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The Contemporary World - SY2122-1T

1. What are the essential information you are thankful of learning and understanding?

 I’m grateful for the hard lessons I learned that aren’t always intentional. I’m very happy that
I can manage to all the challenges and experience in life.

2. As a student, how will you apply your learnings from the topics “Global Media Culture” and
globalization of Religion?

 As a student I will use/apply using technology to share my learnings. Global Media Cultures
explores the relationship between the media, culture and globalization. The course
approaches past and current challenges concerning international communication and
explores and problematizes the power of media representation.

3. If you are going to share an important idea you have learned, to whom you will share it? Why

 To my family and friends, because I know that they are the once that who will truly believe
in my own understanding about the ideas I have in my mind. And also I always feel
comfortable to share my important ideas to the people that who is close to me.

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