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Factors that Influence Substance Use And Abuse

Drug- is a chemical substance that changes the physical, emotional, or behavioral state of the

person taking it. It is used to alter, sustain, or control, the recipient’s physical, mental

or emotional state.

Substance abuse- is the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances such as

alcohol and illicit drugs

Substance or Drug Addiction- a state of physical and psychological dependence on drugs

Substance dependence- is an adaptive state that develops from repeated drug administration

and results in withdrawal upon cessation of drug use. It includes strong desire to take drugs

Factors that Influence Substance Use and Abuse

1. Biological factor
Scientist recognize that genetic predisposition to drug abuse exist. This may have to do with
the brain’s “ feel good “ chemical called dopamine.
Genetic account for 40-60 % of a person’s vulnerability to addiction.
2. Environmental factors
 Home and family
The influence of home environment, especially during childhood is very important risk
factor. Teens get their values from their parents and other adults. Parents or other
adult family members who abuse alcohol or drugs, or who engage in criminal behavior
increase the children’s risk of developing their own drug problems.

Growing up in a family that emphasizes substance or drug abuse can teach the
adolescent that it is acceptable to do so. Exposure to family members who reach
for a substance for every pain or ailment can cause a teen to do the same.

The Filipino family, which serves as the primary social group of the adolescent, is
showing initial traces of stress in this day and age, marked by a substantial increase in
absentee parenting and unstable marital unions.

 Peer and social pressure

Peers have a great influence on drug-abusing behavior. Drug abusing peers can sway
Even those without risk factors to try drugs for the first time. Adolescent use drug for
first time to avoid being stigmatized by their friends or to impress others.

Friends and acquaintances can have an increasingly strong influence during adolescence.
Some turn to drugs in an attempt to temporary escape the negative feelings associated
with stress. These are other pressures that may cause stress in adolescent
a. Academic failure
b. Illness or death in a family
c. Breakup from a relationship
d. Poor social skills or low self-steem

 Curiosity and thrill seeking

Adolescents tend to be curious and seek thrills as adrenaline rush is higher in them.
Higher adrenaline rush also risk drug abuse due to the “high” feeling achieved from drugs.

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