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( EE - 01 )





Sr. No. … … … … … … … … … … … … … ROLL NO.

Signature of the Invigilator … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Date: 15.10.2006 Duration : 3 Hours.

Time: 14:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs. Max. Marks : 100

Instructions: Please read the following instructions carefully before writing your answers:
1) All Questions in Part - A are compulsory.
2) Each Questions in Part - A carries 1 mark and that in Part - B carries 5 marks.
3) There are four alternatives - (A), (B), (C), (D) given against each question in Part - A out
of which only one is the most appropriate answer.
If (A) is correct, round on the correct alternative like (A) .
4) If a question in Part - A is answered wrongly or more than one answers are
marked, 0.25 marks will be deducted for each such question.
5) No sheet from the Question Paper / Answer Book should be detached.
6) You may do rough work, if required, on the blank sheets.
7) Please DO NOT repeat DO NOT write your name anywhere in the Question Paper.

For Examiners only

Part - A
Correct Wrong No Total
Answers Answers Answers (80)

Part - B (Any four)

Q.81 Q.82 Q.83 Q.84 Q.85 Total
(5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (20)


Part - A Part - B Total
Marks (100)
(80) (20)
( EE - 02 )


Q.1. Distance between points (3, –4) and (–3, 4) is:

(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12

Q.2. A rectangle has a perimeter of 28 m and area 40 m2. What are its length and breadth:
(A) 8, 6 (B) 7, 7 (C) 8, 5 (D) 10, 4

Q.3. 5 / 8 is equivalent to:

(A) 62.5 % (B) 55 % (C) 65 % (D) 72.5 %

Q.4. The distance BC in the figure is:


) 30o ) 45o
(A) AD [ 1 – (1 / 3)] (B) AD ( 3 – 1)
(C) AD ( 1 – 3 ) (D) AD [ 1 – ( 3 /2) ]

Q.5. A body is moving in a circle at a constant speed, which of the following statement is
(A) Both velocity and acceleration are changing
(B) Velocity is changing but acceleration is constant
(C) Velocity is constant but acceleration is changing
(D) Both velocity and acceleration are constant

Q.6. The electric resistance of a certain wire of iron is R. If its length and radius are both
doubled, then:
(A) The resistance will be doubled and the specific resistance will be halved
(B) The resistance will be halved and the specific resistance will be doubled
(C) The resistance will be halved and the specific resistance will be unchanged
(D) The resistance and the specific resistance will both remain unchanged

Q.7. A 6 volt battery is connected to the terminals of a 3 meter long wire of uniform thickness
and resistance of 100 ? . The difference of potential between two points on the wire
separated by a distance of 50 cm will be:
(A) 1 volt (B) 2 volt (C) 3 volt (D) 1.5 volt

Q.8. A 10 kg object collides with a stationary 5 kg object and after collision they stick together
and move forward with velocity 4 m/s. What is the velocity with which the 10 kg object
hit the second one:
(A) 4 m/s (B) 10 m/s (C) 6 m/s (D) 12 m/s

Q.9. For hardening of steel, following process is employed:

(A) Annealing (B) Normalising (C) Quenching (D) Tempering

Q.10. Dividing 0.18 by 0.009, we will get:

(A) 0.2 (B) 20 (C) 2 (D) 200
( EE - 03 )

Q.11. An alloy consisting of 3 metals A, B, C contains them in the proportion 2:5:7, Find the
weight of A if the alloy weight is 280 kg:
(A) 20 kg (B) 140 kg (C) 100 kg (D) 40 kg

Q.12. 19 – 6 [ 2 (–4 + 9) – 7 ] will be:

(A) –1 (B) 7 (C) 1 (D) 0

Q.13. For an equation A3x+5 = A2x+8, what will be value of ‘x’:

(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 0 (D) 2

Q.14. What will be the volume of 125 gm mass of mercury when its density is 12.5 gm / cc:
(A) 1 (B) 10 (C) 1 / 10 (D) 100

Q.15. One 10 m long rod is resting 4 m from one end at fulcrum. How much weight at the
other end can be supported if a 9 kg weight force is applied at this end:
(A) 6 Kg (B) 9 Kg (C) 40 Kg (D) 13.5 Kg

Q.16. A force of 450 Newtons acted upon a body and the body has been moved through a
distance of 15 meters. What will be the work done:
(A) 4500 Joules (B) 45 Joules (C) 30 Joules (D) 6750 Joules

Q.17. If (a+b) = 9 and ab = 30 then find out value of a2 + b2:

(A) 21 (B) 39 (C) 270 (D) 10 / 3

Q.18. Convert 40oC to Fahrenheit scale:

(A) 104 (B) 100 (C) 110 (D) None of these

Q.19. If 81 = 9 then x is:
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) None of these

Q.20. Cos A Cos B + Sin A Sin B is equal to:

(A) Sin(A+B) (B) Sin(A–B) (C) Cos(A+B) (D) Cos (A–B)

Q.21. Death is almost certain when the current through human body is:
(A) 10 mA (B) 20 mA (C) 40 mA (D) 100 mA

Q.22. The following safety equipment is required for attending a breakdown on high voltage
overhead line:
(A) Discharge Rod (B) Safety belt
(C) Chain (D) All of these

Q.23. The practical unit of measuring capacity of a condenser is:

(A) Ergs (B) Joules (C) Coulombs (D) Farads

Q.24. A closed switch has a resistance of:

(A) Zero (B) Infinity (C) About 10 ? (D) At least 1 ?
( EE - 04 )

Q.25. Potential different has the unit of:

(A) Charge (B) Power (C) Energy (D) None of these

Q.26. If a 5 Amp fuse is blown frequently in a house lighting circuit, it is required to:
(A) Insert a fuse of higher current rating (B) Insert a fuse of higher voltage rating
(C) Check the load (D) None of these

Q.27. Two wires A and B have same cross-section and are made of same material.
Resistance of wire A (RA) = 800 ohms and resistance of wire B (RB) = 200 ohms. The
number of times A is longer than B is:
(A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 8

Q.28. E.M.F. in a circuit:

(A) Increases circuit resistance (B) Decreases circuit resistance
(C) Maintains potential difference (D) None of these

Q.29. The electric current in a discharge tube containing a gas is due to:
(A) Electrons only (B) Positive ions only
(C) Negative and positive ions both (D) Electrons and positive ions both

Q.30. On testing an electric iron with meggar, the reading of the meggar is infinity. This
(A) Open circuit of the heating element (B) Short circuit of the heating element
(C) Loose terminal connections (D) None of these

Q.31. In which of the following substances the resistance decreases with increase in
(A) Carbon (B) Constantan (C) Copper (D) Silver

Q.32. In case of liquids, ohm’s law is:

(A) Fully obeyed (B) Partially obeyed
(C) There is no relation between current and p.d (D) None of these

Q.33. A 100 W bulb burns on an average of 10 hours a day for one week. The weekly
consumption of energy will be:
(A) 7 units (B) 0.7 units (C) 10 units (D) 70 units

Q.34. No current flows between two charged bodies if they have same:
(A) Capacity (B) Potential (C) Charge (D) None of these

Q.35. For a given line voltage, four heating coils will produce maximum heat when connected:
(A) All in series (B) All in parallel
(C) With two parallel pairs in series (D) One pair in parallel & other two in series

Q.36. Two electric lamps of 40 W each are connected in parallel. The power consumed by the
combination is:
(A) 20 W (B) 60 W (C) 80 W (D) 100 W

Q.37. A fuse wire is made of:

(A) Copper (B) Tungsten (C) Lead-tin alloy (D) Nichrome
( EE - 05 )

Q.38. A 40 W tube light is in parallel with a room heater on a main line. What happens when
light is switched off:
(A) The heater output remains the same (B) The heater output is larger
(C) The heater output is smaller (D) None of these

Q.39. Demagnetising of magnets can be done by:

(A) Rough handling (B) Heating
(C) Magnetising in opposite direction (D) All of these

Q.40. When a charged particle moves through a magnetic field, it suffers a change in:
(A) Direction (B) Speed (C) Energy (D) No change

Q.41. How many times capacitance of three plate capacitor will be as compared to
2-plate capacitor:
(A) 3 times (B) 6 times (C) 4 times (D) 2 times

Q.42. A capacitor that stores a charge of 0.5 coulombs at 10 Volts has a capacitance of:
(A) 5 farads (B) 20 farads (C) 10 farads (D) 0.05 farads

Q.43. Three capacitors of 10, 25, 50 micro farads are connected in series. What is the total
(A) 6.25 micro farads (B) 85 micro farads
(C) 8.5 micro farads (D) 62.5 micro farads

Q.44. The armature of a D.C. machine is laminated in order to reduce:

(A) Eddy current loss (B) Hysteresis loss
(C) Copper loss (D) Frictional loss

Q.45. The effect of armature reaction is to:

(A) Decrease the total flux (B) Increase the total flux
(C) Make the air-gap flux uniform (D) None of these

Q.46. Dummy coils in generators are provided:

(A) To reduce eddy current losses (B) To enhance flux density
(C) To amplify voltage (D) To mechanically balance the rotor

Q.47. In a D.C. generator, the main function of compensating winding is to:

(A) Assist in commutation
(B) Reduce demagnetizing effect of armature reaction
(C) Reduce distortion effect of armature reaction
(D) Eliminate reactance voltage

Q.48. If the no load voltage of a certain generator is 220 V and the rated voltage is 200 V,
then the voltage regulation is:
(A) 1% (B) 10 % (C) 20 % (D) 9%

Q.49. A DC series motor:

(A) Always runs at constant speed (B) Should always be started on load
(C) Is not suitable for high starting torque (D) Should always be started without load
( EE - 06 )

Q.50. Carbon brushes are preferable to copper brushes because:

(A) They have longer life (B) They reduce armature reaction
(C) They have lower resistance (D) They reduce sparking

Q.51. For which application a D.C motor is preferred over an AC motor:

(A) Low speed operation (B) High speed operation
(C) Fixed speed operation (D) Variable speed operation

Q.52. The deciding factor in the selection of a D.C. motor for a particular application is its
__________ characteristics:
(A) Speed-torque (B) Speed-armature current
(C) Torque-armature current (D) None of these

Q.53. Intermittent sparking at the brushes of a D.C. motor may be caused due to:
(A) An open armature coil (B) Intermittent load
(C) Loose coupling (D) Incorrect voltage

Q.54. Commutating poles are also known as:

(A) Main poles (B) Primary poles (C) Inter poles (D) None of these

Q.55. As the power factor of a circuit is increased:

(A) Reactive power is decreased (B) Active power is decreased
(C) Reactive power is increased (D) Both Active and Reactive powers are increased

Q.56. The input of an AC circuit having power factor of 0.8 lagging is 20 KVA. The power
drawn by the circuit is:
(A) 12 KW (B) 20 KW (C) 16 KW (D) 8 KW

Q.57. A wattmeter indicates:

(A) Active power (B) Reactive power
(C) Apparent power (D) None of these

Q.58. Power factor of a circuit can be improved by the use of:

(A) Choke coil (B) Capacitor (C) Induction motor (D) None of these

Q.59. A coil when connected to an A.C supply of 200 V, 50 Hz takes 2A. The power
consumed is 200 W. The circuit power factor is:
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 0.5 (D) None of these

Q.60. The voltage induced in the three windings of a 3 phase alternator are ______ degree
apart in time phase:
(A) 120 (B) 60 (C) 90 (D) 30

Q.61. The advantage of star connected supply system is that:

(A) Line current is equal to phase current (B) Two voltages can be used
(C) Phase sequence can be easily changed (D) It is a simple arrangement
( EE - 07 )

Q.62. The primary and secondary of a transformer are ______ coupled:

(A) Electrically (B) Magnetically
(C) Electrically and magnetically (D) None of these

Q.63. A transformer has full load copper loss of 400 W. The copper loss at half full-load
will be:
(A) 100 W (B) 200 W (C) 400 W (D) None of these

Q.64. From the resistance test carried on transformer it was found that the resistance of
primary and secondary windings are 8 ohms and 16 ohms respectively. The primary
will be:
(A) H.V. side (B) L.V. side
(C) Cannot be determined from the test (D) Either of two may be L.V. side

Q.65. The transformer that should never have the secondary open-circuited when primary is
energized is:
(A) Power transformer (B) Voltage transformer
(C) Auto transformer (D) Current transformer

Q.66. By conducting open circuit test of a transformer, we can find out:

(A) Iron losses (B) Copper losses
(C) Iron & copper losses (D) None of these

Q.67. Low speed alternators are driven by:

(A) Hydraulic turbines (B) Steam engines
(C) Steam turbines (D) None of these

Q.68. A three phase 440 V, 50 Hz induction motor has a speed of 950 rpm. If the machine has
6 poles, the percentage slip would be:
(A) 5% (B) 10 % (C) 1% (D) 0.5 %

Q.69. High starting torque can be obtained in a 3-phase induction motor by:
(A) Increasing rotor resistance (B) Decreasing rotor resistance
(C) Increasing rotor reactance (D) None of these

Q.70. The best suited motor to drive ¼ HP fan in a hospital ward would be:
(A) Shaded-pole (B) Single-phase series motor
(C) Capacitor-run motor (D) Hysteresis motor

Q.71. A 50 Hz alternator will run at the greatest possible speed if it is wound for ___ poles:
(A) 8 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 2

Q.72. The multiplying factor of the shunt of a milliammeter is 8. If the circuit current is 200 mA,
then current through the meter is:
(A) 200 mA (B) 25 mA (C) 1600 mA (D) None of these

Q.73. The watt-hour meter is _____ instrument:

(A) An integrating (B) An indicating (C) A recording (D) A transfer
( EE - 08 )

Q.74. One lumen per square meter is the same as:

(A) One lux (B) One candela
(C) One foot candle (D) None of these

Q.75. A 100 V, full scale, 100 ? /volt, meter has a full-scale deflection current of:
(A) 0.5 mA (B) 2 mA (C) 3.5 mA (D) 1 mA

Q.76. The tower used for 132 KV transmission line is:

(A) Wooden pole (B) Concrete pole
(C) Tubular structure (D) Steel tower

Q.77. In power transformer tapping are provided on:

(A) HV side (B) LV side
(C) Middle of both winding (D) LV as well as HV side

Q.78. The presence of earth wire in case of overhead line:

(A) Increase capacitance (B) Increase inductance
(C) Decrease capacitance (D) Decrease inductance

Q.79. Lightning arrestor should be located:

(A) Away from the circuit breaker (B) Near the circuit breaker
(C) Away from the transformer (D) Near the transformer

Q.80. Minimum faults occur in which of the following power system equipment:
(A) Transformer (B) Switch gear (C) CT, PT (D) Alternator


Attempt any 4 (four) questions from this part. Each question carries 5 marks.

Q.81. The length, breadth of a rectangular field are 50 m, 40 m respectively. A road of 3 m

wide is to be made along the inside boundary of the field. If the cost of making road is
Rs. 250/m2, what is the total cost involved ?

Q.82. Find (a) Equivalent resistance of the resistances in parallel in the circuit and
(b) total wattage of the circuit.
I3 20 ?
10 ?

I1 I2 10 ?

240 V
( EE - 09 )

Q.83. The power consumed in the star connected load shown here is 690 W.
Find out the line current if power factor is unity.

400 V
400 V

B 400 V

Q.84. In a 50 KVA transformer, the iron loss is 500 W and full load copper loss is 800 W.
Find out efficiency of the transformer at full-load at 0.8 lagging p.f.

Q.85. A 3-phase, 500 V, 50 Hz induction motor with 6 poles develops 20 BHP at 950 rpm with
a power factor of 0.86 lagging. The mechanical losses amount to 1 HP. Find out the
rotor copper loss for this load.

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