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ENG101 lesson 9

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Ineffective video: Dragons’ Den: Worst Invention Ever

The video “Worst Pitch Ever, Worst Invention EVER” is from the BBC’s Dragons

Den. This is an example of unsuccessful product advertising. In this video, the product’s

creator explains and demonstrates his creation to potential investors (Dragons’ Den, 2019)s.

Even though he brought the things to be shown, the unsuccessful outcomes demonstrated that

his plans and preparations were insufficient.

The video is unprofessional and does not convey the idea that it was made by a

corporation that takes its product seriously. For example, the film is merely a few seconds

long and provides little information on the product. In addition, the video looks to have been

created by an amateur rather than a qualified professional due to its low quality. The video

fails to make a compelling case for the product and therefore does not seem especially

effective. As an example, the film is merely a few seconds long and provides little detail

about the product ( Dragons’ Den, 2019). The film’s poor quality creates the impression that

a skilled professional did not create it in the area. The video also looks to have been produced

by someone untrained in video production since its quality is quite low. For example, the film

is merely a few minutes long and provides little detail about the product. Lastly, the film is

really short and does not give a great lot of product-related information. Not only is the video

very badly made, but it also gives the sense that it was not created by a skilled professional.

Effective video: RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms

On the other hand, in, ‘RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms, the film

focuses on the current educational system and how it falls short in preparing students for the

real world. It suggests that a more holistic approach that considers the many methods in

which people acquire information should be the foundation for redesigning the existing
educational system (theRSAorg, 2010). As a result of adopting this technique, the growth of

the whole student, not just their academic skills, would be prioritized.

The film argues that today’s schooling is not preparing students for the future. It

seems like schools were built on an outdated paradigm of an industry that is no longer

relevant. The video argues that the existing educational system should be rethought in light of

a more comprehensive model that accounts for the many ways in which people learn. This

method would focus less on pupils’ academic abilities and more on their overall growth as


The video also argues that schools should prioritize pupils’ all-around growth rather

than academic performance. It would help students become more resilient and more prepared

for future challenges if they went through something like this (theRSAorg, 2010). The video

makes the case that schools should focus less on testing and more on students’ overall growth

and development. Students would emerge from this experience better prepared to confront

the challenges of the future and the realities of the real world. As a result, schools should

prioritize kids’ overall growth rather than only improving their test scores.

theRSAorg. (2010, October 14). RSA Animate: Changing Education Paradigms. YouTube.

Retrieved October 30, 2022, from


Dragons’ Den. (2019, October 23). Accident prevention system wins “worst invention ever” |

dragons’ den. YouTube. Retrieved October 30, 2022, from

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