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Research Guide SUBMITTED BY:

Name- Dr. Priyanka Chopra ANURAG BACHHETI
Designation- Assistant Professor (IUU21MBA001)



BATCH 2021-23


1. Introduction 1-5

2. Literature review 6-15

3. Research methodology 16-18

4. Reference 19

1.1 Introduction of the Study

Advertising is a subset of promotion mix which is one of the 4 pieces in the marketing mix,
comprising product, price, place and promotion. Advertising is a promotional tactic used to make
consumers aware of products so they would make purchases (Latif & Abideen, 2011). It is a
form of communication that marketers use. Advertising has an impact on people's attitudes,
behaviors, and way of life. It is one of the primary means of communication between the
producer and the product's user.
Advertising is a means of informing viewers of information and motivating an audience to make
a decision on a product or service. It is regarded as an important component for the economic
growth of marketers and businesses. Advertising is typically a form of paid exposure or
promotion by a specific advertiser that is distributed through a variety of traditional media,
including television, newspapers, commercial radio, magazine mail, outdoor advertising, or
modern media, including blogs, websites, and text messages.
Any type of non-personal communication via the media that is supported financially by a clear
sponsor. One of the main strategies used by retailers to pique consumer interest is advertising.
The desire for products and services. Understanding what advertising is and what it does can help
you understand how it affects customer purchasing behaviour.
An identifiable sponsor's paid form of non-personal pre-sensing and marketing of ideas,
products, and services is known as an advertisement. An advertisement is a process; it is a
planned or coordinated set of actions used to produce the message and deliver it to the target

Consumer Buying Behaviour

Consumer behaviour is defined as the mental, emotional, and physical processes people use to
choose, buy, use, and distribute goods and services in order to meet needs and desires (Schifman

& Kanuk, 2009). It involves people who are involved in exchange processes buying things and
doing other consumption-related activities.
Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard, and Hogg described consumer behaviour as the examination of
the steps taken by people or groups to choose, acquire, use, and discard goods, services,
concepts, or experiences in order to satiate wants and desires. Consumer purchasing behaviour is
influenced by economic factors like average expenditure patterns, the cost of complementary
goods, replacement goods, and the elasticity of demand (Abraham, 1997; K0tler; Weng, Sanders
& Armstrong 2001)
According to Kotler et al. (2001), it is also impacted by psychological perception, attitudes, and
learning. Social and cultural factors have an impact on consumer behaviour, which influences
buying decisions but also establishes the type of product to purchase.

One of the main considerations when developing an advertisement has been entertainment. A
tactic used to attract customers' attention is entertainment. Consumers are more likely to recall an
engaging and amusing advertisement than a dull one. The effectiveness of advertising can
therefore be considered to be increased by entertainment. Because of this, many businesses spend
a lot of money creating humorous commercials (Mandan, H0ssein & Furuzandeh, 2013).

Newer research indicates that fun in advertising results in satisfied customers (Chang, 2006).
Later empirical research validated this assertion. For instance, Duncan and Nelson (1985) studied
how consumers are impacted by entertainment in advertisements. They examined 157 responses
to advertising and discovered that engaging adverts can have an impact on consumers. It
persuades customers to accept and consume the product (Duncan & Nels0n, 1985). Similar to
this, Chang (2006) looked at amusing advertising and how they affect consumer satisfaction and
have an impact on their behavioral intentions. He discovered, based on his study of 152
participants, that amusing advertising might positively boost consumers' satisfaction, which in
turn affects consumer purchasing behaviour.
Advertising is done through publications including magazines, newspapers, radio, and television
as well as outdoor displays (posters), direct mail, directories, etc. Whatever kind of advertising is

used, its fundamental tenets are to reach the right audience with the right message at the right
time for the least amount of money while also maximizing outcomes.
When it comes to developing new commercials, marketers have always reacted to shifting
company requirements. In the 20th century, the usage of ads greatly rose as industrialization
boosted the quantity of manufactured goods. However, there weren't many companies advertising
back then. The late 1980s saw a relatively small amount of advertising in newspapers, radio,
television, and billboards. Modern organizations are moving more and more in the direction of
digital advertising. Companies are so preoccupied with social media and mobile advertising that
they might not give television commercials any thought. The concept of digital marketing is still
relatively new in Bangladesh. Most sizable local and international mega corporations are now
actively engaging in digital marketing.
The primary goal of advertising is to influence consumers' purchasing decisions; nevertheless,
this impact on brand perception is regularly altered or strengthened through consumers'
memories. In the minds of consumers, associations with the brand name help form memories
about it (Khan, Siddiqui, Shah & Hunjra, 2012). These brands persistently have an impact on
consideration, evaluation, and ultimately purchasing (R0maniuk & Sharp, 2004). Consumer
purchasing behaviour has traditionally been given significant weight and space in the literature
on the impact of advertising on its efficacy (Ajzen, 2002). Most of the time, consumer
purchasing behaviour is influenced by how they feel about the product being sold in the
advertising (Smith et al., 2006).

A good quality advertisement is more likely to persuade customers to purchase that product than
a poor quality one. Previous research on the effectiveness of advertising and how it affects
consumer purchasing behaviour has portrayed positive relationships. However, I have included a
variety of different variables and attempted to explore how they affect consumer behaviour in
this research. This essay seeks to identify which of these variables has the most influence on
consumer behaviour and which of these variables has a lesser effect. This will enable marketers
to concentrate on the pertinent factors and derive the greatest possible benefit from their
advertising. We are confident that the study will provide insightful information that will help
marketers develop more effective approaches to advertising as well as advertising scholars and
executives better grasp the ins and outs of the industry.

Previous research on the effectiveness of advertising and how it affects consumer purchasing
behaviour has portrayed positive relationships. However, we have introduced a variety of
different variables and sought to analyze how they affect consumer behaviour in this research.
This essay seeks to identify which of these variables has the most influence on consumer
behaviour and which of these variables has a lesser effect. This will enable marketers to
concentrate on the pertinent factors and derive the greatest possible benefit from their

1.2 Need of the Study

In order to be successful, various firms employ a variety of strategies. There is no doubt that the
organizations are attempting to create a difference against each other, from traditional research
and development to human training and the intervention of a variety of technologies.
Evidently, organizations’ responses to dangers and difficulties in globalization allow leaders and
people to work toward achieving their specific objectives and long-term goals. However,
business analysts believe that a straightforward advertising campaign is a useful tactic if an
organization wants to win and keep a customer's loyalty. The usage of advertising is interestingly
expanding, and numerous studies estimate its significance as a crucial factor that might affect
consumer purchasing behaviour.

Advertisements can be made in a variety of media, including television, radio, magazines, and
newspapers, online, etc. We hope to raise awareness about the organization's product through
advertising. The fundamental element of any business' promotional plan is organization
advertisement. The name of the product or service, as well as its qualities and benefits, are all
included in advertisements. Advertising is intended to evoke similarity, attract attention, and
positively affect consumer purchasing behaviour. A fascinating theory of advertising that is
frequently used to describe consumer purchasing behaviour is attitude-towards-the-ads. Effective

advertising affects brand attitudes and ultimately triggers buying intentions. The ideal consumer
purchasing behaviour is the decision to acquire a product.

Advertising primarily serves to satisfy businesses' long-standing need to connect with the
population's constant growth in order to provide their goods the most exposure possible.
Advertising's original purpose of boosting local businesses' sales, earnings, and demand for
goods has been disintegrating. (Sundarsan, 2007). The majority of the growth in product sales,
particularly for cosmetics, has been linked to other elements like taste, continued usage of a
product, and consumers' reluctance to switch products. Why cosmetic companies continue to
advertise their goods in light of this has generated a lot of discussion. At the start of the 19th
century, debates over advertising had been going on for years under various pretexts.
Although there was little initial attention, it later developed into a fruitful research area at the
start of the 19th century. In order to better understand how advertising affects consumer
purchasing decisions for cosmetics, this study will focus on users in and around Dehradun.
Cosmetic products are being taken into consideration because we feel they meet the criteria for
goods on which advertising is successful. There are numerous cosmetic items that differ but have
the same function. Last but not least, some customers have strong emotional attachments to the
finished goods of these goods and utilize it. This is because they feel that these things have
intrinsic traits that can only be discovered after it has been used to improve the social status.


Table 1: List of Journal Referred

S Name of Journal Number of Articles

1 School of Management and Business Studies 1
2 Faculty of Commerce and Management 1
3 New Media and mass communication 1
4 International Journal of Arts and Commerce 1
5 PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ 1
6 Int. J. Agriculture Innovation, Technology and 1
7 Sambodhi UGC Care Journal 1
8 International Journal of Advanced Research in 1
Management and Social Science

Table 2: Prominent work around Service Quality, its dimension, and measurement

Author Year Theme / Area / Topic Pointwise Major Finding1

/ Keyword
2014 Consumer buying 1. The study suggests that there is no
Bhawya behaviour a association between qualification of the
Sachdeva comparative study of consumer and his buying of cosmetic
Mukhi cosmetic market. product. Where as in case of spending on
cosmetic products is concerned there is
association of qualification and spending
on colour cosmetics.
2.The study concludes that the age of
consumer is associated with the buying of

skin care product. Otherwise, the age of
respondent is not associated with buying,
spending, usage and satisfaction from
cosmetic products as the chi-square
values were insignificant.
3. The results for association between the
marital status of the respondent with the
buying, spending, usage and satisfaction
from cosmetic products show that there is
no association between then as the chi-
square values were insignificant.
4. The study indicates association
between the family incomes of consumer
with the usage of hair care product.
Otherwise, the family income of
respondent is not associated with buying,
spending, usage and satisfaction from
cosmetic products as the chi-square
values were insignificant.
Akwasi 2014 Advertising Impact, 1) Men and women go in for cosmetic
Ampofo Consumer Behaviour products for various reasons and are
—Banglore, Cosmetic influenced by advertising through various
products- demand, means.
Cosmetics Demand--- 2) The mere thought of others
Banglore recognizing their physical looks boost
their morale and makes them give their
3) Females are brand loyal and usually
uses the brand that have been passed on
to them from their mother.
Bhai, P. S. 2015 Advertisement 1. The majority of respondents (86%) are
Consumer behaviour interested in watching or listening to
Kerala commercials in various media. The
Management respondents believe that commercials are
crucial for consuming and learning about
2. By examining the respondents'
perspectives, it was discovered that 100%
of them were knowledgeable about
consumer durables.
3. It has been discovered that all
respondents are completely
knowledgeable about various consumer
durables brands.
2015 Influence of 1 The researcher concludes that
Getrude advertising on advertising plays a very significant role in

Mwakasege, consumer buying influencing consumers buying behaviour
behaviour: case study by providing attracting their attention,
of forever living arousing their interest, creating desire to
cosmetics products purchase the products.
2 The researcher found that Forever
Living uses various advertising strategies
namely; event and word of mouth
advertising, magazine advertising,
Facebook advertising, DVD advertising,
trade fair advertising, event advertising, T
Shirt and Website advertising.
Naitik 2018 Impact of Advertising 1. This research concluded that people
Rajeshbhai on consumer buying will be well aware about the brand and
Kabarwala behaviour. they have good brand perception, loyalty
and association then automatically brand
image will be more and stronger in their
minds and that brand will become the part
of their buying behavior.
2. Advertisement is a big marketing
weapon to attract your customers and to
stay in customer’s mind.
B.A. 2019 Advertising, 1 The value shows that 1 unit increase in
Chukwu1, Consumer the value of emotional response (ER)
E.C. Kanu buying behavior, would result in 0.459 (45.59%) increase
and A.N. Target audience, in consumer buying behavior, other
Ezeabogu emotional response, variables being held constant.
environmental 2 The beta value shows that 1 unit
response, consumer. increase in the value of environmental
response towards brand (ERTB)
would result in 0.412 unit (41.2%)
increase in consumer buying
behavior, other variables being held
Kapre Vivek 2020 Advertising, 1) Most of the forever living products
Consumer Buying consumers have middle aged from 30 to
Behaviour, Cosmetic 40 years oldWomen engage more of
Products forever living products business.The
majority of business persons involved on
forever living products possess a degree
level of education.
2) Advertising of Forever living products
has been outlined as the most significant
factor by respondents. Integrated
marketing communication
mix(promotional mix) elements played a
key in consumers adoption and products

knowledge, this includes special events
and word of mouth which carried
majority percentages on its effectiveness
on consumers production knowledge and
adoption, followed by magazine
advertising, use of social media such as
Facebook, DVD advertising, web based
and T-shirts print outs advertising.
Oluwabunmi 2020 Advertising 1 That advertising is significant and
A. Falebita management; valuable in creating consumer awareness,
and consumer behaviour; developing impactful emotional
Christopher relationship; review. responses and influencing consumer taste
F. Ogunlusi and preferences.
2 That advertising is an effective
instrument in the introduction of a new
3 That advertisement has a psychological
impact on customers and influences them
cognitively, emotionally and
behaviourally. Companies and businesses
can thus target these aspects and
eventually trigger increased products’
Dr. Pushpraj 2021 Lakme products, 1 Quality, value for money, Ingredient,
Wagh Consumer Behaviour, Availability, Offers, product line range,
Start-ups, Marketing promotion campaign have significant
Mix, Cosmetics influence on the buying decision of
customers of Lakme products.
2 TV (28%), social media (28%), friends
(15%), print advertisement (15%) were
the major source of information for
influencing purchase decision 3)
3 Most of the respondents (43%) were
using Lakme beauty products less than a
year, 11% since last 3yrs.

Table 3: Selected studies on Cosmetics and Skin care Service Quality

Setting Sampl Metho No. of
Autho / ing d of No. of Sc Dimen
Coun ytical Reliability
rs/ Types tech / data Items or sions /
try Tech /Validity
(Year) of Sampl Collect / Scale e Dimen
Respo e Size ion sions
Structur ntial
Bhai, India ed scale
P. S., (Keral questio for
(2015) a) nnaire attitud
and e of
informa respon SPSS
l dents
persona and
l nomin
discussi al
ons scale
of the
For the Probab Intervie
purpos ility w of
e of sampli consum
primar ng/500 ers Excel
y data Sprea
analysi Both d
s, closed sheet

Bhawy India ion,
a (Hary correla
Sachde ana) tion, -ended
va ANOV questi
Mukhi A, ons
, standar and
(2014) d open-
deviati ended
on questi
method ons
s were
Akwas Indi Advert
i (Karn 10 ising
Ampof ataka) items / Influen
o, 3- ce,
Non- Questio
(2014) point Brand,
Probab nnaire,
Likert Price,
ility Unstruc SPSS
scale Qualit
Sampli tured and
(1 y,
ng Intervie STA
Strong Prestig
(Snow w, TA
,2 e
ball)/ Observ
Moder Attach
100 ation
ate and ed,
3 Social
Weak) Accept
B.A. India The Non Questio SPSS p<.01
CHUK market probab nnaire (versi
WU1, s ility on
E.C. visited purposi 16)
Kanu and ve
and sample sampli
A.N. d were ng
Ezeab Ogbete techniq
ogu, market ue /
(2019) , 320
, New

Dr. Pakist Staff
Vivek an workin
Kapre, g for
(2020) Foreve
Non y,
probab produc
Compa Observ
ility t
ny and ation, Both
(purpo testimo
consu interpre closed
sive) nial,
mers tation, -ended SPSS
and produc
of and questi
rando t
various intervie ons
m packag
brands ws. and
sampli ing,
of open-
ng/100 produc
Foreve ended
t name
r questi
Living ons
Oluwa Nigeri
bunmi a
Falebit Non-
Close level
a* and Probab
Questio ended of
Christ ility
nnaire questi educati
opher Sampli
ons on,
F. ng/67

Dr. ent,
Pushpr India Qualit
aj Wome Conve Structur y,
sis, Cronbach
Wagh, n in nience ed Offers,
pie alpha is
2021 Pune sampli questio conven
charts 0.819
City ng/100 nnaire ience,
t line
Sales Non- Questio produc
Manag Probab nnaire Struct t
ers and ility and ured benefit
users Sampli Intervie and s,
of ng/ w Unstru price,
produc 100 Guide. ctured quality
ts Rando questi ,
m and ons ingredi
Purposi ents
ve (materi
Sampli als of
Getrud Tanza ng which
e nia the
Mwak produc
asege, t is
(2015 made

t name
Naitik India – Non
Rajesh probab
bhai ility
Kabar Sampli
wala, ng
People attitud
(2018) method
of Questio e,
and SPSS
Surat nnaire though
City ts and
d/ 100

Research Gap

1. There are very few research done in Cosmetics and Skin care industry in India specially in the
state of Uttarakhand.
2. There are very few previous research papers on Digital Advertisement related with Cosmetic
and Skin care industry.

3. After Covid-19 Pandemic the preference of people towards digital advertisement has
increased, due to which the data gathered from previous papers got fluctuated.

Conceptual Framework

Most marketers and managers attempt to answer the question of the impact of advertising and
how advertisements function. The main goal of advertising is often to influence the consumer's
purchasing behaviour. The majority of the time, a consumer's purchasing decision is influenced
by how they feel about the product's advertisement (Smith & Neijens, 2006). According to Gorn
(1982), consumer behaviour is largely influenced by advertising, without any consideration of
the product's merits.
A conceptual framework is established in order to further analyze the effects of advertising and
the aspects of advertising that affect consumers' purchasing decisions. The research's hypotheses
were developed based on the literature study in order to create a conceptual model for the

Digital Consumer Buying
Advertisement Behaviour

Independent Variable (IV) - Consumer Buying Behaviour is the independent variable which is
further divided into Demographic Segments and Psychographic Segments.
Dependent Variable (DV) – Digital Advertisement is the dependent variable here, as it
completely depends on the consumers preferences regarding the product.

Digital Advertisement- Digital advertising is the marketing that takes place on websites, via
streaming media, and other online platforms. Text, image, audio, and video are all common
media formats for digital advertisements. They can assist you in achieving a range of business
objectives throughout the marketing funnel, including brand awareness, consumer engagement,
the introduction of new items, and recurring business.

Compared to more established media like magazines, billboards, and direct mail, the field of
digital advertising is still relatively new. The evolution of advertising includes how commercials
are created, marketed, and measured in addition to how they seem and appear.
One of the consumer products industry's fastest-growing sectors is the beauty and grooming
sector. As e-commerce and social media have transformed how customers connect with brands, it
is currently undergoing a digital transition.

There are multiple types of advertising formats in digital marketing. Four types of Digital
Advertisement formats are considered in the research-
1) Search Advertising- Search engine results pages (SERPs) include search advertisements,
often known as search engine marketing (SEM) (SERPs). Typically, they are text adverts that
precede or follow natural search results.

2) Display Advertising- Online advertisements known as "display adverts" can be found on

apps, websites, and other hardware and include text and visual components like an image or
animation. They are integrated into or displayed next to website content.

3) Online Video Advertising- Advertisements that use a video format are known as online video
ads. Similar to display ads, out-stream video adverts can be seen on websites, apps, and
hardware. Before, during, or after video content, in-stream video adverts are displayed.

4) Social Media Advertising- Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and
LinkedIn host social media advertisements.

Consumer Buying Behaviour- Consumer buying behaviour describes the steps that consumers
take before making a purchase of a good or service, both online and offline. Search engine
research, participation in social media discussions, and a range of other activities could be part of
this process. Understanding this process is beneficial for organizations because it enables them to
better match their marketing attempts to those that have previously been successful in persuading
customers to make purchases.

Demographic Segmentation- A precise method of identifying an audience is known as

demographic segmentation. It is based on information such as age, gender, marital status, family
size, income, education, race, occupation, nationality, and/or religion. It is one of the four
primary categories of marketing segmentation, and is possibly the most used approach.
For our research paper three demographic components are taken, that are Age, Gender and
Education Level.

Psychographic Segmentation- The research method known as psychographic segmentation is

used to examine consumers and categorize them based on psychological traits such as
personality, lifestyle, social status, activities, interests, opinions, and attitudes.
For our research paper Social, Personal Interest and Lifestyle factors are given priority.

Chapter 3
Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Research A method for methodically resolving the research problem is methodology. It might be
interpreted as a science that examines the methods used in scientific inquiry. It is a systematic
method that entails stating the issue, formulating a hypothesis, gathering information, analyzing
the information, and coming to a conclusion—either in the form of a solution to the issue at hand
or in generalizations for some theoretical calculations. It is the procedure utilized to gather
information and data in order to make business decisions using either primary or secondary

3.1 Research Objectives

 The general objective of the study will be to identify the effect of Digital Advertising on
Consumer Buying Behavior of cosmetic and skin care products.

 The following objectives were established and developed to serve as a guide for data gathering
and analysis in our effort to attain the general objective:

- To identify the relation/ influence of digital advertisement with consumer buying behavior.
- To identify the relation/ influence of demographic criteria (age, gender, educational level)
on consumer buying behavior.
- To measure the form of advertisement that largely attracts customer preferences.
-To find out the motives and reasons of consumers for demanding advertised cosmetic and
skin care products.
-To know the other factors influencing consumer purchases besides advertisements.

3.2 Research Hypotheses

The Hypotheses of our research are as follows –

H01: There is no significant relationship between digital advertisement and consumer buying
H02: There is no significant influence of digital advertisement on consumer buying behavior.

H03: There is no significant relationship between demographic profile of the respondents and
consumer buying behavior.

3.3 Sampling Design

Non-probability-based research design will be used for the study.

Sampling Method: Purposive sampling and snowball sampling will be the sampling

approaches chosen for distributing the questionnaire. Snowball sampling will be utilized to

provide easier access to users of cosmetic products and ensure speedier information gathering.

Sampling Area: The study area for the research will be Dehradun, which is the capital city of

Uttarakhand state in the Northern Part of India.

Sampling Size: The sample size is estimated to be 200.

Sampling frame: Include all individuals in the target population.

3.4 Data Sources and Collection Method: -

The primary source of data will be collected through the survey method. The secondary data will be
collected through academic papers, books, and other sources. Self- administered Standardized
questionnaire will be used for collecting responses from the selected respondents

3.5 Data Analysis Procedures and Tools: -

The appropriate statistical tool will be used to analyze the data. In order to draw findings,
statistical methods including correlation and multiple regression will be used. Descriptive and
Inferential statistics will be used to draw interpretation of the study.


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