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1. What are the services provided by the CLR?

2. What are the components included in the .NET platform?
3. What is namespace?
4. What are types of parameters available?
5. What are the APPLICATIONS OF C#?
6. What are the limitations of using Java language?
7. Write about FOR NEXT Loop
8. Write a program for IndexOf?
9. Write a Simple program to explain the FOR EACH loop in VB.NET
10. Compare between VB.Net and C#.
11. What is meant by data provider.
12. What are ADO.NET objects.
13. Difference between command text and command type
14. Enumerate the distinct advantages of ADO.NET.
15. What is an synchronous error
16. Define Entity integrity
17. Define MulticastDelegate
18. Define Connection Object
19. Define ExecuteNonQuery,ExecuteScalar & ExecuteReader
20. Define DataReader Object.
21. What are the features of J2EE?
22. What are the supporting J2EE APIs?
23. What is the container?
24. Where can we apply the best practices throughout the development life cycle?
25. Distinguish any five features between .Net and J2EE?
26. What are JTA and JTS?
27. What is JAXP?
28. What is the use of Javax.Faces.*?
29. What is java servlet?
30. What is the role of JVMWhat is .NET?


1. Discuss about Classes & Objects with example.

2. Explain Polymorphism in detail with example.
3. Write in detail about: (a) Access modifier (b) static method (c) static classes.
4. Discuss about inheritance with example.
5. Discuss in detail about Arrays with example.
6. Explain in detail about CLR.
7. Explain in detail about .NET Framework Class Library?
8. Discuss in detail about arrays.
9. Write a program that demonstrates exception handling and rethrowing an
10. Explain ADO.NET object model.
11. Discuss delegates and events in
12. Briefly explain multi tier architecture in J2EE.
13. Explain comparison between j2EE and .NET.
14. How to access data with Datasets? Discuss it.
15. Discuss in detail about the Common Type System with examples.
16. Briefly explain the components of CLR.
17. Discuss about inheritance and polymorphism with example program.
18. Explain in detail overloading in C# with an example program.
19. Explain the features of delegates and write a program to sort the numbers in C#
using delegates.
20. Briefly explain interfaces in VB.NET.
21. Discuss with indexers and collections in VB.NET.
22. Explain briefly inheritance and polymorphism in VB.NET.

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