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Revelation 14:9-11 [NKJV]

9 Then a third angel followed

them, saying with a loud voice,
“If anyone worships the beast
and his image, and receives his
mark on his forehead or on his
Revelation 14:9-11 [NKJV]

10 he himself shall also drink of the

wine of the wrath of God, which is
poured out full strength into the cup
of His indignation. He shall be
tormented with fire and brimstone
in the presence of the holy angels
and in the presence of the Lamb.
Revelation 14:9-11 [NKJV]

11 And the smoke of their torment

ascends forever and ever; and they
have no rest day or night, who
worship the beast and his image,
and whoever receives the mark of
his name.”
• Topic:

• Theme:
 A story is told of little girl, who woke up in the
night with severe abdominal pain. Her father
rushed into the room, and when he saw his
precious daughter suffering, he called the family
doctor who told him to get his little girl to the
hospital as quickly as possible. Then the dad
handed her over to the team of doctors who
performed emergency surgery. Through it all,
every move and every act of that father was of
tender love, anxious care, and a wise decision.
Strange Side of Love
 This is the dark side of love—but love,
 The father loved the child just as much on that
dark night when he took her to the hospital and
delivered her to the surgeon’s knife as he did the
next day when he brought flowers and balloons to
her recovery room.
 It was deep affection when he delivered her into
the hands of the surgeon just as it was the next
week when he brought her home and delivered
her back into her mother’s arms.
Strange Side of Love
Love places the eternal security and
permanent welfare of the loved one above
any temporary comfort or present
pleasure down here upon this earth.
Love seeks the best interests of the
Strange Side of Love
The strange side of God’s love means the
Great Physician will put His child on the
operating table.
He will use the surgeon’s knife when He
sees a tumor of transgression, a deadly virus
sapping our spiritual lives, or the cancerous
growth of sin.
He does not hesitate to deal with us severely
Wrath of
God • A. W. Pink
Wrath of
“settled opposition and
hatred of that which is
destroying what we love.”
Wrath of •”

“But because of your stubbornness and your
unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath
against yourself for the day of God’s wrath,
when His righteous judgment will be
revealed. God ‘will repay each person
according to what they have done.’ To those
who by persistence in doing good seek glory,
honor and immortality, He will give eternal
life. But for those who are self-seeking and
who reject the truth and follow evil, there
will be wrath and anger.” (Romans 2:5-8)
(Jer. 25:15-16).
Wrath of

“ ” (Rev.
Wrath of
God “ ” (akratou).

(Gen. 19:24, Isa. 34:8-

Wrath of 10).

“ ”
Wrath of
Wrath of
The third angel’s message is one of the most
solemn warnings in the entire Bible. It sets
four demand on the reader.

Who is beast ?
The Third
Angel’s What is image?
Message What is mark of the beast?
What is the number of his name?

If you don’t these facts, you will

probably end up following the beast.
The Third Angel’s Message
Warning Consequences
1. Worship the beast 1. They will drink
and his image the wine of God’s
2. Receive the mark 2. They will be
in his forehead or tormented with
righthand fire
3. They will burn
Revelation 13:16-18

the right hand


it is the number of a man

The Third
Revelation 13:17-18
Mark of the beast ?
Mark of the Beast
spokesperson for the Antichrist) (Rev
13:16). (the second
Mark of the beast
observance of the
seventh-day Sabbath,
The mark of
the beast is the opposite of
this--the observance of the first
day of the week.

.”—Testimonies for the

Church, vol. 8, p. 117.
• "The papacy has attempted
to change the law of God.
The second commandment,


…” (Great
Controversy, p. 446).
Mark of the Beast
We do not suppose that this is a
mark, visible in the forehead; but as
we have already shown, it is Sunday.
The forehead is the seat of the mind.
There the decision is made by men
whether they will keep this institution
or not. This mark is also to be
received in the right hand” (Review
and Herald 5:75, 79, Mar. 28, 1854).
Mark of the Beast
Just what the reception of the mark
in the right hand might be
Loughborough was not sure but
suggested the raising of the right
hand in taking an oath to observe
Sunday, in order to secure
exemption from the economic
sanctions of Rev. 13:16 , 17.
Mark [the first
of the Beast
of the Beast
(1865, i.e. , 1867), Uriah
Smith, p.224
Mark of the beast

” (Ev
Mark of the beast
• When Sunday observance shall
be enforced by law, and the
world shall be enlightened
concerning the obligation of the
true Sabbath, then whoever shall
transgress the command of God,
to obey a precept which has no
higher authority than that of
Rome, will thereby honor popery
above God. . . They will thereby
accept the sign of allegiance to
Rome—’the mark of the beast”
(GC 449; Ev 233, 234)
• 13

of the

13:13-15 [NKJV]
Image of the Beast


Protestant churches
shall seek the aid of the
civil power for the
enforcement of their
Image of the Beast

.”—SDA Bible
Commentary, vol. 7, p.
•" Protestant churches
shall unite with the secular power
to sustain a false religion
Image of the Beast

(ST March 22, 1910)."—

Issue of
The Third Angel’s Message

.” Testimonies, Vol.9, 19.

The Third Angel’s Message
• I was shown three steps—the
first, second, and third angels'
messages. Said my
accompanying angel, “Woe to
him who shall move a block or
stir a pin of these messages. The
true understanding of these
messages is of vital importance.
The destiny of souls hangs upon
the way they are received.” Early
Writings, 258,259.
Heart of The Third Angel Message

"It is the
third angel's message in
Heart of The Third Angel Message

Elders [E.J.] Waggoner and [A. T.] Jones.

{LDE 200.1}
Heart of The Third Angel Message

• If justification by faith is the

third angel's message in verity
Heart of The Third Angel Message
Heart of The Third Angel Message

(See Heb. 4:1-10.)

Ellen G. White, —Review and

Herald, Oct. 17, 1893.
Heart of The Third Angel Message

It is the third angel's

message, which is to be proclaimed with a
loud voice, and attended with the outpouring
of His Spirit in a large measure.--TM 91, 92
(1895). {LDE 200.2} …
Heart of The Third Angel Message

In their own life and

character, they are to reveal what
the grace of God has done for
Justification •“
by faith
salvation is
by grace .”
by faith is
an abiding
” —Review and
Herald, Oct. 24, 1893.
• “It has been aptly stated that
man is justified by faith alone,
but the faith that justifies is
3. never alone. As the third
Justification angel's message in verity,
justification by faith clearly
by faith produces the fruit of
produces sanctification and obedience
evidenced by the attitude of
obedience God's people toward the beast,
his image, and mark (see Rev
14:9-12). —Review and Herald,
Jan. 29, 1895
• This justification by faith is very
intimately involved in the efforts of
God's people to resist this beast-
4. power principle (self-glorification).

by faith
"What is
produces justification by faith? It is the work
Humility of God in laying the glory of man in
the dust and doing for man that
which it is not in his power to do for
by faith
drive to
(Revelation 19:1-5).
Christ our

(review Matt 26: 36-45; Luke 22:44).


Christ our

" (Desire of Ages, page

Christ our

(see Revelation 20:10,

14; Revelation 21:8).

Fan or "Enthusiastic Admirer"

of Jesus


Fan or
of Jesus
."- Kyle Idleman "Not a Fan" p.

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