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Good morning

today, i’ll talk about the two most known alien species.

dia 1.

The Greys

 Grey aliens are supposed extraterrestrial beings whose existence is discussed

in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their unique skin

  The origin of the idea of the Grey is commonly associated with the Barney and Betty
Hill abduction claim which took place in 1961, although skeptics see precursors in science fiction
and earlier paranormal claims. The Grey aliens are also famous from earlier depictions of
the Roswell UFO incident from 1947.

 Greys are depicted as having unusually large heads in proportion to their bodies. They are
depicted as having very small mouths, and very large opaque black eyes with no
discernible iris or pupil.  Reports of alleged encounters state their height to be 0.6-1.2m tall

 And of course, we have plenty of theories with them.

dia 2.

 Reptilians are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in fantasy, science

fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians was popularised by David Icke,
who claims shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining
political power to manipulate human societies

 As the reports says, their height is 2.4-6 meter

 They are very strong and very intelligent

 and some people say that They are the new world order

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