Mediclaim Policies

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Personal Finance 13


Covers not Enough, Build a Healthcare Kitty

As health costs soar, you need much more than a mediclaim to meet hospitalisation, allied expenses

The Financial Week


Medical Inflation
Disease Type Average Claimed Amount ( in `) 2007-08 2009-10 Change in average claimed amount (%)

CFP Managing Director, , Optima Money Managers


1,36,354 95,992 1,53,349 75,694 65,841 1,05,843 60,137 88,200 88,039 96,287 1,10,135 56,148 85,237 78,747 72,023

1,47,401 1,07,944 3,56,505 79,564 68,066 1,03,402 57,168 83,301 94,284 1,03,566 1,28,055 57,820 92,019 78,477 77,455

INSURANCE FOR 25-YR-OLD Suggest a life insurance and a medical cover (cashless policy) for my 25-year-old son. The main criterion should be minimum premium outgo for maximum term. What is your opinion about LICs Amulya Jeevan? NAME WITHHELD ON REQUEST
The purpose of buying a life insurance is to cover the loss of income in case of untimely death of the breadwinner of the family. You should consider buying a life insurance policy on the life of your son only if he has substantial income and has family members financially dependent on him. LICs Amulya Jeevan is a pure term insurance policy. The policy does not have any surrender or maturity value. For the health insurance needs of your son, you can consider New India Assurances Mediclaim Policy or Apollo Munichs Easy Health Plan . with a sum insured of `2 lakh to begin with.

Blood Diseases Circulatory Digestive Ear Endocrine Eye Infections Injury Neoplasm Nervous Pregnancy Respiratory Skin Urology

LIFE-TIME RENEWAL I am 54, working for a private bank. The bank offers a mediclaim policy for `4 lakh . for staff and their families. I took a family floater for `5 lakh from National Insurance . three years ago, under a scheme for Bank of Indias SB account holders. On retirement, the cover offered by the bank will stop. Should I continue with the National India Insurance policy, which can be renewed up to 70 years of age. Or should I go for a new policy, like the senior citizen Star Health Red Carpet, which can be renewed life-long? V SAHASRANAMAN
You can consider Apollo Munich Easy Health Plan or any other plan offering life-long renewal. Star Health Senior Citizen Red Carpet policy is offered to people aged between 60 and 69 years and can be renewed life-long thereafter.

simple laparoscopic surgery will cost you at least `25,000 in a hospital in a . metro city The same surgery will . cost you at least 30% to 40% more after five years, thanks to the rising medical inflation. Just as the prices of milk and petrol are on the rise, so is the cost of healthcare facilities. You can turn into a vegan or start taking a public transport to mitigate the impact of rise in prices of milk or fuel. But you cannot have the same approach towards your healthcare cost. If you encounter a health problem, you have to give it the necessary medical attention, which comes with a heavy price tag. And you have to provide for these expenses as you climb up the age ladder. Typically a medical insurance , covers mostly hospitalisation but not the other expenses related to medical treatment, says Swapnil Pawar, Chief Investment Officer at Karvy Private Wealth. Earning couples who primarily live out of their salaries, have cash in terms of savings, service EMIs, and have limited assets to liquidate, should ideally build a healthcare corpus. This should be over and above the health insurance policy bought by the couple, he says.

7.49 11.07 56.99 4.86 3.27 -2.36 -5.19 -5.88 6.62 7.03 13.99 2.89 7.37 -0.34 7.01

Then, there are the defined benefit plans offered by life insurers, like critical illness policies and lump-sum payment on the diagnosis of any of the named critical illnesses in the policy document. If the insurance company is . stipulated to pay `5,000 for a certain critical illness, the company . will pay `5,000 irrespective of the size of the claim, says Aggarwal of Optima. However, the caveat is there is no standard definition for critical illnesses such as cancer, stroke, renal failure or major organ transplants are it may vary from insurer to insurer. Similarly there are various ex, penses like commuting to the hospital, buying medicines post hospitalisation and so on, that fall outside the purview of a traditional reimbursement plan, points out Aggarwal. Hence, it always helps to have a healthcare kitty which can be used as a top-up fund over and above your mediclaim.


Sometimes, you may avoid taking any decision because you fear it may backfire in future. This is called regret aversion in behavioural finance. But you have to fight this fallacy as one investment approach cannot suit you across different life stages. When you turn 60, asset allocation should get more tilted towards debt since your risk appetite will be much lower. For example, you may have a high exposure to equity at an early age, say in you late 20s, so as to meet your goals. But, the fact is you have the risk appetite to deal with a portfolio skewed towards equity which carries , market risks. The same strategy will not apply to you when you touch 40. Your needs change and your responsibilities are higher. The debt-to-equity ratio shifts from 80:20 at 25 to 20:80 at 50. This is the time to enjoy your savings rather than carry regret over losses from an aggressive, equity-driven investment plan.
BANK ON DEPOSITS AND LIQUID FUNDS: Save the corpus in fixed

Source: Insurance information bureau

amount for circulatory diseases, cardiac problems and paralytic stroke mainly had increased by , 56.99% in 2009-10 when compared with 2007-08, according to the data. Overall, there is an increase of 27.09% in the claim severity for the year 2009-10 when compared with 2007-08, the IIB report said.


Insurance Information Bureau recently unveiled data on the rising medical inflation and its impact on health insurance claim amount. The average claimed

citizens be it a fresh policy or renewal come with a higher price tag than for others. Industry experts justify the higher premium cost saying it is to account for the risk factors. For example, if you paid 1.5% of the sum assured as premium at the age of 25 years, the premium amount can shoot up to 8% of the sum assured when you are 60 years old. If you dont have any financial constraint, then you should sign

up for an additional medical insurance. Even if you exhaust the limit on one cover, you will have a backup option although it is an expensive affair. The second option is to build a contingency fund just to fund your healthcare expenses. If senior citizens dont want to depend on their children, they should ideally build a corpus for healthcare expenses besides the regular retirement kitty says , Kartik Jhaveri, a certified financial planner with Transcend India. Another common aspect in most health covers for senior citizens is the co-payment clause. This refers to the portion of a claim a policyholder agrees to bear, while the insurance company undertakes to chip in with the rest. Co-payments happen only in certain reimbursement covers to make the insured more responsible for judicious payments.

This clause is seen mostly in health covers designed for senior citizens. It is also common in group mediclaim covers offered by employers, which cover employees and his/her family members. The co-payment clause is applicable mostly to the family members of the employee, says Rahul Aggarwal, CEO, Optima Insurance Brokers.

medical policies available in India. The first is the indemnity policy which is the traditional medi, claim policy offered by general insurers. These are largely reimbursement plans, which cover expenses related to hospitalisation. The claims are settled by the insurer either on a cashless basis through a tie-up with hospitals or by reimbursing the bills.

often complain that they dont have money to save even for their regular goals. Hence, a separate healthcare corpus becomes out of the question. But if you save . just `1,700 in the form of SIP for 20 years, you can accumulate a . corpus of `10 lakh after 20 years. (The annual rate of return is calculated at 8%). Hence, the size of the amount need not be high. Just ensure you start at an early stage in your life to benefit from the effect of compounding. However, if you are not cash strapped, then save up all your money for 3-4 months and set it aside for just your healthcare needs. It should not be a long-term plan. Dedicate the excess cash over 2-3 months to build a healthcare kitty. Look at stable instruments such as bank deposits or liquid funds. Do not look to earn higher returns on this corpus through risky instruments, as stability of the corpus is a key factor, says Pawar.

deposits (FDs) and liquid funds, which are more stable in nature. The returns from liquid or liquid plus funds, which come with a lock-in period of a maximum of three days, are in the range of 6-7% and are also redeemable within 24 hours. One of the main differences between liquid and liquid plus funds is the dividend distribution tax. DDT of liquid funds is 27% (including the surcharge). Liquid plus funds come with a lower DDT at 15%, but the lock-in period is almost a week. So, if investors are parking big money then liquid plus funds will be more beneficial, says Suresh Sadagopan, certified financial planner with Ladder 7 Financial Services. Tomorrow Give a Gift, Save Tax

INSURANCE CLAIMS I underwent surgery on March 30 for breast cancer in Mumbai. I have to undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions in Delhi for about 26 weeks. Each chemo session is likely to cost me about `25,000. I . have two cashless health insurance policies. One is from National Insurance Corporation, with a cover of `5 lakh and accumulated bo. nus of `1 lakh. The other is an insurance . from my company for `2,00,000. The sur. gery expenses are about `4.7 lakh. I am ini. tiating this claim with NIC. I wanted to know if chemotherapy is covered under insurance since it will be a day-care procedure? If yes, then for my chemo sessions, can I first claim the company cover of `2 lakh, and . . then re-initiate the claim for about `1.3 lakh remaining with NIC? Is there any contributory clause? Also, what are the documentations required? PALLAVI SIDHRA
Since the contribution clause is applicable in general insurance, both the insurers will settle your claim as per the principle of proportionality, limited to your overall sum insured. Some day-care treatments are covered under health insurance policies. Chemotherapy is covered under your National Insurance Mediclaim Policy, limited to a maximum of 50% of the sum insured. Group insurance policies offered by companies are customised. Hence, you should read the policy wording for scope and limitation of the cover. You need to submit mainly your claim form along with the original bills, discharge card, copy of your insurance policy and indoor case papers to claim reimbursement of your hospital expenses.

Ulips Charges may be Down, but They Still Have Many Limitations
Expert Take
good choice? The answer is not straight forward. We need to compare Ulips with alternative product bouquet that gives similar benefits. The alternative is to choose two products one for term insurance and the other for investments. Term insurance premiums have come down in the recent past. For a 35-year-old male, the premium . . for a `50 lakh cover is about `8,000 a year. This makes the proposition pretty attractive. As for investments, the options are many. One could invest in equity, mutual funds, PPF, FDs, other debt products, properties, commodities, etc. The investment mix would be dictated by investors' goals and the appropriate investment choices over time. This gives tremendous flexibility to the investor. But, this could also result in confusion and decision paralysis. From a pure cost point of view, assuming similar returns on the funds deployed in equity mutual funds and Ulips, some calculations indicate that Ulips can match and even better the returns of a portfolio consisting of a term insurance and an investment product after 12-15 years. The costs associated with direct equity investments are far less, and Ulips will not be able to match them at all in the foreseeable future.

Proposal Form for Life Insurance

A life insurance company offers a policy on the basis of a proposal form. The form is the most basic requirement for the functioning of the life insurance contract between you and the life insurance company. It needs to be completed by the proposer, who may seek the assistance of a life insurance advisor to fill it up. A proposal form seeks basic information of the proposer and the life assured. This includes the name, age, address, education and employment details of the proposer. The proposal form also gathers information on the medical history of the life to be assured. There are questions pertaining to the health status of family members of the life to be assured. The proposer and the life to be assured have to mention their incomes in the proposal form to satisfy the insurer about their ability to pay for the insurance and the need for insurance, respectively. The proposal form also has questions pertaining to the insurance bought on the life of both the proposer and the life assured from other life insurance companies and details of those policies. Life assured has to disclose his/ her habits pertaining to consumption of alcohol and tobacco. After filling up the form and answering all the questions in it, the proposer has to sign the form. For overwriting or cancellations on the proposal form, the proposer has to sign to validate such changes. The proposer can choose to attach a sheet of paper to the proposal form if he wants to share with the insurance company any information not sought in the form, which he thinks will help the company take an informed decision. It is in the proposers interest to share true information to the life insurance company, which, in turn, helps the insurance company to take a fair call. The information is used by the insurance company to ascertain if a policy can be issued. Life insurance underwriters use the information regarding the health and family history of the life to be assured to arrive at the premium to be charged. The company gives a photocopy of the proposal form to the insured, along with the life insurance policy document. You should read the entire policy document thoroughly and also the photocopy of the life insurance proposal form. Any discrepancy in the photocopy should be brought to the notice of the insurance company to avoid any fraud.


Ladder7 Financial Advisories

As planners, we are often asked if options like unit-linked insurance plans, which combine insurance with investment, are good or if it is better to treat investments and insurances separately. This question needs some examination.
CHARGES: Charges in Ulips have

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come down since September 2010. Even then the charges on premium allocation and policy administration are still as high as 35% to 50% on an average, for the first five years. The surrender charges have also come down drastically al, though the surrendered amount will be available only after five policy years. Besides, there are the fund management charges that range between 1% and 1.35% pa and mortality charges as applicable every year. Now that the charges have come down, do Ulips, being a combination product usually with a focus on a particular goal, make a

Mutual fund schemes have a long performance history and have outperformed Ulip funds. It may be because Ulip

funds are differently managed and take long-term calls, which is factual. Large-cap equity mutual funds that have completed 10 years have given average returns of 23% CAGR. The Sensex has returned about 18% plus CAGR in 10 years. The returns from the index since 1979, too, are incidentally about 18% plus. Most Ulip funds do not have such a long-term record. There are other issues with Ulips apart from performance. Some Ulip funds may perform well at some points in time. But there is a huge problem if the funds underperform, since, in Ulips, you cannot shift from scheme A of one fund house to scheme B of another fund house (like in mutual funds). The investor is then stuck. How can the investor know in advance which funds will perform well over a 20year period? Performance, however, is not the only argument in favour of the option to separate insurance from investment. In Ulips, the investments go into a couple of funds throughout the tenure. This results in a huge concentration risk. Should the funds underperform, the investor would be adversely affected, considering the huge exposure. While investing for the long term, an investor must be able to review the performs of funds, and rebalance allocations if needed.

funds in a plan. But other investment options such as PPF, commodities, properties, direct equity (where costs will be very low in a buy and hold situation), etc, offer choices that ensure better diversification at lower costs. Many Ulips have limitation when it comes to surrendering investments or partially cashing out. Taking out the surrendered amount is possible only after five years. Should the funds be required, an Ulip can impose unnecessary conditions and penalties. The charges, once you invest in a Ulip, will not change. But that may not be such a good thing, after all. Charges in Ulips have come down in the last six months. But, if you had bought the product prior to that, the higher charges will apply throughout the plan's term. This limitation is not there in other investments. You could simply migrate to lower cost products. You could also redo your term insurance at a lower premium, in case it comes down.
FLEXIBILITY: Lastly, many people

in Ulips, the choices are limited to the

find it difficult to keep aside every month the amount required for a goal, due to commitments like a home/car loan payments. But, later in life, if they have surplus funds and want to increase their investment in Ulips, they may not be able to. Ulips allow top-ups, but there are limitations. But that is not the case with other investment avenues like mutual funds, where investors can increase the investment amount according to one's capacity.

MUTUAL FUNDS NAVs Heres a ready reckoner to track the day-on-day changes in your equity and balanced fund portfolio
SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.33 -0.33 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 -0.37 -0.28 0.10 0.10 -0.18 -0.25 -0.17 -0.17 -0.25 -0.21 -0.22 0.23 0.23 -0.22 -0.22 -0.61 0.15 0.24 -0.12 0.00 -0.18 0.08 -0.02 -0.17 -0.25 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.18 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.09 -0.10 -0.01 -0.01 -0.28 -0.24 0.09 0.10 0.22 0.21 0.09 0.09 -0.19 -0.16 -0.07 -0.19 -0.18 -0.15 -0.17 0.18 0.21 -0.18 -0.19 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 -0.19 -0.19 0.00 -0.01 -0.08 SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.10 -0.33 -0.37 -0.09 -0.27 -0.27 -0.19 -0.18 -0.26 -0.26 -0.25 -0.20 -0.20 -0.16 -0.17 -0.19 -0.40 -0.45 0.00 -0.45 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.00 -0.21 -0.21 -0.05 -0.03 -0.06 -0.06 -0.08 -0.29 -0.29 0.88 0.87 -0.11 -0.11 0.34 0.35 SCHEME NAV %CHG 0.06 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.13 0.10 -0.14 -0.13 -0.07 -0.07 -0.09 -0.09 -0.37 -0.38 -0.41 -0.46 0.09 0.00 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.15 -0.11 -0.18 -0.17 -0.16 -0.23 -0.16 -0.10 -0.10 0.00 0.00 SCHEME NAV %CHG SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.11 -0.10 -0.09 -0.22 -0.24 -0.17 -0.54 -0.56 0.00 0.00 -0.09 -0.11 -0.14 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.26 -2.10 -2.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.39 -0.41 0.47 0.45 -0.18 -0.23 -0.15 -0.14 -0.12 -0.11 -0.34 -0.28 SCHEME NAV %CHG 0.00 0.07 -0.26 0.25 0.29 0.32 -0.22 -0.24 -0.24 -0.31 -0.32 -0.35 0.80 0.80 -0.06 0.00 0.00 -0.07 -0.07 -0.10 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.07 -0.08 -0.05 -0.17 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.00 0.07 0.06 -0.08 -0.09 -0.08 -0.10 -0.10 -0.04 -0.10 -0.10 SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.06 -0.07 -0.06 -0.08 0.00 -0.06 0.00 0.00 -0.11 -0.09 -0.06 -0.15 -0.22 0.10 0.10 0.10 -0.20 -0.19 -0.12 -0.12 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -0.13 -0.13 -0.14 -0.14 -0.09 0.00 -0.09 0.00 -0.18 0.00 -0.18 0.00 -0.24 -0.25 -0.28 -0.25 SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.17 -0.19 -0.18 -0.15 -0.07 -0.05 -0.08 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.10 0.09 0.00 0.05 -0.29 -0.29 -0.25 -0.31 -0.11 -0.12 -0.26 -0.23 -0.20 -0.20 -0.18 -0.24 -0.22 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.14 -0.05 -0.04 -0.34 -0.28 -0.31 0.00 0.00 -0.25 SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.27 -0.33 -0.23 -0.14 -0.28 -0.42 -0.37 -0.24 -0.30 -0.60 -0.60 -1.00 -0.25 -0.31 -0.20 -0.28 1.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.13 -0.13 0.20 0.20 0.00 -0.14 -0.10 -0.11 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.17 0.21 -0.24 -0.21 -0.13 -0.07 SCHEME NAV %CHG SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.32 -0.33 -0.33 -0.07 -0.07 -0.13 -0.10 0.30 0.26 -0.18 -0.21 0.04 0.06 -0.18 -0.19 0.24 0.21 -0.20 -0.20 -0.05 -0.04 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.07 -0.18 -0.14 0.87 -0.07 -0.07 -0.20 -0.20 0.23 0.24 -0.46 -0.52 0.53 SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.18 -0.22 -0.23 0.12 0.12 -0.18 -0.12 -0.38 -0.40 -0.35 -0.36 -0.17 -0.17 0.30 0.32 -0.08 0.00 -0.39 -0.41 0.10 0.10 -0.48 -0.40 -0.17 -0.19 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.18 0.09 0.09 -0.30 SCHEME NAV %CHG -0.29 -0.18 -0.19 -0.17 -0.19 -0.31 -0.28 -0.17 -0.14 -0.80 -0.77 -0.84 -0.32 -0.26 -0.24 -0.25 0.08 0.03 0.00 -0.02 0.30 0.27 0.18 0.20 -0.27 -0.26 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.14 -0.15 -0.15 SCHEME AIG GLOBAL Equity-D 12.02 Equity-G 12.02 Infra&Eco Ref-D 9.03 Infra&Eco Ref-G 9.03 Infra&Eco RefID 9.22 Infra&Eco RefIG 9.22 AXIS Equity-D 10.71 Equity-G 10.71 Midcap-D 10.17 Midcap-G 10.18 Tax Saver-D 11.17 Tax Saver-G 12.19 BARODA PIONEER Balance -D 28.58 Balance -G 28.58 Elss 96 23.57 Growth -D 28.53 Growth -G 50.65 PSU Eqty-D 8.81 PSU Eqty-G 8.81 Pioneer Infra-D 9.10 Pioneer Infra-G 9.10 BENCHMARK Bank BeES 1104.43 HangSeng BeES1373.25 Infra BeES 291.33 Junior BeES 110.19 Liquid BeES 1000.00 Nifty BeES 560.25 PSU Bank BeES417.42 Shariah BeES 122.82 BHARTI AXA Equity Eco-B 17.26 Equity Eco-D 12.14 Equity Eco-G 17.26 Equity Eco-QD 11.47 Equity-B 17.14 Equity-D 12.08 Equity-G 17.14 Equity-QD 11.39 Focused Infra-D 9.34 Focused Infra-G 9.34 Focused InfraQD 9.34 Tax Advt Eco-D 11.93 Tax Advt Eco-G 21.92 Tax Advt-D 11.89 Tax Advt-G 21.81 BIRLA SUN 95 Pl.A -D 105.41 95 Pl.B -G 308.37 Advantage-A 78.24 Advantage-B 152.93 BasicInds A-D 25.30 BasicInds B-G 95.97 BuyIndia A-D 21.38 BuyIndia B-G 40.52 DivYield+ D 13.80 DivYield+ G 84.62 Equity A-D 66.67 Equity B-G 252.38 FL Eqty A-D 20.83 FL Eqty A-G 86.68 Freedom 15.14 Index -D 21.07 Index -G 54.50 India Gennext-D 13.51 India Gennext-G 23.95 IndiaOpp A-DPo 16.57 IndiaOpp B-G 52.43 Infrastr A-D 10.98 Infrastr B-G 15.94 Intnl Eqty A-D 10.12 Intnl Eqty A-G 10.12 Intnl Eqty B-D 9.55 Intnl Eqty B-G 9.55 MNC Pl.A -DPo 79.06 MNC Pl.B -G 209.92 MidCap A-D 21.42 MidCap A-G 105.62 NewMillen A-D 12.61 NewMillen B-G 19.31 Tax -D 45.55 Tax -G 13.51 Tax Relief 96 76.76 Top 100-D 14.73 Top 100-G 22.58 CANARA ROBECO Balance -D 52.77 Balance -G 60.82 Emerg.Eqties-B 19.04 Emerg.Eqties-G 22.75 Emerg.Eqties-I 15.70 Eqty Divers-B 24.82 Eqty Divers-G 54.49 Eqty Divers-I 24.79 Eqty Taxsaver 18.09 Eqty Taxsaver-G25.66 Force-D 12.48 Force-G 13.39 Force-ID 10.00 Force-IG 13.41 Infrastr -D 17.92 Infrastr -G 22.50 Large Cap -D 10.31 Large Cap -G 10.31 Nifty -G 29.18 Nifty -I 19.36 DSP BLACKROCK Balanced -D 21.54 Balanced -G 65.50 Equity-D 47.94 Equity-G 16.32 Equity-IG 12.93 Focus 25-RD 10.40 Focus 25-RG 10.40 Micro Cap-D 9.20 Micro Cap-G 15.15 Opportun-D 27.62 Opportun-G 85.08 Small Midcap-D 14.55 Small Midcap-G 17.33 TIGER -D 16.94 TIGER -G 44.13 TIGER -ID 9.02 TIGER -IG 12.66 Tax Saver (D) 11.94 Tax Saver (G) 16.73 22.94 31.43 Top 100 -D 21.05 Top 100 -G 99.23 Top 100-ID 13.63 Top 100-IG 13.63 DAIWA Ind Leaders-RtD 11.45 Ind Leaders-RtG 11.45 DEUTSCHE Alpha Equity-D 16.19 Alpha Equity-G 74.38 Tax Saving -D 12.20 Tax Saving -G 13.05 EDELWEISS Abso RetuFund-D10.93 Abso RetuFund-G11.27 E.D.G.E. A-D 13.81 E.D.G.E. A-G 13.81 E.D.G.E. B-D 14.05 E.D.G.E. B-G 13.86 E.D.G.E. C-D 13.90 E.D.G.E. C-G 13.90 ELSS-D 12.92 ELSS-G 18.84 Nifty Encha C-D 11.28 Nifty EnhancA-D11.63 Nifty EnhancA-G12.76 Nifty EnhancerD12.82 Nifty EnhancerG 12.58 FIDELITY Child Educat-D 10.07 Child Educat-G 10.07 Child MarriageD 10.21 Child MarriageG 10.21 Equity -D 20.57 -0.19 Equity -G 34.82 -0.17 GlobRealAsset-D13.29 -1.04 GlobRealAsset-G 13.29 -1.04 India Gr-D 12.07 -0.08 India Gr-G 12.07 -0.08 Intnl Opp-D 13.44 -0.15 Intnl Opp-G 13.44 -0.15 SplSituation-D 16.51 -0.18 SplSituation-G 18.20 -0.22 TaxAdvantage-D17.91 -0.17 TaxAdvantage-G 21.51 -0.14 Value-D 10.85 -0.18 Value-G 10.85 -0.18 FRANKLIN TEMPLETON Asian Equity-D 11.37 0.44 Asian Equity-G 11.37 0.44 Equity-D 14.77 0.00 Equity-G 20.83 0.00 GSec Treas -D 10.62 0.00 GSec Treas-G 17.06 0.00 Income -D 10.73 0.00 Income -G 33.67 0.00 Index BSE-D 52.06 -0.10 Index BSE-G 52.06 -0.10 Index Nifty-D 43.45 -0.16 Index Nifty-G 43.45 -0.16 Index Tax 42.38 -0.16 MIP Debt-Mly 10.35 0.00 MIP Debt-Qly 10.40 0.00 HDFC Arbitrage-G 12.57 0.00 Arbitrage-MD 10.11 0.00 Arbitrage-QD 10.54 0.00 Arbitrage-WhG 12.68 0.00 Arbitrage-WhMD10.00 0.00 Arbitrage-WhQD10.39 0.00 Balanced -D 19.58 -0.15 Balanced -G 55.80 -0.14 Cap Builder-D 23.86 -0.21 Cap Builder-G 109.46 -0.23 Child Gift Invt 42.62 Child Gift Sav. 22.79 Core&Satell.-D 20.54 Core&Satell.-G 39.69 Equity -D 47.10 Equity -G 278.81 Growth -D 30.57 Growth -G 86.26 LT Advantage-D 35.80 LT Advantage-G136.84 Nifty 47.92 Pre.MultiCap-D 14.62 Pre.MultiCap-G 28.58 Prudence -D 28.95 Prudence -G 212.39 Sensex 153.39 SensexPlus 226.89 TaxSaver -D 58.18 TaxSaver -G 229.00 Top 200 -D 45.36 Top 200 -G 209.48 HSBC Advant.India-D 9.94 Advant.India-G 11.69 Brazil-D 9.81 Brazil-G 9.81 Dynamic -D 10.11 Dynamic -G 10.11 Equity -D 25.62 Equity -G 101.84 Midcap Eqty-D 10.68 Midcap Eqty-G 19.98 Opportunities-D 16.36 Opportunities-G 34.72 TaxSaver Eqty-D13.10 TaxSaver Eqty-G14.20 ICICI PRUDENTIAL Balanced -D 16.49 Balanced -G 46.04 Bank & Fin-RtD 17.62 Bank & Fin-RtG 18.04 Blended A-D 11.36 Blended A-G 15.22 ChildCare Gift 54.72 Discovery -D 19.66 Discovery -G 48.88 Discovery FII-G 21.85 Dynamic -D 18.12 Dynamic -G 107.24 Dynamic -InstI 16.85 EmergStar FII 12.96 EmergStar-D 15.70 EmergStar-G 31.54 FMCG -D 36.58 FMCG -G 67.68 Focused Eq.-IG 16.62 Focused Eq.-RtD 15.45 Focused Eq.-RtG 16.19 Growth -D 14.30 Growth -G 134.48 Growth FII-G 19.06 Inc Optimis-ID 11.55 Inc Optimis-IG 13.84 Inc Optimis-RtD 11.40 Inc Optimis-RtG 13.71 Inc.Multipl.-D 12.05 Inc.Multipl.-G 19.41 Index 51.42 IndoAsia Eq-ID 10.69 IndoAsia Eq-RtD 10.69 IndoAsia Eq-RtG 10.69 Infrastruc-D 11.62 Infrastruc-G 28.86 Infrastruc-IG 15.69 MIP -HD 12.41 MIP -MD 11.50 MIP -QD 12.36 MIP 25-HYD 10.35 MIP 25-QD 10.40 MIP Cum 25.79 Nifty Jr-D 9.74 Nifty Jr-G 9.74 Power -D 16.60 Power -G 111.81 Power Inst-I 31.30 SPICE 193.98 Serv Inds-D 12.90 Serv Inds-G 17.14 Target Ret-RtD 13.85 Target Ret-RtG 13.85 Tax -D 18.74 Tax -G 139.49 Technology-G 18.06 Wealth Opti-RtD 13.09 Wealth Opti-RtG 13.81 IDBI MIP-G 10.14 MIP-MD 10.14 MIP-QD 10.14 Nifty Index-D 9.96 Nifty Index-G 10.44 Nifty Jr-D 8.64 Nifty Jr-G 8.64 ST Bond-G 10.11 ST Bond-MD 10.06 ST Bond-WD 10.02 IDFC 50-50 Strat B-D 15.73 50-50 Strat B-G 15.72 50:50 SSEF-G 14.35 50:50 SSSEF-D 14.19 AF-A -D 11.14 AF-A -G 13.17 AF-B -D 11.34 AF-B -G 13.46 APF A-D 11.05 APF A-G 11.88 APF B-D 11.14 APF B-G 11.94 Classic Eqty-D 12.45 Classic Eqty-G 20.09 ClassicEqty B-D 10.80 ClassicEqtyB-G 15.97 EEF -D 11.92 EEF -G 15.78 Entp Eqty B-D 10.89 Entp Eqty B-G 12.97 IEF -D 13.88 IEF -G 19.18 ImperialEqtyB-D13.28 ImperialEqtyB-G 16.53 Premier Eqty-D 23.23 Premier Eqty-G 31.71 Premier EqtyB-D19.19 Premier EqtyB-G23.39 SM Eqty-D 13.71 SM Eqty-G 18.41 TSF ELSS-D 13.98 TSF ELSS-G 13.98 Tax Advt A-D 11.89 Tax Advt A-G 19.27 ING INVESTMENT Balanced -D 17.61 Balanced -G 25.18 Contra-B 15.23 Contra-D 12.99 Contra-G 15.23 Core Eqty-D 20.21 Core Eqty-G 38.20 Div Yield -D 20.85 Div Yield -G 22.93 Domestic Opp-D 13.47 Domestic Opp-G 35.67 Midcap -D 16.48 Midcap -G 20.75 Nifty Plus -D 18.50 Nifty Plus -G 27.75 Tax Savings -B 29.25 Tax Savings -D 14.41 Tax Savings -G 29.21 JM Arbitrage Adv-D 10.30 Arbitrage Adv-G 13.93 Balanced -D 15.70 Balanced -G 22.01 Basic -D 9.00 Basic -G 12.90 Emerg.Leader-D 7.17 Emerg.Leader-G 7.15 Equity -D 14.19 Equity -G 34.87 Multi Strat-D 12.42 Multi Strat-G 13.35 Tax Gain-D 6.63 Tax Gain-G 6.63 JP MORGAN EEMEA Offshore 9.94 Equity-D 12.12 Equity-G 13.05 India Tax Adv D 14.66 India Tax Adv G 18.09 JF China EO-G 12.41 ST Income-FnD 10.05 ST Income-G 10.77 ST Income-MD 10.08 ST Income-WD 10.03 Smaller Cos-D 7.65 Smaller Cos-G 7.65 L&T Contra -Cum 10.07 Contra -D 10.07 Global Adv-Cum 10.05 Global Adv-D 6.96 Growth -Cum 38.43 Growth -QD 18.16 Hedged Eqty-Cum13.49 Hedged Eqty-D 9.57 MidCap-Cum 38.55 MidCap-D 22.24 MultiCap-Cum 17.60 MultiCap-D 14.03 Opportun R-QD 16.60 Opportun-Cum 42.15 TaxSaver-Cum 15.33 TaxSaver-D 14.25 LIC Balanced -D 11.61 0.43 Balanced -G 54.96 0.46 Equity -D 10.26 -0.19 Equity -G 26.04 -0.23 Growth-D 11.28 -0.18 Nifty -D 11.29 -0.18 Nifty -G 30.60 -0.20 Opportun.-D 10.54 -0.19 Opportun.-G 18.52 -0.16 Sensex -D 11.83 -0.08 Sensex -G 34.53 -0.09 Sensex Adv-D 11.46 -0.09 Sensex Adv-G 32.40 -0.09 Tax -D 10.36 -0.19 Tax -G 28.92 -0.24 UL Insurance 9.87 -0.20 MIRAE ASSET AGC Stocks-D 13.27 0.08 AGC Stocks-G 13.27 0.08 Opportun-D 13.68 -0.07 Opportun-G 16.34 0.00 MORGAN STANLEY A.C.E.-D 13.62 -0.29 A.C.E.-G 14.46 -0.34 Active Bond-G 10.45 0.10 Active Bond-IG 10.09 0.00 Active Bond-QD 10.45 0.10 Growth 60.71 -0.08 Growth-D 18.53 -0.11 ST Bond-D 10.10 0.00 ST Bond-G 11.16 0.00 ST Bond-ID 10.10 0.00 ST Bond-IG 11.24 0.09 ST Bond-IWD 10.10 0.00 MOTILAL OSWAL Midcap 100 ETF 7.99 0.13 NASDAQ 100 ETF106.91 0.39 Shares M50 ETF 76.86 -0.01 PRAMERICA Dynamic-D 9.49 -0.32 Dynamic-G 9.49 Equity-D 9.16 Equity-G 9.16 PRINCIPAL Balanced -D 15.13 Balanced -G 29.95 Child -CB 85.47 Child1-d 9.76 Div Yield -D 16.95 Div Yield -G 22.96 Emer Bluechip-D21.67 Emer Bluechip-G28.43 Growth -D 22.57 Growth -G 49.81 Index -D 22.19 Index -G 37.75 Infra&Service-D 12.49 Infra&Service-G 14.08 LT Eqty 3Y-I-D 10.04 LT Eqty 3Y-I-G 10.04 Large Cap -D 19.24 Large Cap -G 28.09 Personal TaxSav93.37 Smart Eqty-D 9.84 Smart Eqty-G 9.84 Tax Savings 72.48 SBI Arbitrage Opp-D 11.76 Arbitrage Opp-G 13.65 Blue Chip -D 11.10 Blue Chip -G 14.21 Gold ETS 2187.29 M NRI Inv FAP-D29.23 M NRI Inv FAP-G29.12 MMP 1993-D 49.76 MMP 1993-G 78.66 MSFU Contra -D 21.81 MSFU Contra -G 54.70 MSFU EBF -D 15.27 MSFU EBF -G 40.30 MSFU FMCG 30.32 MSFU IT 22.52 MSFU Pharma -D36.54 MSFU Pharma -G44.21 Mag Bal -D 24.53 Mag Bal -G 49.82 Mag Comma-D 16.41 Mag Comma-G 24.30 Mag Equity-D 28.76 Mag Equity-G 42.81 Mag Global-D 31.07 Mag Global-G 55.58 Mag Index -D 24.09 Mag Index -G 47.03 Mag Midcap-D 16.97 Mag Midcap-G 22.13 Mag MultiCap-D 13.04 Mag MultiCap-G 17.17 Mag TaxGain93-D35.98 Mag TaxGain93-G58.94 PSU -D 9.79 PSU -G 9.79 SAHARA Bank & Fin-D 12.56 Bank & Fin-G 29.66 Growth -D 22.97 Growth -G 79.14 Infrastr FP-D 10.84 Infrastr FP-G 14.82 Infrastr VP-D 11.31 Infrastr VP-G 15.39 MidCap -D 13.30 MidCap -G 30.06 Midcap -B 30.06 Midcap Auto PO 30.06 Power&NatRes-D10.72 Power&NatRes-G12.56 Star Value-D 10.45 Star Value-G 11.39 Super 20-D 11.27 Super 20-G 11.27 TaxGain 36.67 TaxGain -D 13.76 WealthPlus FP-D17.08 WealthPlus FP-G20.62 WealthPlus VP-D17.93 WealthPlus VP-G21.48 SUNDARAM BNP Balanced -App 47.56 Balanced -D 10.66 Capex Opp.-D 11.43 Capex Opp.-G 21.94 EntertainOpp-D 11.18 EntertainOpp-G 14.16 EntertainOpp-IG 14.23 Financial Opp-D 12.47 Financial Opp-G 19.45 Financial OppID 12.53 Financial OppIG 19.60 Growth -D 12.19 Growth -G 90.76 Leadership-D 12.83 Leadership-G 41.85 PSU (D) 10.10 PSU (G) 11.09 Rural India -D 10.90 Rural India -G 15.05 SMILE -D 11.05 SMILE -G 30.92 Select Focus-D 9.28 Select Focus-G 85.80 Select Focus-IG 86.82 Select MidCap-D 16.83 Select MidCap-G148.57 Tax Saver -D 9.97 TaxSaver -App 42.27 TATA Balanced -D 51.88 Balanced -G 82.25

NAVs In `
NAV %CHG -0.15 -0.17 -0.13 0.06 0.05 0.03 -0.20 -0.17 0.02 0.03 -0.10 -0.10 -0.12 -0.18 -0.09 -0.14 -0.17 -0.25 -0.26 -0.26 -0.06 -0.05 -0.56 -0.59 -0.24 -0.21 -0.23 -0.22 -0.24 -0.23 0.04 0.06 -0.13 -0.20 Balanced-MD 47.71 Contra -App 17.94 Contra -D 15.79 Div Yield-App 33.69 Div Yield-D 19.32 Eqty P/E A5%-D 34.45 Equity Opport-D 20.01 Equity Opport-G 78.05 Equity PE -App 47.62 Equity PE -D 34.55 Growth -App 42.01 Growth -Bon App38.18 Growth -D 16.80 Index Nifty -A 32.90 Index Sensex -A 44.84 Index Sensex -B 14.63 Infrastr A-D 11.89 Infrastr A-G 11.89 Infrastr B-D 11.73 Infrastr B-G 11.73 Infrastruc-App 31.68 Infrastruc-D 20.88 LifeSci&Tech-D 35.69 LifeSci&Tech-G 71.00 MidCap -App 16.83 MidCap -D 14.45 Pure Equity -G 95.24 Pure Equity-D 35.83 Select Eqty -D 42.30 Select Eqty-G 65.41 Service Ind-App 22.63 Service Ind-D 16.88 Tax Saving 46.04 Young Citizens 15.12

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