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Time Management

Time management is important in any situation and most people have difficulty getting
started. Time management is a skill that you have to learn. Time management is a life style.
The best place to begin working on time management is by changing your behaviors and your
environment. Organizing your activities in a sequence that best utilizes your time. Time
management includes your personal life and business life. Time management is efficiency of
your time. Analyze your current time and think how you can make better use of your time.

One of the greatest assets a business can have is an employee who uses his or her time to its
fullest potential. Time management is not an instinct, and instead, must be learned.
Unfortunately, few schools or parents teach children basic time management skills. Using
time wisely allows a person to complete tasks in an allotted time period, take on additional
work, or spend more time with family. There are many things in an office environment that
prevent effective time use.

Interruptions are time-wasters, especially since items one may consider urgent are not
necessarily important. There is no way to preplan the time and duration of an interruption,
which may cause a loss of train-of-thought, difficulty concentrating, or complete memory
lapse. Although it is difficult to avoid interruptions, there are methods for limiting their
duration and impact on your schedule. In his book, The Effective Executive, Peter Drucker
describes the technique of an executive for whom he once worked. Drucker met with the
executive once per month, for an hour and a half. The meetings were never interrupted
because the executive pre-planned a half-hour of time after the meeting.

In my Conclusion, Time management is important for busy companies so they can prioritize
all their work tasks and achieve their goals faster. When you better manage your time, you'll
be able to take on new opportunities and grow your business in a sustainable manner.

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