on the areas of

- Discusses any areas that are

difficult to work on and takes

Copyright: Instructions in this tool have been developed by NTA and ASOC for sole purpose of use by ASOC. Any part of these assessment instructions cannot be
reproduced in full or part for without approval of ASOC and NTA which holds authorship rights

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