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Denhum Holidays 2022 & 2023 Rates

Safaris, Beach Holidays & Incentives

“Our experience is our strength; your satisfaction is our driving gear”
Greec Towers – Nairobi, Kenva
Tel: +254 – 725104886, Whasapp: +254777104886

Welcome To Denhum Holidays Limited!

Denhum Holidays Limited was established in 1999 to provide quality incoming travel services to Kenya and
the rest of the East Africa countries.

We work closely with our clients to provide a range of personalized services to satisfy a variety of
requirements. Our core services include Accommodation, Ground Transportation, Excursions and Tours and
tailor made Itineraries for Groups and FIT customers and families. We also have special safaris for people
with special interests as well as for people with disabilities.

Having offices based in Nairobi, and operation offices in Mombasa, Kampala and Arusha, we are ideally
positioned to use our local knowledge and partners to provide an outstanding and high quality service.

Our experienced management and staff will provide you with a Professional, Personalised and Friendly
service at Competitive Rates.

We look forward to helping you to give your family, your friends, customers an enjoyable and memorable
visit to Kenya and entire East Africa countries!

Kind Regards,

Team Denhum Holidays

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

why us and not others??

About us
The reason we have continued to grow steadily is because of our clients’ satisfaction with our personalized
services tailor-made to meet their desires; hence 75% of our business is either from repeat clients or referrals
and business associates. Our reputation has unrivalled attention to details, set to address your every specific
need whilst on your safari. Denhum Holidays stands on over 21 years safari experience, giving you a truly
memorable experience of Africa’s unspoiled wilderness at its most breath-taking. We have endeavoured to
offer a handpicked selection of not only competitively priced but also top class lodges, tented camps, beach
resorts, home stays and exclusive hotels within the Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania/Zanzibar.

We are firmly commitment towards responsible travel, eco-tourism and deliberately created something
different from other investors in the industry. Our safaris & tours reflect the deep concern we share with
others within the worldwide community who realize we all have a deep and vital responsibility in maintaining
and where possible actually improving the environment in which we live.

Safaris & Tours

We have designed a selection of tours by road and air featuring all the major National Parks and Reserves
throughout the region and dedicated to exploring new routes with a wide selection of tours operating
throughout the week thus making it easy for you to plan a safari according to your preference and time
available to you tailor made to explore the whole country by offering special itineraries of your choice. The
choice is yours, from the familiar National Parks and Reserves to the more obscure and undiscovered
wilderness areas. We ensure that all expectations are fulfilled and that each safari leaves a special memory and
a lasting impression.

Safari Briefings
Just like you would welcome your visitors we have dedicated Client Service Representatives who meet each
and every arriving guest at both Nairobi and Mombasa International airports. Our travel professional is at
hand to facilitate seamless arrival and departure formalities as well as to ensure that your onward flight
reservations are in order. We make sure all your needs and concerns are addressed in advance during the
booking, confirmation and re-confirmation stages prior to your arrival.

We guarantee every departure with a minimum of two passengers.

Once we have received your deposit, you safari will operate on the scheduled date with the itinerary and cost
described. We will never cancel a safari or charge a supplement because there are too few people on your

Our extensive fleet consists of custom-built and specially modified 7 seat safari micro buses and custom- built
for (4x4) wheel drive safari Land Cruiser on all escorted programmed in Kenya. All our safari vehicles have
sliding widows, roof hatches and high ground clearance to optimize all around visibility for game viewing and
photography. Each vehicle is equipment with an HF radio set, giving round-the-clock communication with
our head office.

Our Safari Drivers/Guides

Success of any safari depends on how efficient, flexible and knowledgeable the guide is. In this respect
greatest care is taken in selecting responsible, qualified people who are capable of providing a cheerful, caring

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

and attentive service to our clients. Its’ good to empathize that all our safari driver guides are qualified and
have extensive knowledge of wildlife and parks in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

Conference & Meetings

Over the years we’ve acquired a reputation as the most comprehensive resource for Conference & Meeting
handling in East Africa. We give you access to the best hotels and resorts as well as any other facility your
conference/meeting may require.

Introduction to Kenya and her best places to visit

Kenya is re-known for its hospitality, friendly, warm welcome with over 42 ethnic tribes from the smallest El-
Molo tribe to the millions of Kikuyu; beautiful attractions ranging from over 450kms of white sandy beaches
stretching from Shimoni to Lamu, protected by a natural coral reef offering some unique and exquisite
marine life along the coast to the National parks and game reserves rich with fauna and flora. Some famous
parks and reserves include: Amboseli with its Mt. Kilimanjaro backdrop; Tsavo East and West, which has the
largest land area; Masai Mara which has the highest concentration of wildlife per square mile; Lake Bogoria
for its hot springs and geysers; and Kakamega Forest, perhaps the last remaining equatorial rainforests in
Tropical Africa and Lake Nakuru National Park home to over a million flamingos, rhinos among other
animals and bird species while Mt. Kenya is a challenge to mountain climbers and worth to visit. Samburu
National Reserve with its rare wildlife that are found only in the northern part of Kenya is worth a visit not
forgetting to mention rich culture of the Samburu and Turkana communities.

Famous lakes in the bed of the Great Rift Valley are:

- Lake Turkana, the famous 'jade sea
- Lake Nakuru home of millions of flamingos among other birds species and a sanctuary of rhinos.
- Lake Naivasha, home to hippos, a plethora of birdlife, and Kenya's wine country
- Lake Magadi, the soda lake
- Lake Elementaita
- Lake Bogoria – hot springs and a lot of bird species
- Lake Baringo

National Parks & Reserves:


There are the millions of flamingos seeking their food in the salty deep-green waters of Lake Nakuru. The
protected area is primarily for birds, of which 400 to 500 species can be found here including cormorants and
pelicans. However, visitors to Lake Nakuru may also catch a glimpse of Thomson gazelles, Grant gazelles,
impalas, waterbucks, giraffes, buffaloes, and leopards. This park has become Kenya's premier Rhino
sanctuary and is now home to both Black and White Rhinos, totalling to over 80 in number and could be one
of the greatest attractions in Nakuru with its fantastic agglomeration of lesser flamingoes estimated to number
between one and two million and make the lake shore seem pink, while species of other water birds have
been recorded. The national park covers 52 Sq. Kms in area. Lake Nakuru Lodge and Sarova Lion Hill Lodge
are among the best places one can find accommodation inside the park while Flamingo hill tented camp is the
newest property though located outside the park along the park fence and from the tent you can see wildlife
grazing along the fence that include rhinos, buffalo, gazelles, zebras among others.

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Masai Mara National Reserve offers an absolutely unique variety of animals. The reason is that this hilly
region is both humid and fertile, and is crossed by the rivers Mara and Talek, full of crocodiles and hippos,
and which carry water the whole year round. The banks of the rivers are covered in thick forest, which
gradually makes way for bush and grassland.
The abundance of water and excellent availability of food are the reasons why the Masai Mara, which in fact
is a continuance of the Tanzanian Serengeti National Park, has the greatest population of wild animals in the
whole of Africa. There is a particularly dramatic “spectacle” from July to November, the annual migration of
huge herds of Gnus and Zebras. Predators such as Hyenas, Jackals, Leopards and Lions of course, closely
follow these herds. There is no place where more of these latter may be seen than in Masai Mara. Gigantic
herds of over 200 buffaloes can also be observed. Plenty of food is available for elephants, giraffes, and the
many species of antelopes and gazelles all of which can be observed in their natural habitat.
Masai Mara Game Reserve itself covers about 1,510 Sq. Kms (575 Sq. Miles) and because it's such an
outstanding place for game viewing, it has several lodges and tented camps like Keekorok Lodge, Mara
Serena, Mara Sopa, Kichwa Tembo, Governors Camp, Fig Tree Camp, Mara River Camp, Mara Cottar's
Camp, Mara Buffalo Camp among many new beautiful eco-camps and lodges.


Samburu-Buffalo Springs and Shaba National Reserve include in their boundaries all the flora and fauna to be
found in the north of Kenya. The dry grasslands interspersed with acacias are interrupted from time to time
by rich green vegetation, whenever enough water is present, e.g. the banks of the Uaso Nyiro River (with its
huge Nile crocodiles) or in marsh regions. This countryside, dotted with volcanic peaks, offers a sanctuary to
a wide variety of animals. These are baboon, reticulated giraffes, elephants, waterbucks, gerenuks and Grevy
zebras. Lions and cheetahs are not quite so common, but plenty of leopards can be sighted. There are no
longer any rhinos. Samburu Game Reserve covering 165 Sq. Kms in area is situated near Isiolo in the north.
It is countryside of fairly dense bush equally thick with game. As well as Elephant, Buffalo, Rhino, Grevy's
Zebra and reticulated Giraffe, you can see Leopard, Cheetah, Lesser Kudu, Eland, Oryx, Generuk, Dikdik,
Impala, Gazelle and Waterbuck. Among the myriad birds are the Pygmy Falcons, Goshawks and Sparrow
weavers. One can find superb accommodation at the Samburu Game Lodge, the Samburu River Lodge
among other tented camps and lodges.


The both Tsavo National Parks are roughly kidney shaped and 7,930 Sq. Miles (20,812 Sq. Kms) are
bisected in the middle by the Mombasa road. For administrative convenience, the part north-east of the road
is called Tsavo East with headquarters near Voi and measures 11,747 Sq. Kms and the part southwest of the
road is Tsavo West with wardens' offices near Mtito Andei and measures 9,065 Sq. Kms. Overall, this famous
park covers a vast section of the 200 miles of thorn scrub, spiked with bulbous trunks of baobab trees, that
separate the tropical vegetation of the Coast from the great central plateau of the African continent.

It was the endless thorn scrub here that kept the peoples of the interior remote from western civilization for
so many centuries. Try walking through it as the early missionaries did and you will soon understand. It has
various names - the Nyika, which means thorn country, the Nyiri Desert and the Taru desert. Much of the
year, it's burnt dry and dusty by the sun. Then overnight the rains transform it into a paradise of convolvulus
flowers that burst out white and purple, the grass seed germinates and the bushes are suddenly green.
Explorers hated it for the very reason that makes it an attraction today - the game. 'Full of wild beasts, such as
Rhinoceros, Buffaloes and Elephants,' the German missionary Rebmann, noted in his diary on May 11, 1848.
Indeed it is full, though overgrazing has depleted the vegetation in parts and the Elephant population is now

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

only an estimated 15,000 to 20,000. They are fairly accustomed to cars now, but if you meet one on the road,
drive cautiously.

Tsavo's lions also described as “The Man Eaters of Tsavo” due to how they obstructed the
building of the railway in the 1900s by the simple expedient of eating the linesmen.

In Tsavo west, which is rather hillier, the volcanic area where the Mzima Springs and other
waters rise attracts most species of game. The springs, 40 km (25 miles) from Mtito Andei, form
a series of clear pools. An observation tank in the top pool enables you to watch Hippo and
Crocodile from underwater. Other major viewing places are at the Kangethwa Dam, the Kilaguni
waterhole and an artificial spring right in front of the Kilaguni Lodge. Other camps and lodges
found in Tsavo West are Ngulia Lodge, Taita Hills Lodge, Kitani Lodge, Tsavo Safari Camp,
and Salt Lick Lodge.

Tsavo East is less hilly with the exception of the dramatic line of the Yatta Plateau which rises almost
parallel to the Mombasa road. Beyond this escarpment, to the east, is a seemingly endless expanse of low lying
semi-desert, spiked with thorn bushes, most of which you can only visit by special permission of the Park
Warden. All roads north of the Galana River, which cuts across Tsavo East, are closed to the public. Lugard
Falls and Crocodile Point on the river are worth a visit, though the best places to see animals are
unquestionably Aruba. The former is a great hump of rusty coloured rock overlooking a huge waterhole
making a natural amphitheatre. At the end of an exciting day, you can always relax at the Voi Safari Lodge,
the Tsavo Safari Lodge, Ashnil Aruba Lodge, Voi Wildlife Lodge and the famous Crocodile Camp.

Both National Parks are managed separately, but together they form the largest reserve in East Africa. The
Northern part of Tsavo East may not, however, be visited by tourists.
Nevertheless, the Tsavo National park, founded in 1947, is one of the most visited tourist attractions in
Kenya. In spite of its arid countryside and savannah vegetation, about 60 species of mammals and 400
different species of birds are to be found here. The Tsavo is particularly famous because of the “red
elephants” which owe their colour to the dust prevalent in this area.
As well as lions and cheetahs, there are many antelopes (Oryx, kudus, and Grant’s gazelles and giraffe
gazelles), zebras, Masai giraffe, baboons and vervet monkeys. Of the birds, the most impressive is the Masai
ostrich. Where there is water, such as Mzima springs, crocodiles and hippos can be seen.


The combination of scenery, people and animals is what makes the Amboseli National Park so fascinating.
Beautifully situated at the foot of the towering Mt. Kilimanjaro, it the home of the brightly painted Masai
Tribe. Here you can see lions, cheetahs, hyenas as well as Gnus, buffaloes, zebras and herds of elephants. All
these animals come to drink at water holes consisting of small lakes or muddy ponds kept filled up by water
from the melting snows of Kilimanjaro. The northern Lake Amboseli contains water only after rain
Amboseli National Park is situated just over 150 Kms from Nairobi. This is a 392 Sq. Kms (149 Sq. Miles)
of swamps and plains country inside a 3,260 sq km reserve all dominated by the snowcapped peak of
Kilimanjaro. It is about 3,500 ft above sea level.

Before the 1,235 sq miles of the Amboseli Game Reserve had their most vital 149 sq miles
designated as a National Park, the Masai shared the area with the game which they seldom kill
for meat, being preoccupied with their cattle. But there wasn't enough pasture for both and under

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

an agreement with the government, the Masai moved after a pipeline had been constructed to
bring them water outside the park. Lake Amboseli though blue on maps, is a dry bed of soda
most of the year and even produces mirages like a desert. A road cuts across it but the Loginya
and other swamps remain wet, attracting large herds of Elephant and Buffalo who migrate to
them during the dry season. Amboseli protects herds of Kongoni, Eland, Oryx, Wildebeest,
Gazelle and Zebra. Of the cat family are the Caracal, cheetah, Civet Cat, Leopard, Lion and
Serval Cat though sometimes hard to spot them. The Rhino, formerly famous, have been all but
poached almost to extinction. Accommodation is available at: Amboseli Serena Lodge,
Amboseli Lodge, Kilimanjaro Safari Lodge, Kilimanjaro Buffalo Lodge among other newest
lodges and eco-tented camps.


The foothill of the Aberdare National Park is covered with huge trees, which, the higher you go; gradually
give way to Bamboo forests. From about 3,000 meters upwards the landscape consists primarily of alpine
moorland. Still higher is an area of grassland with, from time to time, giant lobelias presenting an attractive
contrast. The rich vegetation of this park is blessed with crystal clear streams, waterfalls and lakes teeming
with fish. This means an ideal habitat for a wide variety of mammals and birds, although the wild life here is
still very shy, and the lodges often have to put out salt licks to attract the animals. With a bit of luck it is
possible to see the “BIG FIVE” whereas it may be somewhat more difficult to sight the local black varieties
of Leopards and Servals.

Aberdare National Park covers an area of approximately 765.7 Sq. Kms and is the highest game park in the
world and boasts of having two very spectacular waterfalls; Karura, dropping 894 ft in three stages. Especially
near the water there are fantastic growth of moss and giant vegetation peculiar to the East African Mountains.
Grounsel and Lobelias, small plants in Europe, reach 15 ft high here. In good weather the park road leads to
superb views of the Rift Valley as it descends on the other side of the Aberdares to the Kinangop Plateau and
Naivasha. Aberdare National Park is 17 Kms from Nyeri town which is about 2hrs drive from Nairobi.

The wildlife in the Park are mostly shy like the Bongo. There are Elephant, Buffalo, Rhino, Eland,
Waterbuck, Reedbuck, Colobus monkey, several Cats, Mountain Buzzard, Crowned Hawk Eagle, Malacite
sunbirds, Abyssinian long eared owl and Jackson's Francolin. Citings of Black Leopard have been reported in
the past. There are a few Lions and Hyenas too. Accommodation is available at Mountain Lodge, the
magnificent Mount Kenya Safari Club, the beautiful Naro Moru River Lodge, The Ark and the famous

Another particularly exciting attraction at Aberdare is the Dedan Kimathi post office, a giant tree where the
Mau would leave messages for Kimathi's attention. The Queen's Caves which, due to their coolness, were
used by the Mau to preserve their meat are another must see.

Nairobi National Park

For the live entertainment that most people come to see, the 117 Sq. Kms (44 Sq. Miles) Nairobi National
Park ranks the first and is so close to the city one could call it a suburb inhabited by animals. The main gate
brings you into the wooded Langata corner, where you are quite likely to find Lions strolling along the road
though more often they are lying up in the shade of a thorn tree, or among some rocks. The early evening is
the time to see them, when they are waking up from their afternoon siesta. Other wildlife include Zebra,
Kongoni, Gazelle, Wildebeest, Giraffe, Impala, an occasional Rhino, Baboons, Crocodile and Hippos in the

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

river pools, Leopard, Cheetah, Hyena, Eland, Warthog and Ostrich. Remember not to get out of your car
except at the sign posted picnic places and that this is still at your own risk. The park is open all year.

Kisite Marine Park and Mpunguti Marine Reserve located on the south coast off Shimoni and south of
Wasini Island in Kwale District. The complex covers a marine area with four small islands surrounded by
coral-reef. Kisite Park covers 11 Sq Kms. while Mpunguti reserve covers 28. Kisite Island is mainly grass
covered and an important breeding ground for sea birds while Mpunguti Islands have dense coastal equatorial
forest. Surrounding waters have well-developed coral gardens and fishes.

Kisite Marine Park can be approached easily by motor boat or traditional dhow from Shimoni. 45 varieties
of coral have so far been identified with over 250 fish species recorded. One of the attractions is Dolphin
watching. At Shimoni, which literally means a "hole" in Swahili, one is able to see caves used by slave traders
to hide slaves during the slave trade era from the liberators of slave trade. Kisite Marine Park is an ideal place
for diving. Diving gear is easily available from tour agents around Shimoni. Both Kisite Marine Park and
Mpunguti Marine Reserve are located on the south coast off Shimoni and south of Wasini Island in Kwale
District. The complex covers a marine area with four small islands surrounded by coral-reef.
It is an ideal place for diving and diving gear is easily available from tour agents around Shimoni.

Shimba Hills National Reserve

The 320 Sq Kms reserve is located 56 km South of Mombasa and is within easy reach of coast resorts.
Shimba Hills Reserve offers beautiful, lush scenery, good for those wishing to take a break from the beach to
view terrestrial wildlife. The reserve comprises a unique and botanically rich coastal rain forest and open
glades. Two of Kenya's most beautiful orchids occur in Shimba Hills. Besides the locally endemic sable
antelope, are buffalo, elephant, giraffe, leopard and several species of primates. The reserve also hosts
Palaearctic birds during late March - early April. The reserve has 19 tree species, 13 forest birds and 7
mammalian species under threat. The best places to see game are on the flat grasslands near the spectacular
Shedrick's fall and on Lango Plains near Giriama Point with a tremendous view over rolling park land to the
escarpment, from where one can look out to the Indian Ocean with a view of some hotels on along the
beach. The reserve's main access is via Diani. Inside the reserve are a 153 km road network and one airstrip.
Accommodation is at Shimba Hills Lodge, KWS Bandas and 2 campsites.

Hell's Gate National Park which covers an area of 68.25 Sq Kms is situated in the environs of Lake
Naivasha about 90 km from Nairobi. The park is situated 14 km after the turnoff from the old Nairobi-
Naivasha highway. The park is characterized by diverse topography and geological scenery. It is famous for its
natural geysers, eagle and vulture breeding grounds.

Scenic locations include Fisher's Tower, the Central Tower and the Njorowa gorge. Two extinct volcanoes:
Olkaria and Hobley's are located here. Natural steam vents rise from fissures in the volcanic rock. Obsidian, a
striking black glassy rock formed from cooled molten lava is a feature of this landscape.

The flora is mainly grasslands and shrub lands with the latter being dominated by LeIeshwa and several
species of acacia. Large mammals found in the park include buffalo, eland, plains zebra, Grants and
Thompson’s gazelles, reedbuck, impala, Coke's hartebeest Masai giraffe, lion, leopard, cheetah and spotted
hyena. The gorge and cliffs are breeding sites for several species of raptors and swifts. 103 species of birds
have been recorded in the park. The Olkaria Geothermal Station is located inside the park.

Arabuko-Sokoke Forest is the largest stretch of coastal forest remaining in Eastern Africa. Together with
the adjoining Mida Creek the forest comprises an ecosystem of great diversity, containing many rare species

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

of birds, butterflies, amphibians and plants. It is also more than a superb area for wildlife: in addition it
provides local communities with firewood, building poles, timber, carving wood, medicines, water and the
resource for community butterfly farming. All these benefits will only be sustainable by effectively conserving
and maintaining the integrity of the forest without further degradation or loss of land area.


We are committed to personalized services hence our rates are competitive to cater for family and
small group’s budget. Rates are based on per person sharing depending with the number of pax
sharing a vehicle and a minimum of 2 persons per departure. We specialize on personalized family
holiday and don’t mix clients from different families unless one request for it making our safaris
ALWAYS a private family outing and memorable one.

We emphasis on flexibility during safari itinerary and it’s easy for a family to decide what they want
to do than if they have to consult another totally different family which maybe they met at the
airport on the date of safari.
Safari Rate/Cost:
All safari rates are quoted per person sharing and include:
Accommodation on full board, all park entry fees, unlimited game drives, experienced English speaking guide
(other languages available on request), safari using either safari 4x4 vehicles or safari mini bus, mineral water,
nature walk depending on camp/lodge you will be using, all transfers, scheduled flight depending with safari
itinerary and Airport/Airstrip departure taxes

You are responsible for items of a person nature, drinks both alcohol and non-alcoholic other than the water
mentioned above, any additional food items not included in the full board package, and any additional cost
based on changes to this package.

Rates are correct and subject to change in case of increase/decreases of Government taxes and any other
thing related to the itinerary. Counter check correct cost while booking with sales department-

Upon check-in your camp/Lodge:

your guide will arrange a time convenient for your late afternoon game drive and on when you return to the
lodge for dinner and overnight, your guide will make suggestions about a departure time for a game drive in
the morning. He will however take your direction on what time you would like to start in depth game drives
for the day or what time to depart for your next destination.

Additional OPTIONAL costs:

Hot Air Balloon Safari USD$450 per person inclusive of champagne breakfast

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi


PPS: Represents per person sharing in a double room.

SRS: Represents single room supplement

Peak Season: 22nd December to 3rd January and 1st July to 31st October
High Season: 4th January to 31st March and 1st November to 21st December
Low Season: 1st April to 30th June

All prices are expressed in US Dollars and are subject to change without notice

Nett Christmas Supplement of $40.00 per person per night will apply from 22nd December to 3rd January (3rd
Nett Easter Supplement of $35.00 per person per night will apply during Easter holiday.
Children under the age of 12 years sharing with two adults pay 50% of the adult rate on all road safaris and
75% on all charter or flying safaris/air packages.

All transfers rates are PER VEHICLE one way and NOT per person


FROM TO Charge
Airport City Hotels USD$50
Airport Wilson Airport USD$50
Wilson Airport City Hotels USD$30

Moi International Airport Diani Hotels USD$80
Moi Airport North Coast Hotels USD$ 40
Moi Airport Kilifi Hotels USD$ 80
Moi International Airport Malindi/Watamu Hotels USD$ 120

During your stay, we have various day excursions whether from Mombasa or Nairobi making every minute of
your holiday more enjoyable. Below, find some of what we would recommend and cost quoted per person

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi


Nairobi City Tour Tour Code: DH001

City tour touring prominent areas (half day) USD$60 per person sharing

Out of Africa Tour Code: DH 002

Karen Blixen Museum and the Giraffe Center USD$70 per person

Carnivore Restaurant Tour Code: DH 003

Lunch or dinner at an ideal eating spot for meat lovers set in lovely gardens outside the city centre inclusive
of lunch and transport from any city hotel USD$65 per person

Nairobi National Park Tour Code: DH 004

Nairobi National Park and animal Orphanage USD$ 105 per person

Daphne Shedrick’s Elephant Orphanage Tour Code: DH 005

Visit World renown elephant orphanage USD$65 per person

Rift Valley/Lake Nakuru - Full day Tour Code: DH 006

Depart at 07.00hrs from city hotels and drive through Rift Valley Escarpment to Lake Nakuru National Park
for a full day game drive with lunch at Lion Hill Lodge or at Lake Nakuru Sopa USD$250 PPS


Full Day Tsavo East Tour Code: DH 007

Pick up from your hotel at around 0430hrs for the drive to Tsavo
East for a full day in the park doing game drives with lunch included. US$170 per person

Mombasa City Tour- Half Day Tour Code: DH 008

Visit the historical and cultural sites and Fort Jesus US$40 per person sharing

Mombasa City Tour - Full Day Tour Code: DH 009

Visit the historical and cultural sites, visit Bamburi Nature Trail and
Fort Jesus with Lunch included at the famous the Tamarind Dhow. US$90 per person

Evening Tamarind Dhow Tour Code: DH 010

Dinner served in the dhow US$75 per person

Wasini Island Dhow - Full Day Tour Code: DH 011

Dhow excursion at Shimoni with snorkeling in the Marine Park, lunch and local village visit with pick up and
drop off at any hotel US$130 per person

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi



Tour code: DH 012: 2 Days Lake Nakuru National Park

This departs from Nairobi to the famous Lake Nakuru National park and best for people who are in Nairobi
and have a couple of hours to sacrifice for game viewing.

Day 1: Nairobi – Lake Nakuru National Park
Depart from your hotel at 0800hrs for the drive to the Great Rift valley with a couple of stops to enjoy
fantastic views of the rift valley arriving in time for lunch at Flamingo Hill camp. Afternoon game drives in
search of game. Dinner and overnight at Flamingo Hill camp

Day 2 – Nakuru – Nairobi

Early morning game drives returning back to the camp in time for breakfast. Depart back to Nairobi with a
drop off at your city hotel/Airport.
The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:
Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$410 USD$350 USD$322 USD$305 USD$292 USD$55
Mid/high season USD$405 USD$340 USD$310 USD$292 USD$280 USD$55
Low season USD$370 USD$315 USD$285 USD$265 USD$255 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$465 USD$388 USD$350 USD$326 USD$312 USD$55
Mid/high season USD$455 USD$377 USD$338 USD$315 USD$299 USD$55
Low season USD$426 USD$349 USD$310 USD$287 USD$272 N/A

Tour Code: DH 013: 2 Days Tsavo East National Parks

This best safari for beach holiday makers who would wish to do short safari from their hotel for an overnight
safari and departs daily from any hotel around Mombasa including Malindi.

Day 1 Mombasa – Tsavo East National Park
Pick up from a hotel in South/North coast of Mombasa early in the morning and drive to Tsavo East
National Park arriving late in the morning for a short game drive before driving to the lodge/camp for your
lunch. Afternoon game drives in Tsavo East National Park after lunch.
Dinner and overnight at camp/Lodge (Full Board)

Day 2 Tsavo East National Park - Mombasa

Early morning game drives returning back in time for breakfast. After breakfast drive back to Mombasa
arriving early in the afternoon.
Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi
The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$391 USD$316 USD$279 USD$256 USD$240 USD$48
Mid/high season USD$391 USD$316 USD$279 USD$256 USD$240 USD$48
Low season USD$368 USD$293 USD$255 USD$233 USD$218 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$466 USD$366 USD$316 USD$286 USD$266 USD$48
Mid/high season USD$466 USD$366 USD$316 USD$286 USD$266 USD$48
Low season USD$443 USD$342 USD$296 USD$262 USD$242 N/A


Tour Code: DH 014: 3 Days Masai Mara Trails

Masai Mara is renown as the best park in Kenya and where you can enjoy most game in the shortest time
possible with migrations of the wildebeest being its climax from early July to Late September; thus making
masai Mara the best place to visit if only have a few days for your holiday.

Day 1: Nairobi – Masai Mara National reserve
Met on arrival at the Airport/city hotel by our Airport rep for safari briefing and welcome in to the country
Depart for the drive to Masai Mara arriving in time for lunch at your lodge/camp. Afternoon game drives in
search of game. Dinner and overnight at lodge/camp

Day 2 – Masai Mara full day

Spend full day at Masai Mara with an option of going full day on game drives with picnic lunch or half day
with picnic breakfast and returning back to the lodge/camp at your pace thus giving you more time for game
drives. Dinner and overnight at your camp/lodge

Day 3 – Nairobi
Early morning game drives returning back in time for breakfast; depart for the drive back to Nairobi with
drop off at the Airport /Airport.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$903 USD$790 USD$735 USD$700 USD$678 USD$202
Mid/high season USD$812 USD$699 USD$643 USD$610 USD$587 USD$155
Low season USD$690 USD$578 USD$522 USD$488 USD$466 N/A

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$1007 USD$860 USD$786 USD$742 USD$713 USD$202
Mid/high season USD$916 USD$770 USD$695 USD$651 USD$622 USD$155
Low season USD$795 USD$648 USD$574 USD$530 USD$502 N/A

Tour Code: DH 015: 3 Days Tsavo Trails

Day 1 Mombasa – Tsavo East National Park

Pick up from a hotel in South/North coast of Mombasa early in the morning and drive to Tsavo East
National Park arriving late in the morning for a short game drive before driving to the lodge for your lunch.
Afternoon game drives in Tsavo East National Park after lunch.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 2 Tsavo East National Park - Tsavo West National Park

Early morning game drives before breakfast. Thereafter drive to Tsavo
West National Park arriving in time for lunch at your lodge/camp. Depart for the afternoon game drive in
search of more game at 16.00hrs. Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 3 Tsavo West National Park - Mombasa

Early morning game drives returning back in time for breakfast. After breakfast drive out of the park with
short game drives out of the park with lunch at Lion Hill Camp before driving back to Mombasa arriving late
in the afternoon.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$786 USD$664 USD$603 USD$565 USD$540 USD$115
Mid/high season USD$763 USD$637 USD$574 USD$536 USD$510 USD$98
Low season USD$710 USD$584 USD$522 USD$483 USD$458 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$902 USD$742 USD$660 USD$612 USD$580 USD$115
Mid/high season USD$879 USD$715 USD$632 USD$582 USD$550 USD$98
Low season USD$826 USD$660 USD$578 USD$529 USD$496 N/A

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi


Tour code: DH 017 – 4 Days Masai Mara Nakuru Trails

Day 1 Nairobi – Lake Nakuru National Park

Depart after breakfast at 08.00hrs for the drive to Lake Nakuru National Park passing through beautiful
landscapes of the Great Rift Valley. Nakuru is the Kenya's 4th largest city, only slightly smaller than Kisumu.
Nakuru is an important agricultural city, trade Center, and transportation hub, and the capital of Rift Valley
Province. Unlike most population centres in Kenya, a single tribe and Swahili don’t dominate Nakuru, rather
than a particular tribal language, is widely used. Many travellers pass through Nakuru on their way west, and
some stay a few days in town to see Menengai Crater or Lake Nakuru National Park, where your chances of
seeing a rhino are better than any other park in Kenya. Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the best parks in
the country. It is a home of large variety of animals and a wide species of birds with Flamingos being the
dominant and is located just 10km from Nakuru town. Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the best parks in
Kenya. Short game drive en route for lunch at Camp/Lodge. Afternoon game drives thereafter in search of
game. Dinner and overnight at Lodge/Camp

Day 2 Lake Nakuru N. Park – Masai Mara N. Reserve

Early morning drive before breakfast followed by a drive to the Masai Mara National Reserve arriving in time
for lunch at your lodge/camp. Short siesta before afternoon game at 16.00hrs Dinner and overnight at your

Day 3 Full day Masai Mara

Spend full day on game drive in search of game where you can carry picnic lunch so as to have the entire day
out without returning back for lunch. Dinner and overnight your lodge/camp

Day 4 Masai Mara – Nairobi

Early morning game drives returning back in time for breakfast. Thereafter drive back to Nairobi arriving
early in the afternoon with a drop off at your hotel/airport.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$1285 USD$1125 USD$1045 USD$997 USD$965 USD$286
Mid/high season USD$1205 USD$1048 USD$970 USD$923 USD$892 USD$230
Low season USD$1075 USD$915 USD$835 USD$787 USD$755 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$1428 USD$1220 USD$1116 USD$1054 USD$1012 USD$286
Mid/high season USD$1348 USD$1144 USD$1042 USD$981 USD$940 USD$230
Low season USD$1218 USD$1010 USD$906 USD$844 USD$802 N/A

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Tour Code: DH 018 – 4 Days Amboseli Tsavo Trails

Day 1 Nairobi – Amboseli National Park

Pick up from Nairobi hotel/Airport and drive to Amboseli National Park with a game drive en route arriving
in time for lunch at your lodge/camp. Short siesta before afternoon game drive in search of game.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 2 Amboseli National Park – Tsavo West National Park

An early morning game drive that gives a chance to take photos of the famous Mt. Kilimanjaro on a clear
morning returning back in time for breakfast Thereafter, depart for Tsavo West National Park passing
through Shetani lava flows to arrive in time for lunch at the lodge/camp. Afternoon game drives at 16.00hrs.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 3 Tsavo West – Tsavo East National Park

Early morning game drives before breakfast. After breakfast drive to Tsavo East National Park with most of
the way being on game drive to arrive in time for lunch at your lodge/camp. Afternoon game drives in Tsavo
East National Park. Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 4 Tsavo East National Park - Mombasa

After breakfast depart for your drive to Mombasa arriving early in the afternoon with a drop off at your hotel
for beach extension or drop off at the airport for the flight back to Nairobi.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$1082 USD$932 USD$854 USD$809 USD$778 USD$185
Mid/high season USD$1016 USD$863 USD$786 USD$740 USD$710 USD$140
Low season USD$962 USD$809 USD$733 USD$687 USD$656 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$1220 USD$1021 USD$922 USD$864 USD$820 USD$
Mid/high season USD$1152 USD$953 USD$854 USD$795 USD$756 USD$140
Low season USD$1098 USD$900 USD$802 USD$740 USD$703 N/A

Tour Code: DH 019: 4 Days Tsavo East, West & Amboseli Trails

Day 1 Mombasa – Tsavo West National Park

Pick up from a hotel in South/North coast of Mombasa early in the morning and drive to Tsavo West
National Park arriving late in the morning for a short game drive to for your lunch. Afternoon game drives in
Tsavo West National Park after lunch with a visit to Mzima Spring.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp
Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi
Day 2 Tsavo West N. Park – Amboseli National Park
Early morning game drives returning back in time for breakfast. Thereafter with game drive en route to
Amboseli National Park passing through the famous Shetani Lava Flows arriving in time for lunch at your
lodge/camp. Afternoon game drive in Amboseli National Park
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 3 Amboseli N. Park – Tsavo East National Park

Early morning game drive which gives a chance to see Mt. Kilimanjaro on clear morning returning back in
time for breakfast before departing for the drive to Tsavo East National Park arriving in time for your lunch
at your lodge/camp. Afternoon game drives in Tsavo East National Park in search of game after lunch.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 4 Tsavo East National Park – Mombasa

Early morning game drives returning back in time for breakfast. After breakfast drive back to Mombasa
arriving early in the afternoon.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$985 USD$833 USD$756 USD$710 USD$680 USD$145
Mid/high season USD$948 USD$794 USD$717 USD$671 USD$640 USD$135
Low season USD$912 USD$760 USD$683 USD$637 USD$606 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$1121 USD$923 USD$824 USD$764 USD$725 USD$145
Mid/high season USD$1082 USD$884 USD$785 USD$726 USD$686 USD$135
Low season USD$1047 USD$850 USD$750 USD$691 USD$650 N/A

Tour Code: DH 020 – 6 Days Safari Masai Mara, Nakuru & Amboseli

This is a 5 nights safari which is best as it combines all the 3 main parks in Kenya and easier to do via road
though long drive the first day and day 4. For those who are not comfortable with long drives, it is easily
done by flying first to Amboseli from Wilson Airport and then the rest of the safari done via road with Lake
Nakuru and then Masai Mara.
(NOTE: This safari combines very well with our Tanzania safari extension via Namanga border)

Day 1 Nairobi – Masai Mara National Reserve

08.00hrs depart for the drive to Masai Mara National Reserve arriving in time for lunch at your lodge/camp.
Afternoon game drives after a short siesta in search of game.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp
Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi
Day 2 Full day Masai Mara National Reserve
Spend morning and afternoon game on game drive returning back to the lodge for breakfast and lunch.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 3 Masai Mara – Lake Nakuru National Park

Early morning game drives returning back to the camp for breakfast. After breakfast drive to Lake Nakuru
National arriving in time for lunch. Afternoon game drives. Dinner and overnight at Lodge/ Camp

Day 4 Lake Nakuru National Park – Amboseli National Park

Early morning game drives. After breakfast depart for the drive to Nairobi arriving in time for lunch at
carnivore restaurant. Later, drive to Amboseli National Park with a short game drive en route to your
Lodge/camp, arriving early in the evening. Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 5 Full day Amboseli National Park

Spend morning and afternoon on game drive with breakfast and lunch at your lodge/camp. Dinner and
overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 6 Amboseli National Park – Nairobi

After breakfast, depart for the drive back to Nairobi, arriving early in the afternoon or drop off at Namanga
boarder for clients extending safari to Tanzania OR drop off at Mombasa Beach Hotel.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$2064 USD$1801 USD$1670 USD$1590 USD$1538 USD$410
Mid/high season USD$1968 USD$1704 USD$1573 USD$1494 USD$1440 USD$340
Low season USD$1768 USD$1505 USD$1373 USD$1294 USD$1240 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$2302 USD$1960 USD$1788 USD$1686 USD$1617 USD$410
Mid/high season USD$2206 USD$1863 USD$1692 USD$1589 USD$1520 USD$340
Low season USD$2006 USD$1663 USD$1492 USD$1388 USD$1320 N/A


Tour code: DH 021: 7 Days Mountain lodge, Samburu/Shaba, Nakuru & Masai Mara

Day 1 Nairobi – Mountain Lodge

08.00hrs depart after breakfast for the drive to the slopes of Mt Kenya arriving in time for lunch at
mountain Lodge, Afternoon at leisure and evening game viewing from the lodge.
Dinner and overnight Mt. Lodge – (Full Board)

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Day 2 Mt. Lodge – Samburu/Shaba National Reserve
After breakfast drive to Samburu/Shaba National Reserve arriving in time for lunch. Afternoon game drives
in search of game. Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 3 Full day in Samburu/Shaba National Reserve

Spend full day on game drive returning back in time for breakfast and lunch.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 4 Samburu/Shaba – Lake Nakuru National Park

After breakfast drive to Lake Nakuru arriving in time for lunch at your camp/lodge. Afternoon game drives
in search of more game and birds along the lake. Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 5 Lake Nakuru N. Park – Masai Mara N. reserve

Early morning breakfast followed by short game drive en route out of the park for the drive to the Masai
Mara National Reserve arriving in time for lunch at your lodge/camp. Afternoon game drives in search of
more game. Dinner and overnight your camp/lodge
Day 6 Full day Masai Mara National Reserve
Spend full morning and afternoon on game drive with all meals at the lodge/camp.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day7. Masai Mara National Reserve - Nairobi

Early morning game drive before breakfast followed by a return drive to Nairobi arriving early in the
afternoon with a drop off at your hotel/Airport or fly direct (at an extra cost) to Mombasa.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$2349 USD$2078 USD$1942 USD$1860 USD$1806 USD$488
Mid/high season USD$2191 USD$1919 USD$1783 USD$1702 USD$1647 USD$415
Low season USD$1876 USD$1605 USD$1469 USD$1387 USD$1333 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$2587 USD$2236 USD$2060 USD$1956 USD$1885 USD$488
Mid/high season USD$2428 USD$2077 USD$1902 USD$1797 USD$1726 USD$415
Low season USD$2114 USD$1763 USD$1588 USD$1482 USD$1412 N/A

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Tour code: DH 022 7 Days Great Tour Masai Mara, Nakuru, Amboseli, Tsavo

This is a 1 week safari combining the best aspects of great tailor made safari for a family or an incentive
group having range of interest in wildlife and beauty of Kenya and culture of different communities with a
visit to Kenya’s famous parks which includes: Tsavo East, West National Parks, Amboseli, Lake Nakuru and
Masai Mara National reserve. This gives you a chance to visit the Great Rift Valley with its climax at Lake
Nakuru National Park, view of Mt. Kilimanjaro from your lodge/camp while at Amboseli. Animals likely to
see during game drives includes: Elephants Lions, Rhinos, Leopard, Buffalos, Cheetah, Giraffes, Zebras and
different types of gazelles. For bird watchers, it’s also the best safari with lots of bird species to spot along the
whole safari with its climax at Lake Nakuru National Park. The safari also combines very well with beach
holiday in Kenya Coast as it starts from Nairobi and ends in Mombasa either at North or South Coast –
Diani Beach.


Day 1 Nairobi – Masai Mara National Reserve

08.00hrs depart after breakfast for the drive to Masai Mara National Reserve arriving in time for lunch at your
camp/lodge. Short siesta before afternoon game in the reserve in search of game.
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 2 Full in Masai Mara National Reserve

Spend the day on game drive with morning and afternoon game drive with breakfast and lunch at your
lodge/camp. Dinner and overnight your lodge/camp

Day 3 Masai Mara National Reserve – Nakuru National Park

Early breakfast thereafter drive with a game drive out of the reserve for the drive to Lake Nakuru National
Park, arriving in time for lunch at your lodge/camp. Afternoon game drives in the park after lunch. Dinner
and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 4 Lake Nakuru National Park – Amboseli National Park

Early breakfast followed by departure to Amboseli with picnic lunch to arrive early in the afternoon in time
for short game drive en route to your lodge/camp. Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 5 Amboseli National Park – Tsavo West National Park

Early morning game drives returning back in time for breakfast followed by a drive via the Shetani lava flow
to Tsavo West National Park arriving in time for lunch at your lodge/camp. Afternoon game drives in search
of game. Dinner and overnight your lodge/camp

Day 6 Tsavo West – Tsavo East National Park

Early morning game drives returning back to the lodge for breakfast. Thereafter drive to Tsavo East National
Park arriving in time for lunch at your lodge/camp. Afternoon game drive in search of game returning back
in time for dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 7 Tsavo East National Park - Mombasa

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Early morning game drives returning back in time for breakfast. 1000hrs depart for the drive to Mombasa
arriving early in the afternoon with a drop off at beach Hotel for your Beach extension or transferred to
Airport for your flight back to Nairobi.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$2313 USD$2025 USD$1882 USD$1795 USD$1738 USD$450
Mid/high season USD$2120 USD$1833 USD$1689 USD$1602 USD$1545 USD$375
Low season USD$1905 USD$1616 USD$1472 USD$1386 USD$1328 N/A


Season 2pax each 3pax each 4pax each 5pax each 6pax each SRS
Peak season USD$2569 USD$2195 USD$2009 USD$1897 USD$1823 USD$450
Mid/high season USD$2376 USD$2003 USD$1816 USD$1704 USD$1630 USD$375
Low season USD$2159 USD$1786 USD$1600 USD$1488 USD$1413 N/A


Tour Code: DH 023- 3 Days Amboseli National Park

Day 1 Nairobi – Amboseli National Park

Pick up from your hotel/Airport and transferred to Wilson Airport for the morning flight to Amboseli
National Park departing at 0730hrs. Met upon arrival at the airstrip and transferred with a game drive en
route to Amboseli Serena Lodge. Lunch at the Lodge followed by afternoon game drives in search of game.
Dinner and overnight at your camp/lodge

Day 2 - Full days Amboseli National Park

Spend the days at Amboseli National Park with morning and afternoon game drive; All meals at your
Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp

Day 3 - Amboseli National Park – Nairobi

After breakfast transfer to Amboseli Airstrip for the morning flight back to Nairobi arriving at around 0915.
Met on arrival and transferred to your City Hotel or at JKI Airport for your flight back home.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:


PPS US$955 US$ 890 US$803
SRS US$ 98 US$98 US$ NIL

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Tour Code: DH 024 – 3 DAYS Masai Mara

(Below find the itinerary for a 2 nights Masai Mara and select your camp/lodge from the list

Day 1 Nairobi – Masai Mara National Reserve

Pick up from your hotel/Airport and transferred to Wilson Airport for the morning flight to Masai Mara
National Reserve departing at 10.00hrs. Met upon arrival at the airstrip and transferred with a game drive en
route to Tented Camp/Lodge. Lunch at the Camp/Lodge followed by afternoon game drive. Dinner and
overnight at Camp/Lodge – (Full Board)

Day 2 - Full days Masai Mara National Reserve

Spend the days at Masai Mara National Reserve with morning and afternoon game drive returning for
breakfast and lunch at Camp/Lodge. Dinner and overnight at Camp/Lodge – (Full Board)

Day 3 - Masai Mara National Reserve – Nairobi

Early morning game drives returning time for breakfast. After breakfast transferred to the Airstrip for the
morning flight back to Nairobi departing at 11.00hrs. Met at Wilson Airport and transferred to Carnivore
restaurant for lunch before being driven back to a City Hotel/Airport.

The cost for the above safari per person sharing is:

Tour Code: DH 024/A Main Governors Camp OR SIMILAR


PPS US$1585 US$ 1445 US$1220
SRS US$ 372 US$302 US$ NIL


PPS US$1217 US$1063 US$1020


PPS US$1085 US$995 US$830
SRS US$ 190 US$146 US$

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi


Tour Code: DH 025 2 nights Masai Mara National Reserve

Day 1 Mombasa – Masai Mara National Reserve

Pick up from your hotel early in the morning and transfer to Moi International Airport (North Coast Hotel)
or Ukunda Airstrip (South Coast Hotels) for your morning flight to Masai Mara National Reserve. Met on
arrival at the airstrip and transferred with a game drive en route to your lodge/camp of your choice to arrive
in time for lunch. Afternoon game drives thereafter at 16.00hrs. Dinner and overnight at lodge/camp of your
choice – (Full Board)

Day 2 Full day Masai Mara National Reserve

Spend full day on game drive in search of the big five “Elephant, Buffalo, Lion, Leopard & Rhino” returning
back for breakfast and lunch at your camp/lodge. Dinner and overnight at your lodge/camp – (Full Board)

Day 3 Masai Mara – Mombasa

Early morning returning back in time for breakfast followed by mid-morning game drive in search of game
before lunch at lodge/camp. Thereafter transfer to the Airstrip for your afternoon flight back to Mombasa
departing at 14.00hrs. Met on arrival at the Airport/Airstrip and transferred back to your hotel arriving early
in the evening.

The cost for the above itinerary based on the lodges/camp below is:


PPS US$ 1260 US$1230 US$1050
SRS US$120 US$120 US$ NIL


PPS US$930 US$ 930 US$930
SRS US$ 150 US$ 150 US$ 150


PPS US$1132 US$1040 US$915
SRS US$ 190 US$ 146 US$ NIL

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi



Pick up from city hotel and transferred to Wilson Airport for the morning flight to Amboseli National Park
departing at 07.30hrs. Met upon arrival at the airstrip and transferred to your lodge with a game drive en
route arriving in time for lunch. Amboseli National Park, at the foot of Africa's highest mountain, 5,895m
Kilimanjaro, is one of the most popular of Kenya's national parks. It lies some 240 km southeast of Nairobi
very close to the Tanzania border. The snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro rising above a saucer of
clouds dominates every aspect of Amboseli. Gazetted as a national park in 1974 it covers only 392 sq km but
despite its small size and its fragile ecosystem it supports a wide range of mammals (well over 50 of the larger
species) and birds (over 400 species). Years ago this was the locale around which such famous writers as
Ernest Hemingway and Robert Ruark spun their stories of big-game hunting in the wilds of Africa. Short
siesta after lunch before your afternoon game drive in search of game. Dinner and overnight at Amboseli
Serena/Oltukai Lodge – (Full Board)


Early morning game drive which mostly on a clear morning gives a chance to see and take photos with Mt.
Kilimanjaro on the background returning back in time for breakfast. Mid-morning game drives thereafter
before lunch. Afternoon game drives at 16.00hrs.
Dinner and overnight at Amboseli Serena/Oltukai Lodge – (Full Board)


Early morning breakfast and thereafter transfer to the Airstrip for your early morning flight back to Wilson
Airport departing at 08.30hrs. Connecting flight to Samburu National Reserve departing Wilson at 09.15hrs.
Met on arrival at the airstrip and transferred to Larsen’s Camp/Samburu Serena lodge with a short game drive
en route to arrive shortly before lunch. Samburu National Reserve is not very well known, but definitely
worth a visit. It is situated on the banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River in Kenya. The reserve is not particularly
well known and is therefore not too crowded - a huge plus in Kenya where so many reserves are often
overflowing with tourists. It is often grouped together with the Buffalo Springs and Shaba National Reserves
as they lie so close together. Afternoon game drives in search of game.
Dinner and overnight at Larsen’s Camp/Samburu Serena Lodge – (Full board)


Spend full day on game drive in search of game returning back to the camp/lodge for breakfast and lunch.
Dinner and overnight at Larsen’s Camp/Samburu Lodge - (Full board)


Early breakfast followed by a transfer to Airstrip for your flight to Masai Mara National Reserve departing at
09.15hrs. Met at the airstrip and transferred to Kichwa Tembo/Mara Serena Lodge. Afternoon game drives
after lunch. Dinner and overnight at Kichwa Tembo/Mara Serena Lodge - (Full Board)


Spend full day on game drive with all meals at your camp/lodge – (Full board)
What strikes you most about the Masai Mara, a massive game reserve in Kenya, is the sheer amount of
wildlife roaming its grassy plains. Hundreds, sometimes thousands, of animals dot the landscape — from
elephants and lions, to cheetahs, giraffes and the always-cranky wildebeest.

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Flying across the Masai Mara from Nairobi or Mombasa, you get a glimpse of the stunning landscape, with
the Mara River winding across the sweeping grasslands that are dotted with rolling hills. But it's not until you
touch down at the remote, dusty airstrip that the beauty of the area and abundance of wildlife becomes
brilliantly clear. Dinner and overnight at Kichwa Tembo/Mara Serena Lodge


Early morning game drives before breakfast. Thereafter Transferred to the Airstrip for your flight back to
Wilson Airport departing at 11.00hrs arriving at around noon. Met and transferred to carnivore restaurant for
lunch before proceeding to your Hotel/Airport

The cost for the above per person sharing is:

PPS US$ 3292 US$3018 US$ 2544
SRS US$ 350 US$ 350 US$ NIL


6 DAYS / 5 NIGHTS - Every: Tuesdays - Thursdays – Fridays

LIONS Safari every Tuesdays

LEOPARD Safari every Thursdays
CHEETHA Safaris every Fridays

2 Nights Ngorongoro Crater – 2 Night Serengeti Park – 1 Night Manyara Park

Day 01: Arusha / Ngorongoro

This afternoon you will make your way to the renowned Ngorongoro Crater. Once checked in, be sure to
enjoy the magnificent view. The evening is yours to relax. Overnight: Ngorongoro Serena/ Sopa Lodge

Day 02: Ngorongoro

This morning prep for a wonderful game drive right into the Crater itself. This wonderful reserve is home to
large amounts of wildlife, be sure to have your cameras ready. Picnic lunch at the Site. Return to the lodge late
afternoon. Overnight: Ngorongoro Serena / Sopa Lodge

Day 03: Ngorongoro / Serengeti

After breakfast and check out, prep for another game drive en route to your evening lodge. Also enjoy an en
route stop at Olduvai Gorge. Learn about the Leakey’s and how they astounded scientists. Make sure to get a
wonderful night of rest for tomorrow’s big day. Overnight: Serengeti Serena / Sopa Lodge.

Day 04: Serengeti

Today wake up early for a full day game drive through the Serengeti Park, enjoy the open air as you eat your
meals in the plains. The Serengeti is famous for its part in the Great Migration. Overnight: Serengeti Serena /
Sopa Lodge.

Day 05: Serengeti / Manyara

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

This morning enjoy another en route game drive to Lake Manyara Park. After checking into your lodge, take
pleasure in the afternoon game viewing in the Park. The evening is yours to enjoy. Overnight: The Lake
Manyara Serena Lodge.

Day 06: Manyara / Arusha

Today you make your way back to Arusha, just in time for lunch

2 Nights Ngorongoro Serena Lodge – 2 nights Serengeti Serena Lodge – 1 Night Manyara Serena Lodge
New Year Supplement – US$ 45.00 per person per night
Easter Supplement – US$ 35.00 per person per night – for 4 nights, to be charged
Xmas Supplement – US$ 45.00 per person per night

1st January to 28th February per person sharing is $ 2190.00 and single room supplement of $ 297.00
1st to 31st March per person sharing is $ 1656.00 $ and single room supplement of $245.00
1st April to 31st May per person sharing $ 1352.00
1st June to 31st October per person sharing is $ 2190.00 and a single supplement of $ 297.00
1st November to 22nd December per person sharing is $ 1656.00 and single room supplement of $ 245.00
23rd to 31st December per person sharing is $ 2190.00 and single room supplement of $ 297.00


1 Night Mt Village - 3 Nights Serengeti Park – 2 Nights Ngorongoro Crater – 1 Night Manyara Park

Day 1: Arusha.
On Arrival you will be met and Transfer to your Hotel . Dinner and Overnight: Mt Village Serena

Day 2: Arusha / Serengeti West.

An exciting beginning to your safari as you fly to Serengeti. The world famous Serengeti plains are the most
spectacular gathering of wildlife on earth. In the magnificent are of over 6,000 sq miles, the variety of wildlife
is endless. You will have a night at one of the most luxurious Camp in East Africa. Dinner and Overnight:
Kirawira Tented Camp

Day 3 + 4: Central Serengeti

Drive to the Center of Serengeti – You will have 2 full day in Serengeti Park Millions of animals and birds
thrive in the park vast savannah and hilly woodland, and the luxurious Lodge is superbly located on the hill
with a fascinating view of the Serengeti plains. Your game runs in different positions of the park with yield
varied and plentiful species of plain games, lion, leopard, cheetah, buffalo, elephant, hippo, giraffe and
numerous fascinating lesser-known animals. The Serengeti may be best known for its great annual migration,
but the resident populations of animals are excellent all year round. Dinner and Overnight: - Serengeti Serena

Day 05: Serengeti / Ngorongoro Crater

This morning depart from the Serengeti to the Ngorongoro Crater National Preserve, stopping en route at
the Olduvai Gorge. Here take the time to learn about the Leakey’s and how they stunned the scientific world.

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Once at the Ngorongoro Serena Lodge, enjoy the beauty of the Crater. Ngorongoro Crater, where a collapsed
mountain has left an incredible environment to see the animals. Overnight: The Ngorongoro Serena Lodge.

Day 06: Ngorongoro Crater

Today enjoy a morning and afternoon game drive of the world famous Ngorongoro Crater. Picnic lunch at
the site. Overnight: The Ngorongoro Serena Lodge.

Day 07: Ngorongoro/Lake Manyara

This morning we drive to the Lake Manyara Park, home to the huge migratory Pink Flamingoes. After
checking into your lodge, enjoy an afternoon game drive to Lake Manyara National Park. Enjoy the evening
relaxation. Overnight: Lake Manyara Serena Lodge.

Day 08: Lake Manyara / Arusha

This morning, enjoy a game drive in Lake Manyara Park. Return to Arusha City

1 Night Kirawira Camp – 2 Nights Serengeti Serena Lodge – 2 Nights Ngorongoro Serena Lodge – 1 Night
Manyara Serena Lodge
New Year Supplement – US$ 45.00 per person per night
Easter Supplement – US$ 35.00 per person per night – for 4 nights, to be charged
Xmas Supplement – US$ 45.00 per person per night
1st January to 29th February per person sharing is $ 2917.00 and single room supplement $ 512.00
1st to 31st March per person sharing is $ 2247.00 and single room supplement of $ 390.00
1st to 30th April per person sharing is $ 1906.00 and single room supplement of $ 95.00
1st to 31st May per person sharing is $ 2022.00 and single room supplement of $ 155.00
1st June to 31st October per person sharing is $ 3079.00 and single room supplement of $ 590.00
1st November to 21st December per person sharing is $ 2363.00 and single supplement of $ 452.00
22nd to 31st December per person sharing is $ 3079.00 and single room supplement of $590.00

NAIROBI HOTELS (Special Rates available upon request)


Nairobi Serena Hotel 170 98
Norfolk Hotel 165 140
The Stanley Hotel 149 90
Ole Sereni – Superior room 149 80
Southern Sun Mayfair Nairobi 117 117
Safari Park Hotel 117 75
Nairobi Safari Club (All Suite) 104 90
Panafric Hotel – Standard room 98 40
Jacaranda Hotel 96 60
Fair view Hotel (country hotel) 115 82

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi



Diani Reef Beach Resort and Spa is set in a magnificent white palm fringed beaches. The resort has recently
been completely refurbished and renovated and a modern hotel look, combined with beach and African
décor. This spa offers state of the art facilities that include reflexology, aromatherapy, mud wraps and detox
treatments, - of its own kind in its region. They also have 3 restaurants and 5 bars located around the
premises. The resort has 144 rooms comprising of twins, doubles, deluxe and family rooms with inter leading
doors. They also have a selection of suites and a presidential suite. The rooms all boast the most modern of
conveniences including air-conditioning, satellite television, mini bars, safes and coffee making facilities.
Depending with seasons, price ranges from USD$118 to USD$212 per person sharing HB


The Indian Ocean Beach Club is situated in a prime location on a quiet stretch of white sandy beach,
bordering a marine park on the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean Beach Club has a hundred rooms in clusters
of thatched cottages and double upper level whitewashed rooms with flat roofs. Each room has its own
veranda, en-suite with bath/shower and separate toilet. A swimming pool, tennis court round off the facilities
available for guest’s entertainment
Depending with seasons, price ranges from USD$72 to USD$140 per person sharing on HB


Leopard Beach Resort & Spa located in Diani Beach is the epitome of Swahili style luxury, international
cuisine and extensive, tropical gardens. The resort has beautiful cocktail bars, a Chaine des Rotisseurs
grillroom, a poolside bistro and juice bar, a beachside pizzeria, nightly entertainment, a cyber café as well as
boutiques. Accommodation comprises of ‘chui class’ cottages and honeymoon suites with breathtaking ocean
view, sea facing superior and garden view standard rooms. Uzuri Spa & Fitness offer an additional pool
complimenting sports animation, a water sport centre, tennis court and an 18 hole golf course nearby.
Depending with seasons, price ranges from USD$88 to USD$205 per person sharing on HB

Pinewood comprises of 20 spacious 2/3 bedroom self-contained villas beautifully decorated in true ‘African’
style. Sympathetic facilities for the disabled and for that unique touch, in the suites your own private chef is
in attendance. Facilities include attractive swimming pool, snack bar, Peponi Beach Bar Restaurant, Dhow
Bar and Beauty Salon.
Depending with seasons, price ranges from USD$70 to USD$257 per person sharing on HB


Serena Beach Hotel styled to resemble a Swahili town complete with winding lanes, carved balconies, courts
and bustling market squares, the provides an world-class cuisine and vibrant nightlife. The hotel offers 166
air-conditioned rooms and suites. All rooms have both bath and shower.
Depending with seasons, price ranges from USD$90 to USD$260 per person sharing on HB


Voyager Beach Resort overlooks the white sands of Nyali Beach, just 7km north of Mombasa. It has 233
spacious 'cabins' 83 with beautiful sea-views, the remainder overlooking the resort's lush tropical gardens.
Eight cabins are interconnected for families, and the resort also offers three large junior suites. All cabins
have a private balcony, and are equipped with their own telephone, air-conditioning unit, and electronic safe.

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Depending with seasons, price ranges from USD$60 to USD$135 per person sharing on HB


Offers 340 rooms, which are suites and have balconies or verandas, en-suite bathrooms, air-conditioning,
direct dial telephones and in-room safes; also enjoys the longest seafront on the North Coast of Mombasa,
which boasts one of the finest beaches in East Africa The resort is set amongst 22 acres of tropical gardens,
swaying palm trees and fishponds. Five free form swimming pools are complete with waterfalls, a secluded
island and an exhilarating waterslide.
Depending with seasons, price ranges from USD$79 to USD$157 per person sharing on HB


- Southern Palms Hotel- Price range from USD$60 To USD$118 per person – HB

- Baobab Resort/KoleKole Price range from USD$108 To USD$195 per person – HB

- The Sands Beach Hotel Price range from USD$94 To USD$306 per person – HB

- Reef Hotel Price range from USD$82 To USD$109 per person – HB

- Bamburi Beach Hotel Price range from USD$53 To USD$72 per person – HB

- Severing Sea Lodge Price range from USD$50 To USD$135 per person – HB

- Nyali Beach Hotel Price range from USD$79 To USD$157 per person – HB

- Sun ‘N’ Sand Hotel Price range from USD$95 To USD$150 per person - HB

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi



We require a deposit equal to 50% of the tour price to confirm advance bookings and the balance is payable
1. Electronic Bank Transfer - Please request our banking details plus Swift code.
2. International Bank Transfer
Please request our banking details plus Swift code & arrange payment via your bank.
3. Credit card - we accept Visa and MasterCard.
4. Talk to Us

If none of the above options fits you, please email & advise us how you wish to make payment.

All cancellations must be sent to our office in writing and will be effected as per below policy:
If cancellation is done:

 Between 0-7 days before safari date - 100% is charged.

 Between 8 - 35 days before safari - 25% or 50% is
 charged depending with the lodge/camp - will be advised during the time of booking
 Between 36 - 60 days - 10% is charged.
 60 days and over - full payment returned less bank charges for the transfer.


Please check on our group cancellation policy with the sales department.

The company reserves the right to change the itinerary, accommodation or mode of transport should
conditions necessitate such alteration. Transportation will be in a safari minibus, 4x4 safari vehicle, air-
conditioned microbus, midi-coach or sedan according specifications during the time of booking and
according to the number of passengers booked on a tour.


Safari rates Include: transport, park entrance fee, conservation fee, game drives, sightseeing,
accommodation, meals as per itinerary, transport by air is based on scheduled flights, Experienced English
speaking guide, Government taxes & 2litres of mineral water per day.

Safari rates Excluded: drinks, telephone calls, tips to guides, hotel/lodge staff, porterage, laundry and other
personal expenses.

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

Rates are correct and subject to change in case of increase/decreases of Government taxes and any other
thing related to the itinerary. Counter check correct cost while booking with sales department

All our vehicles have HF radio and driver guides cell phones to keep in touch with the office on a daily basis.
We have a reliable emergency back-up system in place.

On small group tours passengers are allowed one suitcase plus an overnight bag. Please advise our office if
you expect to have excess baggage.

Whilst Denhum Holidays management, their employees, and/or agents will take every care against such
contingencies, they cannot be held responsible for, and shall be exempt from any liability for any delay, loss,
damage, illness or injury to any person and/or his/her luggage or personal property or alleged inferior

Wild Animals:
Although attacks by wild animals are rare, guests are reminded that many of the animals and reptiles they will
see are potentially dangerous. Denhum Holidays, their guides, contracted Tour Operators, selected private
lodges and National Parks cannot be held responsible for any injuries caused during an incident involving the
behaviour of wild animals.

It is strongly recommended that passengers have adequate insurance against cancellation, loss of baggage,
personal accident and medical expenses.

We advise passengers to take precautions against malaria including insect repellent & protective clothing
particularly during the rainy season from March to August and October to December. Please bring
sunglasses, casual clothes, swimsuit, and long pants with a jacket, comfortable shoes, torch and your camera.

Head office: P.O Box87454 – 80100, Nairobi

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