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Manual-Ch 18 dp 24/11/00 10:01 AM Page 378

Chapter 18
Manual-Ch 18 dp 24/11/00 10:02 AM Page 379


Don Mackintosh and Graham Kingston

Sugar quality is the term applied to raw sugar to describe the chemical composition of
the sugar and its fitness for the purchaser’s intended use. More often than not, this
involves refining to white sugar. The world market for raw sugar is extremely
competitive and appropriate sugar quality is often the difference between making a
sale or not, and the securing of a favourable price for the sugar sold.

Australian sugar is recognised as a high- The major raws supplied are Brand JA,
quality product and considerable time, effort Brand 1 and Brand VHP in order of increasing
and capital resources have been expended to polarisation. Brand 1 is the staple product,
achieve this reputation. Even higher standards Brand JA is produced for the Japanese market,
are important to compete effectively with and the higher pol Brand VHP and specialty
other exporters of raw sugar. high-pol sugars are increasing in customer
This chapter outlines important factors in requirement. Brand JA has a pol around 97.8,
maintaining and improving raw sugar quality Brand 1 has a pol around 98.9 and Brand VHP
from a canegrowing perspective, and has a pol around 99.3 with decreasing
why various sugar-quality parameters are impurity levels accordingly. The relative pro-
important to raw sugar mills and refineries. duction of these Brands is varied according to
Returns to growers and millers are affected customer requirements. In 1999, Brand JA
by sugar quality. was approximately 15% of total production,
Brand 1 74% and Brand VHP 11% of total
RAW SUGARS production. Higher pol raws are available.
Raw sugar is produced and sold in classes or Before the start of each season,
‘Brands’, where each Brand has specified Queensland Sugar Limited negotiates with the
quality standards, which are to be met in the mills for production of the sugars it requires
raw sugar produced. to meet the anticipated market.

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The production of raw sugar is controlled dust hazard in handling and transfer in the
to meet sugar quality standards for shipping operations. Dust explosions can
constituent analyses such as polarisation, result.
moisture, ash, colour, filterability, fine grain, Moisture is primarily a mill issue, but it can
starch, dextran, and temperature. be made more difficult if impurities, which
A standard such as temperature is largely influence crystal growth or molasses viscosity
influenced by mill operations. Polarisation, such as dextran, ash or starch, are present
moisture and fine grain have a major mill beyond normal levels.
component, but impurities introduced with
the cane can play a part in influencing the
steps the mill needs to adopt to meet the Ash is inorganic material in cane juice and a
standard for these characteristics. The small, but significant, carry-over into raw
remaining parameters are primarily influ- sugars. Ash in the cane supply includes such
enced by impurities in the cane, but the proc- substances as chlorides, sulfates, phosphates,
esses adopted by the miller can assist in and silicates of minerals including calcium,
reducing their importance. potassium, magnesium and aluminium, as
well as clay and sand. These originate in the
Polarisation (pol) field. The mill process removes phosphates
Pol is the measure of percent sucrose in the from cane juice into filter mud, but other
raw sugar. It is the main selling criterion and inorganic salts can continue through
the prime figure upon which payment is processing, largely to molasses and in much
fixed. The other criteria provide benchmarks smaller amounts to raw sugar.
for the purchaser to judge the processing Ash increases the solubility of sucrose in
characteristics of the sugar and to compare water and as a consequence, reduces the
the sugar with that of other suppliers, and amount of pure sugar that can be produced
thus fix the price against competition. In the from cane in a mill or from raw sugar in a
extreme, a buyer will refuse sugar if it does refinery. High ash devalues the incoming
not meet the standard for a particular cane or raw sugar.
criterion. The ash constituents enter the cane from
The mill influences pol primarily by the the soil, water or added fertilisers. Different
quantity of molasses that is left on the surface varieties incorporate different quantities of
of the crystals of raw sugar at the ash constituents. Growers are encouraged to
centrifugals. Certain impurities, such as those take advice from BSES to select low-ash-level
which increase sugar solution viscosity (ash, varieties when this is possible. However, the
starch, dextran) or crystal shape modifiers growing environment and extraneous matter
(dextran and trace impurities), which have levels are usually much more significant than
their origin in cane, adversely complicate a varietal effects.
mill’s efforts to produce sugar of the desired Ash is high in tops, trash and dirt adhering
pol. These impurities interfere with the to cane. For example, cane tops can contain
crystal growth processes and subsequent 12 times as much ash as cane stalks on a dry
separation of crystal. juice basis. High topping can increase ash in
juice by 20%. Clearly, ash can be reduced by
Moisture reducing extraneous matter.
Control of moisture in raw sugar is important The presence of elevated levels of salt in
because of its influence on the handling of soil or irrigation water stimulates uptake of a
the sugar. Sugar that is too wet is difficult to range of mineral salts by the cane plant in its
handle and, if seriously wet, the sugar will attempt to maintain a favourable osmotic
deteriorate. Sugar that is too dry presents a balance with salts in the root zone.

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Therefore, ash in juice and sugar increases in polymers formed from reducing sugars under
response to salts in soil and irrigation water. alkaline conditions (so called alkaline
Salty soils are best avoided for cane degradation products), polymers formed by
production because of effects on yield and the reaction of reducing sugars and amino
ash. Localised areas of soil salinity may nitrogen compounds in the mill and in
respond to improved drainage, if the salting is storage (melanoidins), and colourants formed
associated with an elevated watertable. All by the caramelisation of sucrose at elevated
irrigation waters contain some salt. temperatures. The amino nitrogen substances
Therefore, good drainage and leaching with and flavonoids are often called colour
rainfall are essential to avoid build-up of salts precursors, because of their subsequent
in soil. Low-salt irrigation water is always involvement in the formation of additional
preferred for high productivity and low ash. colourant.
Potassium salts are major constituents of Refiners rate colourants as the most
ash. Sugarcane can acquire potassium in important impurity in raw sugar. The various
luxury amounts from soils of high fertility, colourants respond differently to the refining
from excessive rates of potassium fertiliser, process. High molecular weight colourants
or from soils amended with high rates of ash create the most difficulty.
from sugar mill boilers. Juice ash levels can A refinery’s customer for sucrose typically
be increased by 50% in cane where excess is seeking a sweetener and does not want
potassium fertiliser and poor quality irrigation colour or associated flavours. Therefore, a
water have been used. Thus, there is low-colour raw sugar is sought by the refiner.
potential for reducing potassium ash It is preferable if the colourant is confined to
constituents in cane by applying only the the syrup film surrounding the sucrose
potash fertiliser required to balance crop crystals. The removal of colour from sugar
requirement against that already obtained solutions is primarily accomplished by
from soil and or boiler ash. adsorption of the colourants onto a suitable
medium, such as carbon, char (which is
Colour retorted animal bones) or ion exchange
Cane juice and the resultant sugar contain materials, and then crystallisation. The
coloured materials. These colourants are decolourisation medium is freed of colourant
organic and are a complex mix of com- and then reused. These operations are
pounds. Colourants are derived from low expensive.
molecular weight substances in the cane at Varieties vary in their propensity to
harvest. High molecular weight colourants produce colour. Additionally, colour is much
are produced by reactions between the higher in the tops, trash and suckers than it is
colour pre-cursors and other juice consitu- in the stalk of the cane. Tops and trash have 7
ents during the milling process. and 36 times, respectively, as much colour as
The high molecular weight substances are the cane stalk. Trash not only adds a loading
considered the more damaging as they are of colour but also increases the loading per
more readily incorporated in the sugar during unit weight of impurities which, in practice,
the pan boiling and crystallisation stages of has a very strong adverse effect on raw sugar
the process and more severely overload raw colour.
sugar refinery processes. High molecular The prominent and most damaging
weight compounds are made up of polymers colourants of cane or raw sugar are formed
(large molecules) formed by the oxidation of by the reaction of amino nitrogen and
low molecular weight plant pigments called reducing sugars in the mill or in storage.
flavonoids and phenolic acids and from Sugarcane takes nitrogen from soil as nitrate
mill reaction products. The latter include and ammonium ions and stores nitrogen not

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needed for immediate growth processes as of throughput of a refinery. This forces the
amino acids, primarily in the stalk. Thus, refiner to adopt lower process sugar
excessive uptake of nitrogen from highly concentrations, leading to a loss in thermal
fertile organic soils, or over application of efficiency of the refinery, as greater
nitrogen fertiliser, will result in high levels of evaporation is required prior to the pan
amino nitrogen in cane. High levels can also boiling stage than where the process solution
result from the use of recommended levels of contains less water. The end result of low
nitrogen fertiliser in situations where drought filterability is increased cost for the refiner.
has prevented use of plant nitrogen in The test primarily responds to the
accumulation of expected stalk yield. presence of insoluble impurities but also
Asparagine is the dominant amino acid in reacts to soluble impurities (particularly high
sugarcane, whereas guanine fulfils a similar molecular weight substances) such as
position for sugar beet. dextran, gums, soluble phosphate and
Amino nitrogen in the cane supply can residual flocculants. Starch is an important
now be determined by on-line near infra-red impurity in hindering refinery filtration and is
(NIR) spectrometers in sugar mills. With this not thought to be adequately represented in
technology, it will soon be possible to supply the filterability test. Therefore, starch is
canegrowers with amino nitrogen analyses analysed and evaluated separately.
for every rake of cane. The information could Much of the work to maintain good
be used to optimise use of nitrogen fertilisers filterability takes place at the mill’s clari-
for yield, CCS and potential amino nitrogen- fication stage, in sugar boiling, crystallisation
based colourants. and sugar centrifugation. The miller needs to
Soil in cane also increases colour. Cane, control these operations closely, to minimise
harvested green, when free of extraneous the carry over of filtration-impeding sub-
matter, has a lower colour than the burnt stances beyond clarification and their incor-
equivalent. This is due to the impact of heat poration in sugar.
on juice close to the epidermis of the stalk. The miller is assisted by receiving good
The factory, too, will generate colour quality, fresh cane, particularly cane that is
through heat and alkaline reactions and free of dirt. Dirt overloads the mill
millers must act to minimise this area of clarification process, leads to loss of control,
colour formation. Maintenance of the and reduces the effectiveness of clarification.
effectiveness of the clarification, pan boiling Dirt at the time of wet weather has been
and crystallisation processes is also beneficial frequently reported to have an even greater
to the production of low-colour raw sugar impact on clarification than under dry
and, particularly, in confining of colourants as conditions due to the presence of unusual
much as possible to the molasses film. trace impurities.
Cane deterioration products, such as
Filterability dextran, adversely affect clarification, boiling
Filterability is defined as the relative rate of and crystal separation.
flow of a raw sugar solution through a porous Phosphate-deficient soils can lead to cane
bed of diatomaceous earth, compared with of low phosphate content. The mill’s
the rate of flow of a pure sucrose solution at clarification reaction does not go to
the same concentration and temperature. The completion when low phosphate is present
test indicates to some extent the behaviour of and, strangely enough, leads to retained
a sugar solution if it was carbonatated phosphate in clarified juice and lower
(carbon dioxide and lime added) and filtered filterability sugar. The mill adds phosphate,
as in a carbonatation-based refinery. A when necessary, on the basis of clarified juice
solution of poor filterability reduces the rate turbidity. Use of phosphoric acid can be

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costly. It also leads to a situation where Bacterial deterioration of cane is enhanced

dosage is maintained at a level that is if the cut-to-crush delay is extended beyond
excessive for some cane and insufficient for the industry-recommended maximum of 16
other cane. hours, by hotter and humid weather, and by
shorter billets which increase the cuts per
Dextran stalk and the number of surfaces through
Dextran is a natural polysaccharide produced which bacteria can enter the cane. The
by bacteria that infect the sugarcane stalk Australian industry standard is 250–300 mm
after damage or cutting. It can also be billets. However, some mill areas trade off
produced by the same bacteria in the mill and an improved bin bulk density in rail and
may result from poor mill hygiene. road transport with shorter billets against
Dextran increases sugar solution viscosity, minimising deterioration through short
adversely affecting clarification. Effects on delivery delays and green-cane harvesting.
crystal growth and centrifugal separation Another source of increased bacterial
processes are more serious. Dextran poisons action is damaged, squashed, cut ends
the fastest growing faces on the sugar crystal, providing more access for organisms to the
slowing the production of correctly sized interior of the billet. These often arise from
crystals and necessitating crushing rate poorly maintained harvesting equipment or
reduction. The crystals so formed are not the desire to shorten billets without
square in shape, as is normal, but can be sufficiently rebuilding the harvester. Burnt
severely elongated. These elongated crystals cane deteriorates faster than green cane and
perform badly in the centrifugals in the mill cane which has an excessively long burning-
and subsequently in refinery boil out to-cutting delay deteriorates faster than
materials, as they tend to restrict the flow of freshly burnt cane. Stressed or otherwise
molasses away from the crystals. This, in damaged cane can have elevated dextran
turn, necessitates longer fugal cycles and levels, as splits, rodent damage, insect entry
increased wash water use, which reduce points, etc., allow bacterial access to the
throughput and sugar yield, respectively. interior of the stalk.
Increased viscosity and changing crystal The responsibility falls to all segments of
growth from dextran in juice and sugar leads the industry to maintain conditions to avoid
to poor mill and refinery throughput, and deterioration, loss of pol and the formation of
almost certainly leads to higher sugar content dextran.
in final molasses. This arises from the need to Grist/fine grain
maintain a balance between throughput and
Fine grain is the proportion of crystals within
mill chemical efficiency. Some efficiency loss
a batch of crystals with size smaller than a
is often accepted to maintain rate.
specified screen size. The screen size reflects
It is important to remember that dextran the crystal size, which gives problems to the
results from bacterial action, which uses refiner. It is important because of its effect on
sucrose as an energy source. Therefore, affination (the first stage of the refining
presence of dextran in cane lowers return to process), in which variable crystal size and
the whole industry through lowering CCS, fine crystal size interfere with the flow of
impacts on milling, and sugar quality. affination syrup (which removes the outer
The adoption of chopper harvesting and molasses layer) away from the crystals. Poor
production of billets for transport and milling separation requires increased washing in the
led to a re-evaluation of field and transport affination fugals, causing excessive crystal
practices to counter sugar problems caused dissolution and reprocessing cost and/or
by dextran in cane juice in the 1970s. excessive retention of impurities from the

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molasses layer with the crystal. This, in turn, is four times higher at the top of the stalk
causes increased production cost to deal with than at the base.
these impurities. As is the case for most of the deleterious
This standard is a major issue for the miller impurities in sugar, sugar quality will be
and is managed through control of the pan enhanced by the exclusion of tops and trash
boiling and centrifugal processes. from the cane supplied to the mill
Impurities associated with deteriorated
cane are a major disadvantage in producing THE SELLING PROCESS AND
the desired size range of sugar crystals. QUALITY
Elongated crystals require additional growth Raw sugar customers firstly inquire about
to ensure that the shorter of the length to price and what grade of sugar will be
breadth dimension is sufficiently large for the supplied. The first inquiry for most customers
crystals to be retained on the standard screen relates to Brand 1. However, the Japanese
and not pass through the screen. market requires Brand JA and some
Other indications of lower quality cane customers routinely seek Brand VHP, the
supply, such as extraneous matter, also higher purity product. The second round of
introduce impurities that can increase the discussions deals with quality issues and
difficulty of maintaining pan boiling control actual pol.
and performance. Minimisation of these Australian sugar is known to have good
adverse components in cane supply benefits quality and customers come to the agents with
both the grower (improved CCS), the miller a first offer of refusal. They know that they are
(improved process handling and efficiency), going to get consistently good quality, reliable
and both parties (higher sugar price). supply and shipping and that the Australian
industry delivers the product it promises. Of
course, if the price the customer is offering is
Starch is a polysaccharide inherent in the unrealistic, the business is not pursued
growth of plants. It is a storage form for further. Attainment of ‘first offer status’ and
carbon as a plant reserve energy source and, recognition of quality in supply and perform-
although bred out to a large degree in ance will often enable a premium in price to
commercial canes, is present in sufficient be achieved over other suppliers of raw sugar.
quantity to provide problems should it reach A customer may require a pol guarantee or
the refinery. Starch is entirely derived from a guarantee on overall colour and penalties
cane and exists as amylose and amylopectin for not meeting the standards on such criteria
in proportions of about 1 : 4. as pol, colour, dextran, starch and fines. Few
These starch molecules interfere with countries actually specify affined colour, and
refinery carbonatation. Amylose influences total sugar colour is the main focus. Others
calcium carbonate precipitation, leading to question closely on ash and colour, but the
fine crystals and increased filter cake outcome is not registered in the contract.
resistance. Amylopectin blinds the pores in The most important criteria at the
the calcium carbonate filter bed. Starch is a marketing desk are pol, colour, dextran and
large molecule and is prone to inclusion in starch and then ash, reducing sugar and fine
the growing crystal. grain ranked together. Filterability does not
There is a marked varietal effect in starch get raised often; nor is moisture, and this is
incorporation in cane. The leaves and tops, usually in the context of the effect it has on
the growing centres, contain significantly sugar flow and transfer in storage.
more starch than the cane stalk. Tops contain All the attributes are considered in the
three times the starch of the stalk and starch overall ranking of Australian sugar. A decrease

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in sugar quality performance in any criterion SUMMARY

for a shipment will lead to critical comment
It is apparent, in all these quality parameters,
and a reassessment of Australian sugar in that
that best quality cane leads to best quality
sugar. In other crops, actions ensure rubbish
Being a first-offer supplier is worth money
is not processed with the sound material.
to both growers and millers and it is worth
Sugarcane requires no less diligence to
making sure that the standard of quality
preserve industry reputation and markets.


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