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Geography Class 7

The City School

Worksheet: Sources of Water- Water Cycle- Where is the water stored?

Answer the given questions in your copy book.

Q1-Where is the water stored on the earth? Give some examples.
Q2-(a)- Draw and label the water cycle in your copy book.
(b)- Describe these terms related to the water cycle;


Water table:

Ground Water flow:

Hydrological Cycle:





Q3-Precipitation means any water that falls from the air. Give some examples of precipitation. Answer the given
questions by observing different types of precipitation;
a- How is rain different from drizzle and sleet from snow?
b- How are rain and drizzle alike?
c- How are snow, sleet and hail alike?

The City School Academics

Geography Class 7

The City School

d- How are rain and drizzle different from snow, sleet and hail?
Q4- Some water in the air freezes to form snow or sleet and some freezes to form snow. (a)-What do you mean by
frozen precipitation? Describe.

(b)-How does a snowflake grow?


(c)-Explain the process how hailstorms are formed.

(d)-How does a hailstone form?
(e)- Explain the terms, “evaporates” and “condensed”.

The City School Academics

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