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Name: Bercede, Raffy O.

Section: IT1R13

I am committed to achieving my academic and personal objectives as a student in 2022. I am always

seeking for ways to challenge myself and grow, and I am continuously trying to better myself and
learn new things.

Making my everyday routine more organized and disciplined is one of my New Year's resolutions for
2023. I want to make sure that I am prioritizing my obligations and tasks in a way that enables me to
accomplish my goals, and that I am using my time effectively and efficiently.

I intend to accomplish this shift by creating a daily schedule that includes set hours for reading,
working out, and unwinding. In order to focus on what matters most, I will also make an effort to cut
down on distractions and time-wasting activities. I'll also ask my friends and family for help and
accountability to keep me on track and motivated.

I'm determined to change for the better this year, and I have faith that I can do it if I put in the
necessary effort and commitment.

As a student Studying Philippine history is very important because one has to look at the past in order
to gain wisdom on how to deal with the present. We need to see our roots so that our identity as a
community, as a nation will be grounded on facts and strong historical tradition.

By studying this we can engage the present and the future with the confidence that whatever
mistakes committed in the past by our ancestors will not be repeated at the moment and create our
own way of dealing problems anchored in the wisdom gained from the past.

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