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Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Isabela City Schools Division
1 QUARTER EXAM (SY: 2022-2023)
Name: ________________________ Score:__________
Section: ______________________ Date: __________

Direction: Choose the correct answer and write it on the space given.

__1. Which of the following is a type of music that is specifically made for human voices?
a.Instrumental music b. cultural music c. vocal music d. tribal music
__2. Which of the following type of music does the Indonesian used to depict cultural values and
a. Cultural music b. contemporary music c. classical music d. ethnic music
__3. Xylophones and gongs are best classified as which type of classification?
a. Membranophones b. aerophone c. chordophone d. idiophone
__4. Oboe, clarinet and flute are best examples of which type of classification of instrument?
a. Aerophone b. chordphone c. membranophone d. idiophone
__5. Which of the following characteristics best describe the Pinpeat ensemble of Cambodia?
a. It usually accompanies ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples
b. It accompanies cultural and festival dances
c. It is performed indoor introducing ceremonies
d. It is commonly used for funerals and weddings
__6. How many players were needed to form the pinpeat ensemble?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 3
__7. How do chordophone instruments being played?
a. By producing sound primarily by way of vibrating stretched membrane
b. By way of vibrating string stretched between two points
c. By way of instrument vibrating by itself
d. By causing a body of air to vibrate
__8. Why is it Thailand also named as “Muang Thai” or Land of the Free?
a. It is a free country
b. Government gives anything free to the people
c. It has never been ruled by western power
d. It has reclaimed its honor and glory
__9. Why is Southeast Asia considered as one of influential in terms of music?
a. It has distinction character and no instruments used
b. Its musical instruments are diverse and dynamic
c. It is influenced by American culture
d. Its music is unified
__10. How does Malaysian music being describe?
a. Based on historical facts
b. Its musical instruments are greatly associated with their culture and roots
c. Based on Hindustani music
d. Its music mostly originated in China
__1. The following countries are found in Southeast Asia EXCEPT:
a. Malaysia b. Brunei c. Colombia d. Thailand
__2. What is Malaysia famous of?
a. Wau kite b. Wayang Kulit c. Songkok d. Batik
__3. Which type of fabric is commonly used in Thailand?
a. Cotton b. silk c. Tribal d. polyester
__4. Which fabric design does NOT contribute to the elegance of Malaysian Batik?
a. Geometrical designs c. human character designs
b. Free form designs d. printed animals and flowers
__5. Which of the following does NOT showcase Vietnamese silk painting?
a. Countryside c. historical events
b. Lanscapes d. mythical creatures
__6. Why is it the “Dalang” plays an important role in the “Wayang Kulit”?
a. As a puppet master he gives life to each of the character
b. As a puppet master he creates songs for each scenes
c. He produces sound effects needed for the play
d. He improvises materials used for each scene
__7. In what way Malaysia’s Wau Kite help farmers in the field?
a. It provides relaxation for the farmers
b. It entertains kids in the field
c. It is used as scarecrows
d. It encourages tourists
__8. How does Brunei’s batik differ from the batik of Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore?
a. Its design contains its national flower
b. the designs are mainly of geometric motifs
c. its designs are mostly of leaves
d. the design contains their national hero
__9. How does Ikat technique of Cambodian weaving differ from uneven twill?
a. Ikat technique uses different objects and shapes while uneven twill will only uses colors
b. Ikat technique create patterns through dye portion of weft yarn before weaving
c. Ikat technique imports most of the cotton fabric while uneven twill uses homemade
cotton fabric
d. Ikat technique is dyeing while uneven twill is tracing
__10. How are geometric motifs of batik cloth being described?
a. It uses objects and shapes or designs c. it uses dense and intricate patterns
b. It uses variety of designs d. it uses only a single-color dyeing
__1. Which of the following terms defines as a condition in which an individual has enough energy
to avoid fatigue and enjoy life?
a. Fitness b. fitrum c. balance d. power
__2. Which type of sport activity requires flexibility measure?
a. Arnis b. Gymnastics c. Volleyball d. Basketball
__3. Which physical fitness element suggests to conduct zipper test and sit and reach?
a. Balance b. power c. flexibility d. speed
__4. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
a. Power b. balance c. coordination d. relay
__5. Playing basketball is indeed a good sort with a lot of health benefits. What physical activity
best relates to this sport?
a. Push-ups b. 1 km run-walk c. standing long jump d. hexagonal
__6. Which is the best physical activity that measures the strength of the abdominal muscle?
a. Curl ups b. zipper test c. push-ups d. sit-and-raech
__7. Cardiovascular endurance involves the functions of heart and blood. Which of the following
physical fitness test used to measure cardiovascular endurance?
a. 3 min step b. sit ups c. push-ups d. zipper test
__8. Aunt Cita is experiencing an osteoporosis. What physical activity should she best do?
a. Sit-and-reach b. zipper test c. walking d. push up
__9. Which of the following results of physical fitness does NOT contribute to a healthy lifestyle?
a. Improves bone mineral density c. increases energy level and
academic achievement
b. Improves posture and body composition d. increases risk of injuries and
__10. Pia wants to have a good posture in preparation for the upcoming pageant. Which of the
following physical fitness will she use to improve?
a. Sit ups b. zipper test c. sit-and-reach d. jogging
__1. Which term describes the biological basis of being a male or female?
a. gender b. sex c. personality d. dignity
__2. Which of the following terms refers to how men or women should think, feel or act
a. gender b, sex c. personality d. dignity
__3. Which aspect of human self that has something to do with the way you interact with other
people in the society?
a. social self b. emotional self c. physical self d. mental self
__4. Which of the following does NOT contribute to the importance of human sexuality?
a. it teaches love that every human need c. it allows hurting people emotionally
b. it helps you appreciate how life begins d. it provides information on living a
life better
The teachers of yesterdays are women in majority. But today, men can also be teachers.
Soldiers are for men, but there ara also women who are soldiers. Both men and women have
the right to get any decent job.
__5. The statement describes the idea of?
a. Gender role b. gender equality c. gender preferences d. gender
__6. Which task and responsibility that should be performed by a Father at home?
a. Giving birth b. doing household chores c. taking care of children
d. making a living
__7. Choice is what you make or act upon that should be carefully take into consideration by a
person. Which of the following is similar to a choice?
a. Doing chores b. decision making c. critical thinking d. studying
__8. Why do we need to DECIDE carefully?
a. To communicate effectively c. for us to be appreciative in
b. To achieve better result and avoid regret d. for us to develop critical thinking
__9. Dina is confused with her feelings toward her boyfriend. What aspect of herself should she
first take into consideration?
a. Social self b. emotional self c. physical self d. mental self

__10. You are in your emotional moment of having a choice for yourself. In this case, deciding
carefully is really needed. What is the best step in Decision making will you use?
a. Determine the problem c. explore alternatives
b. Identify your values d. evaluate

“Reach deep and find the wonder inside


Prepared by:
Fraulaine Jarra T. Alijuddin
Albisun L. Alano

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