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Gartner HR Research Finds Only 32% of Employees Believe Their Pay is

Organizational Trust is the Main Driver of Employee Perceptions of Pay
how can we keep our employees?
1. accountability. Give your workers growth-oriented responsibilities to
demonstrate your trust in them.
2. Deference. The desire of workers is to feel respected and valued.
3. Profit-sharing. Connect a portion of your employees' pay to the success
of the business. Their interests will be in line with the business's objectives
for profit and revenue, and this will give them an intrinsic motivation to
stick with the company as it expands.
4. Compensation Your benefits for your staff members should go beyond
monetary pay and address their emotional requirements.
5. Free Time.
5 reasons why employees stay longer:
1. Learning and Professional Development: Opportunities for career
advancement and development are crucial for keeping personnel.
According to a survey, 94% of workers would continue working for a
company if it supported their long-term education.
2. Support and Appreciation
Everyone values being recognized. The surge of positive emotions brought
on by recognition motivates us to repeat the rewarding behaviors. Any
form of heartfelt encouragement or incentive for workers makes a big
difference in a business.
3. Leadership: A strong leader cultivates a culture of trust. Employees know
their efforts aren't in vain when they can count on a reliable mentor. Any
form of long-term connection requires effort and fairness to maintain.
Leaders ought to be considerate of and watch out for their subordinates.
4. Authenticity: A business that instills ideals into its culture has a strong
foundation for drawing in and keeping exceptional workers and clients.
5. positive company Culture: A company attracts bright workers who stay
when it upholds a stress-free, empowering culture. When you effectively
communicate the spirit and personality of your organization, you'll increase
engagement and keep the hard work going.
Through the use of team-building exercises or brief breaks throughout the
day, provide employees the chance to catch their breath between tasks.
Less than one-third of employees feel they are paid fairly, while just 34% of
employees believe their pay is equitable, according to a survey by Gartner,
The Gartner survey of 3,523 employees in 2Q22 also found that that
employees who perceive their pay as unequitable have a 15% lower intent
to stay with their employer and are 13% less engaged at work than
employees who perceive their pay as equitable.
“Employees’ sensitivity to perceived pay gaps is being exacerbated by
today’s economic conditions, including rising inflation, and the hot labor
market, which is causing a shift in compensation between tenured
employees and new hires,” said Tony Guadagni, senior principal in
the Gartner HR practice.
Most organizations are actively taking steps to close pay gaps; a July 2022
Gartner survey of 104 total rewards leaders found that 84% are conducting
pay equity audits at least annually. While technical approaches are
necessary, they don’t address employee perceptions.
“Employee perceptions of pay equity aren’t rooted in compensation,” said
Guadagni. “Instead, the main driver of perception is organizational trust –
when employees don’t trust their employers, they don’t believe their pay is
fair or equitable.”
Most employees’ perceptions around pay are attributable to general trust
in the organization. Factors that erode organizational trust include poor
culture and inclusivity, poor work-life harmonization and unfair
To increase employee perceptions of pay, HR must rebuild employees’ trust
in the organization.
More Communication
Employees receive little pay information directly from their organization. A
Gartner survey of more than 3,200 employees in May 2022 found that
nearly 43% of employees discuss their pay with colleagues in the same role,
while 45% of employees consult third-party pay sites at least once a year. In
fact, the same survey found that less than one-third of employees are
aware that their organization is prioritizing pay equity.
Communicating about pay equity builds organizational trust and improves
employee perceptions, as does education about pay processes.
“Only 38% of the employees we surveyed report that they understand how
their pay is determined,” said Guadagni. “When organizations educate
employees about how pay is determined, employee trust in the
organization increases by 10% and pay equity perceptions increase by
Broader Accountability
Most actions that create pay equity issues occur outside of the HR function
and are the result of manager decisions. Most pay gaps arise from decisions
surrounding hiring, promotion and performance assessment. Despite
limited influence over these factors, pay equity processes are siloed within
the HR function at most organizations. In order to effectively address and
sustain pay equity across the organization, HR leaders must broaden the
scope of accountability for pay equity and ensure that managers consider
pay equity implications when making critical staffing and compensation
“HR leaders need to equip managers with tools that will enable them to
make equitable pay decisions while remaining responsive to the other
demands on the business,” said Guadagni. “Managers should have access
to dashboards that compare pay across their teams and be trained on the
critical factors that should differentiate employees’ pay.”
Develop Pay Equity Team
According to Gartner’s July 2022 survey, 72% of total rewards leaders
report that their organization’s senior leadership believes that pay equity is
a high or very high priority. Yet, decision-makers deprioritize pay equity in
practice, particularly when hiring critical talent.
While total rewards leaders own pay equity, HR can construct a pay equity
team that has broad insight into the factors that cause pay equity gaps and
the authority to correct them.
“An ideal pay equity team consists of leaders and employees across levels,
business units and functions with insight into the practices and processes
that create pay equity gaps and a visible commitment to pay equity within
the organization,” added Guadagni.
Gartner clients can learn more via the webinar: “Advancing Pay Equity
Amidst Disruption.”
About the Gartner HR Practice
The Gartner HR practice brings together the best relevant content
approaches across Gartner to offer individual decision makers strategic
business advice on the mission-critical priorities that cut across the HR
function. Additional information is available
leaders. Follow news and updates from the Gartner HR practice on
Twitter and LinkedIn using #GartnerHR. Members of the media can find
additional information and insights in the Gartner HR Newsroom.

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