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School Grade Four -

Grade 1 to 12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH

Daily Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Week 1 Quarter Second
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if
I. OBJECTIVES needed, additional lessons exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge children find significance and enjoy in learning the
lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrate understanding
A. Content Standards library skills to research on a of text elements to text elements to comprehend that English is stressed time
variety of topics comprehend various texts various texts language to achieve
accuracy and automaticity
HOLIDAY Uses library skills to gather Recalls details, sequences of Use of knowledge text to correctly Reads aloud text with
B. Performance appropriate and relevant events and shares ideas on distinguish literary from accuracy and automaticity.
Standards information. texts listened to information texts
1.Uses library skills to gather 1. Realize the importance of 1. Realize the importance of rain to 1. Read with automaticity
appropriate and relevant clouds in the formation mushroom. Realize the importance grade level frequently
C. Learning information. rain of helping others overcome occurring content
Competencies/Objectives 2. Classifies related words, 2.Note details by problems and difficulties. EN4-F-IIc-3
Write the LC Code for each ideas, concepts according to asking/answering questions 2.Identify the important elements 2. Infer the moods or feeling
certain characteristics about a story/poem listened of the story such as setting, of the characters based
(lesson for Friday 9, 2016) to characters and plot. Note details in form what he says or do
EN4SS-IIb-2 3. Listen to and answer s selection listened/read.EN4RCIIb-
questions about a story 3
listened to. 3.Read with automaticity grade
EN4LC-IIc-3,EN4OL-IIc-3 level frequently occurring content
II. Content Classifying related words, ideas, Value of helping others Reading words with
concepts according to certain Noting details Noting details automaticity
characteristics Elements of the story
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 134-135 pp. 137-140 pp 140 – 143 pp. 143-144
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 132-133 pp.136-139 140-143 pp140-144
3. Textbooks pages
4. Additional Mats from
B. Other Learning Resources pictures, charts pictures, charts pictures of different
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the
students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review about the water cycle and the What is the importance of rain
or presenting the new lesson Guessing games Review wh- questions importance of cloud to mushrooms? What lesson s
about shapes have you learned from the
B. Establishing a purpose for the what shapes of things do you Unlocking of difficulties through Unlocking of difficulties through What do you do when you are
lesson see around? Name the object context clues context clues pictures and happy? Sad? Sleepy? Etc
and its shape. demonstration What makes you happy? Sad?
C. Presenting examples/ instances Reading of the poems by What comes to your mind if you Have you ever been caught by the This morning we are going to
of the new lesson dyads, triads. think of the word clouds? Etc. rain? What did you do? We are going tell the feeling of the character
Observe the clouds outside the read a selection about animals in the story “Mushroom in the
caught by the rain? Raising of motive Rain
question by the pupils guided by the
D. Discussing new concepts and What are the different shapes of Reading of the selection.
practicing new skill #1 clouds? Answer motive question and “Talk
Discussion about the shapes Sing and Learn pp 136 about It” Answer “Do and Learn”
mentioned in the poem. Talk about “It” What happens to mushroom during
Discuss to the pupils where do the rain?
clouds come from and its
importance in formation of rain.
E. Discussing new concepts and Reading of the poem “Little
practicing new skills #2 Complete the chart in Try and Clouds” Engagement Activity: Present “Try and Learn” page
Learn. Leading to classifying 1st reading by the teacher Group Activity 143.
2ndreading by the teacher
3rd shared reading

F. Developing mastery Answering Do and Learn

(Leads to Formative Assessment 3 Classify the underlined words Answer “Do and Learn page 139 Processing of the outputs Do “Learn some More”
into two groups give a name to
each group
G. Finding practical applications Teachers present words. When rain is coming what do you Give instances in your life when you In real life, give instances when
of concepts Where do you these objects. observe in the sky? Can you play helped others. you feel any of those emotions
and skills in daily living Classify them. outside during rainy days? How is How do you feel?
How do we classify or rain affect you as a child?
arranging things?
H. Making generalizations and answer Learn Some More pp Read Remember What are the three elements of a How can we infer the feelings
abstractions about the lesson 135 Let the pupils give the concept story? moods of the characters in the
Read “Remember” page 144
I. Evaluating learning answer Exercises on page Read the story the Crow and the Teacher gives 5 items test
of English for You and Me Answer “Do and Learn page 139 Pitcher page 79-80 Eng for You and on inferring moods based from
Language. ME Reading. Complete the story map what someone say or do orally.
by writing the elements of the story.
J. Additional activities for application Enrichment Activities: Art What have you learned from the
or remediation Integration page 139 TG story. Write on a separate sheet of
paper following the format
Dear Diary,
Today, we learned
that_____.Starting today we
will_________(Name of pupil)
V. REMARKS Lesson last Friday Sept 9 was Lesson was not taught. Conduct Lesson was not taught. Conduct of Lesson for Wednesday was
not taught because. Of District PHIL-IRI PHIL-IRI taught
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D.No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
Strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my
Principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Teacher Learning Area English
Grade 1 to 12 teaching Dates and Time Week 2 Quarter Second
Daily Lesson Log


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if
needed, additional lessons exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge children find significance and enjoy in learning the
lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards Demonstrate Demonstrates demonstrates commands of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding
understanding that understanding of writing as the writing or speaking of verbal clues for clear expression of of the importance of using
English is stressed time a process. standard usage English ideas. varied sources of information
language to achieve grammar and usage when to support writing
accuracy and
B. Performance Reads aloud text with Uses a variety of strategies speaks and writes using good Actively creates and participates in Uses varied of information to
Standards accuracy and to write informational and commands of the convention oral them based activities support writing.
automaticity. literary compositions. of standards English.
C. Learning 1. Read with automaticity 1. Identify and uses the s- 1.Show appreciation for being Show appreciation of many
Competencies/Objectives grade level frequently 1. writes a friendly form of the verbs able tocreate things through uses of bamboo.
Write the LC Code for each occurring content EN4-F- letter following EN4G-IIc-3 origami orpaper folding. 2.make a two-point sentence
IIc-3 correct mechanics 2. Reads words that end 2.Follow a set of three to five step outline EN4RC-IId-4
2. Infer the moods or EN4WC-II-3 with s correctly Direction. 3. Use context clues to get
feeling of the characters EN4G-IIc-3 EN4LC-IId-4 the meaning of difficult
based form what he says words EN4V-IId-3
or do 3. Read with automaticity
EN4RC-IIb-3 grade level content area

II. Content Reading words with writing a friendly letter s- verbs following three to five steps Making two point sentence
automaticity direction outline
Reading with automaticity
B. References pp. 143-144
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp140-144 pp 144-145 pp. 145-147 pp 148-150 pp150-152
2.Learner’s Materials pp. 145-146 pp.148-152, 152- 153-156
2. Textbooks pages eng. For You and Me Lang. English for you and ME
Reading pp.
4Additional Mats from
B. Other Learning Resources sample friendly letter sample origami charts
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learn
B. Reviewing previous What is the importance of what are the different parts What do we call words that singing of the song “Flyfly the Reading words written on a
lesson or presenting the rain to mushrooms? What of a letter? tell action? Butterflywith actions. Teacher give card by group and
new lesson lesson s have you learned the instruction, pupils follow individually. Unlocking of
from the story? difficulties using context
B. Establishing a purpose for What do you do when you What did Reggie Rabbit feel Where do you go From Display samples of paper folded Do you have bamboo
the lesson are happy? Sad? Sleepy? Etc toward Mr ant from saving Monday to Friday? art work. furniture at home?
what makes you happy? him to the fox. How do you How do you go to school? What are the many uses of
Sad? think Reggie thanked him? what do you bring to protect bamboo?
you from the heat of the sun
and rain?
C. Presenting examples/ This morning we are going Read the letter Reggie Rabbit Introduce the word origami. reading of the selection
instances of the new lesson to tell the feeling of the wrote for Mr. Ant. Read the paragraph on page
character in the story 148
“Mushroom in the Rain
D. Discussing new concepts and Present “Try and Learn” Discuss the content of the Answer the questions that Unlock the words fold, unfold Answer Talk About It
practicing new skill #1 page 143. Answer “Do and letter. follow creases, diagonally Do and Learn
Learn” Perform Do and Learn Teacher gives the directions in
Do “Learn some More” making a paper butterfly
F. Discussing new concepts Group activity each group Identify the topic and the
and practicing new skills #2 will write a friendly letter to Perform Read and Learn subtopics for the paragraph.
be presented on the board
F. Developing mastery Do “Learn some More Processing of the output Perform Learn Some More Give another exercises on
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3 writing an outline
H. Finding practical In real life, give instances what do you tell your parents Let pupils tell what members what directions your mother gives Can make an outline on what
applications of concepts when you feel any of or anybody who gave you of the family does every day you every morning? you do before going to
and skills in daily living those emotions something? using the s-verb school? Let the pupils
participate to come out to
H. Making generalizations and How can we infer the Read Remember on page 146 Read Remember What do you call the Japanese art what is an outline? How is an
abstractions about the lesson feelings moods of the work? How would able to follow outline written?
characters in the story? three to five directions
Read “Remember” page
I. Evaluating learning Do “Learn some More” Think of someone from your Answer Learn Some More on Teacher gives another instructions Write a two level sentence
classmate you would like to page 151 for paper folding. outline in your notebook.
thank using the correct (pp.158 A)
format in writing a letter.
J. Additional activities for , Research for other samples of Answer B of page 158
application or remediation paper folding. Bring your output
and present it to the class.
F. No.of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
G. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
H. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.

I. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
J. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Grade 1 to 12 School Grade Four -
Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time Week 3 Quarter Second
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if
needed, additional lessons exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge children find significance and enjoy in
learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards demonstrates commands of the writing or speaking of standard Demonstrate understanding Demonstrate understanding of
usage English grammar and usage when of the importance of using verbal and non-verbal clues for
HOLIDAY varied sources of information effective oral presentation
to support writing.
uses varied sources of
information to support
B. Performance speaks and writes using good commands of the convention of Efficiently delivers oral
Standards standards English. presentation.
C. Learning 1. Write a two-point 1.Appreciate the beauty of
Competencies/Objectives 1.appreciate the message of the sentence outline nature.
Write the LC Code for each 1.Use the present form of the poem 2.Appreciate the poem through
verb that agrees with the 2. Recite the poem with expression EN4RC-IId-4 its rhyme.
subject 3. Use the present form of verbs that 3.Respond to a story through
EN4G-IId-4 agrees with the subject. dramatization, songs or art
EN4G-IId-4 activities
4.Relates story events to one’s
personal experience.
poem “Butterfly Cycle”
II. Content Appreciating beauty of nature,
Present tense of the verb Present tense of the verb writing a two-point sentence appreciating Responding to a
Poem: “Over in the Meadow” outline story through dramatization
Poem “ Butterfly Cycle”
C. References
5. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 152-153 pp. 153 154-156 pp.157-158

6. Learner’s Materials Pages 157-159 pp.160-161 pp 161-163 pp. 164-169

7. Textbooks pages Eng for You and Me Lang.pp
8. Additional Mats from
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration
of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple
ways to learn new things, practice their learn
C. Reviewing previous What are the different uses When do we use the present tense of Show sample of outline. Sing the song Fly fly the
lesson or presenting the of bamboos? Etc verbs. Present 5 items exercise on Tell how to write an outline. Butterfly
new lesson this. How do we write the title
B. Establishing a purpose for What are the other uses of We shall work on an activity today. We will write a two-point WE are going to study the life
the lesson bamboos? How do they You will be grouped into ten. You will outline in your notebook. cycle of the butterfly.
grow? be given a short part of a poem. Follow the correct format
Complete each stanza.
C. Presenting examples/ Present Find Out and Learn Refer to Learn Some More Poem HOLIDAY Perform Write about it page unlocking of difficulties through
instances of the new lesson “Over in the Meadow” 161. pictures
What do you know about
butterfly? How do they grow?
Where do butterflies stay?
D. Discussing new concepts and discuss the chart on page 157 Discussion of their answers What is the topic of each The teacher reads the poem
practicing new skill #1 paragraph? aloud. Pupils listen.
What sentences say Pupils tap a beat softly on their
something about the topic? desks or simply clap their hands
G. Discussing new concepts Perform Do and Learn A and Recite the poem with correct assess the outline by using Comprehension Check-up
and practicing new skills #2 B expression the checklist What is the poem about? What is
the butterfly cycle?
What happens inside the
Isn’t it the nature amazing?

F. Developing mastery Perform C for mastery Recite the poem by group, individual giving another activity in third reading of the poem by
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3 writing an outline on the class
I. Finding practical Write 5 sentences using the How many stanzas are there in
applications of concepts correct form of verbs on a poem?
and skills in daily living what do so in school every How many lines are there in
day. Group activity each stanza?
What words rhyme in each
H. Making generalizations and Read Remember How do we use present tense of the How do we write an Outline? What can you say about God’s
abstractions about the lesson verbs? creation? About the nature?

I. Evaluating learning Give 2 stanza paragraph. Read another poem about

Answer B on page 155 Present 10 items on the correct Have the pupils write outline nature.
usage of the present tense of verbs of the paragraph. identify the rhyming words
Do again the tapping or
clapping at the rhythm of the
J. Additional activities for Give 2 stanza paragraphs.
application or remediation Have the pupils write outline.
K.No.of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
L. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
M. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.

N. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
O. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Grade 1 to 12 School Grade Four -

Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
teaching Dates and Time Week 4 Quarter Second
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if
needed, additional lessons exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge children find significance and enjoy in learning
the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding that Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding
reading is a wide range of texts English grammar and usage in understanding of English of writing as a process.
provides pleasures and avenue for speaking or writing. grammar and usage in
self-expression and personal speaking or writing.
B. Performance use literal information from texts speaks and writes using good speaks and writes using Uses a variety of strategies to
Standards to aptly infer and predict command of the convention of good command of the write informational and
outcome. standard English.. convention of standard literary compositions.
Learning 1.Show admiration between the 1. Use possessive pronouns.
Competencies/Objectives fish and the frog despite their ENG4G-IIe-5 NO CLASSES Use the pronouns that Outline a paragraph with an
Write the LC Code for each differences. TEACHERS’ DAY agree in gender with explicitly given idea.
2.Give possible ending to a CELEBRATION their antecedents ENGWC-IIe-5
story.EN4RC-IIe-5 EN4G-Ii-5
3.Use prefix and root word as
clues to get meaning of
3. Read with automaticity grade
level frequency occurring
contentarea words.EN4F-IIe-5
II. Content Giving possible ending to a story.
Using prefix and root word to get possessive pronouns pronouns that agree in outlining
the meaning of words gender with their
Story: Fish is Fish antecedents
D. References
9. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 159-162 pp 163-164 pp 164-165 pp.165-
10. Learner’s Materials pp 164-169 170-172 pp173-176 pp 177
11. Textbooks pages English for You and Me Reading
pp. 146-148
12. Additional Mats from
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways
to learn new things, practice their learn
D. Reviewing previous Drill: Reading words that contains Recall the story Fish is Fish. What do we use instead What are the parts of two
lesson or presenting pairs of letters but have only one What was it about? of a noun? level sentence outline?
the new lesson sound. what are the different How do write it?
kinds of pronouns that
you know?
B. Establishing a purpose for this morning we are going to read Let us read a part of
the lesson another poem about animals. conversation between the Fish Who wanted to see the Show picture of a Tarsier. “Do
- Unlocking difficulties and Frog. strange things the frog you know this animal Class”
- Motivation: ask: who had wings? Who had saw?
Who is your best friend? What four legs? Who owns the wings? What did the fish do?
things you do together? introduce The legs? It tells what happened
your best friend to the class by to Fish after jumping out
describing him/her of the water.
C. Presenting examples/ Present the story Fish is Fish by
instances of the new lesson Leo Llioni Read the following phrases Here is a paragraph This morning we are going to
Pupils read the story. birds’ wings their wings taken from the story write a two level sentence
A teacher asks questions from cow’s legs its legs Fish is Fish .Pupils read outline about Tarsier.
time to time to ask prediction the paragraph
about what is happening in the Read the selection and write a
story. two-level sentence outline.

D. Discussing new concepts Refer the pupils to Talk About Teaching/modelling Teacher discusses the Discuss their output. How do
and practicing new skill #1 It.”Answer “Do and Learn” Teacher explains and uses the antecedent and the write an outline?
phrases in sentences. pronouns that refer to it
H. Discussing new concepts Discuss Find Out and Learn on Pupils answer “Try and Learn”
and practicing new skills page 168 using prefix and root page 170
#2 words as clues to get meaning to
the words.
F. Developing mastery Perform Learn Answer Exercise 2. Rewrite the Answer Do and Learn on
(Leads to Formative on page 167 sentences by replacing the page 174-175
Assessment 3 underlined words with
possessive pronouns
J. Finding practical Perform Do and Learn A only
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations How can you give a good possible

and abstractions about the ending to a story? What are to
lesson consider in giving an ending to a Read Remember Read Remember
What is a prefix? What does it do
to the word?

I. Evaluating learning A. Refer to Act. 2 page 146 Answer Learn Some Read the entitled Beware of
1to 5english For You and More 1 and 2 only. Pick Dogs on page 98-99 /English
ME Reading pages Answer Learn Some More A and the antecedents and the for You and Me Reading.
B. Complete the chart by B pronouns that refer to Make an outline following the
adding prefix to the root it. format in your notebook.
word page 169 English 4
J. Additional activities for Read the story “Thanks to Kitty on Answer no 3 at home as
application or remediation page 147 -148 Eng for You and Me your assignment
Reading answer the questions that
follow. Give the possible ending of
the story.
P.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
Q. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
R.Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
S. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
T.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Teaching Dates and Time Week 5 Quarter Second


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates
of the elements of that word meaning changes of English grammar and usage of English grammar and usage understanding of the
informational texts for based on the context. in speaking or writing in speaking or writing importance of using varied
comprehension. sources of information to
support writing.
B. Performance Standards Recalls details, sequence of Uses strategies to decode the Uses the classes of words Uses the classes of words aptly Uses varied sources of
events, and shares ideas on meaning of the word in context. aptly in various oral and in various oral and written information to support
texts listened to. written discourse. discourse. writing
C. Learning Competencies/ EO: Appreciate the beauty of EO: Show admiration for the Use possessive pronouns Use the pronouns that agree in Outline a paragraph with an
Objectives nature. friendship between the fish and gender with their antecedents. explicitly given main idea.
( Write the LCcode for each) IO: Relate story events to one’s the frog despite their EN4G-IIe-5 EN4G-IIe-5 EN4WC-IIe-5
experience. differences.
IO: Use prefix and root word as
EN4LC-IIe-5 clues to get meanings of words.

I. CONTENT -Story Events Prefixes and root word as Possessive pronouns Pronouns that agrees in Outlining a paragraph
( Subject Matter)
clues gender with their
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages P157 -159 159-162 164-164 164-165 165

2. Learner’s Material pages 164 164 - 169 170 - 173 173 – 175 176 - 177
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Chart, Pictures Flashcards, Chart, paper strips, Chart, flashcards Pictures, chart, flashcards Chart
Learning Resource LR
B. Other Learning Resources Audio-visual presentation – Audio visual presentation- Story
Butterfly Cycle of Fish is Fish
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Post a picture of butterfly. Unlocking of difficult words Ask: “Who had wings? Four Let the pupils identify and What are the parts of a two-
presenting new lesson Ask: what can you say about Refer to TG p 159 - 160 Legs? Who owns the wings? understand the pronouns and level sentence outline?
the picture? Have you seen the legs? its antecedents.
butterflies in your garden? TG p. 163
What do they do there? Present the Teaching Chart
Refer to TG p. 165

B. Presenting examples/ Present the picture to unlock Review of yesterday’s lesson. Review of yesterday’s lesson Review of yesterday’s lesson Recall how to write a
instances of the new lesson. the following words. Refer to Reading of some words through about prefixes and root word. about possessive pronouns. sentence outline.
TG p. 157 flashcards. Present a short conversation Post a sentence on the board.
on the board about “the fish Refer to TG p. 164.
and frog” Find out and Learn LM p. 173

C. Discussing new concepts and Post the story Refer on TG p. Do and Learn A LM p.168 Try and Learn Ex. 1 LM p. 170 Do and Learn B Write About It LM p. 176
practicing new skills.#1 158 LM p. 175

D. Discussing new concepts and Teaching Chart TG p 162

practicing new skills #2.
E. Developing Mastery Answer the Comprehension Do and Learn B, LM p 169 Try and Learn Ex. 2 LM p. 171 Learn Some More LM p. 174 Write About It B. LM p. 177
(Lead to Formative Assessment Question TG P 158.
F. Finding practical application of What are we going to do for If you were a fish, would you If you were a fish, how would Why is/ are pronouns should
concepts and skills in daily the butterflies to live a little bit feel bad because your friend you feel that your friend will always agree with their
living. longer? doesn’t remember you? surprise to visit you? antecedents in number and
G. Making Generalizations and Why butterfly is / are How do get / know the meaning What is the difference What is / are How to outline a paragraph?
Abstraction about the Lesson. important? Why we should of the words? between Singular Possessive antecedents?
take good care our Pronouns and plural
environment? Possessive pronouns?
H. Evaluating Learning Directions: Draw and explain Directions: Complete the table Directions: Choose the Directions: Read the Direction: Read the
the possible ending. below using prefix in- or im-,
(My, Mine)
possessive pronoun that best paragraph. In each sentence, paragraph. Write an outline
and write their meaning. bother planted
completes each asentence.
mango underline the antecedent and using the following format.
tree in (our, ours)on your
your answer box the pronoun that refers to
backyard. Jaren’s it.

brother trims (its, it’s)

branches every week.
Prefix New Meaning They take good care of The children were busy in A HONEY BEE
word school one Monday morning. A honey bee is any bee
the mango tree.
1. active Mary and Paul studied their member of the genus Apis,
2. spelling words. Josie played primarily distinguished by
perfect with her guitar. Anthony the production and storage
talked to his judo coach about of honey and the
the upcoming tournament. construction of perennial,
possible Suddenly, they heard a loud colonial nests from wax.
4. bang! Everyone in the room The best known honey
material turned to where the sound bee is the Western honey
5. direct came from. bee which has been
domesticated for honey
production and crop

I. _____________________
B. ___________________
C. ___________________
II. ____________________
A. __________________
B. __________________
I. Additional Activities for Application
or Remediation
A.No. of learners earned 80%in the
B . No. of learners who required additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learner who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well?Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounterwhich my
principal or supervisorcan help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized materials
didused/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 6 Quarter Second

I.OBJECTIVES Infer traits of characters

Use the correct time expression
from what they do or Use suffixes and root words Write a short paragraph based
to indicate an action in the
say in a story listened to get the meaning of words. on a two-level sentence outline.
Demonstrates understanding
Demonstrates Demonstrate command of the
that words are of different
a. Content Standards understanding of text conventions of standard English Demonstrates understanding of
parts and their meaning Summative Test
types to construct grammar and usage when writing as a process.
changes depending on
feedback. writing or speaking.
Identifies story Speaks and writes using good Uses a variety of strategies to
b. Performance Standards Uses strategies to decode
perspective and text command of the conventions of write informational and literary
the meaning of words.
elements. standard English. composition.

c. Learning Competencies/ EN4LC-IIf-6

EN4V-IIIf-6 EN4G-IIf-6 EN4WC-IIf-6
Objectives. Write the LC Code for
Writing a paragraph based
Story “The Tomatoes Time Expressions in the
II.CONTENT Suffixes on a two level sentence
of Peles” Present
big book story “The
Tomatoes of Peles”, Chart, flashcards,story book,
III.LEARNING RESOURCES chart, flashcards chart
picture of a whale shark
picture of tomato
A. References
Teacher’s Guide pages 167-168 169-170 171-172 172-173
Learner’s Materials pages 178-185 185-187
Additional Resources from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal Audio-visual Audio-visual
Audio-visual presentation Audio-visual presentation
presentation presentation

B. Other Learning Resources

Say: There are many things Recall the two level sentence
A. Review previous lesson or Review of the past Do the drill. Refer to TG that we do everyday. Let us outline they have done. What
presenting the new lesson. lesson. p.169 read the sentences from our are the parts of the sentce
Present picture of a story yesterday. outline?
tomato Refer to TG on p.171
Solve the word puzzle. Say: What time do the words Say: Here is an outline. Have
B. Establishing the purpose to the Choose the word from the in the chart tell? These are the pupils read the two point
lesson. box to finish the puzzle. called time expressions. These sentence outline they made
Refer to LM Read and Learn time expressions are in the Ask: What is the topic of the
on p.178 present tense. What other time outline? What sentence states the
expression do you know that topic? What are the sub-topics?
indicates the present time? What sentences state the
Unlocking of difficult subtopics?
The teacher will write on the
Refer to TG p.167
board the time expressions that 1. The bay of Sorsogon is home
the pupils will give. Possible to large whale sharks.
answers: now,today,every time A. They freely feed, grow and
play everyday.
B. There’s a young whale who
loves to play hide and seek
C. It hides very well.
Do you remember the news
C. Presenting examples/ instances about Kabang? What did he
of the new lesson do to save the children?
Show picture of a whale

Say:”This is a whale shark. Do

Do you have a garden at you know that a whale shark
home? What plants grow is the biggest fish in the
Read the selection below. Give
in your garden? Read the world? That is why it is Based on the outline, what is
the time expressions that
story about “The called a whale shark because the topic sentence? What does
denote the present tense. Refer
Tomatoes of Peles”. of its size.” it express?
to LM, Read and Learn on
Say: “Today, I will read to you
a story entitled Bing, the
Little Whale Shark. This story
was written by Jomiko

Ask: What did Bing and the

other whale sharks do to
save their community?
Read the story aloud while What are the time expressions Let us write a paragraph based
D. Discussing new concepts and showing the pages of the you noted from the selection? on our outline. What is the topic
practicing new skills # 1 book. The teacher may stop at These are the time expressions sentence? What about the
certain parts and ask the that refer to actions in the subtopics? Model how to write a
children what they think paragraph.
happen next. Refer to LM on
present tense.

Note: The teacher will add the

Do the Talk about it. Refer to
time expressions
LM on p.180.

Based on the story “The Do the Find Out and

E. Discussing new concepts Tomatoes of Peles”, Learn. Refer to LM on. P
and .practicing new skills # 2 what did Peles feel 181.
when the seeds dis not The bay of Sorsogon is home to
sprout? What dis Hugo Answer the Do and
Answer the Do and Learn. large whale sharks. They freely
say was his secret for Learn and Try and Learn.
Refer to LM on p. 186 feed and grow every day. Young
growing healthy Refer to LM on pp. 182-
whale sharks play here.
tomatoes? Dis Peles 183.
follow Hugo’s advice?
Read the sentences taken Read the sentences carefully and Have the pupils read the
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to from the story. Notice the write the correct time paragraph. Note how the
Formative Assessment 3 underlined words. Give expressions. paragraph is written. Here is
another outline. Let us write a
the meaning of the words.
1. Fish and frogs are friends. They short paragraph about the
play in the pond___________. bamboo. What is our topic
1. The sea became sentence? Based on the outline
peaceful once more. 2. __________, they meet at the above, what are the details? Ask
2. The whales were pond. the pupils to read the topic
helpless against the sentence. What do you think is
3. And_______ the tadpole the paragraph about?
discovers that he has two legs.
I. The bamboo is the giant of the
How did you find the grass family.
4. _________ the fish did not
meaning of the word? believe that the tadpole has A. It can grow as big as trees.
legs. B. It can grow in lowlands or in
In the first sentence, rolling hills.
C. There are different kind of
the 5. __________ they quarrel. In
word peaceful is from the the end, agree that “fish are
word peace. The suffix – fish and frogs are frogs”.
Say: You will be looking at the
ful is added at the end. model paragraph. Have the
The new word formed is pupils read it. Ask them to
peaceful which means identify the topic sentence and
“full of peace”. the sentences that give the
In the second
sentence, the word Bamboos are the giant grass
helpless has a suffix –less family. They can grow as big as
which means without. tree. They can grow in the
lowlands or in rolling hills. There
What do you think is the
are different kinds of bamboos.
meaning of the word

Form new words by

adding the suffix –less to
the words outside the
circle. Give the meaning of
the newly formed words.


Fruit- -less

What words were you
able to form?
What is the meaning of
the newly formed words?

Complete the chart. Write Make your own paragraph based

G. Finding practical applications of down the words asked for. on the following outline.
concepts and skills in daily living Use the suffix –less or –full.
Refer to LM on p. 184. I. Different movements of frog.
A. dives into the water
B. swims in the pond.
C. hops on land
D. leaps for food
H. Making generalizations and What are the words that indicate How do we write a paragraph
What trait did Peles
abstractions about the lesson What is suffix? the time expressions in the based on a two level sentence
show in the story? present tense? outline?
Directions: Answer the Directions: Change the Directions: Answer the Directions: Write a short
I Evaluating learning following questions. words inside the following questions using paragraph based on this.
parentheses by using sentences with verbs and
1. What happened to the correct suffixes to complete time expressions. Taking care of fish.
seeds that Peles planted? the meaning of the A. Keep the aquarium clean
2. What dis Peles feel B. Feed the fish daily
sentences. 1. What do you do every
when he saw his plants C. Keep it away from cats.
growing? morning?
3. Why did Hugo praise 1. Ryan loves being
him? outdoor. He likes to sleep in
2. What does your family
4. What lesson did you his tent. He loves star
usually do on weekends?
learned from the story? gazing. However, tonight
the sky is_________(no
stars). 3. What do you do before
2. The plants in the yard are going to school?
______(no flowers). The
trees are______(no fruit). 4. Where does your family
3. It is ______(full of spend the summer vacation?
beauty) day. Angelo is going
to see his grandparents. He
will help them harvest 5. What do you do in school
mangoes today. everyday?
4. She has a________(full of
power) to manage all
5. Dan is_________(full of
hope) to see his friend
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. Number of pupils who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who score below 80%
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level Four
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas English
Teaching Dates and Time Week 7 Quarter Second

I.OBJECTIVES Retell the best liked part Identify and use simile in Use the past form the Write a paragraph about a
of the story a sentence. regular verbs. personal experience.
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
a. Content Standards understanding of verbal understanding that word understanding of verbal
understanding of writing Summative Test
cues for clear expression meaning changes based cues for clear expression of
as process.
of ideas on context. ideas.
Actively creates and Uses strategies to decode Actively creates and Uses a variety strategies to
b. Performance Standards participates in oral the meaning of words in participates in oral theme- write information as
theme- based activities context. based activities. literary compositions.

c. Learning Competencies/
EN4OL-IIg-7 EN4V-IIg6 EN4g-IIf-6 EN4WC-IIg-7
Objectives. Write the LC Code for
Story “ How thw Jellyfish Past Form of the Regular
II.CONTENT Simile Writing a Paragraph
Lost His Bone” Verbs
Big book story “How the
Jellyfish Lost His
III.LEARNING RESOURCES chart, flashcards chart,flashcards chart
strip,chart,picture of jellyfish
A. References
Teacher’s Guide pages 175-177 177-179 179 180-181
Learner’s Materials pages 188-191 191-193 193-195 195-196
Additional Resources from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal Audio-visual
Audio-visual presentation Audio-visual presentation Audio-visual presentation

B. Other Learning Resources

Show and Tell: Look for Retell the story “How the Say: Let’s recite and read the Message Relay:
B. Review previous lesson or something inside your bag Jellyfish Lost His Bone”. poem “In the Forest” Say: All groups have a piece of
presenting the new lesson. and be ready to tell about paper with lines from the
it. poem “In tbe Foresr”. Each
I’m holding a__________. group will have seven
I like this beacause_____. members. All number 1 will
get a piece of paper in the
Drill: Teacher models in
reading the words with bowl. The first group who can
consonant blends. Refer to whisper the correct wins.
TG on p. 175.
Read the conversation. Where did you spend your
B. Establishing the purpose to the Read and Learn on LM p.193. vacation? How was your
lesson. vacation? How do you describe
your vacation? Who were your
A. Pre Listening
companions? What did you do
Unlocking of Unlocking of Difficulties. Refer
there? What would you like to
Difficulties.Refer to TG on to TG on p.177
do if you could return to be there

Note: All answers should be

written on the board.
Say: Have you seen a jellyfish?
C. Presenting examples/ instances How does it look? Here is a
of the new lesson picture of a jellyfish. Who can What comes to your ming
describe it? Why do you think when you hear the word
a jellyfish doesn’t have forest? Teaching/Modeling-Refer to Read the paragraph. Refer to
bones? LM, Talk About It” on p. 194. LM on p. 195.
What are our treasures in the
In the selection that I will forest?
read, find out why jellyfish
doesn’t have bones.
Listening ( Read Aloud by the During Reading Give some examples of similar Take a look at the paragraph.
D. Discussing new concepts and teacher). Refer to LM, Read Teacher models in reading the words. Let the pupils give the past What is the first sentence?
practicing new skills # 1 and Learn on pp.188-189. poem. Refer to LM, Read and form of the words and ask them What do we call that sentence?
Learn on p. 191. in sentences. Sentences should be (Topic sentence)
written on the board and What sentence support the first
processed. sentence?
How did we organize a
Notice how the first sentence
was written.
What punctuation mark is seen
after a sentence?
How did we write the title of a
How did we write the first
sentence of the paragraph?
How did we start the first
sentence? (first word of the
sentence is capitalize)
What did we write after

Engagement Activity:
E. Discussing new concepts
and .practicing new skills # 2 Group 1 and 2: Choral
Reading of the poem.

The group will choose a

leader to lead the group.
Group the pupils into four. Each
Group 3 and 4: Drawing a Say: Recall your activities group will write a paragraph
Retell the story using
forest yesterday of using any of the about their first day of school
pictures. Refer to LM on
words inside the box. Refer to following the guide questions.
p.190. The group will draw a TG on p.179. Refer on TG. Guided activity on
forest. p. 181.

Discussion Questions:
Refer to LM, Talk About It
on p. 191-192.

Give the possible endings. Teacher asks them to read Complete the sentence by writing Write a paragraph about first
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Refer to LM on p.190. this part of the poem. the past form of the verb. time at a restaurant follow the
Formative Assessment 3 Tall trees growing on a Refer on LM p.194 guide questions.
1. Describe your feeling in the
mountain top
To me like a queenly crown 2. Who were your companions?
I see 3. What did you eat?
Wild animals running so 4. Who paid for your food?
swiftly 5. What would you like to
As lively children full of happen when you eat at a
glee restaurant next time?
Wild Animals are treasure
to me

What is compared to tall
trees? (queenly crown)
What is used in comparing
them (like)
What is compared to wild
animals? (lively children full
of glee)
What is used in comparing
them? (as)
What compared to wild
animals and plants?
Why do we consider
animals and plants
Did we use like or as in

Answer the following Complete the story using the

G. Finding practical applications of questions. verbs found in the box.
concepts and skills in daily living 1. Why did the king call the
brave fish? called
called shouted laughed
2. Did the brave fish follow the stopped cleaned
king’s order? Why?
3. What happened when the Do the Try and Learn Exercise 1 One day, Mother and
brave fish found the monkey? on LM p. 192. Mario_____ the house. Mother
4. What can you say about the _____ because she saw a snake.
monkey’s trick? Mario _____ father because he
5. If you were the brave fish, was afraid of it. Father _____at
would you believe the them because it wasn’t real. It
monkey? Why? was only a toy. All of them_____
H. Making generalizations and How do we write a paragraph?
Why jellyfish doesn’t have
abstractions about the lesson What is simile? What are regular verbs? What are the tips in writing a
bones? paragraph?
Answer the following Match column A with From the list below, Write a paragraph about
I Evaluating learning questions. column B to complete the pick out the five misspelled your experiences during
sentence. Write the letter of verb in the past tense. Then summer vacation. Use the
1. What did the king do to the the correct answer. following questions.
write the correct spelling on
brave fish?Why?
the right side of each
2. If you were the king/fish 1. What was your experience?
what would you do? Describe your feelings.
3. Why did the jellyfish lost his 1. Marie swams____ number. 2. Where did it happen?
bones? 2. He is as tall_____. 3. When did it happen?
4. Do you like the ending of 3. Rica slept______. 4. Who were your companions?
1. prepared danced mised
the story? How would you 4. Richard is as thin_____. 5. What did you do?
2. cleand helped
like to end the story? 6. What would you like to
5. Peter eats______ washed
5. What lesson this story give? happen next time?
3. pushed sleepd
B. roasted
a. like a dog 4. runed climbed
b. as hard as stone walked
c. as a giant 5. buidt asked
d. like a log
e. as a stick
f. like a fish

Write sentences using the

J. Additional activities for following similes.
application or remediation 1. as red as gumamela
2. as fast as horse
3. as busy as a bee
4. like an old man
5. like an angel
P.L. P.L. P.L. P.L.


A. Number of pupils who earned

80% in the evaluation

B. Number of learners who

require additional activities for
remediation who score below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who got caught up
in the lesson

D. Number of learners who

continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategy
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. what innovation or localized
materials did I used to discover
which I wish to share with the
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level Four
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas English
Teaching Dates and Time Week 8 Quarter Second

EO: Admire Green Bird's love

for his lady love
EO: a. Read a story with
appropraite intonation and
EO: Appreciate the value of
telling the truth.
b. Read words with a. Browse and read more stories
IO: Sequence events in a story Use the past form of Compose slogan from a
I. OBJECTIVES consonant blends /br/ and b. Use dictionary in getting the
heard. irregular verbs. given stimulus.
/gr/ meaning of words
Act out a well liked part of a
c. Infer the feelings and traits
story heard.
of the characters from a story
d. Identify and use a simile
and a metaphor.
The learner demonstrates
understanding that English is
The learner demonstrates
The learner demonstrates stress-timed language to The learner demonstrates
command of the The learner demonstrates
understanding of the elements achieve accuracy and understanding of library
A. Content Standards conventions of standard understanding of writing
of informational text for automaticity/demonstrates skills/dictionary to research on a
English grammar and usage as a process.
comprehension. understanding that word variety of topics.
when writing or speaking.
meaning changes based on

The learner reads aloud text The learner speaks and

The learner uses a variety The learner uses
the learner recalls details, with accuracy and writes using good
strategies to write library/dictionary skills to gather
sequence of events and shares automaticity/uses strategies command of the
informational and literary appropriate and relevant
ideas on texts listened to. to decode the meaning of conventions of standard
B. Performance Standards compositions. information.
words. English.
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives EN4LC-IIh-i-8 EN4F-IIh-8 EN4G-IIh-i-8 EN4WC-IIh-8 EN4SS-IIf-6
Write the LC code for each EN4V-IIh-7

Sequence events in a story

II. CONTENT heard Identify and use a simile and Past form of irregular verbs Compose slogan Use dictionary in getting the
metaphor meaning of words

A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages 184-186 186-187 188-189 189-190 190
2. Learner's Materials pages 200 201-204 205-207 207-208 208-209
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources

Oral Language Drill Read the Dialog What comes to your mind Do you have a dctionary?
A. Reviewing previous lesson or see TG p. 184 see TG p. 186 Read and Learn when What is the use of the
presenting the new lesson Pre-Listening Unlocking of Difficulties see LM p. 205 you think of slogan? dictionary?
Skills Development Did you know how to
write slogan?

B. Establishing a purpose for the Unlocking of Difficulties see TG p. 186-187 see TG p. 188
lesson see TG p. 184

C. Presenting examples/instances What do you usually do when Motivation/Motive Questions Read and Study the Table Read the following Bring out your dictionary.
of you have a problem? see TG p. 187 see LM p. 205 product slogans Browse the dictionary.
the new lesson During Listening: Let's read a Guided Practice that have become very Notice how the words are
story on, popular. arranged.
see TG p. 189

D. Discussing new concepts and The King of the Forest and His During Reading see TG p. 188 Discussion Skilss Development
practicing new skills #1 Three Advisers. What did King The Green Bird Try and Learn Exercise 1 see TG p. 189 see TG p. 190
Lion do see LM p. 201-202 and 2
When he had a problem? See see LM p. 206
TG p. 185
Engagement activity/Group

E. Discussing new concepts and see TG p. 158 Post Reading Independent Practice Guiede Practice Guided Practice
practicing new skills #2 Try and Learn Engagement Activity Try and Learn Exercise 3 see TG p. 189 see TG p. 190
see LM p. 200 see TG p. 187 see LM p. 207
Group Presentation

F. Developing mastery Discussion Discussion Read again the Table Independent Practice Try and Learn
(Leads to Formative see TG p. 185-186 Talk About It see LM p. 205 Wtire About It see LM p. 208
Assessment 3) see LM p. 202-203 see LM p. 208

Skills Development
G. Finding practical applications What do you feel when
of concepts and skills in daily someone see TG p. 187
living Doesn’t tell you the truth? Read and Learn
see LM p. 203
What do you notice about
What is the message of the the spelling of the past
H. Making generalizations and
story? What is simile? Metaphor? form of What is slogan? Hwat is dictionary?
abstractions about the lesson
irregular verbs? Remember see LM p. 209
Remember see LM p. 206 see LM p. 206
Group activity-Do and Learn
see LM p. 204 Enrichment Activity
I. Evaluating learning Formative Assessment Independent Practice see TG p. 189 Formative Assessment Lern Some More
Activity Output Learn Some More Activity Output see LM p. 209
see LM p. 204
Write atleast two sentences
J. Additional activities for any of the similes and Make a poster to illustrate
application or remediation metaphor your Enrichment/Assignment
inside the box. slogan see TG p. 190

see TG p. 187 see TG p. 190



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to

Require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
material, did I used/discover
which I wish
to share with other teachers?
Teaching Dates and Time Week 9 Quarter 2ND QUARTER

a. To appreciate the value of a. To realize the many uses of

sharing the coconut tree a. Identify and use
a. Express ideas through
b. Sequence events in a story b. Note important details in personification
writing a news report from
listened to an informational text read Use the past form of b. Get information such as
I. OBJECTIVES the facts presented
c. Connect events in a story c. Read informational text regular and irregular verbs. title of a selection and/or
b. Get information from the
heard to a personal experience with 95-100% accuracy pages from the table of
news page
d. Listen attentively and react d. Read words with consonant contents
positively during story reading blends pr ang gr

The learner demonstrate

A. Content Standards understanding of text The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
The learner demonstrates elements to comprehend command of the The learner demonstrates understanding of library skills
understanding of the elements various texts/demonstrates conventions of standard understanding that word to reach on a variety of
of informational text for understanding that English is English grammar and meaning can be derived topics/demonstrates
comprehension. tress-timed language to usage when writing or from different sources. understanding of writing as a
achieve accuracy and speaking. process.
The learner use knowledge of The learner uses library skills
The learner speaks and
text types to correctly to gather appropriate and
the learner recalls details, writes using good The learner uses different
B. Performance Standards distinguis literary from relevant information/uses a
sequence of events and shares command of the resources to find word
informational texts/reads alou variety strategies to write
ideas on texts listened to. conventions of standard meaning.
text with accurary and informational and literary
automaticity. compositions.

C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives EN4LC-IIh-i-8 EN4RC-Iii-8 EN4G-IIh-1-9 EN4V-IIi-8 EN4SS-IIg-7
Write the LC code for each EN4F-IIi-9 EN4WC-IIi-9
Why the Tortoise's Shell is Coconut- The Tree of Life Past form of regular and Personification Information from
Not smooth? irregular verbs the news page
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages 192-194 194-196 196 196-198 198-199
2. Learner's Materials
pages 210-211 212-215 214-216 217-219 219-221
3. Textbook
4. Additional Materials from
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing previous lesson Give an example of

What are the uses of
or Unlocking of difficulties Drill regular Give an example of
presenting the new and irregular form of the
coconut tree?
lesson see TG p. 192 Teachers models reading the verbs. a sentence using
words. personification.
see TG p. 195

B. Establishing a purpose for the Today we are going to

lesson Why the Tortoise's Shell is What is the uses of the Today we are going discuss discuss Today we are going to get
about uses of past form of Information from the news
Not smooth? coconut tree? regular about personification. page.
and irregular verb

Oral Language
C. Presenting Show a picture of a tortoise. Unlocking of Difficulties see TG p. 196 Read the poem What TV programs give us
examples/instances of news?
Ask something about the
the new lesson picture. see TG p. 195 Read and Learn Read and Learn Where can we read news?
Is it good to know the news?
see TG p. 193 see LM p. 214 see LM p. 217 Why?
Motivation/Motive Questions Read and Learn
D. Discussing new concepts and Why are tortoise shells no
practicing the new skills no. 1 smooth? see TG p. 195 Talk About It Talk about It see LM p. 219
During Listening Read and Learn see LM p. 215 see LM p. 217 Discussion
see TG p. 193-194 see LM p. 212-213 see TG p. 198
Engegement Activity Guided Practice Guided Practice
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills no. 2 Try and Learn Talk About It see TG p. 196 Skills Development Write About It (group activity)
Group Activity see LM p. 213 Try and Learn Using Personification see LM p. 220
see LM p. 210 see LM p. 215 see TG p. 197
Engagement Activity Skills Development
Group Activity/Group Guided Practice/Group
F. Developing mastery Guided Practice Presentation Group Reporting Activity Writing news
(Leads to Formative Try and Learn/Learn Some
Assessment 3) Do and Learn see TG p. 195-196 Discussion More A see TG p. 198-199
see LM p. 211 Try and Learn/see LM p. 214 see LM p. 218

G. Finding practical applications Why your parents want

of If you were tortoise, did you do What are the uses of see/hear
concepts and skills in daily living what tortoise did in the feast? the coconut tree? the news in TV everyday?

H. Making generalizations and What did you learned

abstraction about the lesson What is the lesson of the story? Why do you think coconut today? What is Personification?
tree Teaching What imformation does
called tree of life? Chart/Remember the news given to us?
see Tg p. 197/LM p. 218 Remember (see LM p. 220

Independent Practice Product Assessment Learn Some More Learn Some More B Independent Practice
I. Evaluating learning see LM p. 211 Pupil's creation during the see LM p. 216 see LM p. 219 see TG p. 199
activity may serve as an Do and Learn
assessment. Use rubrics for see LM p. 221

J. Additional activities for

application Draw a tortoise and write Draw a coconut and write Write About It Skills Development
remediation a sentence about your drawing. something about it. see LM p. 216 Use of Table of Contents
see TG p. 198

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
tional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can Learners behavior Learners behavior
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
riald did I used/discover which I
wish powerpoint presentation powerpoint presentation
to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher School Principal I

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