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Reduce & then Recite Record for Review

- Create questions which elicit critical - Write headings and keywords in colored pencil
thinking, not 1 word answers
- Write questions directly across from - Take sufficient notes with selective (not too much verbiage) & accurate paraphrasing
the answers in your notes - Skip a line between ideas and topics
- Leave a space or draw a pencil line
separating questions - Use bulleted lists and abbreviations
- Correctly sequence information
- Include diagrams or tables if needed for clarification or length
1)Turkish Migrations and Imperial Expansion
● How did the Turkish ➔ Organized into clans/tribes after Xiongnu confederation
live? broke apart, tribes clashed, but spoke related languages
➔ All nomads or descendants of nomads

1A) Economy and Society of Nomadic Pastoralism

1Aa)Nomadic Pastoralists and Their Animals
● How was the climate and ★ There wasn’t enough rain to support large-scale crops since
crops in Central Asia? it is arid, so people used animals
★ There were lots of grass and shrub on the steppe lands, and
oases scattered throughout the land

● How did Nomadic ➢ Nomads of Central Asia were pastoralists (cattle farmers)
Pastoralists use animals with herds of animals and lived off of the milk,meat,hide,
to their advantages and bones for tool, dung for fuel, and wool
how did they do it? ● They followed migratory cycles that took account of the
seasons and local climatic conditions and took them to
places with lots of grass
● Yurts = Large tents made from wool
● Kumiss = alcoholic drink from animal products
● Had small communities by a source of water with limited tool

1Ac) Nomadic Society

● Who were nobles and ❏ Nobles = Charismatic leaders that organized clans and
what did they do? tribes into alliances
❏ Usually did little governing, but led their forces and dealt with
people who disobeyed
❏ Passed status down to heirs, but if heirs are bad they can
become commoners

● Who were commoners ❏ Commoners = tended to their own herds and followed new
and what did they do? leaders
❏ Can become noble by being courageous in war, or if they
were clever diplomats and gained support from clans/tribes

1Ad) Gender Relations

● What did nomadic males ★ They dominated nomadic pastoral societies, usually on
do? hunting expeditions or military campaigns

● What did nomadic ● Primarily responsible for tending to the animals; also great
females do? horse riders and archers; had crucial economic roles
● Could fight alongside men in war, could also be advisors in
family/clan matters

1Ae) Nomadic Religion

Reduce & Recite Record for Review

● What did the Turkish first ■ Shamans = Turkish 1st religion revolved around them;
believe in? possessed supernatural powers, communicated with the
gods and nature spirits, invoked divine aid on behalf of their
communities, and informed their companions of their gods'
■ Through trading by 6 CE many Turks had converted to
Buddhism, Nestorian Christianity, or Manichaeism

1Af) Turkish Conversion to Islam

● When and how did Turks ➔ Earliest converts were when Turkish nomads were captured
convert to Islam? by Abbasid caliphate
➔ Late 10th CE Saljuqs(Turkish clan) turned to Islam and
migrated to Iran in hopes of improving their fortunes through
alliance with Abbasid
➔ 10-14 CE Turkish clans on the steppes of Central Asia also
adopted Islam

1Ag) Military Organization

● Why were nomadic ○ Khan = ruler of nomadic leaders from different clans/tribes
armies some of the most (led the troops through them)
powerful ○ When these clans came together they were too powerful
because of the mobility and discipline of well-organized
nomadic warriors
○ All nomadic warriors rode well on horses and had amazing
accuracy; they also coordinated with each other

1B) Turkish Empires in Persia, Anatolia, and India

1Ba) Saljuq Turks and the Abbasid Empire
● How did the Saljuq Turks ➢ 8-10 CE they lived on the border of Abbasid realm
take over the Abbasid ➢ mid-late 10th century many Turks joined Abbasid army
Empire without war? ➢ In 1055 caliph made Saljuq leader Tughril Beg as the
sultan(ruler of the empire)

1Bb) Saljuq Turks and the Byzantine Empire

● How did the Saljuq Turks ★ Early 11th century Turks migrated to Anatolia
take over the Byzantine ★ 1071 Saljuq forces defeated the Byzantine army at
Empire and all of Manzikert in eastern Anatolia and took the Byzantine
Anatolia? emperor captive.
★ Removed Byzantine authorities and started settling
★ In 1453 Ottoman Turks captured the Byzantine capital,

1Bc) Ghaznavid Turks and the Sultanate of Delhi

● How did the Turkish ❏ 11th century Mahmud of Ghazni led the Turkish
Ghaznavids of Ghaznavids of Afghanistan in raids for plunder, but then
Afghanistan conquer decided to permanently rule
northern India? ❏ By 13th Century Turkish sultanate of Delhi claimed authority
over all of northern India
❏ Tried to capture southern India but Indians, Mongols, and
other Turks fought back

● What cultural/social ● Mahmud of Ghazni disliked Buddhism and Hinduism so he

impacts did Turkish rule took their wealth, destroyed their buildings, and slaughtered
have on India? their residents, and encouraged converts to Islam

2)The Mongol Empires

● How and where did ● Lived on the high steppe lands of eastern central Asia, with
nomadic Mongols live? their tribe/clan/family
● They never truly came together until the early 13th century

2A) Chinggis Khan and the Making of the Mongol Empire

● Who was Temüjin? ❖ Born in 1167 into a noble family, where his father was a
prominent warrior/leader, but was later murdered and
Temüjin fell into poverty
❖ He was captured but escaped and soon became the unifier
of Mongols A.K.A Genghis Khan

2Aa) Chinggis Khan's Rise to Power

● How did Temüjin ➔ Late 12th century he allied with Mongol clan leader and
eventually become mastered art of steppe diplomacy
Chinggis Khan? ➔ He strengthened his position by, forging alliances,
conquering contenders, and betraying his allies.
➔ By 1206 Mongol Leaders made Temüjin into Chinggis Khan
(universal ruler)

2Ab) Mongol Political Organization

● How did Chinggis Khan ● He broke up tribes because he mistrusted them
organize his army and ● his army was 100-125K Mongols, they were forced men of
political officials? fighting age
● He chose high military and political officials because of their
talents and loyalty

2Ac) Mongol Arms

● How did he use his ➢ His forces had outstanding equestrian skills. Mongols grew
relatively small army to up riding horses; they could hit enemies 200 meters away
conquer so many ➢ They sometimes travelled long-distances to surprise the rival
places? ➢ He used the psychological dimensions of warfare; 1 ex.
is if the enemies surrendered Mongols spared their lives,
gave generous treatment, but if they resisted they were

● Why did Chinggis Khan ❏ Mongol forces pursued him to a Caspian Island where he
kill Khwarazm Shah and died, because Chinggis asked for an alliance in 1218, but
what effect did that have Kharazm Shah hated Mongols so he declined
on Persia? ❏ To prevent the Shah’s state to survive Chinggis’ forces
ravaged every city and killed everyone, some cities never

● What impact did ➔ By 1227 (death) he brought Mongols together and extended
Chinggis Khan have Mongol empire from northern China to Persia
during his lifetime? ➔ He ruled the Mongols through the army but didn’t make a
central gov.

2B) The Mongol Empires after Chinggis Khan

● Who ruled the empire ● All his sons/grandsons wanted to rule so they dived the
after Chinggis Khan’s realm into 4 regional empires.
death? ● Great Khanate in China, Chaghatai in Central Asia,
Ilkhans in Persia, and Golden Hordes in Russia

2Ba) Khubilai Khan

● Who was Khubilai Khan ❖ Khubilai Khan was one of Chinggis Khan’s grandson and
and what did he do? the most talented; ruled over China
❖ Ruthlessly attacked his enemies but helped his subjects and
took an interest in cultural matters
❖ Named Great Khan in 1260, and died in 1294

2Bb) Mongol Conquest of Southern China

● In what ways did ★ His success came when he attacked the Song dynasty in
Khubilai Khan succeed southern China and established the Yuan dynasty as its
and fail as a conqueror replacement from 1279-1368
★ He failed when he tried to attack Vietnam, Cambodia, and
Burma from 1270-80 because of the tropical weather
★ He also failed when he tried to attack through the ocean
Japan in 1274 and 1281, because of typhoons
2Bc) The Golden Horde
● Who were the Golden ➢ They were Mongols who overran Russia from 1237-1241
Horde and what did they and explored Poland, Hungary, and eastern Germany in
accomplish? 1241-422
➢ Didn’t occupy Russia just took stuff from it and dominated it
until mid-15th century

2Bd) The ilkhanate of Persia

● How did the ilkhanate ● Started when Hülegü took over the Abbasid Empire in 1258.
begin and what did they ● he then ventured into Syria and Egypt but they were rejected
do? ● Realised they needed to be governors as well, but were not
truly comfortable as administrators/governors

2Be) Mongol Rule in Persia

● How did the Mongols ❏ Mongols and allies ruled higher levels
rule Persia and how did ❏ Allowed Persians to administer the ilkhanate as long as they
it change? delivered tax receipts and maintained order.
❏ All religions were tolerated, until 1295 when Ilkhan Ghazan
publicly converted to Islam which led to massacres of
Christians and Jews

2Bf) Mongol Rule in China

● How did the Mongols ➔ They stood aloof the Chinese and had much more privileges
rule China and how did it ➔ Almost exterminated all Chinese and let Confucianism
change? wither since there was no support but religious
traditions/temples were allowed
➔ hired foreign administrators(Arabs,Persians,Europeons)

2Bg) The Mongols and Buddhism

● Who were the first ★ The ruling elite were the first to become Lamaist Buddhists
Mongols to believe in ★ Because was similar to Mongols’ shamanism, had magic
Buddhism and why? and supernatural powers, and Lamaist Buddhist leaders
named Mongols as legitimate rulers and were nice to them

2C) The Mongols and Eurasian Integration

2Ca) The Mongols and trade
● How was commerce in ➢ Mongols worked to secure trade routes and ensure the
the Mongol Empire? safety of merchants passing through
➢ Long-distance travel and trade became much less risky
➢ China and western Europe were linked together

2Cb) Diplomatic Missions

● How was diplomacy in ● Diplomacy was essential to them; their protection of roads
the Mongol Empire? and travelers benefited ambassadors and merchants

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