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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Ujian : UTS

Dosen : Praditya Putri Utami,S.S M.Pd. Program Studi : S1 PJKR

Hari, Tanggal : Friday, March 18, 2022 Sifat ujian : Open Book

Kelas : 2D Tahun : 2020-2021


Direction: Read questions thoroughly and answer what asked!

1. Situation: You meet with a new person at campus. She/he asks you some questions about
your identity. Your role is in B. Please answer empty conversation based on your
A: Hi…there
B: Hi
A: What is your name?
B: My Name is Septian Rijalul Hakiki
A: Where are you from?
B: I am from Tangerang
A: What future goal do you have?
B: I want to be successful and be able to make my parents happy
A: How do you describe yourself?
B: I have a cool but humorous nature
A: It’s a pleasure to meet you
B: It's a pleasure to meet you too, Have a nice day

2. Photovoice describes meaning of picture. Please describe these picture with informative

Every living things Need water, not only human or animal, Plants also need it to live and grow.
Just like that kid is doing, he is watering the plants to keep alive.
But, Do you know the best time to water them? Let me tell you, the right time is when they need
it but just make it simple, just water them at morning.

All of things in this world comes from knowledge.

How Do human get knowledge? One of them is like she doing. Yes, Learning.
Every single knowledge comes from learning, lucky we are in this modern age where we got
many access to learn anything such as book that we can got it easily, Youtube, learning
aplication (Ruang Guru, Zenius, ETC), or even Website, you can get it all for free.
You know, Knowledge Empowers You. So, Never Stop learning till you die

3. Please decide your interest occupation. Brainstorm your interest occupation and
write/describe it in at least 1 paragraph.
The job that I am interested in is being an international athlete for example in the sport of
football, I am interested in the field of athletes because in my opinion, I have more talent in the
field of sports/athletes AND also I want to show the world that sports, especially football, are not
inferior to the state outside and make Indonesia proud in the eyes of the world.

4. Please write three tips of online learning based on your experiences!

1. Prepare a comfortable study room

A room with a comfortable atmosphere does not mean that it has to be equipped with
new items, it is enough with an ergonomic chair and study table so that it can make us
feel at home to linger while studying online. In addition, ergonomic chairs and study
desks can also prevent children from getting sore when attending online schools.

2. Record assignments and study plans

You can record assignments and study plans through a notebook or calendar so that it is
easy for us and parents to see. Recording assignments on a note sheet or calendar can
make it easier for parents to remind us of the tasks the teacher has given us so as not to
procrastinate and forget.

3. Make sure the internet speed at home is stable

Internet connection is vital in online school activities. we can fail to receive the
information conveyed by the teacher if there is a connection failure, even if it is not
severe. Therefore, we can ensure that the internet condition at home is always in a stable
state so that we can carry out school activities at home without any significant
disturbances. How to check it can be by going to the internet speed test website. If it is
not safe, we can contact the home internet provider so that action can be taken

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